The Four Aces Card Trick Revealed: A Lesson in Success

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and All That Remains now is to amaze The Spectator by revealing the weather stopped you just so happens to be next to the remaining Aces show them once again but the deck is all different and normal and you'll have one amazed spectator hi everyone and welcome back to a brand new video in this video I'm going to teach you a simple trick that would Amaze your friends and family but this trick isn't just about magic it's also about success you see success attracts more success when you succeed at something it gives you confidence and motivation to succeed even more this positive feedback group can help you achieve great things in life so if you're looking for a way to attract more success into your life then this video is for you watch it to learn the trick and then go out there and start succeeding okay grab a pack of cards and let's go okay so let's take a look at the trick itself all you're going to need for this trick is an ordinary deck of cards they don't need to be a special edition and Terror and brown deck like this any deck will be just fine from the deck of cards you want to just take out the cards you don't want any special cards like this but what you will need are a couple of Aces just there we'll use these two Aces and the reason we're using the two Aces is because this trick illustrates the principle of success attracting success and what better card in the deck than the aces now we're going to use these Aces to try to attract the other Aces now it's very simple here's how it's going to work you're going to deal cards one by one and you're going to ask a spectator just to tell you when to stop whenever they like so just like this you're going to do some cards from the rest of the deck and they're going to say stop whenever they feel like it they really can say stop whenever and wherever it doesn't matter but when they do say stop I'm just going to Mark the Spot with the first Ace and place the rest of the deck on top like so we're now going to do exactly the same once again you're going to deal some cards and The Spectator is going to say stop whenever they feel like it now it really doesn't matter where they ask you to stop let's say it's just there you're going to mark that spot with the second Ace the rest of the deck goes on top like so now take a moment just to remind The Spectator what's happened you've dealt some cards they really could have stopped you at any point and at each of the points of which just stopped you you Mark the Spot with an ace so now when you spread the cards you'll be able to see those two spots where The Spectator stops you with the two Aces what you're going to do now is just check out the ace and the card next to the ace where The Spectator stops you and gather up the rest of the cards and you're now ready to amaze The Spectator because once again reiterate they've stopped you at any point but they stopped you for the first days right next to [Music] and I stopped you the biggest Ace again right next to the final Ace that's the Four Aces the first two races magically attracted the second two races and it's even more magical when you consider they really are the only aces in the deck a brilliant example of how success really does attract success [Music] okay so let's take a look at the secret to this effect so you can Amaze your friends and family the good thing about this trick is it really is Sure Fire and straightforward it really is with a regular deck of cards so any deck will do and then all you need are the four aces but the secret is all in the setup so the first thing you want to do is take one of the aces place it on the bottom of the deck and then you take the other three aces and just place them on top so when you take the cards out of the box they're in this pre-prepared order all you need to do now is just reveal to The Spectator that you've got the two Aces and explain why you're going to use the two Aces because they represent success they're going to try to attract the other Aces now on top of the deck here The Spectator doesn't know it right you've got third Ace so when you start kneeling [Music] and they say stop there that Ace is the first one down they don't know that though you mark this spot with this Ace here now remember at the bottom of this deck you've got the other Ace and again they don't know that so when you place this deck on top of that pack there you've now put the first two Aces together now all we need to do is put this Ace next to the final Ace and the finer lace will now be once again on the bottom of the deck so all we do is just repeat that process they say stop whenever they feel like it you Mark the Spot you paste this deck on top and once again that brings the two Aces together so now will you spread the cards you'll see the two Face-Off Aces where you've marked the spot there's one and the card next to it that's the final one a card next to it and All That Remains now is to amaze The Spectator by revealing the wet has stopped you just so happens to be next to the remaining Aces show you once again but the deck is all different than normal and you'll have one amazed spectator spectator marveling at the principle of success attracting success I hope you enjoyed this card trick tutorial as you can see the principle of success attracting success is very real when you succeed at something it gives you confidence and motivation to succeed even more so if you're looking for a way to attract more success into your life I encourage you to start by succeeding at small things set small goals for yourself and then work hard to achieve them as you succeed at these small goals you rebuild your confidence and motivation and as you build your confidence and motivation you'll be more likely to succeed at even bigger goals so don't be afraid to set big goals for yourself and don't be afraid to fail failure is a part of the learning process and the more you learn the more successful you will become so go out there and start succeeding and remember success attract success hope you've enjoyed this video until next time keep succeeding keep moving forwards and take care
Channel: CoachTrick
Views: 5,167
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: card trick, card trick revealed, aces card trick, finding the aces, finding success, success secrets, attracting success, law of attraction
Id: U30taerpqok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 41sec (521 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 23 2023
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