Brian Kilmeade: This is a flat-out crisis they are ignoring

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it's the trump show 24 7. he's dominating the headlines since the fbi raided mar-a-lago last week you know whether it's january 6 the story about trump's attorneys his allies his cfo his truth social it's all trump all the time yes our 45th president is a story it's just not the story and while it may be good news for these network ratings it's not good news for the american people you and me they're denying you coverage of things you should really be caring about hearing about at home and abroad all right let's start right here at home for example our economy being strangled in many respects inflation still raging gas prices still way too high americans in turn are staying home but don't fret there's an inflation reduction act what's in that not even democrats are sure what's in it for example what it's even called democrats keep calling this the inflation reduction act plenty of experts say it's not going to reduce inflation why is it being called that i wasn't part of the naming naming squad so she even admits it it's not going to actually reduce inflation abroad there's iran despite their clear nuclear ambitions president biden is about to saddle us with a terrible new deal with this evil regime far worse than the nuclear deal that trump walked away from back in 2018 even as chief of staff is concerned about the rogue nation we're concerned about any attacks on people here in the united states we are concerned about iranian activity and we've got a very close eye on that yeah and it's not going to stop either with this deal afghanistan it's been a year since the president's deadly withdrawal and there's no question things are worse off than they were when we were there biden's catastrophic mistake has allowed the taliban to return to power al qaeda to come back isis is there big time seven billion dollars in weaponry left behind [Music] celebrations in the streets as taliban fighters held victory parades marking one year since the taliban seized the afghan capital of kabul yeah not good for us back here at home where americans should feel safe and protected the biden southern border busted policy while it's just exploding it is a flat out crisis they are ignoring the number of migrant encounters at the southern border already exceeding a million this year 800 000 got aways fentanyl flooding cities all new records all bad records pure negligence this is the first time we had ever seen this the texas national guard closed and locked a gate on this property it's a major crossing area here's what happened though border patrol showed up a supervisor came with a key opened up that gate and let all of those illegal immigrants in symbolic of the way the state of texas handles things versus the way the federal government handles things yeah the state says get out the border patrol if you gave him sodium pentathol would say stay out this is not the way you come in but they have to listen to this administration there's not enough room on the screen to highlight all the things that we could be talking about instead of president donald trump if the left's goal is to get rid of them once and for all i hate to break it to them you might have done the exact opposite bill maher thinks so he is the luckiest man in the world his fortune was finally falling desantis was beating him in the polls you know who hates this more than anybody disappointed i had this in the bag and now i gotta run against president martyr and and this is saving trump politically because now of course all the republicans what do they do well but now he's back merrick garland by the way in taking on the president's way over his head and it's trump tv all the time my message follow trump if you want go ahead but don't forget to focus on things that matter today to all of us hi everyone i'm brian kilmeade i want you to do me a favor i want you to click to subscribe to the fox news youtube page this is the only way that i know for sure that you're not going to miss any great commentary any great news bites any great interviews coming your way on fox you can get it all here on youtube so subscribe right now
Channel: Fox News
Views: 76,352
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kamala, kamala harris, vice president kamala harris, identity politics, southern border crisis, immigration, immigration policy, Biden, biden administration, president biden, president joe biden, joe biden, iran, israel, afghanistan, middle east, inflation, Inflation, hidden inflation, food prices, service providers, economy, consumer, consumerism, delta, fuel prices, fuel price increases, one nation with brian kilmeade, brian kilmeade
Id: L5GOmAA9tdA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 2sec (242 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 21 2022
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