National Quartet Convention 2017

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and good afternoon ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the 48th annual singing news van Awards the place where your votes honor southern Gospels greatest artists so would you welcome your hosts for this afternoon miss Karen Peck Jill Wolfe and Michael Booth Meghan walk up please remain seated oh yeah please stop well good to see you just got to town right yes yes we left 11 p.m. last night and arrived I have no idea when I know you weren't here for the run-through this morning yeah we were about that I I was a little late yes and we are missing we have with post me three of us because we have a co-host Karen and we've been delaying the program start because we couldn't find her so Karen Peck is supposed to be in the room she's supposed to be back here but I I gave her a mic like 20 minutes as yet what [Applause] he like keeps running Terran keep running Karen I want to hear what you sound like after running 100 yards [Music] [Applause] take it yeah I came in the building took a wrong turn and I got lost so wound up in the kitchen and when I got into the kitchen they're worse on the table dessert how did you know [Applause] work with me go three boxes of Krispy Kreme Doughnuts and the hot sign was on and so two boxes later after I blacked out I realize well I think you just worked it off coming up - so you missed the rehearsal for the opening song okay what is it well it's a secret it's a surprise we don't want to tell them what it is because we want to surprise them because we have this great opening fourth this song why don't you kick it off Karen yeah well you know why it wouldn't be right unless my co-hosts were with me so so anyway you know it just wouldn't be right but for me to go by myself because it you know anyway well Michael it's it's one of Michael's songs good one of our big first big hit songs you know you had a hit song that one define hit are you God are you guys gonna do it yo pollen and Ronnie would come up and fencing it no but your guys know this song - what is it oh yeah we know it we work with you guys Chris enough so Paul Chris yeah with it I think River knows it to you then yes so it's season and Ricky and Kerry would y'all come up to America's okay great well now that every artist is on the stage here this is there anybody else that way oh she's actually oh okay why don't you stand next to Karen oh yeah good yeah Oh Stanley she's here she doesn't know the song either and so we can all not know it together oh sorry you go stand by Karen here we go the singing News Mass Choir presents make it up as you go opening roll track [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's a living [Music] once upon a time have I can tell you how I feel this every goodbye every day valet happy on the journey in a theory the Maya [Music] we used to say and I sing of all over again as ever-changing the my [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] hey this is on Shante thank you for joining us where's your table space at and I'm a fan we broke it wait a second my hair was that you're not from West Virginia are you No what's your language you [Laughter] don't I don't know I was asking you y'all pray for me today would you I'm in the green okay oh yeah I'm sorry that was supposed to be spontaneous after that was over how was that Phil was that a fabulous fabulous opening or what and I got this I got this well this will be a great time today because we're presenting awards to some very deserving artists plus we'll have the privilege of enjoying some amazing music in the rock Karen and yes and now it all begins with two very prestigious awards our first is for favorite gospel band I do believe that some of the very finest musicians are on on the planet are members of our bands Michael do you have a band oh yeah I'm totally gonna read this our band is made up of these little tiny people who go round and round on our CD hey they all get a little dizzy but they sure do play great now take Gerald he has an extremely talented band right Jarrell lene no way we're gonna finish sure we do me I'm the band I'm the band I've been and I wouldn't even nominate it for band of the year this year by the way however for five groups that do get to travel with real bands and that's that's an amazing to me these days here are the finalists for favorite band of the year the hovers band the Isaacs man Jason Brown back big Neyers [Music] and the primitive quartet back [Music] and the 2007 fan award band of the year goes to the kingdom heirs band right [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on beautiful come on guys take your time we don't have anywhere to be thank you all so much I bet I love these guys right here I've been blessed to be able to perform and play music with these gentlemen for ten years now and and these two have been playing music together for well longer than I've been alive but now we're very blessed we have the greatest job in the world and Lord has blessed us give him the glory thank you guys thank y'all so much if I tell you what it's an honor to get to do what you love for a living and to do it so long and then throw in there you're recognized by your peers and your fans and your friends it just means so much to us all the guys in the group it's you know I'd really wish that the vocals would start winning some awards at some point this load is getting heavy in now guys thank you all so much god bless you and man we just appreciate you so much [Applause] [Laughter] well our next award is for favorite soloist which is a pretty amazing accomplishment considering this as a quartet convention and the calls were handing out this award I'm going to automatically assume that none of us are on the list right we are all technically very confident soloist but our soullessness has been disregarded once again yes well that you would think we'd get a little recognition we are quite established soloist yet our soloist Ness has been I can't remember everything I said I'm sorry something like that close again well but you know what here we go and here are the nominees for the soloist of 2017 [Music] Pat Barker mark bishop [Applause] yosef have a day ivenn Parker guy Penrod [Music] and the 2017 singing news fan award soloist winner is mr. Joseph [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I was just looking down at Ivan I was sitting about two seats from him and I just wanted to thank Ivan because there would not be a soloist category without Ivan Parker he started this he was a soloist before it was cool to be a soloist and I just want to thank him and Jason who is a big reason why I became a soloist I love Jason crabs so much and and I'm so grateful for those to God and all the soloists and I tell you what I want to I want to specifically thank you all because I realize that you all love harmony and I do too I grew up loving this music and I absolutely John if you just give me five seconds I'm gonna quit okay I may never win this again so just be quiet for a second but I want to say I realize there are a lot of you that love quartet music and I want to thank you for letting me be a singer songwriter and a soloist it means so so much to me thank you for allowing me to do what I love and man I'm just I'm at a loss for words I was not I was not prepared for this but I'm so grateful I'm so humbled and I'm thank you so so much for believing in me and for believing in our ministry and I hope that we can encourage you with our songs and days to come Gerald Wolfe told me