Bring Your Boss I'll Fire you From this Store ! Actually You Going to Apologize r/IDontWorkHereLady

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hello friends and welcome back to our slash I don't work here lady and our first story today will tell us that no matter how you look or dress there's always a chance to meet your Karen at the store and maybe even more than one two-for-one deal on Karen's but before we begin if you're new to the channel don't forget to subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories every single day so I got to today not nearly as dramatic as my previous I dwh experience but still rude annoying and stupid also major rambling warning can't help myself no brave left for context I'm a reasonably unconventional appearance wise very multi colored hair multiple tattoos and facial piercings generally a bit scruffy looking I definitely Rock a look I'd be unlikely to get away with working retail and today was wearing a black t-shirt WT Envy again must bring out the nutters with a pair of tie-dyed pants so baggy they fit my fat but with room for a few friends and maybe a surfboard honestly no part of these pants aside from the waistband actually touches my skin and I love them because all reason fashion crime aside I work at a school for very disadvantaged teenagers and stupidly volunteered to do Christmas for them which means a present for everyone enrolled 26 girls 36 boys and food hampers for families who otherwise wouldn't have anything nice to eat over the holidays about 30 I had four hours to get this done on a budget and I'm exhausted and traumatized and very underpaid thanks so very much for gifts I decide on perfumes / colognes as incredible as I'd like to pretend to be sometimes I doubted my ability to find something personal for all 62 kids in a single shopping trip and it's a luxury they wouldn't otherwise be able to enjoy so off to a major discount chemist I go it was hell there were more people in this pharmacy than I thought existed in my entire city and of course all of them are in the perfume section people are literally climbing all over each other it looked like the videos I've seen of Black Friday sales in America seriously how do you do that to yourselves every year I actually turned on my heel and walked back out to the van but reminded myself it's for the kids several thousand times before diving back in 40 minutes and some mild bruising later I had four baskets full of perfume and cologne and was carefully making my way towards the end of the queue about three and a half kilometers from the check out when my shoulder was firmly tapped I looked over to see a total Karen in three-quarter jeans a pastel blouse and the I want to speak to the manager haircut just a complete walking meme yes I need one of those she pointed to one of the perfumes in my topmost basket um they were over there in the perfume section but I'm pretty sure I got the last one I turned and kept maneuvering mic tower of baskets toward the queue she stepped around me nearly knocking over my effing baskets and blocked the aisle staff can't just buy everything on sale before customers put them back she shouted the last bit who shouts I've never needed to shout the F I don't work here I'm shopping you're in my way move it's hot I'm exhausted I'm trying to do math in my head do not f with me she reached into my basket and grabbed the perfume she wanted my jaw hit the floor and I genuinely had no idea how to respond I mean I wasn't gonna fight a middle-aged woman for a 15 bottle of perfume my other options didn't sound great either fight my way back into the front of the store with my leaning tower of baskets and search for another perfume in the right price range or for a staff member to help me so I just stared at her completely baffled as to what was happening right that moment and she stared back as if daring me to do something thankfully she had drawn the attention of a security guard who took back to perfume told her off for harassing customers and asked her to continue her shopping or leave lovely security guard also took my baskets and put them behind the counter so I could join the queue and pay for them when I got to the front blessum I congratulated myself for surviving another IDW H encounter and coming in under budget and moved on to the next part of my shopping hell hampers this required a trip to a major supermarket and I knew I'd need about four trolleys worth of groceries inspired by lovely security guard I spoke to customer service when I got there and explained what I was doing and they allowed me to bring each trolley to the customer service desk when it was full so I could continue shopping and pay all at once at the end they also offered to help me get it all out to Devan lovely customer service I was halfway through trolley number three when I heard and excuse me I turned around thinking of' not again go away Karin to see a perfectly nice-looking little old lady whew where do I find the baking soda sorry no idea baking soda wasn't on my list and the only thing that mattered in that moment was my effing list written in purple text row because somebody at my work must eat B rows on the back of our reading comprehension worksheet crumpled and sweaty and nearly unreadable what do you mean you have no idea you're doing the shelves she gestured around me my trolley my list and the near empty shelf behind me I mean if by doing the shelves she means removing 30 of everything from them then sure I was doing the shelves I don't usually shop here ask upfront I didn't think it was necessary to tell her that I didn't work there I wasn't wearing red and my pants can be seen from space so even if her eyesight wasn't great I wasn't in anything approaching a uniform unless stoners have uniforms now I wasn't even close to done for the day I still had shopping to do then I had to get it all back to campus unpack it split it out into hampers and package it back up wrap 62 presents and write tags and cards for all of it I had less than two hours left I was running on pure adrenaline and a constant mantra of it's for the kids which