Bridal Intimacy - Brian Guerin

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oh I just really think something intimate - is gonna hit the house I can feel these like different swirls how many you know Jesus is the fullness of all things perfect and beautiful he's everything the the voice of many waters he's whatever you need in any given time he'll just flash this way and it's intimacy bridegroom flash this way Lord mighty in battle friend lover Savior shepherd but a Holy Spirit comforter father interested of days man is amazing but uh so yeah but oh no I was remembering but just God never shared this publicly but recently something kind of wild happened and in love what Josh was mentioning I love him dearly Brett and again all the volunteers just want to honor you if you could just give it up everybody there over the top [Applause] couldn't have done it without so you guys are incredible and but you know you do see some wild stuff I just just just Jesus I love him you know and but not long ago earlier this year I was in Orlando and with Christ for all nations a dear friend I'm Daniel kolenda oh man how did this get up here did somebody just bring this here you're kidding me Wow how did I not see you what was I here whoa thank you so much that's wild man the Lord like made you invisible but the yeah Orlando Cresswell nation dear dear friend Daniel kolenda utmost excellent man the lover of Jesus this guy you see him with the masses but also watching behind doors family man character give you the shirt off of his back you know I just love to honor these guys and so we're there and sorry for the sniffling camera guys are like that recording shop no you guys are amazing but uh in prayer leading up to is a school of evangelism you know and I had seen this whole thing with the ribs and uh and I knew there's something with the bridal realm and intimacy and just marriage in Jesus you know which you know I won't go into here but obviously the name of our ministry was birthed from a lot of experiences that are really the highest height to me the deepest core who we really in a trauma body and just how really Jesus met Hammond and so encounters along the way to me this is just to me you know you can theologically hit it from different slants but Jesus Christ obviously utmost highest point in all of life to love him but even from the realm of the bridegroom no match in it and it just had seen him in different facets through life and how many you know this whole thing really this whole book is really a love journey culminating to the Vic go to the very end from from the start to finish as Jesus threaded all the way through man we crucified before crucified before the foundations of the earth I should have known men duh anyway it ends skip to the end and it says it says the spirit and the bride say come this whole thing's culminating meant to this bridegroom King and itself just been so graced man by the grace of God I really didn't know what I was doing still dummy yeah we just do we just love Jesus and do our best but I gotta get off of this man you know several times it just reacted me forever and so super funny you know we're so the name of the ministry bridal glory a manifesto president but that brought her up anyway is some of you heard the storms an airport once and I was upgrading on a flight and the I was I gave the lady the ministry card and I know some a couple people I think already diamonds or something appeared so just if you see things you got a look you know I'm just saying you won't realize sometimes gold will start appearing I know in Atlanta that it was all over people started it's just Jesus his glorious presence and signs and wonders follow the Apostolic to its a cynic but anyway but why I say that is because there's usually Covenant promises released in them when the Lord starts releasing signs his voice is embedded within them and so but I'm upgrading on this flight and she sees the Ministry card broader glory international she's like oh no way so do you watch that show say yes to the dress I guess about like bridal gowns or something like this and I was like I'll say oh no ma'am is it is it good she's like it's amazing you know I said ah man thanks so much and uh but uh just loving Jesus well but it was it makes sense now because in the end just now in the hotel room you know it was some of these dimensions are coming back to me and I just remembered never shared this publicly we were just up there soé and and you can't always you know how many of you know you can share things but if the law is not that the the now season TJ you heard that man it really had a was it Ecclesiastes yeah three 7tj had this super profound prophetic word about seasons and maybe he'll better share it later during the testimony there's something like that and the Lord really starting to recalibrate people and lock them into the current season there it really in and but but when it's a now time and the Lord's really in something he can move and you can share it so that's why I don't always do this but so II saw this and baguette in my session was early on the week it's all week long school of evangelism so I was sharing some prophetic things I had seen and one of them was this ribs and this whole bridal realm in the marriage or whatever and Daniel looks at me after we go on the groom he's like bro did you have any idea where actually first ever in all of SI phan history and school of evangelism were hosting a wedding this week in the school of marriage right here and in saga so I was picking up on prophetically I said no way that's that's amazing and so it's so funny you got to see I don't know