something when everybody said don't be a soloist it's too hard don't be a soloist he said you have to follow he got it from Charles Stanley he said you have to follow the will of God for your life and leave the consequences to him and that's what I've done thank you so much [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'll tell you that's a don't go don't go don't go anywhere that's a good kid right there I mean he's not a kid anymore but that's a good kid and I'm very proud of Joseph and where the Lord is using before you go it would be really neat I think and I think we'll all agree on this if you would sing something for these folks here's your favorite soloist of the year Joseph Papp a Dane [Applause] why aren't you glad that Jesus is coming to get us one day hallelujah here we go here it comes stepping down from glory Bethlehem is just the start of the story here it comes oh here it comes here it comes teaching in the temple making time to Swit and sound simple here he comes here oh here he comes here he comes the second said to watch our every sit away here the captive start to say here he comes here he comes he's inside too falling out giving life to it did Oh [Music] we're accomplices it's neither here is the cross along the wave surfer here we go all here here he comes the second said to us our every sin here the kaftan start to say he here's the good part here it comes a miracle at sunrise and if the tombs shouting he's alive oh here he comes here he comes Oh glorious day yessiree Oh creations shouts his place here he come [Applause] [Music] my heart beats with expectation muscle aches with the tears of but of all native celebration when we see me [Applause] here it comes stepping down is coming back mr. Sulu [Music] here that here [Applause] [Music] picker [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's awesome I got it I gotta show you something when when you were standing up here at Talking your mother bless her heart your biggest fan in the world was standing right here with her iPhone videoing and this is what I was seeing so sometime tonight everybody go to Joseph's Facebook page and see if you can watch that video without getting sick let me go give this to you Jonah here's the you want to keep this this is something hand that to you know our young people are really shining bright amen yeah hey and at the UH at the risk of belaboring this to Ivan and Jason there are tangible awards and their intangibles it's got to mean something to you guys to look up here and realize God used you to inspire something like that god bless you guys that's that's pretty awesome okay so what each year and it's a good word a vast amount of ballots are cast for the fan Awards and we want to recognize the man responsible for very carefully the seenu's takes this very very very seriously having the integrity of these ballots counted we are grateful to him and all who carefully contribute to such a tedious and important task may I introduce to you mr. Tom Bates from blakenship group of Brit wood Tennessee sir take a bow and we would like to give our sincere thanks to you for a job well done right also on behalf of the artists and fans we want to take a moment to show our appreciation to Danny Jones and Rick Francis of the singing news we put together the work they do it all behind the scenes along with the staff at sing a news magazine and sing a news radio for their faithful continuation of this wonderful 48 year yeah tradition and they are trusted and valuable for instance and to the world all the artists here they're friends to you and to all of you in the seats and those of you watching so please help us thank them all the folks at the singing News for letting this happen today also again at the risk of belaboring a point the the singing news staff is is is more than just people who run a business they all of the artists will here tell you that they run the miles with us they travel with us they know our music they know you the people that we're singing to and we are one in our unity of the message that we bring to you so again if you really love and appreciate the staff of the singing news I want you to let them know it one more time oh yes it is wonderful to watching incredible energies of our young performers yeah sure okay why are we them we used to be the ones they were reading about and I and versatile contributions they make to the music we love I didn't write that well our first presenters celebrate those diverse yet needed talents in gospel music one is a vocal member of a popular family group and the other and accomplished pianist yep she's a remarkable singer with the Taylor's and he is one of my best piano students you have any I don't write it I just read it no this is actually right now that I'll see who it is may we introduce to you miss Suzanne Taylor and mr. Trey ivy I had no idea that Jarrell was your piano teacher you know a lot of people don't know that but Gerald was my piano teacher when I was younger and then I quickly outgrew him Oh [Applause] you know I'm probably gonna get in trouble but honestly Trey I always thought that you were a better piano player than Gerald but like I'm sorry Joe but enough about piano teachers shall we begin with our first award this presentation recognizes our generation the favorite young artists yes we all take seriously the responsibility and the privilege of continuing the legacy of gospel music each of these nominees is remarkably dedicated as well as gifted and I couldn't be more excited to see who the fans have selected as their favorite the 2017 nominees are all of the field ops [Music] lady Arwen Charlie Harper [Music] and the 2017 young artist of the year morgan Eastern [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is such such an honor I was in a category with incredible incredible young talent and to the young artists in this industry there's going to be people who say mean things and negative things and people who will try and distract you from what you are supposed to do but God has given you this platform giving you this opportunity for a reason do not forget that trust God and know that everything you need to do needs to be done to glorify his name I want to thank my parents for 10 years ago taking a chance on a 14 year old girl who didn't know how to brush her hair and I want to thank my fiance for being my backbone my best friend I cannot wait to marry you 28 days yes thank you to the fans you have no idea how much this means to me thank you to God for all of the many blessings that you've given me that I do not deserve young people keep going do not let people discourage you you're here for a reason God loves you he has a purpose for you thank you the dictionary defines new as something that's never existed something that is discovered for the very first time yeah you the fans have recently discovered these next new performers and have obviously fallen in love with their unique artistry each is a promising talent a trendsetter in our industry and highly deserving of being nominated for favorite new artists the nominees are [Music] Peter's voice John and Ashley Franks dreamers [Applause] [Music] master's promise Lauren Smith [Applause] and the 2017 favorite new artist is Canaan's boys [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] well I'm pretty sure Doug and Jodi are the oldest people to ever win this award I don't include myself we came together as a group not to get a job but to do a job and that job is to take the talent that God has given us and just show you our scars that life has given us and