is of course when the nice little old lady revealed herself to be nothing more than a retired Karen and started screeching about bad service and calling managers I couldn't even muster the FS to respond I just kept wandering down the aisles periodically emptying shelves into my trolley she followed me screeching for two whole Isles unfortunately for her I work with teenagers and there's no amount of noise I can't drown out she was at the customer service desk when I went to deposit trolley number three complaining about the rude staff member that wouldn't help her find baking soda she didn't see me so I continued on leaving her to describe me to a baffled employee at the service desk sorry mate crap to do never volunteering to do Christmas again not without a race time off and Lou and a puppy written in purple text uh because someone at my work must eat be Rose I'm too American to try to translate this in my head and our second story today currency officer thinks I'm a high school student my family moved to the south after I graduated high school so my brother had two years left and they do block scheduling for classes all that means is some days he'd get out of school earlier than what we did at our old high school I go to pick him up from school it's like a three hour bus ride or 15 minutes if I pick him up one day about one o'clock and I'm waiting out of my car in the pickup area kind of near the doors here comes the truancy officer excuse me miss but school isn't out yet you should be in class me I already graduated high school I'm here to pick up my younger brother he gets out at like 115 or 130 truancy officer I've seen you here before you need to be in class what's your name I show him my ID out-of-state truancy officer I know that last name you do go here come inside the office me well obviously brother and I would have the same last name we're siblings so I go in because one I don't want to keep having this issue every time I pick him up and two I do need to collect brother as we both have to go to work different jobs thank God so we make our way to the office where truancy officer tells them to look up my name office lady we don't have a student by that name we do have another student with the same last name truancy officer that's her then she just gave me the wrong name on purpose office lady the other student is a male sir she doesn't go hear me that'd be my brother could you page him for me truancy officer now I've seen her here before she goes to school here office lady sir she doesn't go to school here we have no record of any student her name leave her be brother arrived to the office looking confused brother hey sis you ready to go truancy officer see she does go here why would she no students if she doesn't brother my sister's here to pick me up from school she isn't in the system because she is not a student truancy officer but I see her here every day outside brother turn to the office lady and ask if it's okay for us to dip out she says yep so we skedaddle as we're leaving we can hear office lady trying to explain to truancy officer that all current students are in the system and that if he brings in one more random person that he sees outside everyday claiming they're a student she's gonna file a complaint on him brother I've only been here for a month and I already know this guy's a and our third story I don't work here lady now you owe me an apology I was told about this subreddit and I have one for everybody to enjoy I was at a major electronic store known for their blue polo shirts I just got off work at a warehouse and had a blue t-shirt on I was looking at movies when I heard a woman snapping her fingers right at my face and in an angry loud tone saying excuse me I slowly turned to see a middle-aged woman standing there in a Pio DOS glaring at me you need to go get whatever item she was looking for from the back it was only then that I realized what had happened I quietly replied that I didn't work there which just set her off in a rage now I can't remember exactly what she said but it was along the lines of listen here you stupid idiot I know you work here you have a blue shirt on you're so effing lazy I'm gonna get you fired where's your manager now I usually don't yell at people but something about her just pissed me off oh listen here lady I don't work here just because I'm wearing a blue shirt doesn't mean that I am a customer now leave me alone it was at that point that a real employee came over to see what the fuss was about she saw this employee and demanded to see a manager it was less than a minute when a manager came over to talk to her yes how may I help you the lady screamed about my incompetence and demanded apologize to her before I was fired I looked at the manager and shook my head the manager looked at me in a bewildered state and said to the lady ma'am he doesn't work here and just because he has a blue t-shirt on doesn't mean he works here now I will get you an employee to help you he turned to lead the lady to lead her away but I wanted one thing first excuse me but I want one thing first I looked directly at the woman in the eye and said you owe me an apology the woman looked around in a bewildered state the manager looked surprised but said nothing the woman turned to a sheepish look while mumbling I'm sorry good on you for demanding an apology maybe some of these people will actually learn something and thank you all for watching the video to the end I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: RedWheel
Views: 76,485
Rating: 4.9357738 out of 5
Keywords: r/IDontWorkHereLady, Boss, Your Boss, Fire you, Fire, this store, Actually, store, Karen, i dont work here, funny reddit stories, best of reddit, r/, r/IDOWorkHereLady, i do work here lady, reddit stories, reddit top posts, r/prorevenge, r/entitled parents, r/ Tales From Retail, r/talesfromretail, r/Maliciouscompliance, r/entitledparents, r/TalesFromRetail, r/Prorevenge, i dont work here lady, RedWheel, Manager, boss
Id: 4hn2o8EkTNo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 25 2020
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