Brie Larson Talks Lessons in Chemistry, The Marvels and Her Soulmate Samuel L. Jackson (Extended)

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-Doesn't it feel good? -Yeah, this chair feels great. -It does. And we get to talk about -- -There's just no chair like this. -Oh, I'm so happy. -And I get to talk about myself. -Welcome home! -Come on! -Welcome back. -Thank you. -We got to talk about the projects that you've worked so hard on. -I'm so happy to do that. Are you okay with that? -Oh, yes! [ Cheers and applause ] -Then Let's do it. -Let's do it. Before -- -Okay, okay. What are we gonna do? -Before we get into it, I just -- -Oh, this is important. -I have to talk about -- you have a new person in your life -- a new -- -Well, person. -A person in your life. -I have a Muppet in my life. -You have a Muppet in your life. And I want to know all about... [ Audience "Awws!" ] -Yes. -He is very cute. -He's so cute, and I'm sorry to have kept him from you, but his name is Six-Thirty, and I thought maybe I was breaking the strike if I talked about him. I did not pick his name. He picked it. I just don't have the heart to tell him that it's just totally absurd and inappropriate. -Six-Thirty is his name. -Yes. -How did he pick his name? -Well, he's a rescue and he was very shy when I first got him. We were trying all kinds of different names. My friends were throwing out, like, everything under the sun. And my best friend, who is the food consultant on "Lessons in Chemistry," she saw him and was like, "Oh, my gosh! He's Six-Thirty." And he looked up, and I was like, "Well, that's strange. No." And then we said it again, and I still didn't believe it. And he just only responded to "Six-Thirty." I tried everything. I had four days where I was calling him Dog. I was calling him -- I don't know -- Jeremy, Jimmy, David. -You tried Jimmy, yeah. -I'd be opening the pantry and be like, "Are you flour? Are you salt? Are you black pepper?" I don't know. -Six-Thirty, he turns around. -Mm-hmm. -That's his name. He chose it. -He chose it, so please just respect him when you see him. His vet thinks it's ridiculous, His vet is confused. Yes, the receptionist would go, "You're Six-Thirty's here." And he's like, "It's 2:00. I don't know what that means." -It's very confusing. -Yeah, it's confusing. -Can we talk about "Lessons in Chemistry"? -I'd love to. -By the way, this is great. [ Cheers and applause ] -Thank you so much. -Congratulations on this. You're you're phenomenal in it, but you also produced it. How did you get involved with this? -It was brought to me and it was actually brought to me about two years before the book even came out. -It's a great book. -Yeah, it's a fabulous book. And it took about that long to get it off the ground. But, yeah, they asked me to be a producer, which has just been amazing, because it helps me with somebody -- Like, when I'm playing someone like Elizabeth, who's just such a rich character, it's nice to help build her world and be there from the beginning. And to be totally honest, I've done this -- I've been acting since I was like 7 and I've never really known what a producer does. I'm like, "Yeah, whatever." Actually, they do a lot. -Really, yeah. You learned? -Let me tell you. -You learned. -Yeah, I learned that it's hard. But it was just incredible. We had the most incredible cast and crew, and I'm just happy to finally say like, "Hi, and I love you to everybody who did 'Lessons in Chemistry.'" -Yeah. -You did such a great job. I'm so proud of what we did. -It's phenomenal. Please watch. -Hi, Bonnie! Hi, Lee! -Yes, hi, everyone. Please watch. It's actually -- It's phenomenal. It's well-done, well-shot, everything. The sets, the costume, the wardrobe, the acting. Obviously, it's all good. And I love the book, as well. So congrats on that. -Thank you. -And then we can talk about your giant movie, "The Marvels." "The Marvels" is in theaters today. -Yeah, right now. -This weekend, go see "The Marvels." You're back. -Yes, please do. I'd appreciate if you did. -You back as Captain Marvel. -I'm back, yeah, and I brought some friends this time. -Yeah, you did. You know, gosh, you've