Brilliant Backyard Garden Harvest, Sustainable Food Forest on a Suburban Lot

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what's going on Growers it's James Prigioni  coming to you live from Jersey today me and   tuck are going to take you along with us for a  stunning backyard gardening Harvest we're going   to be grabbing some of the biggest fruits  and vegetables we've ever grown let's go! let's start things out with this Peach Tree it  has the most fruit that it ever had this is the   Betty Peach look at the color on those peaches  over there and look how much fruit is on this   one branch right here we need to grab a few and  we'll try one because they just look so dang good   over here there's a massive one look at the size  of this Peach right here ready to be harvested   in that color is just amazing just give it a  little twist and it pops right off look at that perfect let's get a taste of it it's time  to bite into the first ripe Peach of the   year we've been waiting all year for this  and you guys could probably remember when   we did the how to prune peaches video you can  see how well peaches grow when you prune them   and stay on top of them and cinnamon stuff we  can't wait to bite into it let's get a taste so sweet look at the color so juicy I mean there's  nothing better than fresh peaches in the summer   oh absolutely I gotta get one more bite so beautiful we have so many things to harvest   though so let's keep moving I want  to show you these totes real quick   look how much food we're growing in just a  small little tote you don't need a lot of   space to grow a lot of food even this early Jersey  Wakefield cabbage in the back is ready to harvest   we'll grab that one a different day though  let's keep going I want to show you the garden   Tuck's looking for some cucumbers under there  he knows they're starting to get ready yeah that   guy's always inquisitive looking for different  snacks right boy we'll grab your care in a minute   check out the garden it's looking the best it ever  has let's get into some more harvesting though   because there's so many things I want to grab it's  going to lay that peach down there for now and   I want to start things off by grabbing this Ruby  Perfection cabbage look at the color on this thing   nice and solid ready to go no bites that's  what happens when you use the BT spray   let's cut into this one you guys might notice I've  got the new summer merch on if you want to grab   one of these grow shirts we've got the California  poppies on it check them out at   let's Harvest this one oh yeah so this is the Ruby perfection and separate it you might have noticed I  grabbed a cutting board because I gotta   show you what this thing looks like when  you cut into it it is absolutely stunning oh man you're starting to see some of the  color already let me grab the cutting board   we'll just do it right here  let's cut into this thing so dense oh look how beautiful that is look at that insane this is why we  love gardening this is why we love   organic gardening you could just take  a bite right into the thing if you want   let's keep going right over here we've got another  purple cabbage this is the Red Express a different   variety but still so much Beauty Tuck's already  looking for some snacks keep coming this way   over here we've got some different kinds of Swiss  chard look at the colors the Bali red and some of   the silver beet Swiss chards look at these colors  over here awesome and look at the size of the uh   the kale back there absolutely huge let's grab  a carrot for tuck though I think he wants one   I think we've got some Juan obtuses in here the  yellow carrots we've got all different carrots of   every color look at the yellows though look  how gorgeous that is and look how well that   hair grew guys coming right through my legs he  knows exactly what time it is it's talk time boys yep that's just to let you know that these  carrots are tuck approved he loves these   things right boy we'll let him snack on that  we've got a lot more to grab let's keep going   we've Incorporated a lot of flowers in here  and this year I got the most massive cabbage   that I've ever grown this right here is the  Brunswick cabbage that's a good size right that   ain't nothing compared to the Cabbage I'm going to  show you in just a few minutes it's huge check out   some of these Tomatoes too we've got tomatoes  growing in multiple different ways growing up   steaks but a lot of my beef steaks Tomatoes I  like growing up a steak like this and a lot of   my look at that look at all those Tomatoes there  and a lot of my cherry tomatoes I like growing   in the trellis just like over here before I  show you some of the tomatoes on the trellis   though I want to grab a beautiful cauliflower  over here that's about to start flowering you'll notice down here look uh we've already  planted our second round of lettuce since the   third round of lettuce and stuff down here  the Bronze Mignonette love that