to let you know that Jesus is always faithful and he is always true there are no points to be proven there are better singers than us but we love singing together because we know each other and we know the life that we live and we know that God has picked us up from the gutter and given us a new purpose and that's the name of our group Shana's voice it's from the wedding at Cana and the point is the pots that Jesus used to turn the water into wine were created for a completely different purpose but when God touched them it became something beautiful and we believe God's repurposed us so thank you fans for believing in us if you've never heard of us go look us up um thank you land of bean for creating this idea thank you Stephanie and Sarah Clayton for being here Jody and Doug thank you for doing this with me and we thank you fans Thank You Stoughton records imc concerts and thank you Jesus for letting us say free here now guys the band can y'all stop for just a second hold on just a second when something new like this an incredible group happens good things happen and so we would like for them to perform today would you like to hear Canyon's voice sing [Applause] let you down but there's still one thing you can take to the bank and that's that Jesus never fails there now thankee so many souls have tested him throughout the course of time so many still reach out no exception that they found even in the days of old he brought his people through and then he came to show his love then he rose again to true and every story has [Music] [Applause] [Music] - well baby you cannot be there because Jesus [Music] Oh sometimes this world brings trouble I find so hard to bear and I know I could not make it however deep cheese [Music] [Applause] can I do to you how can I know [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah that was up there I don't have that got us all messed up here you go just have the net people come up saying oh they're killing it up here yeah kind of we say miss never mind I didn't pray about that I don't wish they to save that to last well this is right well our next presenters this afternoon I'm telling you that just got me all that way I mean what talent I mean we're seeing such great talent on this stage today hey my goodness and that's amazing I'm expecting they're not much younger than us no but that hold man that was singing the high part on that my song it's amazing Jodi well our next presenters this afternoon are two young artists both of whom are rapidly making a significant impact on our music would you agree Saturn gospel is part of her DNA and she happens to be the newest member of them oh excuse me and he happens to be the newest member of the Marc Trammell quartet please make welcome miss Morgan Easter and mr. Blake buffin I thought [Music] I hope to think that my grandparents are proud of me for carrying on the legacy of singing southern gospel music I'm sure they are now that they especially I've seen you when you're young award young artists it's me the unmistakable foundation of every successful quartet has always been a solid bass voice truly noteworthy bassist have played major roles throughout the entire history of gospel music and this year's class continues that elated stay elevated standard I can't read the top five nominees are Eric Bennett Jeff Chapman [Applause] Jeff Dhaka not close [Music] a Radian Reese and the winner is I should have had this already ready sorry Phil Eric Bennett [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Wow I always get so nervous coming up here by myself man for some reason I don't know I just always used to having people around me like three other people but I am so humble you know I was just thinking trying to Jesus never fails the boy I do and I first of all just want to thank my beautiful wife and it looks like my daughter and my family my you want to say it I might as well go ahead and say it my guys will travel with everybody around this stage I love Jesus never fails but but I do and I pray that man when you pray honest-to-goodness would you lift me up because uh I just want to finish well God be the glory the intricate harmonies of a mixed group demand the expertise of a rich alto voice that's certainly oh I'm sorry did I just step on your line okay I don't read numerous times it's not only their specific sound but their unique stage presence that wins them the title of favorite that certainly is the case when we note the excellence of this year's nominees the group of women is simply the best the cream of the crop you might say wow that's pretty important and the alto of the Year nominees are sherry stir [Applause] Marnie hopper [Applause] Courtney Metz maybe stuff [Applause] Susan listen and the winner is miss Connie hopper [Applause] [Music] I can't believe this I don't know what to say I've heard so much great singing in the sixty years that I've been involved in this and like I've told you about the first time I was nominated and scared to death and hiding under the bleachers and of course Vestal Koopman want rightly so but you don't know what this means tonight I love all of you folks all of these artists these young artists I hate some of them but left some of them I love them all I love them all and I wish them the best and I want them to do exactly what God wants them to do and he will I read something the other day that says he doesn't provide years beyond purpose think about that there's a lot of people out here it's gotten purpose God wants you to use it but I just want to say thank you nobody's loved this music any more than I have Gerald might have I don't know but I just want to say thank you and I want to thank my family and I want to thank God I want to thank God today and god bless you so much and I love you all god bless you here to sing our first of our top five nominated songs or for gentlemen who electrify audiences everywhere they sing they have been fan favorites quartet for seven years in a row there is their song is living in the promised land welcome triumphant quartet [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] one of these cold dark borders won't be very long you're gonna try to find me but I'll already be gone I'll be gone like a chick plane flying go like your money spend whole lot of people go to scratch their heads and water some tears of mine [Music] on the far side of Jordan losing these earthly clues and I'll be making my way now go to streets just weird my dance achieves how that's tough my troubles over a band cause I've reached the cop or not that's four million years or more [Music] to my sister to my brother the promised land till all the sinners till all the saints that you all somebody tell them where I am and tell them where I ain't tell everybody do they understand they just living in the promised land will quickly - haha sometimes he'll mama somebody somebody I live in the promised land or somebody till my sister sometime tomorrow somebody else about in the promised land Oh somebody tell somebody in the Thomas Mann Oh somebody else's body the promise [Music] [Music] some of my tailpipe is a battle haha supplied to my sister's son by to somehow tell some sometimes [Music] [Applause] [Music] and those guys are great well when it comes to gospel music and radio you can't have one without the other and without airplay would be impossible for us to reach the millions of people that listen to our music around the world so radio is definitely a strategic part of what we do absolutely huge and for five decades of radio and television this guy has I love the word