been on our show even before you were cast as Captain Marvel, because I remember talking, but I remember how exciting it was, like, "Oh, my gosh, you're Captain Marvel. This is massive." -Yeah, yeah. -And then we just had Iman on the show, who plays Ms. Marvel. -Oh, my heart. -She's so cool and just the coolest kid. I mean, she really is a kid. And she said that you were the first person from the Marvel Universe to call her and congratulate her. -Yeah, I was, I was. Yeah, I just think being a superhero is, like, a weird, specific job. It's just like, who else is going to be like, "And make sure you have extra zippers so you can go to the bathroom"? You know, it's just, like, very strange things. And I felt really lucky, because the first time I played Captain Marvel was on "Avengers," and so I had Scarlett Johansson was the first person who welcomed me, and I got to be there with all of them. -She called you first? -Yeah, yeah. And, so, to have them not just welcome me in, but to also just be like, "You've got this," and answer all my questions, it was just so invaluable. So I just make a point whenever somebody -- When I read that someone's a superhero, I just go like, "If you want info, like, I'm here. I'm not, like, actually Carol Danvers, who's always like, super-busy. Like, I'm fine. Like, you can talk to me." -"You can talk to me about everything." -Yeah, yeah. I'm not always like, "Oh, no, I'm on a control panel. I can't talk." Like, that's her. -Okay, yeah. -Yeah, yeah, yeah. I have a pretty boring life, actually, yeah. -No. I know that you've become close with one of your co-stars, Samuel L. Jackson. -My bestie. -Really? -Yeah, we're best friends. Yeah, soul mates, really. -Yeah. -I know. It's surprising to everybody, including us. -No, but you were telling me backstage that you guys text each other and stuff like that. -Oh, well, yes, of course. I mean, he's really big on emojis. I can say that. And he's also the person that will send me, like, videos of people falling or, like, videos of, like, corgis in inner tubes going down the river, you know? And if I don't respond quick enough, he's like, "Are you okay?" -He's like, "Did you see my funny video? Yeah. Hello?" -"Like, the Dr Pepper, like, went crazy. Are you not enjoying that?" So, yes, he's -- We've done, I think, five movies together, and we're planning our next five. It's just -- Yeah, he's just my favorite. -Good. I'm so happy. -Yeah. I'm his second favorite, so -- -Oh, is that right? -Yeah, yeah. On "The Marvels," actually, there was a moment we were working together, and they're like, "Could you do one more take?" He's like, "Of course, of course. anything for my second-favorite co-star." And I was like, "What do you mean? What are you talking about? Who's your first?" And he was like, "Me." I mean, I can't fight with that. -You can't fight with that. -Yeah, I can't fight with that. -You got to be second to that. He's a good guy. You were saying in some interview I read that you read the script for "The Marvels" and you go, "This is unbelievable." -Oh, yeah, it's bonkers. -"I don't know how you can pull this off." -Yeah. I mean, it's been, like, a while now where I've been like, "I can't believe I have to hold the secret. It's just -- It's absurd." I mean, there's been things every day when we were filming, where I was like, "If my friends only knew what I was doing right now --" I had to learn all new skill sets. There was a lot that -- Yeah, we go to planets that are pretty cool, yeah. -Really? -Yeah, yeah. I think so. I think so. -I think after the first you came on the show and we were talking, and you were like -- I said, "How much time do you spend in wires and floating?" You go, "Ooh, a lot of time." -Oh, well, yeah. -So, you're hung -- I mean, to fly, you have to be on wires and stuff. -I mean, If you think about it, like, if you could fly, you probably would. Like, if I was just, like -- If you're walking from here to here, you're not going to walk over. You're going to levitate over. If you can go 2 inches off of the ground, like, you're going to do it. Which, like, seems like a cool idea, but just to anybody out