*BRIDGE TO TERABITHIA* made me CRY SO MUCH! | First Time Watching Movie Reaction

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never fails never fails I sit down to make a video and all the noise just happens outside the window so what happens when you live next to a railroad track and a fire station welcome to my channel and today we're going to be watching a kids movie from the mid 2000s yes I am over 30 why do you ask it's one of those movies that somebody suggested to me and I never saw it as a kid because when it came out I was a teenager I was in high school and you're kind of like I'm not going to watch some liveaction kids movie I'm going to go watch cool guy stuff like totally baked and Epic movie because I'm a teenager if you're wondering yes I did have to Google 2007 movies cuz I couldn't remember a single one it was a great year for video games though Mass Effect started Halo 3 came out years of war was like a year before but whatever point is was a good year for teenage me not not romantically of course I mean you know I was a pretty big why am I talking about this let's go aad and get into the movie This Is The Bridge to Terabithia oh yeah I feel like I should say I have no idea what this movie is about like none I know the uh the the the guy from Hunger Games is in it that's about it I don't know plot I didn't read any plot synopsis or anything is this like a thing where he draws stuff and it comes to life or something that's what I'm inferring from the opening credits here I'm sorry but I will not send any child of mine to school looking like some hobo there's a perfectly good old pair of brendes that I put out for you oh my God I was about to say just grab a marker and but yeah just color them color the pink part the pink ones black pink pink pink Parts Black Jesus Christ oh it's going to wash off okay that's enough what a know what that is my loser detector he hit me you're dead me Scott hoger and Gary fure be quiet I hope those two kids die and the girl on the bus I doubt it will happen but I hope they die a dollar um no then you're going to have to use your pants what's your problem you got the backwards freak you got the problem you're calling her a freak with those bangs hey new girl this is just for guys I'm talking to you matter hogre f girl's going to beat you you can do it the Power of Pink Shoes oh wow woke I'm doing my algebra girls are going to have to start helping out a lot more here how that race go there's this new girl moved to next door should beat all of the boys even Jess get the belts does he have a crush on Zoe deel see why can't they be friends yeah self-contained underwater breathing apparatus by Leslie Burke Leslie why don't you read it for us oh now the super smart girl is going to be annoyed her all the kids in this movie outside of the main characters are dicks right we a school of silverfish weight as I swim through the water bubbles burst for me wobbles like little jellyfish as they rise are they going to be like a writing Duo she writes the stories and like he can illustrate them cuz he can like see that hair Vision you can pick something else to write about yeah like how to live in a cave that's enough Mr hoger also he was chewing gum in class uh monster mouth or whatever they called you you should get him attention oh that looks like Dustin from stranger things right there the kid in the red hat I was like wait is that him but it's 2007 no way it would be him you likey to have a sister yeah I got four of them and I trade them all for a good dog I'd love to have a dog there's my dog you ever see any sharks while you're scuba or whatever I've never gone scuba diving my whole life you lied in your essay no I made it up yeah she'll be a writer he can be an illustrator and they'll make a series of books wow I mean as a kid I would see that immediately do it but as an adult I'm like nervous it's going to break nervous is going to break we need a place just for us oh she's already talking about marriage we've known each other for like two days now it's going to break oh Leslie nope Leslie she's in the Enchanted Kingdom we shouldn't be in here this isn't our land not so loud they'll hear you what are you talking about oh is that what this is it's just going to be like a big make believe thing look this yeah because he he can actually like see stuff when she explains like the story so he's probably overactive imagination I don't know this game what game this is for Real she's committed this is the ruins left great Fortress that's an awesome Treehouse too it's got multiple layers I admit this movie is making me a little nostalgic for my childhood just going outside and having an adventure just a fantasy you just find a weird tree and it's suddenly like uh a sacred tree you know so the bullies are going to find this treehouse of theirs and like totally destroyed at some point in the movie right oh sooss are you okay what the problem Jess eron tripped me on purpose okay erens hit the road wow God I hate kid bullies because I want to hit them but I can't where's your dad work at home same as my Mom they're Riders oh that's where she gets her her um yeah that explains her you know a lot about Hardware no why well your dad works at a hardware store all I'm saying is that you are who you are not your parents okay fine sorry I compared you what's that attack there no grenades here come on Boom the squirrels are attacking again this makes me so nostalgic just something would happen and it's