Bringing My Cozy Game to Life | Crimson Hollow Devlog #1

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[Music] thank you [Music] hello and welcome to Dove lock one of crimson Hollow my name's Courtney and I'm developing a cozy Fantasy game called Crimson Hollow Crimson Hollow is a hand-drawn RPG set in a cozy Town kept secret from the outside world in this game you will play as a hero who discovers a mysterious Town inhabited by magical villagers you will have the opportunity to craft unique items collect rare resources embark on Quest and build meaningful relationships with townsfolk this project is three months into development and I'm excited to announce that Crimson Hollow is now available to wishlist on Steam in today's devlog I'll be discussing World building game mechanics and character customization [Music] if you were to ask me what I value most of all in a game I would have to say attention to detail that's why in April I set out to develop the world of crimson Hollow with a singular focus on building an immersive and captivating visual experience by putting a lot of effort into the details such as designing a variety of Interior Furniture for the player and NPC homes I aim to create a world that players can truly get lost in all of these Furniture items offer an endless amount of color and value combination for The Unique Personalities in this game to simplify and reduce detail of these assets I often refer to reference pictures of dollhouse furniture I found that this approach made the game feel like it took place in a miniature world I also added some cozy clutter items including an old phone and a cylinder phonograph which hints at the development of technology in this world [Music] one of the important locations players will encounter is a bait shop the character who owns a shop is a little rough around the edges and I wanted the design of the bait shop to reflect that so I made sure the exterior of the shop was weather worn and told a visual story about the owner my initial iteration of the bait shop looked more like a home than a shop so I added some details to make it look like a proper storefront including a life preserver a wooden fish sign and a flag animation the water also lacked movement so I hand drew some wave and ripple animations to bring it to life in addition to the new location I've also implemented a day and night cycle which adds a sense of realism and variation to the environment while World building Demands a considerable amount of time and effort I believe that the attention to detail and dedication to the process will ultimately Elevate the gameplay experience for players foreign [Music] game mechanics is an integral part of any Successful video game and in order to create an engaging experience for players in Crimson Hollow I knew that it was necessary to devote time to planning and fleshing out these mechanics I spent a significant amount of time this past month detailing out the game design document for Crimson Hollow this involved carefully planning out the core gameplay mechanics in gameplay Loop that would make the game fun for players the collection system serves as a primary core mechanic in Crimson Hollow complemented by the crafting and questing mechanics collection enables players to gather an array of items and resources while exploring the game world these resources are then used to craft important items or to complete Quests for NPCs which in turn furthers the progression of the game to support crafting and collection mechanics I drew a variety of equippable items that players will hold in their hands to accomplish various tasks to give players a sense of purpose and direction I worked on developing a basic player dialogue script that I will Implement with different types of quests Quest will range from simple collection tasks to complex crafting missions and feature impactful dialogue that adapts to the player's choices and actions I want Crimson Hollow to have a robust dialogue system this means avoiding static and repetitive dialogue as much as possible so that NPCs feel like complex characters with multi-dimensional personalities all in all I believe that these core gameplay mechanics will add depth and excitement to the world of crimson Hollow and I look forward to seeing how players respond to these features [Music] in my previous devlog I mentioned that I would be sharing the challenges I'm encountering in-game development one of the biggest challenges I've recently taken on is hand drawing player animations that Implement character customization while this approach offers more control and enables smoother animation since skeletal animation it's a labor-intensive process that requires me to animate every direction for each piece of clothing and hair for instance a single hairstyle has to be animated for walking running chopping hammering and so on despite the difficulty of this process I believe that the resulting improvements in quality will be worth it with this approach players will be able to select a skin color hairstyle top clothing and bottom clothing so far I've created two top and two bottom clothing animations for the player walking as well as one hairstyle to go with it in addition to hand-drawn animations I've also created a basic player movement script to test out the mechanic and while it works it still needs polishing [Music] I have a lot of work ahead of me in the animation apartment but I feel that character customization will Elevate the gameplay experience for players and provide diversity and inclusivity to the game [Music] it's been a whirlwind of a month with lots of exciting progress on Crimson Hollow before I wrap up I just want to take a moment to thank everyone who has been following along with the development of the project your support means the world to me and I'm deeply grateful for all the emails and messages offering to help and sharing your thoughts on the project I'm so touched that my work has been able to inspire others and I cannot thank you enough for the outpouring of support and to the person out there who's been mulling over an idea and waiting for the right moment I want to speak directly to you I want you to take the plunge and jump in and just get started trust me it's worth it there's always going to be another reason not to do something either you don't feel like your art is good enough or you don't feel like your coding skills are there just follow your heart and you will learn along the way this is your green light just go do the thing that you've been dreaming of [Music] anyways that's all I have for this devlog as a reminder be sure to check out the official website and social media links if you would like to learn more about Crimson Hollow please be sure to add Crimson Hollow to your steam wish list as well so you'll be the first to know when the game releases if you would like to get more involved with Crimson Hollow the community on Discord is a great place to stay up to date and to meet other people that share the same interest as you I've started posting journal entries as a way to track my progress and share my thoughts with the community we also have an upcoming event in Discord on May 21st where I'll be hosting a cozy drawing session live you're welcome to tune in and draw along with me or just sit back and enjoy the show I'll be posting a poll soon for Discord members to vote on what I draw so keep an eye out for that I hope you can join us because I'm sure it will be a good time until then thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next vlog [Music]
Channel: Crimson Hollow
Views: 137,277
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #devlog, #cozygame #, gamdev, #rpg, #unity, #artist
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 30sec (570 seconds)
Published: Sun May 07 2023
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