variety look   at this the purple Sicily cauliflower holy you  can see it's starting to separate a bit so it's   definitely time to grab it let's just cut this one  all the way down here because it's so thick up top   massive harvests you love to see it one of the  reason me and Tuck I'm going to lay this down   and keep going one of the reason me and Tuck love  making these videos is from one of our favorite   quotes and the quote goes the price is easy if  the promise is clear so one of the reasons we love   doing these Harvest videos because we're painting  you the promise of what any of you can have if   you're willing to pay the price put in some effort  some Investments anyone could have a garden just   like this in their backyard as long as you have  the space check out the pink lemonade blueberries   you thought blueberries only came in blue  you're dead wrong this is a ripe blueberry   this pink color look how awesome it is not  only do they look awesome they're one of my   favorite tasting blueberries and the plants  grow prolifically look how much fruit is on   here not to mention the birds seem to avoid  this one more than the blue one I think we   kind of tricked the birds they don't know that  blueberries can be pink let's get a taste of them that tastes like Jersey nothing like fresh  blueberries fresh peaches fresh tomatoes   will be coming it's like paradise back here and  we've got some of the other colored blueberries   here and you know we got apples hanging  hanging right over the blueberry plant   and then you know we got  pears right next to us here and more blueberries more pink lemonades  here look how much fruit is on that bush   and then we've got some Patriots right next  to us so look at the difference in color oh yeah maybe a little combo  let's get a taste of that so good let's keep going look at the tomatoes of  the trellis we're getting right near the point   where the tomatoes are just going to be just  pumping out ridiculous amounts of food they're   growing fantastic they're growing so quick I can't  even keep up with them another reason I love this   Trail System is using these tomato clips some of  you have tried them out and you know how much of   a difference they make it makes growing tomatoes  so easy look how quick and easy I tied up but just   take a clip put it along the back Bring It Around  clip it we're done with that tomato tying it   beautiful check out some of the size of those  tomatoes I think this is the Chef's Choice orange   and then not to mention some of the grapes  just chilling in the background look at that   it's gonna be a nice late Harvest go over here  we've got carrots growing in this bed maybe see if   tuck wants to try one of these carrots these ones  look nice pretty big I don't know the size of them   looks like a different colored carrot  looks like maybe the atomic red   definitely definitely not an orange carrot  let's see nah I'm not liking the color of   it that much it looks a little Bland I  think we can get a better one for you boy   check out some of the cabbages up here this  is the dead on Savoy nice and dense ready to   go the Melissa Savoy but I need to take you  over to the massive cabbage the biggest swing   I've ever grown as you come by some Tomatoes  over here more tomatoes we're growing way more   Tomatoes than we ever have and they're looking  fantastic so the harvests are going to get   crazy look at the size of this the Sapporo giant  cabbage look at the look how big this thing is it's unbelievable oh man I think I should try  to harvest it just to see how big it really is   let me grab this thing it's going to take a good  amount of work to cut it out oh man I can't even   get my pruners around it there we go let's  see see the size of this thing it's so heavy I can't even lift it up look how big this is look how much food that  is oh man this is just ridiculous and it's   going to open up a lot of space in that  bed too it was taking over the whole bed and check out the uh Melissa Savoy look how  big this Melissa Savoy is right here the sides   of this cabbage this cabbage this big is growing  in a mini palette raised bed we built this thing   for free it's tiny but it still produces huge  amounts of food it means it doesn't quit we've   got our beans coming up in the background too but  as I take these cabbages out we'll be able to get   more and more stuff and replace it another Melissa  Savoy fantastic I know I got some carrots in here   let's see what we got no that one's  a little misshaped oh my gosh it went   from not a great carrot to look at this thing  oh Tucky gonna have a nice time with this one   look at this one boy actually I'll give  him the one that's a little deformed   that one must have hit a rock  or something but this one   that's an absolute Beauty so many more things to  grab I gotta show you some of these cauliflowers   look at the early Jersey week field that  thing's past Peak I need to grab that real soon   check out the the purple cauliflower  