FUN ART IDEAS AND DRAWING TRICKS || Easy And Cool Art Hacks by 123 GO Like!

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[Music] we've all had one of those days where we feel a little blue and no matter how much your friend tries to make you laugh you just can't seem to get in a good mood and boy is bella trying hard to make this sad zap laugh it's no use bella i'm just too down in the dumps too down to smile at mr moose face yikes justin's not budging oh man there's gotta be something i can do to cheer you up oops there goes my fork yes the perfect opportunity to make justin laugh and all i need is right here in my old trusty backpack sometimes a little extra creativity can really come in handy and in this case a black marker is just the ticket when your friend isn't looking you have a small window to create the best joke ever on a plate like this one draw a little stick figure holding a balloon bella what on earth are you doing did you know that if you pour water on a nearly dried marker it'll lift it right off the glass surface see he's moving around wow that's actually pretty funny no matter what design you draw this little trick is always sure to bring a smile to your face try drawing a little boat and watch it sail away how does this work why don't you give it a try see nothing like a little creative spirit to turn the frown upside down art is all about going with the flow and nothing can kill your vibe not even a friend with a sandwich i can't eat like this all right time to get back to work [Music] this plate isn't even dirty pop out a hole and turn your plate into a pallet use old plastic bottle caps like these to hold paint as you create i bet van gogh could have used one of these tired of this mess lana [Music] [Applause] i'll show you how it works just add paint colors into the little cats now you won't make such a mess and there's plenty of room for a friend to join you it's my favorite class of the day i'm feeling major picasso vibes whoa jennifer's so good my unicorn looks lame how does she know how to do that it's about to pop off the page unlike mine she's just oozing talent right now maybe it's the artsy outfit she's wearing i can do that [Music] see well how do i look am i getting any better that would be a no she's hogging all the artistic magic i can use two hands too you know let's get this party started [Music] oh why is it so hard to stay in the lines ah it's no use i'm terrible i'll just finish unless look at those markers the colors blend together now i know just what to do if you take two colored markers and touch their tips with each other the colors will bleed [Music] watch it blend with the blue wonder what color it'll make time to put that thing to the test [Music] look at those blended colors and i only need one marker the orange one's looking good who's a talented artist now people have you seen anything like it done get a load of this baby wow that's really unique i know thanks nothing like scrolling through the feed is that ellie ah she always looks so pretty even when sipping coffee i wish i could get her attention not negative attention i hope she didn't see all that how do i get her to notice me wait a second girls love an artsy guy right mr napkin will you do the honors i think i have a pen in here one handmade portrait coming right up she's gonna die when i give her this okay now for the big moment flowers no girl could resist these man that's good it's show time hey there ellie hey what's that smell i'm really allergic to flowers seriously [Music] thanks for the tissue i did not see that coming stupid beautiful flower watch it adam my bad this is gonna take forever to clean up i'll get them off [Music] it's the least i can do let me see that i'll take it from here adam cleaning supplies can make great art tools especially mop heads watch this guy do its magic dribble paint onto it like this [Music] nice color choices [Music] now lift up the middle as you turn the canvas [Music] don't stop spinning looks cool right we're not done yet [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's a lot of black paint but if you spin the canvas really fast things get really interesting [Music] look at those four strokes of color you just can't do that with your hands cleaning day should come around more often [Music] another afternoon another art project hey girl you don't mind if i work on my painting in here do you first i gotta lay out all my supplies oh hello paint palette and what kind of painter would i be without my brush oh man how am i supposed to use this thing now i don't have time to go out and buy new brushes today hey are those q-tips over there i wonder if these could work as well as my brush i'm just gonna borrow these for one second okay hey i need those oh a toothbrush can work too okay with these materials i'm finally ready to dive into this for this art hack you'll need a nice big piece of white paper and a bunch of q-tips tied together with a rubber band like this go ahead and dip the bundle into a giant glob of paint it's okay if it's unevenly distributed once that's done blot it onto the page in random spots for accent colors just use one q-tip and dip it into the color of your choice and among a sea of green dots a couple streaks of reddish brown can turn it into a full-blown tree try using toothbrush bristles to help create realistic texture in your paintings as well using small strokes you can emulate actual blades of grass see wanna check out my latest work of art wow you're really like a modern day monet last thing you have to do is find a nice place on the wall to showcase your masterpiece because you're gonna want to look at it all the time crafting with friends is a lot of fun as long as you can share efficiently here are the scissors oh go right ahead why don't you i'll just rip the tape off [Music] are you kidding this is getting ridiculous oh look plastic ties i can work with this loop it around the tape roll like this once it's tight cut off the excess plastic now use it like a tape dispenser can i borrow that i just rip this is pretty handy lana [Music] you
Channel: 123 GO Like!
Views: 3,806,038
Rating: 4.5754848 out of 5
Keywords: DIY, hacks, tricks, craft, crafts, prank, pranks, 123 go, 123 go like, 123GO!, tutorial, how to, know how, art hacks, art tricks, drawing hacks, decor ideas, diy art, easy art, artistic crafts
Id: LS1bVGGyHr8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 31sec (631 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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