BRILLIANT DIY CLOTHES HACKS || Cool Clothes Upgrade Ideas by 123 GO!

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Clothing can really make you feel your best! Or sometimes even your worst. Good thing there are clothing hacks to help  you be the best dressed in any situation! Oh, excuse me. I need the makeup table Just need some powder These earrings will help Can’t forget the brows Hair is looking good I love this perfume This cardigan will do All right, I’ve got my purse Oh no! It has a tear on the bottom! My sweater has a tear in the shoulder! What are we going to do? Betty. Are you thinking what I’m thinking? Ahhhh! We have mice!! Get out of here you rodent! Get it, Bella! I hate mice! Phew. It’s gone. Thank goodness But our stuff is still ruined Wait a second. Let me see your bag I think I have a solution All right, sweater. I’m  going to have to cut you up Sorry about this, but I need to  cut you right below the sleeve All the way across, just like I wanted I’ll fold this edge down  and bring out the glue gun I’ll just put a line of glue  from one side to the other And now to press these together  so they seal nice and tight Okay, now I need the damaged purse Look at that! The sweater  fits perfectly around the bag! I’ll just do a little adjusting right here With some more glue on the bag So the sweater will stay in  place instead of falling off There we go! Perfect! Look, Bella! The sweater fixed the bag! Wow! That’s spectacular! It looks so good! It’s so cute! I love it! Thanks, Betty! Ummm, yeah. That’s mine Uhhh, it’s my purse Yeah, but I fixed it with  my sweater! Give it back! Time to head out for the evening! Ohh. It’s breezy and cold out. I don’t think I’m dressed right for this weather Oof!   That was brisk out there! This scarf should solve the problem Shoot. I wrapped it bad. I’ll do it again No, not like that either Ugh! None of these are working! What am I going to do? Hey, Betty. Why are you so down? Because of your scarf? Give it to me Oh Betty. I can help you with this problem Okay, I’ll wrap it around your neck,  then pull one side longer than the other Then I’ll twist it twice and wrap  the long end around your neck Now you can just tuck the end in like this Oh, it’s so cute and stylish! Thank you so much, Bella! Now I’m much better prepared for the weather! Blah! How do I prepare for flying newspaper? Luckily no one saw Time to get some cleaning done around here Phew! But it’s hard work, that’s for sure Oh, a text. I’d better see what it says EEEE! Brian’s inviting me to the party!!! Oh. Wait. I look terrible. Like Cinderella  when she scrubbed the fireplace I can’t go like this! I definitely  can’t let Brian see me like this I wish I had a fairy godmother  who could turn me into a princess Or at the very least make me look pretty Oof. That was a bumpy flight Fairy godmother here. Oh, what happened to you? I’m supposed to go to party with  Brian but I look all dirty and gross! Hmmm. That is indeed a  problem. I can help. Stand up Okay. But please don’t bring any mice  into the house, even if they can sew Step one, let’s get rid of those gloves Let’s see, what else… Ah yes, your hair! Oooh, this is already so much better! We need clothes but you said no mice… Oh, oops! I said no mice, you dumb wand! No mice! What just happened? And why am I craving cheese? Oh, don’t worry about that. Let’s try this This isn’t really my style Hmmm. The mice are usually the  ones with the fashion sense… Come on you darn wand! Don’t fail me now! The wand is out of magic. I  used too much changing you back I’m sorry, changing me what now? Don’t worry. I can fix this I’ll just unbutton these down  here and tuck the end in up here Now this end can wrap around  and we can tie it tight! There! All better! What do you think? I think you’re the best fairy godmother ever! Oh, you’re welcome dear. Now have a  good time at the party. Betty, wait! I can’t get home without magic…I  guess I’m staying here for a while Gotta make sure to fold all my  clothing now that it’s clean Don’t want them getting wrinkled I don’t want to look sloppy on  a date… where did this come from? Oh Brian! You’re so funny! Thanks! Have a coke! Oh Brian, you’re so good at reading books Sorry Babe. It’s just the way it needs  to be. I’ve gotta spread my wings It’s not faaaaaaair! Ugh! Stupid Brian breaking up with me! I hate this shirt. So, time to cut it up! Every cut of the scissors is  like a cut he left on my heart That jerk! Always wearing collars.  Well now I’m cutting around it I’ll just get rid of these sleeves  and collar like he got rid of me And I’ll gather and stitch the bottom  of this the way I repaired my heart Can’t forget to use this part of the shirt, too All right, next step, safety pins! I’ll just pin these two pieces together All the way down, from one end to the other Huh. This turned out pretty good I took his dumb shirt and  turned it into a cute dress! Wow! I’m really impressed with myself! I don’t need dumb ol’ Brian when  I’ve got talented and smart me! Oh. Who’s texting me? Ooopsie. All right! Betty and Bella are  gonna rock the town tonight! Wait. Why aren’t you dressed? I don’t have anything to wear Bella. Listen, I can fix this. Stay right there Okay, get on your feet. No more slouching Let’s try this on you Oh Betty! This is so cute!  Purple is definitely my color! Ugh. But these dumb bra straps are showing You know what, Betty? I think I’ve got an idea See you later, bra! I don’t  need you! Oops. Maybe I do You know what? That gives me an idea! This sports bra is the solution A sports bra? No way! That’s not stylish! Bella, you’re being so difficult. Okay, fine. Look, the pads come out of the bra Now we can put these to work for us Do you get it now? Ohhh I DO get it! I’ll just slide them in! Perfect! No bra straps and I’m covered! Looking good! We’re gonna  have a great time tonight! Ooh! Letting the hair down! Nice choice! These tarts are going to be great! Betty. I got you a present! Oh, thank you Bella! Ahh! Look! It’s so pretty! I love it! I’m going to try it on right now! Oh. It’s a little big on me… Thanks anyway, though. It was a thoughtful gift I wish there was someway I could make it fit Hey, wait a second…what if I can? Bella, look. I have safety pins and a cord With these two things, I can make this work! Just need the dress inside out and backwards All right, safety pin. Time to do your job I’ll pull the dress tighter, so  it fits better and pin it in place Gotta make sure I do it on both sides of the seam Now it’s time to slip the cord through the pins In one end and out the other, just like that Now I’ve just got to pull it tight Okay, time to flip it around again! Yes! It worked! It fits like a glove, now! Wow! Betty! How did you do that?! It looks so beautiful on you! Nothing is as beautiful as our friendship. Tell us in the comments about any  clothing hacks you’ve pulled off! And don’t forget to share this video with your friends and subscribe to our channel  for more great videos like this one!
Channel: 123 GO!
Views: 4,098,389
Rating: 4.6690903 out of 5
Keywords: #123go
Id: Z-Lr-sOXhJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 21 2021
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