I've shown you a few of those   I'm also growing the white ones look how  incredible this white cauliflower looks   I'm gonna get this one oh yeah oh my  gosh what was that this is the amazing   amazing cauliflower no joke it looks like  there was a cabbage worm that died on there but   I'm definitely amazing I want to grab the purple  one so we can have the contrast and look another   Ruby Perfection cabbage right below us  and while our hands are full let's just   grab one of these carrots because look like  they're starting to come out of the ground   oh Beauty absolute Beauty surrounded  by food it's a it's a great field let's grab this purple cauliflower while we're  over here look at the flowers Incorporated   through the bed to bring out the beauty as  well I mean uh it's just so fun being out   here Tuck's got a carrot snacking on one over  there but let me get this cauliflower purple look at the contrast it's uh like I mentioned before it's like  a paradise but it's not a paradise just for   humans it's a paradise for tuck for dogs  for Birds there's birds nests everywhere   it would be a paradise for bunnies if we let  them in but they're just a bit too destructive   look at the Swiss chard we're only in the younger  Garden though this Garden I think is only on it's   like fourth or fifth year so let's go into the  older Food Forest and check out some of the stuff   in there I mean the amount of food is just uh it's  out of control it looks like tuck found that big   carrot that I harvested a little sneak found it  spam some Harps down low for the little boss this   guy has free reign of the garden because he's the  protector he makes sure nothing gets in here if   it wasn't for him we probably wouldn't be getting  anything right boy that's why he's the young king   even though he's getting a little older let's keep  going though so many things look at the size of   the sunflower right here we've got even bigger  ones and I haven't even planted these sunflowers   this is just volunteers so I mean the garden's  always giving blessings all over the place   check out the Honeycrisp apple look how small it  is and look how much fruit it has this is probably   my favorite size fruit trees the dwarves because  they're so easy to manage when they're this small   but they can still produce a lot of fruit so uh  I mean this is one of my favorite trees and look   just from here in the background you can see the  other Liberty apples stacked with fruit too apples   are one of our favorite all-time things to eat  so we got peaches we got cherries early and then   peaches after that and then pears and apples  and uh just endless fruit coming check out the   potatoes these are the biggest healthiest potatoes  that I've ever grown check out this bed this bed   I had some issues in but I found out the garden  some filing which was my big problem in here they   do not like potatoes so you know what we said  stack it the whole thing with potatoes that's   what we did you can see this but potatoes are  blooming now and one is the potatoes hit Bloom   like this you usually can go in and grab some new  potatoes some of the young potatoes just from the   top so we're gonna see if we have some potatoes  ready in here notice how we got petunias and all   different flowers along the edges too we'll see if  there's any ripe oh yeah look at that little baby   so these ones won't store well but they're perfect  if you want to just cook them up when they're   young like this let's see what else see if we got  a few I don't want to rip the plants out I just   want to dig down and see if we got some young  ones let me see if we got anything else in here I don't feel that many just yet let's leave  them and uh come back a different time but   still going to be a huge Harvest but I do notice  that they need some water because there's just so   many plants in there so I'm gonna have to get  on the watering a bit still got a nice little   one there but uh it's definitely not going  to be able to make a meal that's for sure   let's come over here check out uh some of these  tomatoes and the strawberry calendula between it   looks so cool and check out more Tomatoes over  here and then look at the palette raised bed   these tomatoes are really far along soon they're  going to start changing colors and we're going to   have some ripe Tomatoes we've got so many things  even back here even uh garlic and stuff there's   just so much food and then we've always got the  borage the bees just absolutely love that plant   let's go back over here though look at the  on the lower end we're growing in pots we're   trying to get the most out of all the space that  we have even got some uh sweet potatoes growing   and some cucumbers and stuff too I forgot to  show you the Cucumbers that are doing so well   along the fence line but maybe we'll get back to  those at some point check out this area potatoes   look how big these are how fantastic these  are these ones I planted a little earlier so   they're