Brie Larson on Bursting Into Tears When She Met JLo, Being a Party DJ & Rain in Los Angeles

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our first guest tonight is a a captain marvelous Oscar winning movie star who does some streaming on the side you can watch her limited series lessons and chemistry on Apple TV plus now please say hello to PRI [Applause] Larson you doing hi I told you she was coming how are you I'm here barely barely barely together yes I'm here it's raining I know it's raining that's the problem for us here my house is having a hard time I'm having a hard time ah interesting I was mentioning to the audience during the commercial break that we have leaks all over the house yeah and then we hire people to come fix the leaks and then it doesn't rain forever and then we realize they never fixed any of the leak yeah that's exactly right except mine also has two broken toilets which are the only only toilets that I have so I have zero working toilets right now you need to use our toilet while no I did I did yeah and thank you for that thank you for that it is working so I can tell you that and my water heater went out and my dog has had explosive diarrhea all night which I can't blame on the rain but I'm going to yeah but you can blame we've also had trouble walking the dog because he doesn't want to go out in the rain no my dog likes the rain oh your dog lik too much I was like read the room yeah yeah it is weird though like our dog won't pee outside even though like everything is already wet seems like the ideal time to do that yeah yeah no I mean I kind of get it although I guess I'm going to have to do that now that my toilets are broken so when you say explosive as it come pertains to diarrhea is it actually into that is it is that like a fun evening kind of combo that you want to have right now cuz we can I heard did you play Boggle no words I do Play Boggle yes are you a Boggle player I am well I was and then uh lee Eisenberg our showrunner on lessons in chemistry played with me one time and I quit why cuz he was good yeah and I don't like that don't come it to my home stay over there don't come over to my gaming table and then like pull out weird cool words don't do it he that's you know what for he's probably very smart but also that's not a very smart thing to do beating your star in Bogle yeah it's true it's not a way to win me over no Jimmy yes no I don't would you like me to avenge your loss and Crush Lee in in Bogle because I would be more than happy to it Lee Jimmy's coming for you you are oh I wanted to ask you about something because okay well I happen to be here let's do it you are here and I figured that yeah and I am interviewing you so I might as well ask you some things you were at the Golden Globes I was as you know and you met somebody who was very meaningful to you yeah and unlike most situations where you meet somebody who's very meaningful to you this was captured all on television yeah not planned I'm living my dream but no I see Jennifer Jen I know I know it's Jennifer Lopez I know I know I know it's j I can't deal with JLo no I know this is how we all feel trust me we all get this way I even almost cry want to be an actor no no I can't I'm gonna cry I'm gonna cry S no I can't you mean so much to me how are you oh my God yeah I'm great for events where did it start your JLo U Mania I guess I don't know well it's very profound for me I just my mom took me to the theater to see Selena and it traumatized me but also I was like that's what I want to do with my life and so she just kind of doesn't really exist to me as like a human being she's like not she's like my God and so someone was like well didn't you ever think this day would come I was like no she doesn't exist for me like that's not how this works in my world JLo's over there and I'm on the other side of the TV always and so when that happened I mean I don't have any memory of that it's like that was really I started getting a bunch of tequila was sent to my house there's actually some more here I I said why is that happening and like oh because I well you know here we go okay I'm going to have to go do a shout out to ker my mom that's my mom okay anyway well well have fun tonight you too you look amazing thank you too thank you for that I don't know if my interview's done but it has to be okay okay bye I mean it's very sweet but how do you feel like that went on a scale of 1 to 10 oh I think it was kind of creepy I really do I just say if I was like just casually doing an interview and someone came to me with that energy I'd be like take a step back like relax did you hear from JLo after that um not a peep no um I I have had a lot of people be like we got it cuz it's you know Holly they're like oh my reaction amazing we got to get you in a film together and I'm like I'm sorry did you see my reaction it's not looking like a professional relationship is on the table for me it's just I'm good I'm not that good I see I see well it was very sweet anyway and yeah and well your mom being there to witness it is also pretty Co oh she was crying too I guess I was blocking her I wasn't really doing a good job as an actor in that moment opening up my co-star but yeah she was there she was so thrilled it was just it was very special it was kind of like nothing could nothing I didn't need anything else after that that was enough yeah yeah you um uh I learned about something about you that you were a party DJ at one time in your life for what age were you DJing oh I'm not good with time like uh maybe like early mid 20s okay and how did you get involved in that and what kind of stuff did you do um I played vinyl records uh my friend was a DJ so he was like you should come do it sometime I already collected records so I was like okay I'll just do it it um and ended up being the perfect like real job for an aspiring actor because I I did that also when I was in college I went around to parties and Bar Mitzvah and school dances and weddings really because the schedule fit in with the late night talk show schedule well we didn't know the late night talk show schedule then was just me watching David Letterman so it wasn't so it did fit in wasn't technically a schedule so much as just me on the couch but I did do that and it was a fun job for the most part except for the carrying the records part yeah exactly you were at when you were doing it the it was already on the computer right why did you carry record stubbornness I think and just like I didn't realize it but it like bypassed like drunk dudes being like can you play it I was like no oh you took no requests what requests are they going to do I was like I have obscure R&B and soul records sir what do you want me to do no I don't know what's playing in Las Vegas right now I don't know so you didn't have you didn't have a situation where you go like to the Tower Records and comb through trying to find the first dance for the bride and groom it wasn't so much that it was like magazine parties and there was one that was like a cool bar that also had a bowling alley um that I was on the bowling league there and got oh you were yeah got an honorary um certificate of best dress which