where these pictures would be at but it's like none of us knew and it was students prior that wanted to get married in the school of evangelism that's how they met this whole profound thing it's so cool but it was a prophetic deal also and Daniel ran with it was really powerful so we're like what are the guys side I know the the women are called the bridesmaids but what are the guys called groomsmen yes so like you got a picture of this me like Todd white where the groomsmen and like I forget a couple other guys they're like just normal clothes but you were just dressing for school week you know Todd's got his toe shoes his finger toes shoes on and we're like just sitting there for the pictures they got like the whole set up and we're just gonna you know and but there it is the Lord was just reminding me of this but somebody took a random shot a picture of this you know if you may even be here but they sent it into our ministry and they're legit and the strangest things I'd seen the prophetic word not only to be released which I believes gonna hit in a fresh way tonight but also it played out of the natural with the real mayors that we then were like included and Daniel married then we were like the set up in some literally sitting in the lineup as the groomsmen yep and I'm like not being very I guess I'm supposed to pose or something but I just whatever I'm sitting there and I think I had my normal thumb in my pocket like this and somebody took a picture from out in the with the students and you can see it will have to well we probably won't because it's more intimate thing I don't wouldn't share a lot of this stuff publicly but in the photo captured you can see and I'm sitting there and I have a wedding ring on yeah and in some of you know that go way back when the Lord came once he put her wedding ring on me it rocked my world man I've not had encounters quite ever like that I was I was literally you know in I know a lot of us if we're on especially guys were like hold on man like Lord mighty in battle you know what I mean arrows the Quivers and the children and then and and I get it trust me I'm about as manly I like to just fish and you know I don't it's not a feminine masculine thing at all there's not even a marriage in heaven like with like we know but the covenant realm of intimacy that hits that dimension is just you don't have words for it so but I'll never forget very possessive like I own you as my bride very love but passionate possessive II snuck up on me one morning fourth wash I'm waiting up on my headboard it he came in from the right I don't know how often he does man and put a ring on me you know I'm telling you got hit with such power I was flopping in my bed like a fish out of water like I'd got shot with two taser guns and I'm serious there was such glory ecstasy but power couldn't handle a village and it operate happens tonight man it yeah will forever brand you you just can't ever look at him the same you internally it's like it just really ruins you forever and but oh but you know I forget there's been a couple times but I think that was the same day I was still this is pre ministry I was still overseeing new construction project manager and we built custom homes for years it was such a real encounter I was out had to go out with a natural that day oversee projects I'm talking to subcontractors to set the other and I'll never forget the painter Gerald he was awesome he ran his crew he's talking to me you know I could still feel a physical ring on my finger you could feel it the wedding the wedding man and I'm sitting there trying to listen to this gum like this is crazy you know we can tangibly feel something on your in nothing's there you know I'm not hearing a word he's saying like me like most of the day I could feel it tangibly on my finger I know this is a little out there for some of you but I mean just start reading the Bible you know burning bushes blinding lights and then the Lord's really wild so it's really interesting something that brought a realm overlapped when we were just an SOE and it got caught on photo supernaturally uh on that in so I love the Lord and all these ways that he does often we don't share this stuff but it was all coming back to me just now in the hotel room and it makes sense now feel these ways of intimacy hitting so so yeah and we're gonna transition but just do this quick is that okay just open your heart up and put your hand on your heart and just look to the Lord and we'll just let him do whatever he wants you know tonight later and pray that he really steps in on us in in a fresh way and you don't have to repeat after me anything just looked at him thank you Jesus thank you bridegroom King I pray you step in this house and correct every one of us brand your people Lord place rings upon your bride there be divine encounters flip us upside down for you Lord let there be holy infatuation I mean is smoked us with intimacy holy addiction infatuated love sweep through this place intimacy New Covenant deep in Jesus name you can continue to receive you know the Bible even has a progression with Jesus who are their servants and then the disciples say I no longer call you servants but friends right and then friends that'll about you elevate even to the higher level of the bride and we want to just continually be yielding into that space right servant to the friend to the bride
Channel: Brian Guerin
Views: 16,007
Rating: 4.9695044 out of 5
Id: w6yXRv1QIZU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 4sec (784 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 08 2019
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