here smooth friendly style and continues in regular demand he's all of our friends and he is one of the greatest li is that a word greatest lady well it is now greatest li greatest li that was this very strategically word absolutely greatest li respected gentleman in this in this field and the winner is wait you left out its line okay while I was trying to improv okay a member of the oh yeah this is important scuse me can you stand on this side okay a member of the Southern Gospel Music Hall of Fame in response to him when bringing her stop laughing stop you need some more room I think I mean my peel I didn't take it yeah oh he has been responsible and bringing our songs and God's blessing to the ears of thousands of grateful people just like me yes and and here to present our award to the radio station of the year is the man we call the voice of gospel music radio here is mr. Paul hi I guess I have to rename the program the gospel grade elite or something like that great great early really well the importance of gospel music on the radio can't be overestimated I didn't write those words but I certainly totally agree with them it's one medium that consistently delivers our love music to millions and millions of people literally around the world there are 300 plus full-time radio stations in America playing gospel music and the reality is they reach more people with the gospel in one day than all of the live in-person concerts in many months that's not to knock concerts they're vitally important but radio is getting the word out radio is very important it all began back in 1928 when James Devon opened the first full time southern gospel station in Lawrenceburg Tennessee and if memory serves the first song they played was an early version of a flyaway with Gerald Wolfe and the Wolfman quartet at later yeah a remembers and the music's have been playing ever since all of these years while we are grateful for the scores of faithful radio stations around the country that play gospel music every day today we honor just one favorite the station that's been voted by the fans as the favorite station for 2017 and the nominees are k ji c in houston KW FC in springfield missouri w EMM and Huntington West Virginia WJ b z in Knoxville and W X RI in winston-salem and the winner is WJ b z Knoxville Tennessee [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you ladies gentlemen we learned a valuable lesson about this time last year if you get a nomination you better show up because you might win it last year we did not get the memo but we got it this year and so we brought the entire staff - I think - so thank you singing News thanks to all the listeners appraised 96.3 are in the audience today and you can take us home with you listen anywhere around the world if you want to appraise 9:6 here's our manager Jamie Lewis this is our 26th year playing southern gospel station put on the air in 1991 from by the late great reverend jabez amal and we continue our station was about two years ago by Jack Ryan and his associates and we just appreciate them so much for continuing the tradition a southern gospel music in East Tennessee thank you all so much just remember God is good and we know preacher mole is celebrating in heaven right about now unless lady mullahs pinched him on the bee and told him to quit and she wants us to quit - we'll say thank you you keep making the music we'll keep playing god bless you most of you know that our next presenters were born and raised in southern gospel music what you may not know however is that these young people happen to be the famous accomplished athletes he was known as Scottie polo the great the Smackdown big-time wrestler and she as a basketballs miss backcourt Wizard didn't either that's cool well today thankfully they both invest their time creating fabulous gospel music so here to present our next two awards are gospel music's own in-house Olympians Miss Lauren Talley and mr. Scottie Inman [Applause] whoever wrote that someone get a body slam I have no idea what they're even talking about I don't either I played basketball in elementary school I was the tallest one on my team if that tells you anything we won two games like all year long and I think my career high in scoring was maybe four points it it was pretty pitiful but now you're you're a great wrestler yeah and humble too well why don't you show us some moves and the top nominees for tenor of the year are res almond Mario Bo's [Applause] Ryan freak David Phelps [Music] David son [Applause] and the tenor of the year sing a news magazine goes to Chris Allman [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I appreciate you're gonna need to play a little longer I'm not as fast as Eric Bennett get into the night hey you know if you hadn't realized already the thing this week is themed around young people and I wanted to encourage well I wanted to thank Morgan Easter for that encouraging word for us young people to stay focused now we have some great hey you know what this is a real honor there's so many people that I could thank and I I don't have he's going to start playing so I really don't have time to thank everybody but I remember at 9 years old I saw a man named Kirk Talley sing out yeah he's saying I know a man who can at my father's church and I decided and I'm pretty sure Mark Trammell was there singing - I decided that day as a nine-year-old boy that that's what I wanted to do though I wanted to sing that part and I even want to sing that song and God heard saw the desire of a nine year old boy and uh well I'm just blessed to be here I've got to thank my sweet wife if it weren't for our brides and our spouses those who support us at home there's no way that we can do what we do on the road and enjoy it so thank you so much I love you all this means a lot thanks incredible vocalists fortunately right along with the birth of gospel music has come the unique combination known as the mixed group these members are a music community make an immeasurable contribution both to its popularity and widespread success the Spears Goodman's Rambo's Gator trio are but a few examples of those who have helped it develop into a compass have developed into all of the they're really good it may help you yeah have developed how to have helped it develop into all income in their mine he reads real good in the year 2017 the mixed group remains a powerful ingredient of music achievement and it's our honor to recognize them right now the favorite mixed group nominees are colleagues were time la hopper [Applause] the Isaac [Music] like if it varies [Applause] you wanted this one oh yeah we're supposed to do this and the winner is the Collingsworth family [Applause] [Music] no hurt me well thank you guys so very much I want to start by saying something my grandpa used to say to his congregations just like Elizabeth Taylor told her husband's I won't hold you long thank you guys so genuinely very much first of all and I want to thank all of you out there who come and support us not only on the road but come and tell us and encourage us I know I speak for every artist down here thank you genuinely for what you do for us because without you this might sound very profound but there would be nothing that we get to do but truthfully you encouraged us and keep us going so thank you first and foremost but I just want to thank God thank God for all he's done for my family for me personally I want to thank this free lady right here this is my beautiful wife Charlene a I want to thank her for being such a wonderful wife to me being such a