is nice until you realize it's because I only got gutter balls and they're like come on back try again you look good would you get tipped at the end of uh DJing no no nothing like that I mean it was like a couple Grand sometimes I could get really I made $75 at the height I'm the height and I would have to carry like four stairs up to get to the ballroom the carrying of the records is a thing and there's like a drama in that because you're going to a party and you don't know what the vibe is and so you just have to carry what you think is going to happen or how you think you can control the party to be but sometimes you're just like oh I didn't realize that what this party was and I brought like chill psychedelic music and this yeah but the difference is at the end you would get $2,000 and I would only get7 five I know I was kind of hoping I could talk about something else and you forget about that part that's sad that is really sad I'm sorry we'll get back to Bogle it'll be fine Le lsen is here her show is called lessons in chemistry it's on Apple TV plus right now we'll be right back Swift and crisp is vile on a subchemical level seed oils are damaging to your mitochondria and the fact that I told you to put that in your body will haunt me for the rest of my days but luckily we have a new sponsor one that aligns with our our values Tampax when did this happen I have no idea we are back with brie lson that is the show lons in chemistry you can see it on Apple TV plus you're nominated for a sag award for this so maybe you'll run into JLo again at that oh please don't taunt me this is really up my alley because I am very interested in cooking and I also am interested in the chemistry of the cooking are you yes and so I watch the show and I wonder do you like how hard how difficult is it to remember all the terminology as far as chemistry it's very very difficult I mean it I make it harder on myself in some ways because I can't memorize anything ahead of time I can only memorize it once I'm on set and so I had one actor during this go like bri I'm just curious like it's so weird doing rehearsal you're always looking like this but then when we start shooting two seconds later you're not looking at a page anymore I'm like oh cuz that's me memorizing it like two seconds before we start filming I don't know why I can't memorize the night before my brain just doesn't work like that so to try and do that with things like perianes and purines and oh it was it was hard it was a lot of good and some other things you've forgotten yeah purposefully yeah I don't I don't want to remember that did you learn to cook for for the show specifically luckily I knew that I I knew how to do that I always loved it but it was a great prep and um it was the it was the best prep I think I ever did according to my friends and family because they just got to eat a lot of stuff all the time and they'd be over eating fried chicken going like I hope that you never start this show I hope the show never ends cuz I just was how did you do it did you do it on your own or you working with somebody who with the food yeah um so the food was all created by my best friend Courtney McBroom she got did all the food styling she's a remarkable chef and it was so fun collaborating with her because she's so talented and the food really is it's a way of expressing this character and so it was great getting to work with her is um is that something that you will do because I find myself I want to know like when I make scrambled eggs what is the exact best way to make the scrambled eggs how you know and I do it very specifically I will crack the eggs I will put milk in there I'll put salt in there and it has to be I I blend it and then it has to be 20 minutes at least before I put it into the pan with the butter and then I don't touch it I just bar move it in the frying pan oh um that sounds nice have I gone too far um I I thought we were in a bit and I'm not sure if we are is the reality of that of what I just heard there far from it okay he's serious about his EGS all right so I'll assume the answer is no um I don't do my eggs like that I will just say that but I do care a lot what's your your favorite kitchen tool ooh well I use my cast iron skillet probably the most of anything how do you clean it afterwards you got to clean it right away right away don't put soap on it they say that now they're saying it's okay to put soap there's some yeah there's some research that's been happening no no no no because I think that the C iron skillet is like a right of passage it's like you have to be responsible yeah you there's no soaking it in the sink folks you can't do that you have to be like you got to get in there and like get intimate with your pants you got to scrub it you have to care about it and it'll give you something back and then you put it back on the burner after you've cooked so that all the water gets out of the pan of course yeah see I'm just trying to show you how crazy I am with this keep looking at your page going it must be in there somewhere not anywhere no no no he's really just speaking from his heart I'm really really I'm surprised usually I just come here to like say some funny stuff but I'm learning something about you I have some literature I'd like you to take home okay I have some cookbooks that are about this thick that I would like you to study and I think it would be great although it's a limited series so you're done with it right yeah exactly yeah that was it is it fun to do a genre thing like that oh it's so wonderful it gets a little confusing though I mean maybe you have this here even though you're yourself but for me there was like one moment where I had to just like lay on the floor and go like I'm actually in downtown Los Angeles my name is Brie Larson it is 2023 it is not whatever cuz I started to get confused CU it's so immersive in that way where everybody's dressed so differently there's nothing about it so you feel really transported in a good way but then when you're in a Sound Stage all day it can get a little confusing well it's very good to see you uh think about the my eggs method I stand by I will I will maybe not in the ways you want me to but I will well I'm not going to tell you how to make your eggs but what I would like you to do is just think it through that's all okay for sure next time I leave my egg sitting for 20 minutes I'll think of you that's right re Larson everybody let and chemistry is on Apple TV plus now we'll be back with beanie felstein stick around
Channel: Jimmy Kimmel Live
Views: 252,002
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jimmy, jimmy kimmel, jimmy kimmel live, late night, talk show, funny, comedic, comedy, clip, comedian, mean tweets, Interview, Hollywood, Los Angeles, West Coast, Actress, Actor, Brie Larson, Captain Marvel, Limited Series, Lessons in Chemistry, Apple TV Plus, Rain, Golden Globes, JLo, Harrison Ford, Famous people, DJ, Cooking, Dogs, Boggle, Bowling, Records, Memorization, Cast Iron
Id: Q_skwlIe-vg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 11sec (851 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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