like a whole different thing you know oh okay now we're in their imagination what do we call this place Terabithia [Music] Terabithia I bet nobody was able to guess that I heard it was your birthday yesterday uh she got him like yeah wow that's [Music] crazy then com a baby in it I forget then comes the baby in a something Carriage how does this song go I haven't heard it in like years you think that tree just fell all by itself come on when the dark master saw that the sers w scaring us away he sent a giant troll uhoh how big go on get out of here and don't come back what is that thing it's not a raccoon it's not a badger kind of looks like a raccoon Badger a rager this is not one of your cartoons or whatever this is just a pest that eats up our food money we earn and time we don't have okay now get your head out of the clouds and do as I say okay night sweetheart sweet dreams lights out Jess night Dad oh we slay the giant troll after school today youve got your head in the clouds Leslie huh there is no giant troll right oh yeah there it goes his imagination powers are gone because his dad disapproves and he wants dad to love him J so my twinky what I tell you may you should have kept your mouth shut she's over there what are you going to do about it she makes you p PE slay the troll slay the troll slay the troll fre the PE the fre the God I mean it's sweet but it's a little it's one of those things where it's just like uh I get secondhand cringe kind of what Twinkies Twinkie no I get kicked out of school for fighting a girl what's that going to prove she's so my twinky slay the troll slay the troll child bullies in like movies like this are always so like extreme to the point where I do want them to die I want them to suffer he's for me yeah he just took a giant pee all over my sweatshir wow Jess thank you that was the worst hug I've ever seen in a movie nice feet ah yeah that's what she said to her it's going to look just like uh whatever her face that's it that's it sweet spot ticklish they're not going to try that on the actual girl though right try and tickle her toes she got a crush on coolest boy in eighth grade is probably Willard Hughes that's it what's it okay right dear Janice oh you know if we get caught they're both going to kill us oh God she deserves it but I'm going to be so annoying Willard Hughes is going to ride Janice home today what happened didn't will know he's totally in love with [Laughter] you no I'm not going to feel bad you get what you deserve you want to go yeah I want to come you can't it's a free country well not anymore Leslie tells me you're good with a paintbrush why don't you grab one and get going you know lady I got to talk to you about child labor laws oh what a real family cuz she even gave him popcorn and he tried to take popcorn earlier from his sister and she kicked him symbolism or I guess not a real family but a loving family jez don't let those other kids get in your way I mean yeah I could stop them because I'm the teacher but I just saw it I didn't do anything about it she's going to bash him over the head with the guitar isn't she just bam oh damn it that would been great okay movie you're going to make me feel bad for the bully but still so why gets mad at me pretty much all the time he hits her oh well I didn't expect this m to have parental abuse see that's something you won't seen a modern Disney movie now characters going to church that's right H je godamn in hell if you don't believe in the Bible Well there it is get my drill out of the greenhouse where I my keys what my keys you never gave them back to me why don't you just draw me some damn money to pay for it how about that make yourself useful and draw me some damn money I said I'll find them yeah I know where your Dad's keys are you do you know the bells we talked about Mak oh my God I thought like the the animal came back in and took them and that would be like oh really bad how's the dog going to get across wa look how high it got get your head out of the cloud okay you can't just cut how' the dog get across see I kind of want to see what's really happening cuz like are they just on the ground like doing this they should really release alternate Cuts like that that'd be funny okay yeah sure why not I mean yeah childhood see like this is like super Charming to me and super nostalgic especially cuz we had like a creek around where I grew up like a little wooded area and we would go in there all the time and just make believe the dragon flies great now there's three of us wow now we're even eat your heart out Lord of the Rings what the hell the troll saved him again when I see this stuff I'm like what does it really look like did he really fall or what cuz I'm like oh hey I was right it does look like her USA USA this movie was back when you were allowed to love America what a crazy time that was huh actually being allowed to like the country you live in and not be shamed for it it's crazy oh okay I guess he keeps the jog in his jacket and that's how they get across and that's when he realized he was in [Music] love maybe I'll go draw me a a a loving father father how about that buya Kasha forget something someone no I'm I'm good I mean it's you get a one on one little field trip with your the hot teacher uh into the city I mean we've all seen those news articles I know I'm corrupting a pure and innocent relationship between a teacher and a student but it's funny you like it yeah it's Bal it's one of my oh that makes