Bringing Back the Original Look: Restoring the ORIGINAL Work In OUR Chateau.

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] back to work on marind work mhm more panels more panels yep so now the red bedroom is pretty much all ticked off y by in like the decorative Parts yeah all the dirty work's done now yeah yeah it's good so we can close the door on that for now but the the blue bedroom is still quite far behind so we still need to get that all sanded get all the joints sorted get the roof up the roof yeah get the ceiling ceing sorted yeah and we still need to get the panels around the window actually boxed in and sorted yeah well we've put that because we've been waiting for the one scaffolding to move and then two uh to get the window in the salon didn't we so we have left them both just because of that reason we've been waiting for the window to go in yeah and because we've been focusing so much on the garden yeah then we just of put that off at the minute yeah now weather's it doesn't know what it's doing no one minute we've got rain next minute we've got wind next minute we've got hail next minute we've got glorious Sunshine doesn't know what to do does it no so we're going to squeeze in the garage and try and get these panels done now like everything obviously they're covered in woodworm and they're just been eaten away and just fall a bits really AR just rotten yeah the backs the goods are the fronts are okay it's just the back with the damp that's been coming through and all the like the woodworm so um it's another job of trying to find pieces and put them together and filler and everything else yeah so we'll cut all of the bits that are just too far gone and rotted we'll take them off and find new paneling to sort of cut and shut together as we have been y the bit that we can salvage we'll put some wood hardener on so we're going to use the Run seal wood hardener like we did when we've done the windows and stuff cuz it works really well it does it's brilliant and then we're just going to use the two wood filler M to fill in all of the joints and stuff like that and go from there yeah give it a sand and a paint and it's good as new yeah hopefully by the end of it they'll look like they've always been there yeah like all the rest of them brilliant yeah yeah so we'll crack on now get these panels sorted and then we can get them upstairs and get them in place get them on come on then come on then [Music] there's a stare in your longing eyes you show me all the silver signs there's a wall that you built inside your burning man you're the sound inside my head you're the name that flows from Beneath My Breath there's a blood red kiss on the champagne glass you held before you left him milone milone I breathe you deep into my LS mil milon you are the you [Music] are I can hear your voice on the line I can feel your look skin next to mine The Way You Close Your Eyes before we fall into the night [Music] and I breath you deep into my LS the you are the you are my [Music] soul my soul my soul you know you oh my soul my soul my soul [Music] [Music] I can hear your voice on the line I can feel your silk skin next to mine The Way You Close Your Eyes before we fall into the night and I breath you deep into my lungs my you are the you are my soul my soul my soul you know you are my soul my soul my [Music] soul the the la [Music] [Music] this one is the one for The Far Side you have angle so you can slot it in bloody R so we've got all panel sorted and looking fantastic surprised how they've all gone together really and it was pretty quick as well normally I expected about B's two or 3 days of working on the panels but didn't no one and a half days wasn't it yeah it's been good yeah so now we've got them all together we can look at getting them in place so we need to get the um Bubble Wrap on y so we can get the insulation bubble wrap just so it gives us a little bit of insulation there to help with any drafts or anything that might come from the windows yeah um because obviously these are so close we can't put any more on really can we no no it's just th we got it on this one didn't we when we got that one on so we'll have it on the windows so most of the exterior walls have have got it on and it it has worked well really well yeah that' be good so yeah now it's just sort of a bit of a jigsaw puzzle really trying to get them to fit together yeah cuz we these aren't The Originals for this room no we've got to piece some of them together and we don't actually know if the fit the fit yeah so it is trial and error now yeah it is going to be so might need to cut a bit off here add a bit there and go from there really so yeah we'll get the first one in first like the top one sorry in first and that one goes in then the side ones go in to lock the top one in and then the bottom one goes in to lock the side ones in so all sort of just pushes together pushes it all like yeah it locks together doesn't it yeah all locks together and then we can nail it into the the wall panels and then hopefully fingers crossed it lost day in one place M keep them crossed right we'll get this insulation on and go from there beautiful for [Applause] good [Music] for okay time anywhere that's why [Music] [Music] and finally sorted so we managed to box in all of this window now in the blue bedroom and to be honest it's going together really well these weren't the original panels for this room so we've had a makeshift panels From Here There and Everywhere really so these side ones were originally from the pink bathroom which is now the 400 bathroom so we've got the top sections from there then the bottom sections are from the 400 I think they're from the 401 other bedroom we've got to sort of piece them together in there and then the base panel I think this one is from That's from the bathroom as well in the 400 and then the top part I haven't got a clue where that one's from judging by the color of it that one looks like it's originally from the salon in the 401 so it's just a a bit of a mismatch really but they're all like pretty much identical with the paneling and we tried and match it as best as we can where it is and like I said it's just turned out fantastic fitted right the way in so there's a couple of little gaps where we can put some of the um two pack filler in to drain that together and then once it's all painted you'll never know which obviously we've seen how bad the panels were in the red bedroom here in the 401 and now that's all got the undercoat on it just completely transformed the room so it does look like a a bit of a higglety pickley of wood and paint and stuff like that but like I said as soon as it's all painted that all just goes away and it just looks like one full piece so yeah I'm just so pleased with how it's turned out so that's it for today and I know it doesn't look like much but it has been a bit of a nightmare getting the panels sorted because it's just one of those jobs that takes it takes quite long but you don't really get that far with it like we've only fitted four panels in this whole time and obviously it took a couple of days to to piece them together and then get them in place but now they're in it looks fantastic it's all boxed in and this room has been so bad ever since we came really this was the room where obiously the window blew out and the very first window that we got put in because we had no window here if you remember remember way back when we had the doors covered up and this window covered up but yeah window's in panels all in we just need to get cracking with the panel in and then we can start getting this one painted which will be be fantastic so hope you've enjoyed today's video if you have don't forget to like And subscribe cuz it massively helps us and let us know what you think to the colors I know a couple years did but I'm just on an hour with what to do if it go with the lighter blue off have to use the darker one so let us know what you think and then at least I'll know I'll see what the majority of people like and we will see you in the next one so see you soon [Music] bye if you'd like to be part of our journey and help restore the chat then please join us on patreon we be part of our journey receive a piece of the history and get exclusive videos [Music]
Channel: Escape To The Dream, Restoring The Château.
Views: 37,972
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chateau, Château renovation, escape to the chateau, chateau life, diy, Château De Lalacelle, France, french countryside, restoration, renovation, abandoned building, Château rescue, Subscribe, Lalacelle, Renovation, Restoration, Decorating, home renovations, home restoration, family project, working together, escape to the dream, chateau diy, French renovation, renovating a home, home improvement, home diy, house to home, rural France
Id: mXtXRJnx5ag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 11sec (1151 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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