wonderful supporter folks genuinely thank you very much and it is truly an honor to be here with you all and thank you very much [Music] the second of our top five nominated songs is from three men who have achieved many awards and honors through their careers their knack for writing and performing memorable music has made their name familiar throughout the world and people admire them not just for their music but for their personal lives in their walk with Christ as well here singing their nominated song he does this is greater vision [Applause] [Music] ever felt as though his sin was deeper than grace will cover if anyone ever thought his prayer was a waste of time cause no one came I had if anyone believes that he's gone too far then my friend I've been right you're not alone No you're not alone I have good news to share with you what you're feeling now is far from true so keep hanging on posit there is one who loves beyond the sad mistakes that we've all done [Music] if there's a soul who understands and longs to heal the hurts we have he knows Jesus now we walk the road to Calvary he suffered Hey because neither [Music] when you need to call his name if there is one who wants to be the one [Music] only friend give me [Music] if has a right to say thank you Lord for another day [Music] if anyone has a reason to sing a song when Bray skies hi [Music] that's me one can stand and testify you can count on me and I'll tell you he set me free Oh he set me free when the guilt and shame from my old sin saw to rob me of the joy he gives me reminded that is there who loves beyond the sad mistakes that leave on he if there's a soul understand and long stay here the hurts we had he gee [Music] we walk the road to Calvary he suffered pain and agony because he knew when you [Music] if there is one who wants to be a friend you need [Music] - calorie he saw her because he holiday thank you [Music] if there is one who wants to be all made brand-new [Music] [Music] who wants me only friend you [Music] [Applause] what a great song great song great singer yes our next two presenters are young veterans in our world of music yet though they may be young and since of years they certainly are veterans in their sense of style and presentation and these guests not only sing well but do so with flair in class so please tell you hello to to keep the Lindsay and Chiquito Chiquito it's cuida Jack we like I said Chiquita please welcome Chiquita Lindsey and Joseph I just I was just thinking imagine she's my sister make me Jack we to have a tank what a night yeah whoo bless your heart honey okay I've lived with this name my whole life I know yeah well your first I'm not kidding that was not meant to be funny I have no idea what I'm doing I'm still in shock what he does is this about Michael Michael does seem to have an unusual skill for saying the wrong thing at the right time doesn't he but but you got to love the guy you just never know what he's gonna say next I never know what I'm gonna say next to you okay your turn Chiquita that's you I don't think Michael knows what he's gonna say from time to time so that's true okay we're gonna do well this is kind of like John if you be quiet person well I used to be a lead singer thanks to the Perry's I was a lead singer for a little while and we're gonna give out the award for the favorite lead singer here are the nominees for your favorite lead singer of the year Bharati booth [Music] you have Brady [Applause] like Edmund are the right [Music] Jerald wolf and the 2017 favorite lead singer of the year is I just always wanted to do this just kind of stand here and make the winter wait you know I used to see it on like the Oscars and stuff and I thought I'd be cool to do one time so I'm just cool [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you all so much I've said this before I mean it with all my heart every fiber of my being it's an honor to be named among these great men thank you I thank the singing news I thank my precious wife who's in Georgia right now with our oldest granddaughter we have we just had our third grandchild so that's pretty special I just thought I'd throw that out there I'm grateful to sing with Michael my brother I'm grateful to sing with Paul Lancaster our history with Jim Brady I have been so blessed and it takes a team it really does and guys thank you from the bottom of my heart god bless you that that's fantastic our second presentation is for that rare soprano who is a your soprano sort of okay our second presentation is for that rare soprano who is able to master impeccably the notes of the high and this is a miracle I'll be able to read this I was home-schooled it's um it's a miracle I can talk to people in general anyway they are they are amazing I'm also amazed at how many of them are able to make that high and impossible seem so natural so easy in each of today's nominees possess just that quality and ability the voters must have a very difficult time selecting today's nominees for the 2017 favorite soprano our Brooklyn Blair Melissa Brady Karen back dude [Applause] yep Mahara [Applause] a lurid talent your favorite soprano is Kim hopper [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm hobbling a little bit I had my surgery on my foot a few months ago and yesterday Tim level they said you're not a hopper you're limper it's still struggling with that little this is overwhelming that you still remember me after all these years but when miss Connie came up that really touched me because that lady is I live with her every day and she's not just the gospel music treasure but she's a national treasure and she never expects to win she's the most humble lady I've ever been around and I love her very much but this means so much to me and you know what these fans here gospel music fans are probably the most loving and giving fans you're always dedicated you care about us as artists and I thank you for that thank you so much for thinking of me year after year you're very precious to us all of us all of us artists and I want to find a win and I want to thank singing news and my sweet wonderful husband and all of you and to God be the glory thank you well we are we have come to our third nominated song and these are five men who have been loved since the day that they began eighteen years ago their sound as strong and true here to sing for you still as legacy five [Applause] [Music] this whole world just keeps spinning faster net ever seen to be cool we read every day of disasters and we wonder what else is in store but weakens our eyes and sleep your wing facts in the clear warning [Music] my mom will smell the answers Todd will still be honest you here all the prayers of his home tell me graceful [Music] Oh with how the Lord me surely the power for the trouble but there's a sweet rest in His mercy he won't let us today's his word retains so we hold on please I will my chair Oh yes sir God will still be honest he will still fallouts meet blessing here all the prayers of his spirits will still be [Music] though [Music] for Jesus well this I know answer the world may be shaken but these things Oh God we'll stealthy [Music] evil spell for house me blessing pass out ow [Music] Jesus [Music] [Music] can't beat that well our next two presenters are young southern gospel artists each of whom has had a very interesting and noteworthy experience in major stage competition she as the winner of the talent award in the Miss North Carolina pageant and he as a worthy top finalist on the famous TV show American Idol please welcome from the Webb family miss Hanna