Bridgestone Ultra Heavy Duty Motorcycle Tubes

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hello everyone I am chase here at Rocky Mountain atv/mc coming at you with the ultra heavy-duty tubes from Bridgestone [Music] hello ladies and gentlemen today we are taking a closer look at the ultra heavy-duty tubes coming from Bridgestone now there's no secret that most riders not I'm not saying everybody but most riders out there when they're tube shopping for the motorcycle they tend to just go with the most affordable option they get the cheapest tube that is out there now I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with an affordable tube or paying a low price however I do believe that when it comes to tubes that you do get what you pay for and not all tubes are created equal now if you're anything like me when you're out riding you're having a good time the last thing you want to worry about is getting a flat or having to change a tire so if you fall into that category well these tubes are a really good solution these are especially popular for off-road racers for desert riders just because when you're in those you know that type of terrain that rough nasty or rocky terrain and you're at those higher speeds you got to have the confidence in the peace of mind that your tires gonna hold up you're not gonna get that flat because you got to make it to the finish line so these are really been around a long time they're tried-and-true we've been using them for years and we have really just had awesome results we've used them in our dirt bikes our off-road bikes dual sport adventure bikes touring you name it and they have always been awesome now actually I can tell you from my personal experience I've actually had one of these for years in my rear tire okay it got to the point where I just felt bad for the tube so I took it out put a new one in there even though it's still perfectly good and I just have that one as a backup in case I were to need it but overall these things are awesome now let's talk about what makes them so good so just like the name says ultra heavy-duty tubes and what makes them heavy-duty is gonna be in the thickness okay these are gonna be four millimeters thick so it's a lot thick now it doesn't sound like a lot but you got to remember your standard motorcycle tubes are gonna be between about one and two millimeters in fact I've got a couple pieces here that I cut out from tubes so here well actually I'll show you this one first now these tubes are different sizes so disregard the diameters of the tubes I actually just want to demonstrate their thicknesses here's your standard tube okay between one and two millimeters when you compare that to the ultra heavy-duty you can see just how much thicker so you're literally doubling the thickness of your tube and the nice thing about having that thicker tube it's just gonna allow it to flex a little bit more you can squish it you don't have to wear nearly as much about getting a pinch flat but also remember that just because a tube says heavy-duty and it's thicker doesn't mean it's gonna be necessarily the best tube that is out there you also got to remember rubber quality so with Bridgestone that's something that they're known for is they use a natural rubber so it's a very high quality rubber and that really just adds to the durability along with that four millimeter thickness now aside from having that thicker tube okay and the durability factor there's also some really good benefits to having these installed in the first is that well you're gonna be able to run a standard or a lower psi even in those rougher nastier terrains so it's gonna help you get the traction in the handling that you're looking for a lot of riders what they'll do is they'll have a standard tube in their bike and if they're gonna be in a real nasty terrain they'll actually just pump it up and get a lot of PSI in there You've nothing wrong with that however having your tires with a lot of PSI makes them harder so they might deflect more just gonna make for a rougher ride and really you gotta remember your tires are a part of your suspension for your motorcycle so having you know the right amount of psi in there is really gonna help out when it comes to control and also feel on the bike now if you're strictly after just flat prevention and that's what you're looking for well from an ultra heavy-duty tube your next best bet is probably gonna be a moose insert and we've used moose - inserts here at Rocky Mountain for a lot of years and they do awesome but there's still some advantages in my eyes that the ultra heavy-duty tube is gonna have over a moose so first and foremost gonna be with price okay these are gonna be a lot a lot more affordable option the others with install okay moose is if you ever installed one of those it can be pretty difficult especially if you don't have a lot of experience the right tools doing it these are gonna solve just like a regular standard tube in fact some people actually argue that these install a little bit easier than a standard tube just because the thicker rubber when you put a little bit air in this it just helps it hold its shape a little bit better so it's not gonna bunch up as much when you put it inside the tire and also the other advantage is you're not gonna get the feel that you would get with the moose insert some riders don't like to feel the Moose insert they say it feels kind of dead they're not really used to it well running one of these you're not gonna sacrifice feel with your tires because like I mentioned earlier you can run just a standard psi or even lower if you want to now the last advantage I do want to touch on that I feel the ultra heavy duty has over a moose insert it's just gonna be at the weight savings okay moose it's or is gonna be heavier than an ultra heavy duty tube now speaking of weight that is a question that gets brought up often is what is it difference in weight between one of these and just a standard tube well I did some of the work for you now no doubt ultra heavy duty is gonna be heavier so I went and weighed a 19-inch rear and also a standard 19 inch rear came in at 3.6 pounds or as a standard tube came in at 1.4 so you are gonna be adding a little bit of weight and honestly that's the only disadvantage in my opinion that you're getting by going to the ultra heavy duty tubes but honestly that extra weight I have never noticed it I've never felt it when I have these installed in the front and also the rear when I'm riding and I will gladly take a couple extra pounds on my motorcycle versus not having that peace of mind then I'm not gonna get a flat and I'm gonna have to change a tire possibly so again if you're in that same boat and that's what you're looking for these are gonna be an awesome solution and there they are those are the ultra heavy-duty tubes coming from Bridgestone we have these in multiple sizes for the front or for the front and the rear of your motorcycle you guys have any questions about these comment below give us a call or chat live online we will get your questions answered and it pick yours up it's real simple you can click on the link or just head over to our website at Rocky Mountain atv/mc calm and do not forget that Bridgestone they have a full lineup of tubes they have the ultra heavy duty they also have just a heavy duty and also a standard all are gonna be made from the same quality rubber but if you want to save a little bit of weight you can check out those options as well remember guys that orders over $75 ship free and if you like this product spotlight video you'd like to see more like it well click Subscribe and that it's gonna keep you up to date I'm chasing Rocky Mountain and we'll see on the trails [Music]
Channel: Rocky Mountain ATV MC
Views: 6,822
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Rocky Mountain ATV/MC, rmatv, rmatvmc, atv/mc, atvmc, motocross, rockymountain, dirt bike, motorcycle, parts, accessories, rocky, mountain
Id: PbrAm3seCGI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 7sec (367 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 19 2018
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