there who's, like, thinking of becoming a superhero or like you're a superhero, and then, suddenly, you can fly, like, just know it means an eternal wedgie for everything you ever do after that. Like, you just don't think about it. You're like, "Cool! I can fly. Wow!" And you do it one time, you're like, "Peter Pan! Cool!" And then you're like, "Oh, no! Actually, this is so uncomfortable. And now I have to be cool and, like, talk about, like, helping people, but, like, really,, I'm in a full-body plank, and it's just, like --" It's a lot of core strength, folks. It's a lot. It's a lot. And you're just kind of, like, airlifted up and around and you're just, like, holding that, just being like, "We really got to do this. Ugh!" It's like -- So, you know, it's acting is what I'm saying. -Yeah, it's acting. -It's acting. -But I have a couple behind-the-scenes clips that you brought just for us of you in rehearsal. -Oh, I hope they're cool. -Yeah. Well, let's check this first one out here. Let's just... Look at the -- You see the wires here. There's the wires. You walk out to the front yard. "Hey, what's up guys? How you doing?" And whoa! I mean, that's fun. -That is fun. That is fun. -But that's amazing. -Yeah. -But then -- -That's my job, guys. Like, that's my job. -Yeah, that's your job. -So that's wild. -I want to show another one. Here's a clip of you on these wires of acting and fighting. -Action! -Okay. -Look at this. -Fly! Punch, punch! Fly! Land, punch. -I mean, come on! That is a pro. [ Cheers and applause ] -Yeah. -That's a pro right there. -Just like a little burger order. "Fly, punch, punch, land, punch." -"Fly, land, punch." -Yeah, of course. -What do we say about "The Marvels"?, except for -- -What do we say? -Yeah. Well, I know we're not really allowed to say. -I don't think we're allowed to say anything. -You really aren't. -Go see it, please. And then we can talk about it, because until then, I cannot. I've been so excited to talk about this movie. I just love my cast so much in this. Nia DaCosta, our director, is incredible. -Yes! Talk about it. -Yes. Oh, she's just amazing. She's amazing. And I think you're going to get to see just incredible planets and teamwork and just humor and love and friendship. And I'm just really excited about it. So I hope you go see it. -I love having actors on the show talking about their projects. I'm so excited. I want to show a clip. Here's our pal Brie Larson in "The Marvels." Take a look. -Annihilator. -I don't like that name. ♪♪ -♪ Ratata ♪ ♪ Go ratata, ratata ♪ ♪ DJ Skrillex, we be the realest team ♪ ♪ I'm the illest, watch how I kill it ♪ ♪ Watch how I spit it on the mic, feel it ♪ ♪ Y'all can't do what I do, just admit it ♪ ♪ I'm 'bout to get it, money, money, get it ♪ ♪ Drop it to the floor, my face look pretty ♪ ♪ Y'all ain't doin', I done did it ♪ ♪ 'Cause I'm marvelous, fantabulous ♪ ♪ A bad chick, the flow's sick, like oh, oh, ♪ ♪ You know this, I'm too fit to ever quit ♪ ♪ Knockin' these fools out like pool sticks ♪ -Friends of yours? -Hi. -♪ Like a pound of bricks ♪ ♪ It go up jump the boogie to the bang-bang, ha ♪ ♪ This the kind of beat that to ratata ♪ -Ooh! Come on! [ Cheers and applause ] Brie Larson, everyone. "The Marvels" is in theaters now. Brie and I are doing something fun after the break. Stick around. Come on back.
Channel: The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
Views: 412,781
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tonight show, jimmy fallon, NBC, NBC TV, Television, Funny, Talk Show, comedic, humor, snl, tonight, show, jokes, funny video, interview, variety, comedy sketches, talent, celebrities, video, clip, highlight, Brie Larson, producing, AppleTV + series, Lessons in Chemistry, congratulating, Iman Vellani, role, Ms. Marvel, Captain Marvel, The Marvels, Lessons, Chemistry, Soulmate, Samuel L. Jackson, Marvel, Avengers, Room, Short Term 12, Captain Marvel 2, Captain Marvel II, Iron Man, Captain America
Id: sS3e6tkYvFE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 50sec (590 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 11 2023
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