web and from Karen Peck and New River mr. Ricky bratty he should have won American Idol season 8 thank you so much Hannah and I have to admit I'm a North Carolina boy myself and I would have definitely cast my vote your direction if I could have voted for the for the pageant but I think we can both agree we are very happy to be serving where we're serving right now industry our first award that we're gonna present is for favorite trio and this year there's some really awesome groups I think all of them are well deserving this has been a banner year for award winning and top songs from our trios however the fans have had to choose only five your nominees are whose brother Ryan cream your vision [Applause] get ready girl the listeners and your winner is the big brothers [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey I've talked enough so you guys yeah I'm not good at it I just yuck them to point at me much time to saying yeah yeah Peter said for you to talk to go oh no you know why it's been such a privilege you guys have been so and I appreciate you guys making the new guy feel welcome well most of you Jim you're a hard act to follow so no but you know it's been a privilege to sing with these guys and be on the road with them I can't imagine a better bus to be on and just thankful to the Lord and I'm thankful to my wife who is her middle name is Eve and that's no accident that her name was Eve because I've never God has never given anybody a better helpmate than her and anyway we're just so thankful as a as a group to be able to we're so thankful as a group to be able to I think it wasn't good at this it is this hard you do a great job better every night know to be able to sing to all of you out there and to love on you guys we love just that more than singing to you we love to visiting with you after our concerts and getting to know you and so we love you so much and we thank you a vital member of any outstanding quartet is a versatile and dependable baritone voice it is his distinctive sound and musical texture that supply the necessary fullness and strength for quartets Flynn and remarkably all of our nominees have all of that and more however we only have to choose one we could have had all five winners the nominees are [Music] got it [Applause] all that hazard [Applause] Josh Singletary [Music] at heart Trump see who it is and the favorite baritone is Mark Trammell [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] whoo I uh my dad always told me to be prepared for anything so always try to and I thought there is no way this will happen again but I better prepare so I did and on my phone how many of you that over the age of 55 have a what they call smartphone anybody my smartphone is way smarter than I am and it told me when I pulled up what I thought I was going to say it was a reminder to go by Walgreens and get some more fiber con what it was supposed to be telling me was trust in the Lord with all thine heart lean not to thine own understanding in all thy ways acknowledge him he will direct your paths Josep stand up son yeah you tough journey but he will continue to direct your paths and this old man ain't never been prouder of anybody than I am you thank you I in closing I want to say thank you for exemplifying the closest that I will know here in this world the unconditional love from you god bless you I love you back this next group is the living proof that a family that sings together stays together faithfully they have carried the gold standard of family musicians for fifty years you're singing the forth of the top five nominated songs please make welcome the hoppers [Applause] [Music] God planned for children down here is serving [Music] people been saving on [Music] we must conceal that I have no more tears if we waiting up fairly wouldn't [Music] [Music] we stay [Music] languages can't describe some Travis a buddy could convey or divine ow the heart will never know fear if we have heard I look we're not there [Music] at the core of the streets that is failing Master down the hall see the Hat that's developing phone we never [Music] it was waiting up there [Music] if we straight and stable it's never been for we never could imagine dogs winner of the match displayed through the walls the holes in the bats we ever could imagine dear stay darlin at the door of the straight time Spain for master the [Music] we'd ever good imagine those winter ottoman Christel stay down dear stay down [Music] [Applause] [Music] now look let's uh get off-script here for just a second and as you mic and acknowledge the guys that are providing the music today they're not on our paper to do that but they are really helping the programming today and so that's the band that's Josh Singletary and that's Josh Townsend and Roger and Eli fourtner and Dennis back here on the drums in it's Murphy please help us thank them I'm saying that that Josh you know he's he's not being rude when he starts playing the music behind something he's been told to stay on test so don't go and give him grief but I wasn't played on top of your favorite I mean just don't he's just doing what he's told to do and and while I'm speaking while I'm speaking about you let me just say this - you're very good but this is a gospel thing and if you could find I mean you keep playing that Mister Rogers neighborhood theme song in the background I mean I think like do Amazing Grace or something you know I'm just throwing that out there just trying to help did you know and I would be glad to [Applause] it was awesome it's a joke I got the baby we do love Ted blessing can't feel bad for Josh I know bless your heart okay we all know that our music is not composed of just vocals alone that's a fact I mean these these guys like this just they're absolutely amazing and the gifting that happened there are no finer instrumentalists anywhere and I agree with that then those who are providing musical sports for today's the gospel artists you're the best actually they are the bedrock for all of us and we perhaps better than all the rest understand the powerful part they play and keeping the artistic tradition so alive and well yeah and in this specific category final choices become very difficult because there exists such a wide diversity among the talent yet the voters have narrowed the contestants to just five and might I say since they've got me reading this paragraph I can go ahead and tell you who didn't win the nominees are [Music] Jim colleagues work tre I be [Applause] North Pole [Music] [Applause] Kevin Williams and darrell wolf is that terrible programming or what that means okay good it's gonna be great well the winner at all my best student Kim Hollingsworth is the winner [Music] [Laughter] first let me say I'm sorry I'm the one who has to be accepting this and not for my mom the rest of the family will be here later this week but they couldn't be here for today so all you have is me and I apologize for that but if my mom were here I know she would tell you thank you from the bottom of my heart to you the people who are so gracious and so encouraging is so loving to not only my mother or and the rest of us but she would say a big thank you to the one who deserves all the thanks Jesus Christ and she would be remiss if she wouldn't have me say that for her so I would like to thank you in her absence thank you very much [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that was good that was good but there was a little spite in that temple here performing the final of our top five nominations is a group from whom hit songs have