Nigel Farage is bringing a ‘groundswell’ with him

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Let's cross to the UK joining us is finance entrepreneur and geopolitics expert Dr Roger G Roger it's great to speak with you there's just three weeks to go until Brits head to the polls and decide who will be the next prime minister and reform UK party leader has released this campaign video Nigel farage Nigel farage Nigel farage has had building Rubble thrown at him on the campaign Trail in South Yorkshire yeah well there we are so if you go to university this is what they teach you not to have an open debate and disagree but to shout down this is so symptomatic of where we are with our politics in this country actually it's terrible a new OV poll shows that Niger farage's reform UK party is trailing just one point behind the Tories and the poll places labor at 38% Tories at 18% and reform UK at 177% Roger how has farage been able to gain so much momentum mean just a short period of time I think that the momentum was there it was building up tremendously uh as people were getting more and more frustrated I guess is the word I want to use with um Mr sunak and Mr and Sir Keith star Kier starmer uh they're just so Bland and boring and stupid and empty and irritating uh you know people just just are sick of them and all of the politicians and they wanted Nigel a lot of people wanted Nigel and he hesitated and then made up his mind to come back so that brought a real ground swell with him uh that's number one uh uh but that's you know kind of cosmetic uh Gabriella I I think more importantly number two is that what he and reform are saying makes a hell of a lot more sense than what any of the other parties are saying and people are starting to pay attention and listen to that whether it will get them anywhere because of the tremendous voter apathy will people still turn out at the polls uh who knows uh and also because of our first P the post system no proportional representation it's very very difficult almost impossible for a party other than the Tories or labor to get in so what can we expect between now and July 4 I suppose will that momentum keep building is that what you expect I think the momentum will keep building I think that uh I I think that that fishy rishy um 90% with the rest of the conservatives knows that their Goose has been well cooked over 14 years I think that starmer and his rather delusional cronies think that they actually have a plan that makes sense and they're going to be able to change the country I I don't think so but I think you know they're pretty confident of getting in I I think that reform could surprise everybody and take a lot of seats but then there's an old uh political saying which is something always happens at the last moment that's completely unexpected I don't know what that will be um but you know it changes things so we need to keep our eye out for that but yeah I think we'll see three weeks of frenzy campaign and momentum and more and more shouting more and more noise more and more promises uh tax cuts which aren't really tax cuts I mean anything in the world they can think of that might make the voters happy which they should have said 14 years ago uh they will throw out there now both sides and what will it produce nobody knows it looks like probably a labor Victory or a hung Parliament but who knows what does this movement behind Nigel farage say about Donald Trump Trump and his chances in November uh well I mean you know Trump is going strong and we've got tomorrow to see if the rumors that have been going around for three months not over here or with you but mainly in the states that Biden is going to stand down for ill health reasons tomorrow June 13th we'll see if that happens and he's supposed to be replaced by Gavin Nome the highly divisive left leaning governor of California uh will that happen won't that happen who knows it's been a very strong rumor that everybody's been talking about um but I think you know that won't affect Trump uh Nome can give Trump a run for his money but I I don't think he can beat him so I think that uh uh Nigel will do his job reform will get some seats they won't be a force to reckon with perhaps and then Nigel will go off and help Trump but Nigel I think is doing this for the election after this he wants to build reform into a replacement for the conservative party okay well we'll wait and see if those rumors are true what would that do to the Democrats and and their chances if Joe Biden were was to stand down well I think their chances would be a lot better because um you know they have somebody who is uh healthier and dare I say you know more compass mous in place they have somebody who's going to uh at least on the face of it last the course for the next four years um so that that would I think that will give Democratic voters more confidence because I mean they must be worried about the state of Biden in the video that's gone viral yesterday with everybody dancing around him and him standing there like he just soiled himself or something I mean it's you know one feels very bad for him um but I mean that would give anybody Comfort to see somebody like Nome step in and and be more energetic so yeah that'll help their chances okay well let's talk about what else is happening in the UK rightwing or Europe I should say because right-wing political parties have made significant gains in the European Parliament elections which has led to French president Emanuel macron calling a snap election Roger why am more people deciding to to lean to the right I think that I mean it's really quite interesting um I I think that people in Europe are just sick of the Lefty woke controlling uh ridiculous uh red tape uh way of of Life under the European Union and they want out and it's it's really quite paradoxical because I mean the UK Britain brexit did four years ago to get away from that stuff and the Europeans are now you know 400 million the majority of them voted basically to be brexiteers and dump all the the left climate Net Zero you know all the rest of the stuff while Britain is is is is drifting or racing towards total wokeism uh Mass immigration open borders uh Net Zero uh climate change uh you know transgender I mean whatever the labor people can think of to make themselves popular it's going the other way it's just that you know as we say in Britain there's not so Queer as Folk I mean it's just it's amazing positions have just flip-flopped now you mentioned macro and uh he's a very good example because he's been very badly beaten by Marine Le Pen's party and he took a a hell of a gamble I mean you know he's still young like sunak sunak knows that he's totally messed everything up but he's got plenty of money and you know he's young and he can go do other things and he'll be fine and M maon was a bit the same you know so he took this game Cell saying look if you don't give me a mandate then okay if you don't you know tell me that I'm still tell me you love me then good the difference is that with maon I mean with sunak he's gone he's toast with maon he he still is there for three years he just sits there as a lame duck so it was a it was a daring gamble for him to take but he was basically saying to all these right-wing people put up a shut up
Channel: Sky News Australia
Views: 38,106
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Keywords: 6354924769112, fb, msn, opinion, yt
Id: J5ao5r_c16o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 26sec (566 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 13 2024
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