probably further along but it looks  like I need to give some water to these two   so we'll let those keep going and look at the  new tomato alley so many tomatoes back here a few   of them need some water they're looking a little  sad because there's so many tomatoes on them and   we really haven't had that much rain lately but  we're still we're just managing through it what   are you doing boyo like look how you can see how  big everything is when you see him in comparison   yeah he's having some fun out here right boy it's  a little hot but he's having fun come back here   check out the zucchini we're growing up steaks  so this is the Vining zucchini I'm just going to   be tying it to the steak this way we're growing  vertically and getting the most out of the space   that we have these look really nice I'm really  happy with the way those look and some of our   cucumbers watermelons all different stuff back  there where we used to grow the peas so these uh   these cucumbers back here look like they need  a little bit of water but they're doing really   well and I planted these cucumbers while the peas  were still growing so I was like uh you know just   interplanting on the late side now the Cucumbers  take over and they're just gonna be pumping out   so many cucumbers a little bit of weed and we  had to do back here and look at the size of the   more sunflowers so cool let's  keep going this way though   I don't even know where my my pruner went  I'm gonna have to grab it I threw it down   because I got another purple cauliflower I  want to grab come over and look at that one look how nice that thing is and this is a section  that's like kind of shaded so we're still getting   through that and we're still getting food  in this spot let's grab this cauliflower   see what we got oh yeah I love these  purple ones so much they're so amazing   looking tuck likes cauliflower  too hey ducky well yeah boy where is he what do you think dude   a little purple cauliflower got some water in it  maybe what do you think Boyle see what he thinks what do you think dude and not bad stuff right  yeah yeah we'll go up back for seconds that's   that tuck approval right there you'd love to see  it let's keep going though check out over here   tomatoes in pots look how well they're going  for these Tomatoes I'm using JP's Secret Stuff   fertilizer and you got to see how crazy the bees  are going for the oregano you gotta have some   perennials mixed in let them flower like this look  how beautiful this spot is look at the activity this is definitely the hangout if you're  a bee this is the place to be basically   check out the uh The Raspberries they're just  on the tail end some of them are finished but   that's okay because this is the early crop and  then the later crop we're gonna get right here   these will be in the later season hall there's  some nice ones right here look at the size of   these babies those are winners let's grab a couple  of those and just pop them in get a nice taste so good the grapes are out of control look at  them over here so many above my head looking   just amazing and look down here we're growing  in pots all different kinds of peppers I've got   some hot peppers planted in here too I don't grow  hot peppers a lot but this year we threw some in   doing real well and look at the  sizes potato in a five gallon bucket   look how big this thing is I'm hoping the  whole entire thing is just filled with potatoes   take out the fig tree next to me I'm gonna have  to pull off some of these younger figs to let   some of the bigger ones finish because there's  just so many on it but it's a good sign when your   picture has this many figs on it I want to show  you this hazelnut tree this hazelnut has huge   nuts on it look at this size of these this nice  cluster here look at the cluster over here too and then over here look one reason I think this  the pollination is better this on on other years   because I came out when they were flowering these  things flower like in the winter basically so I   came out in the winter and shook the tree to  make sure it kind of the pollen moved I shook   both trees to make sure that the pollen kind  of well the flowers get pollinated because a   wind pollinated tree nice Stacks up there or  some too so this looks like it's going to be   the best Harvest of the hazelnuts ever pears  doing well a lot of pears on here I did a good   job thinning them though so it shouldn't be too  many it shouldn't break the branches like I've   done in the past and then the persimmon this thing  just is Unstoppable it's always producing so much   fruit it's gotten way bigger over the years but  that's okay because uh it means more fruit on it   let's head over here I want to show you some of  the Cucumbers that are doing really really well just get a nice little overview of how the  garden's doing there's so many birds there's   nests everywhere there's bees this place is just  teeming with life it's it's amazing come this way   I