become a grateful way of life and it just so happens they are some of my family's best friends I mean the hopefully vacation with these folks and I love this family here they are they're gonna say I love you this much here are the Wiz nets welcome there [Music] as a child I asked my mother how much do you love me and then she threw her arms wide open for my little to see in the end she told me I'm the Savior order here so far [Music] when I learn how much he loved my life has never thus [Music] [Music] [Applause] view this [Music] [Music] what with arms open wide [Music] [Applause] [Music] many times we've heard the story we've memorized John 3:16 but sometimes we take 4 thread now he died for you and me and we're in my heart there's too [Music] or the pricy people [Applause] just a [Applause] to see those [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] last and open wide my say [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] get very good you know I got gospel music I'm gonna go off script here guys and you catch up it's amazing in that you have this message that came from the truth of God's Word and he equipped a rider to be able to write the lyrics and he created the notes and he gave the musicians the ability to to play those notes and you put it all together and you add the anointing of the Holy Spirit with people that live godly lives and you end up with what we just had right there the amazing thing and what a blessing it is for the Lord to allow us to receive that and to be able to convey those messages and to sing the songs that are dear to our hearts because usually if the song will touch us our prayer is please Lord let it touch the audience and that's the wonder of Jesus praise God greatest music in the world amen that's why we're grateful for people such as these presenters who are committed to sharing God's good news with so many yes so please welcome from the Brown family Mikayla brown and from Tribute quartet Riley Clarke [Applause] [Music] of all the components of our music the song needs the difference-maker it is and always will be the pivot on which southern gospel music rests its mission it's true we are thrilled that the ability of a song to bring joy and hope to the hearts of those who hear but I do believe and am most grateful that their greatest power is the work it does in the hearts of us the performers truly there have been some marvelous songs that were nominated this year and just the size of the ballots that came in were indicated of how many songs were loved by the people and the nominees are he does greater vision I love you this much to listen if we ever got a look the hoppers living in the promised land dry out but still by legacy fire with all the votes counted the winner for song of the year is living in the promised land [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] if you guys don't mind I wanna I know I've talked already but I have something I know I'm a cut-up a lot and so I want to real quick let you know I'm not cutting up here I am I've received this song by Wayne Hahn and Joe Lindsey they wrote this song I was in Red Deer Alberta Canada whenever we received it just for a little background story on that it's a wonderful song it's got a great beat Monday I was able to sing in my grandmother's homegoing celebration and she was the most christ-like person I ever knew ever some distraught for and uh this song's fun got a great beat but has a whole new meaning I can't write to go over that promised land let's see for my grandmother thank y'all now is the time to recognize the favorite songwriter of the year great songs rarely just happened most often they rise out of hours spent in devoted labor and determination truly each is a gift the heart and the soul of who we are and what we do both writer and artist are participant in the songwriter award because each one gives of his talents and also gives his best and the nominees for song writer award are Jeff righty [Applause] lucky girl [Applause] Joseph panic [Music] Scott Edmond [Applause] Diane Wilkinson and the favorite song writer is Rodney Griffin [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] well thank you so much just to be in this category is tremendous honor I look at the other nominees and those in this room are incredibly talented writers and Diane you your consistency through the years you are you're the writer of my generation Jim your heart comes through your songs Scotty I love the rhythm in your lyrics chose if I love the musical creativity and I notice these three guys to have gone with this new hairstyle where you shaved the sides and [Applause] you kind of pile it up on top if I did that I'd look like a q-tip so there is so much I admire about each of you and I don't write songs for this [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you would [Music] he never a big cheese without mine but he said [Music] man [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what a wonderful day this is been having this been wonderful all the groups that have got up here and saying and my heart is so full today it's an honor to get to be here thank you for allowing us to be a part of presenting all right Adam you ready look it says I'm Jason Crabb Hey and and you're looking at a first right here because you know the crab brothers we haven't done this we haven't presented together heavily you got to take out this microphone I don't think I've ever presented awards so yeah Adam is now the lead singer and I'm so proud of him of the Gaither Vocal Band and is absolutely killing it come on they just put over 2.5 million views brother hey big bro they're giving us two awards they're giving us two awards no no oh oh to presume to present how cool is that when you say the word southern gospel people immediately think of quartet music and that is rightfully so so we're keeping the tradition here we celebrate the coveted award of favorite traditional quartet and so the top five nominees are Ernie Haase and Sigyn is your sound Dignan bears legacy fly Bart travel quartet [Music] [Applause] triumphant quartet is it is a she let's see and the winner is these guys took that same song and I love these guys try out that quartet come on I know I can speak on behalf of all the guys honestly we're very humbled by this we're very honored by this and we thank all of you for for believing in us for having the confidence in us to allow this award to happen for us you know I I remember back in my high school years I would literally pray every night that God would allow me to sing tenor for a male quartet and for the past 27 years he's allowed me to welcome stage with some very incredible talented men but I'm very thankful to say today on this platform that for the past 15 years I've had the opportunity to step onstage with Scottie and Clayton and Eric and I'm very blessed and thankful for that I want to mention real quickly some people that are behind the scenes that help make up triumphant that's our sound man that's worked so hard over here all week so far mr. Adam Bradford our bus driver Jamie Bramblett our office manager Cheri pickle and this man right here Aaron Dishman that plays keyboard for triumphant we're very blessed it takes everybody to make up what triumph that does again our our wives over here my two beautiful daughters our our families man they allow us to go out and present the gospel every week not two little girls sitting over there they've never said daddy stay home they've always said dad go do what you do go tell people about Jesus and I hope that's something that