MY DAD OWNS THIS PLACE ! YOU ALL WILL BE FIRED ! Today You Learn one Lesson | r/IDontWorkHereLady

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hello friends and welcome back to our slash out of work here lady and today we have three more new stories to tell so I hope you're ready for a new portion of crazy people let's get started I do sort of but not like old boy things never thought I'd have anything to post here but I do this happened two nights ago for a bit of background I work part-time from home taking restaurant Colin orders for a particular Asian restaurant chain I'm not affiliated with the restaurant in any manner other than my employer is contracted by the restaurant to take orders so that the restaurant staff aren't stuck on the phone all night some folks understand this others don't this particular jackwagon did not on to the story I answered the phone with my typical thank you for calling my restaurant line before I can even finish dude barks out I'm gonna give you one chance to fix this so I'm gonna get the authorities involved with that kind of intro it doesn't take a genius to know this one was going south he then proceeds to demand that I tell him what his last order was understand I'm there to take orders I can't change orders cancel orders or even take large party type or catering orders I'm only there to take orders from folks wanting to not have to cook dinner that night this means I have no reason to have access to previous orders I can't even see if a person made a previous order the only way I know they have is because when the caller ID system reads their phone number it also populates the name if they've called before this boy's name was there that's the extent of my knowledge of his previous transactions I explained that I was not on site and therefore had no access to his order but that I could transfer his call into the store and he could speak with someone that could possibly help him Oh No instead I'm full of BS and don't want to do anything to fix the effing mess you guys have made now I've been in issues before I get the frustration however refusing to listen to or believe a word the other person is saying wouldn't get my problems resolved I'm sure you guys know it didn't get his resolved either he proceeds again to bark about having his bank statement in his hand and demand that I tell him what he ordered again I tell him I cannot help him with that he cost me again and says what can you do then I just told you sir I can transfer you to the store where perhaps they can look up your order and do something to correct the situation keep in mind here this guy never actually told me what was wrong he just kept demanding his previous order to be read to him and that he had his bank statement in his hand I assumed he was overcharged in some manner but really have no way to know he marks and moans some more about how nobody is helping him and this is the worst customer service he's ever received in his life all littered with colorful curse words that sometimes fed and sometimes did not again I didn't immediately hang up cursing or not because if I can help I'm gonna let them vent a little and do what I can to help after about three minutes of this dude's refusal to believe that I wasn't part of an Asian food conspiracy he then began to verbally attack me personally he asked what I was even there for and again I told him I am the order line sir I can take food orders for your problem I would need to transfer you to the store yes you're just a lying piece of crap such a worthless piece of crap I've had it I'm getting the authorities involved you'll be hearing from the police at this point I simply said have a good night sir and reach to hang up he beat me to it by a second so I held my tongue and tried to keep it professional but I so wanted to say look a whole call whoever you want I don't care you're in Arizona I'm in Oklahoma unless you can convince the FBI that your eggroll was that important I highly doubt I'll be hearing from anyone about this I just don't understand people if you think this behavior deserves the title of Caron you just haven't heard our next story yet I do not work here lady this happened years ago my dad's cousin Robert was visiting from Scotland for the first time we live in Canada he'd been taking turns staying at each of my dad's siblings that live nearby that day he was staying with my parents we had a nice lunch together at their home but for dinner we were going out to a nice restaurant my mother or father his cousin my little bro and I two of my aunts and two of my uncles so a pretty big party we had to call ahead and make a reservation the whole family had dressed nicely since we knew we were going somewhere nice for this special occasion the restaurant where we were going was not the number one restaurant in the city but it was pretty high-end one of my personal favorite places to eat the whole staff was dressed nicely but the manager in Somali eh both were suits so he got to the restaurant about 15 minutes earlier our table was already ready so we were seated right away I was friends with the Somali a in particular and knew most of the staff pretty well so I was talking to him a bit we chatted about what wine they'd got in recently and they picked up a large collection from an estate sale that I hadn't been able to attend myself I ordered several bottles from this new collection for the table then went to seat myself the dinner rush was just starting as our waiter took our orders Robert got up and headed for the bathroom which our server pointed out for him as he was coming back around the corner toward our table a skinny young guy in a tacky suit snapped his fingers at Robert who noticed and looked at him surprised as sort of offended the man was loud very needlessly loud this is a nice place people were talking in muted tones rude young men hey hey you yes you we're ready to order Robert beg pardon laddie what are you going on about Roberts accent was this thick as oatmeal rude young man my order take my order we're ready it was about this moment Robert realized the rude young man thought he worked at the