sense why she would take him to the museum cuz he likes to paint never mind never mind I'm just stupid wow it's amazing how much details put into it yeah well nowadays you just tape a banana to a wall and it's art M like yours wide open you could create A Whole New World they did is he going to take her to Terabithia Terabithia asked you it wasn't like a they thought you were dead Brenda hush your friend Leslie is dead she drowned in a creek this morning apparently she tried to swing across on a rope and it broke no you're lying she's not even dead you're lying Jess what the Disney you must be Jess God damn it Jess don't do this to me not some stupid kids7 is going to make me cry you you know okay never had much luck making friends at her old school why am I crying so much she said if it wasn't for you just you're the best friend she's ever had I want to thank you for that off Jess next time we should invite Leslie to go oh yeah he feels so guilty about that probably now so looks like the fastest kid in the class now huh oh kick his ass a joke dude yes kick it yes kick his ass [ __ ] you you do it again when my husband died people kept telling me not to cry why is it like not stopping for me kept trying to help me to forget but I didn't want to forget stop it so I realize that if it's hard for me how much harder it must be for you seriously what the actual why does this movie make me cry so much I don't get it H where can I turn my man card for crying so much in this movie kick their ass for him Janice oh [ __ ] she did yeah dead meat dead meat get Ginger oh it's not real it's not real let's just help me I can't get across oh this is our place I said go home oh jeez what are you doing oh it's his dad his dad's the dark master is like the B says is she going to hell oh Jesus Christ what the Disney he's not going to send that little girl to hell then I'm going to help because it's all my fault I wasn't there to go with her it's my fault she brought you something special when she gamer didn't she Jesus it won't stop I've never wanted a movie to end more in my life she's in your hands now see Leslie he has good at Hardware after all he's going to Build a Bridge to Terabithia how joyy a secret between you and me she's nothing but a baby you're right and she's not ready to be a princess yet you'd have to train her and stuff princess who gets to be the princess I should probably praise it but this little girl's acting has been on point like she very [Music] believable wow wow some 12y old can make a bridge faster than California can put up a public toilet [Music] so what do you think I do like that code of arms he did a sword and a [Music] pencil oh yeah let with a Miley Cyrus song to that emotional ending yeah makes sense Disney when this movie came out in 2007 I was 16 and if you told me then that I would watch it in my 30s and it would destroy me for like 30 minutes straight I probably would have flipped you off and called you a loser and ran away what the Disney when I was younger I didn't really have a whole lot of empathy I think you you gain more empathy as you get older or at least I did so I don't know maybe watching this as an adult made it connect to me a lot more cuz I I remember my own childhood running around with friends in a forest and creating Adventures for ourselves just on our neighborhood or KAC see the movie lulled me into a false sense of security because of that so I was like oh nice little Feelgood I'm feeling so nice like my childhood I remember these times the whole oh make sure you're home when the street lights come on mentality that we had back then in the '90s and then it just does that your friend Leslie's dead what I never lost a friend thankfully um I can imagine this movie hits a lot harder for people that did like again I was like 20 minutes straight I just was destroyed I can't imagine what it's like for people that went through something like that Jesus I it's hard for me to find something else to say because it's just there's just an emotional punch in the last Act of the movie that's hard to that kind of like envelops everything that you just watched and everything you just watched beforehand was you know it was nice I mean the bullies they were annoying but they got what they deserve but it was it was nice it was heartwarming it was charming and then it just destroys you why not I guess you know what I liked it I don't know if I'll ever watch it again because I don't know if I want to want to cry a lot and I have a insane headache right now because of that so thank you Disney well that was Bridge to Terabithia what did you guys think of it did you cry as much as I did or am I a little [ __ ] for crying have much let me know down in the comments you can support my channel over on patreon where you get access to polls Early Access full length and be able to tell me what other movies or TV shows I react to in the future but till next time that's it
Channel: Jason Jeffory
Views: 1,619
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: first time watching, movie commentary, jason jeffory, reaction, movie reaction, blind wave, blindwave, natalie gold, normies, react, disney reaction, disney movie, disney, bridge to terabithia, bridge to terabithia reaction, terabithia, first time watching bridge to terabithia
Id: pYORhot1NQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 44sec (1484 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2024
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