triumphant will always do god bless you we love you thank you I guess we're supposed to talk in these things Adam don't you absolutely love those guys they're amazing I love triumphs or so very much and they're Sam they bring a fresh sound it's just it's so good hey let's stop just for a minute and recognize a sweet young lady that's doing a fantastic job bringing these awards out she is so beautiful and I mean she's awesome come on out here Casey we love you Casey we'll let her know that you appreciate are some beautiful gorgeous and just loves this music she's you know her 15 miss yes and I need to mention that I do have a concealed carry permit dude I just got mine my brother you gotta see it I'm telling you it's gonna put that AR down any breeches pocket but anyway there you go so % and I have to be honest Jason I'd like to win this one myself his favorite album of the year from the first day any artist or producer starts a project they imagine imagine achieving this go perhaps it it's because it signifies a stamp of approval on a long on long hours of hard work to make great music for the fans when it's all said and done it would be a sweet feeling to know it had touched a lot of people's lives in an unforgettable way man I am excited for each of these people and Adam is it's your turn my turn yep in the 2017 nominations for favorite album of the year are between here and heaven the Bush brothers wholesale mark Travelport set here for you tribute quartet in the hands of a carpenter legacy 5 and life is good the hopper alright here we go favorite album 2017 by the way the singing news this has been a fantastic award show and it everybody's done such a great job thank you singing news and album goes to I don't know these oh the booth brothers [Applause] [Music] you know what I mean honestly we I just leaned over to Karen I hope it's okay that I say this I seen you know of all the awards if I'm really honest and I think you guys would agree the artist you understand what I'm saying that's kind of the one if you've had to pick one that you really kind of wanted that would be the one because it it means the most because the substance of who you are is wrapped up in the lyrics of that album the end that goes to you and apparently it means something special to you so wow thank you so much ather Music Group miss Angie Joseph haven't wrote the title cut between here and right so right and not only that we were we were honored to have the country music group restless heart sing the title cut with us and that was a real honor in any of these peers will tell you how great they are and it was a privilege for that to happen so guys thank you yes Frank Hill and Bill Gaither and songwriters here non-riders Jimbo yeah we could still use some more of your songs buddy listen thank you guys thank you [Applause] nope that name there you go oh it's me yeah and now Adam you and I have a special privilege of introducing two of our favorite people and truly they are they're nothing less than icons and gospel music and I love love these folks this is not you at all it's a sheet it's not you either she's a con classy lady who has graced our music with dignity for over 55 years and has set high standards of honesty and integrity in our industry in which all of us should inspire everybody loves and admires them both so let's bring I promise I just love these two truthfully I love them so very much let's bring them to the stage you ready miss collar and arrow Neal [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I'll come by them more often Jeff I'm coming to YouTube well it can you see yours no I'll give it a try with this one you're here it says well aired this is quite an honor to be asked to present this final award however I couldn't help but notice that all of today's presenters were quite young except Jarrell Karen and Michael breathing about it but you know we needed one cause yeah I got an idea about something go ahead with your part all right this award is that moment of moments when all of the people pay their highest respect and tribute to their very favorite artist of the year you know what I thought we were gonna do this I was laying in the bed last night I said you know it's a long way from where we sit except from this podium here but it may be a surprise thing that we may get this thing and then I said to myself you know we might better look at that video you see if we really involved in it okay are you ready to see the video the artist of the year good let's do it [Music] the booth brothers Hollingsworth Laughlin [Applause] greater vision makers triumphant more tech you got it Oh what's supposed to read this surprise me okay 2017 artist of the year the lord have mercy booth brothers huh [Applause] [Music] [Music] okay thank you thank you thank you from the bottom of our hearts Ryan and Paul talk about this should we win up a few Awards today or if we did we wanted to say number one we're very how can you put into words how grateful one can be and we are I hope you'll trust our heart even those of you who are walking out on us right now [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] and what I'm about to say might be a little bit unprecedented and I know let me say one more time thank you for all of the awards this stuff started with singing news back around two thousand seven two thousand five two thousand [Music] feel for you give me just next remenant here call off the dogs a few it's been beautiful when someone new would win something here today the excitement and expression of love that comes from you guys towards those people it's really refreshing it makes for a wonderful program those of you who have voted for us for all these years you have loved on us I love what Mark Trammell said unconditional love it's a beautiful picture that for us to take these trophies home and show our families of how you guys feel about us it's tremendous having said that our cup runneth over with awards and again we're so grateful please hear our heart I hope this does not sound offensive it isn't taken in the wrong way would you consider that we have enough we've been blessed enough and may we even go as far as to say would you please take that love next year and give it to someone else so they can take those trophies home and show their families we do love you god bless you thank you [Applause] god bless you and thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that kind of takes I was very classy very classy Michael I mean that for say they really was of course the same time kind of knocks the wind out of the sails whoever gets it next time now we've talked about that and it is it makes we set up hearing we listen to your applause and the excitement especially from the artists around here when when you acknowledge somebody for the first time is just it's palatable you can just feel it and it's a blessing and so Michael is right man spread that love around and my yeah Jeff Jeff Easter has never won anything [Applause] we're we're gonna start a new category next year for jiff this award dresser [Laughter] well wouldn't you agree it's been a wonderful afternoon so one more time say thanks to all the winners and the nominees give them your appreciation Aaron thank you for being thanks for loving gospel music good night see you later [Applause]
Channel: Country Man
Views: 74,517
Rating: 4.6220474 out of 5
Id: J3BYf_N1GU4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 131min 32sec (7892 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 14 2017
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