restaurant Robert I don't know work here laddie the rude young man was having none of this his immediate anger was clearly apparent as he stood up this situation was getting out of hand I and my little bro both got up from the table to go back up Robert we almost got there the same time as the manager rude young man now shouting yo can't treat me like this don't you know who I am Robert was recoiling having heard so much about Canadian hospitality he was floored by this rude young man the floor manager stepped between Robert and his aggressor as Robert was stepping back and the rude young man for manager sir I don't know who you think you are but your behavior is unacceptable I'm gonna have to ask you to leave rude young man I demand you fire this server he was very rude you can't treat me like this my dad owns this place I'll have your job I'll have all your jobs the guy was so loud that the chef had come out to see what was the matter dressed in black with a black heavy leather apron heavy leather knife sheaths on each hip hung on a belt around his waist tattoos all over his arms and neck muscular and a little over six feet tall chef was quite an imposing figure particularly with the angry look on his face at this point the whole restaurant was staring at the rude young man chef in an aggressive but not overly loud yet commanding voice this is over you are out of here get up and get out now chef's command allowed no rebuke the skinny little pissant looked terrified he and his lady friend both got up looking horrified and rushed out of the restaurant I thought he was going to make another comment as he fled but he just scurried away several people cheered others clapped as the chef's retreated back to the kitchen the excitement over we ended up having a great rest of our meal the floor manager ended up comping the whole meal nearly two grand both my dad and I really wanted to pay but he just refused to take our card so we ended up leaving a big pile of cash on the table when we left following week I went back to the place with a friend the Somali a was just itching to dish the news turned out the rude young man's dad had indeed owned the restaurant part owner he was a wealthy local landowner businessman and restaurateur unfortunately for that little pissant his father had not been on his side at all when he tried to get everyone fired much to his dismay his father instead took away his trust fund the penthouse he was living in in his car kid ended up having to get a job for the first time in his life it's always nice to hear that and our third story no I don't work here but I can't help you more than the employees ever could reading some of the posts here about the lighter side of things where people offer to help because they can reminded me of this incident from several years ago takes place in a local video game store thank he be games / game stop but less overpriced I usually prefer to shop here because of the lower prices for used games since they're actually reasonable and don't charge five bucks less than new for a game that's ancient the staff are usually well versed in the world of games I've had many a conversation with some regarding the games I like and what's coming soon but on this day things were different it's clear that the staff that we're working belong to a clique that thinks Nintendo as a whole as a waste of time and actively try to stop people from buying anything Nintendo related this pisses me off since I see nothing wrong with enjoying nintendo products and especially since I've played Nintendo games since the 80s in any case I'm standing in front of the Wii U section of games it's not large considering how mediocre the system sold in its lifetime now this is before the Nintendo switch was a thing so the Wii U is all we had going aside from the 3ds I'm browsing through the games they have to see if anything catches my interest when I see a guy probably in his 30s looking both frustrated and confused I asked him what was up and he said he's trying to find games for his kids to play on their Wii U game together says the staff are useless and just telling him to buy a Playstation or Xbox kids like Nintendo so you can see the issue here he said he wanted games with decent multiplayer so everyone can play I looked over at the staff and wondered what was up there but and proceeded to offer my recommendations for games he and his kids could enjoy one of which is Nintendo land the pack in title he said since he got his system used it lacked the pack in game and at this point in time for whatever reason Nintendo land was not too easy to find around here weird but whatever I tell him that a few minutes up the road there's another game store that a buddy of mine owns he has a decent selection and usually has the game in stock upon hearing that his eyes light up a bit and finally he has a good look at me and realizes I'm just a regular guy looking for games like him he thanked me many time James for helping him out I just say it's all good just wanting to point him in the right direction since the staff worked crap at their jobs today after that he left and I wished him luck hope he managed to find his games not only did you help that dude he most likely got his game and made his kids happy and thank you so much to everyone who watch the video all the way to the end I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: RedWheel
Views: 149,746
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: r/IDontWorkHereLady, i dont work here, r/, r/IDOWorkHereLady, i do work here lady, funny reddit stories, reddit stories, best of reddit, reddit top posts, r/prorevenge, r/entitled parents, r/ Tales From Retail, r/talesfromretail, r/Maliciouscompliance, r/entitledparents, r/TalesFromRetail, r/Prorevenge, i dont work here lady, RedWheel, Manager, Karen, entitled, Walmart, MY DAD, OWNS THIS PLACE, YOU ALL, WILL BE FIRED, FIRED, Work, Boss, I am the Owner, Owner of this Place, Owner, Lesson
Id: -Boa6KTSsLs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 35sec (695 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 01 2020
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