showed you this one before it's a little closer  version of the Apple the Liberty incredible Apple   Tomatoes over here doing fantastic we've got the  Mexican gherkins those just come up on their own   can't even stop them they grow so much and  uh a lot of tomatoes down here look at that tomato harvests are going to be coming  in heavy flowers mixed throughout   more tomatoes and these are some of the biggest  tomatoes in the property back here this spot I   always grow massive Tomatoes this is one of  my favorite locations for the tomato trees   check out this Blackberry right here  one thing you'll notice is look the   blackberries I pruned them down to about two  to four feet in height that's really important   because all your fruit is going to be on the  lateral branches look at all the fruit on this   so when you have these  one-year-old canes right here this isn't where the fruit's gonna be on the  fruit is going to be on the second on the cane   in the second year so you cut it about right here  like I did the other ones it'll encourage lateral   branching and you'll get more fruit check out  the Cucumbers over here there's going to be so   many cucumbers soon Taco's out here the other  day sniffing them finding the little baby cubes   on here and snacking on them but soon there's  going to be so many cucumbers I use the uh   plastic Clips to tie up the Cucumbers too  just to encourage them to grow along the   fence and it looks like the birds are  doing some work with some fertilizer   the heat is here now so that means things like  the cucumbers and zucchinis are going to start   growing out of control and uh I mean the food  is just non-stop that's today's video Growers   thanks for watching we hope you enjoyed it we hope  you got something out of it there's nothing more   than me and talk love then to uh come out here and  just harvest food and show you everything growing   I feel like a kid in a candy shop almost is like  a different kind of sweet I mean everywhere you   turn another snack Another Blessing so it's uh so  much fun to be out here like I mentioned earlier   we want to show you these videos to encourage you  to show you what anyone can have and also to just   you know give you guys some like insight into  into some of the things we're doing back here   and also to like to just encourage you as much  as you can to keep going to don't quit don't ever   quit because you could have this in your backyard  it's not going to happen the first year there's so   many obstacles and so many things to learn when  you first get started But as time progresses   everything you learn it compounds and all the  Investments you make they start paying interest   it's just uh it becomes a beautiful thing and  it's such a fantastic thing to be a part of to   be a part of the Food Forest part of the garden  not to just have a garden but to be a part of the   whole entire thing it's a it's so much fun me and  Tuck wanted to mention to check out the merch the   new summer merch down at we're  real happy with the way it came out we've got the   little California poppy on there Tuck's got his  uh signature down there then we got the little JP   just to let you know I think it looks really  good for like a summer shirt it's got the   nice color to it and it's just a I'm real real  happy with it Me and Tuck also wanted to mention   a thank you to one of our new channel members Amy  Wing thanks for being a part of Team growth thanks   for having your hand in everything we're doing  out here if you want to be part of the team just   hit the joy Now button down low or grab a shirt  or just uh just get growing in general plant one   fruit tree and that's a food Forest maybe not just  yet but it's the start of one Everything grows so   you don't have to do it all in one year you can do  it over a span of years but the important thing is   it just makes you get something in the ground  and get growing so you could get harvesting   I also wanted to check mention to check out some  of the fertilizer down at this   is what we're using to fertilize our garden  we're a couple days away from July 4th so   we've got the bay behind me so some of the  people are getting excited with their boats   that's probably some of the noise you hear in  the background uh we hope you guys enjoyed the   video we hope you got some value out of it and  we just want to thank you for coming along for   the food Forest Journey talking James will  be back to you again for you soon we out!
Channel: The Gardening Channel With James Prigioni
Views: 278,953
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: garden harvest, gardening harvest, harvest, permaculture garden harvest, raised bed, raised bed gardening, raised bed harvest, raised bed garden, apples, James prigioni, permaculture, garden answer, epic gardening, mr beast
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 5sec (1505 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2023
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