Breitbart Editor Alex Marlow | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

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but first up he is the editor-in-chief of Breitbart news be nice Alex Marlowe is here hi Alex how you doin oh thanks thanks for having me because because you are the head of Breitbart news Steve Bannon used to head Breitbart news now he is Trump's consigliere I want to say first of all I want the Democrats to have a little bit of what you guys are drinking because you have balls and you fight better you're here on my show I can't get Democrats to come here Thank You Billy it's a super high compliment and it's one of the reasons why I'm here on the show with you is because you have a reputation of actually letting conservatives speak their mind and speak their full piece so compliments to you hats off but I think that actually a lot of our inspiration and Breitbart has been following Democrats and people on the Left over the years I'm from Los Angeles I went to Berkeley I've witnessed I live in Washington DC and watching the left fight effectively fight tooth and nail for their values that's what Breitbart was founded on those principles that we believe what we believe so we're going to fight for them with all we have oh wow I didn't expect you to say that I I don't think the left fights tooth and nail they didn't even defend Obamacare when Democrats gave Americans health care not herpes okay anyway so you're also honest about being a right-wing organization which Fox News is not okay but you do ignore stories would you not agree to that I mean Russia by design if I designed yes that's honestly yeah yes and I try to be consistent as we do at Breitbart news and we're not going to cover the exact same stories the exact same way as all the other outlets we'll leave that to the rest of the establishment press oh we're very much anti-establishment trying to highlight stories that we don't think it's a fair day okay but there's anti-establishment and then there's anti truth if you're if you are not covering Russia yeah you are not we checked it's kind of a big story I mean even if there is no collusion it's still a big story all of our intelligence agencies which right-wing Patriots used to admire yes they all say it happened you don't cover it how do you justify that really as I said if we don't cover it because every other outlet in the world particularly the left-of-center outlets which are the vast vast vast number of news outlets are obsessed with this story covering it round the clock for nine months the story really day not at all Alex come on we cover it a little if there's something big if there's something that breaks that is a big important story but we don't have any evidence of collusion we don't have any evidence no but we do option of just with you yet but you would agree with the 17 agencies I'm asking do you agree that Russia did medal and try to fix this election I AB Russia absolutely was trying to interfere according to those agencies I have no reason to doubt them I have no Reno extra insight beyond that but is this something that is news and you think rush I'll trip the election I don't know if I should tip the election or not but we know that what they release was true statements by Democrats that were incredibly embarrassing and it's the sort of thing with the Democratic well wasn't that enough to tip the election if it was only 77,000 votes in those three states well they did lose 20 30 states the Democrats lost 39 take a look I don't know oh I'm not saying that the Democrat I'm not saying the Democrats don't have problems look look at it this way you saw Titanic yes my wife loves it I love it I'm ok with it maybe I should be with your wife ok looking and I'm saying the biggest in Titanic there's a point with its spoiler alert the ship hits an iceberg it's not going to go well and the architect says you know there's nine compartments below if four of them flood were okay if five of them flood were okay yeah so I would agree there are many compartments of this they had a bad candidate the Democrats Hillary I think she would have been a good president bad candidate the electoral college is up it was a year for the outsiders and liberal sulking about Bernie and about Hillary's the lesser of two evils that's four compartments but come on Russia is the fifth compartment you cannot claim to me that they did all this with the hacking and the emails and it didn't tip the election there is no doubt about it that Russia wants to sow discord in the United States they want us to lose faith in our institution but what's happening with this story is it were nine months in no hard evidence of collusion if you present evidence of collusion bill okay okay so guess I'll even forget for you okay but in the meantime I want to cover the President's agenda more than I want to cover the Russian let me read you nothing that does not exist I'll get off this in one second I'll just read what angus King said cuz Jeff Sessions he testified this week and angus King who I'm starting to really love said the question he didn't answer that really disturbed me have you looked into what the Russians did miss the Attorney General the United States you asked for any briefings do you understand the magnitude of what was done to us and the answer was no he said Comey essentially said the same thing last week about the president they had nine interactions never asked how the Russians did it this is the most serious attack on our country since September 11th and adversary is aiming in at the heart of our democracy and these guys are just shrugging it off it's the commander in chief won't defend the country against an attack by a foreign adversary isn't that the most impatient offense there is if the suggestion is that it's impeachable because he hasn't defended the country adequate since then then I don't know what the precedent is for that if there's collusion then we can have the impeachment conversation but there's no demonstrable evidence of collusion and you guys continue to talk about the story and the establishment press instead of talking about the president's agenda which is by design because you guys won't apologize if it turns out there's nothing no one will come out on MSNBC it will just move on to the next hysteria and that's a huge advantage for people like me who are covering the rest of the news I don't think that's there but okay let's move on to some let's go to free speech sure because that's something we both care about very much and I think it's under attack from so many quarters in this country you say you went to Berkeley absolutely I didn't know that I was the keynote speaker at their graduation a couple ears I'm surprised they let you on campus well they disinvited it they did disinvite me okay and then there was enough well there was not brought so they disinvited me and then there was another report so they reinvented me but it's under attack on campuses it's under attack by Donald Trump who threatens reporters all the time and it's under attack as I'm sure you know by corporations there's this play going on Julius Caesar yes okay and there's a the guy who is portraying Caesar is dressed as Donald Trump it's plainly Trump red tied down to his knee crazy hair it's Trump and of course Caesar gets stabbed now I'm fond of saying to Republicans all the time if Obama did it but really if Obama was Julius Caesar and he got stabbed I think the Liberals would be angry about that oh absolutely it would be bedlam in the media as the same thing with the Kathy Griffin thing with holding up president Trump's head with blood on it which was not funny I mean it's bizarre performance art uh and I really do think this stamens funny with with what okay not and III disagree with that yeah I mean I think what it is my president there is this I don't I don't think they should have Trump playing Julius Caesar and getting stabbed I don't okay if a conservative comedian did that with President Obama would anyone say it was funny anyone right one comedian so we're agreeing that there are some places where free speech does pause well it's bad strategy certainly to put that out there correctly all look like what hysterical lunatics and so again helpful for Breitbart not as helpful for the Democrat but what about this thing where corporations yeah now are getting in the act and if you do something they don't like they pull their funding yes absolutely their address and I'll tell you that this really started in my view in the modern era with Breitbart where a lot of people are boycotting Breitbart and what they're doing is there's a lot of anonymous people online cowardly people we don't know who's funding them we don't know who they are who are putting out all of this misinformation about who we are and what we stand for and they're trying to round up corporations to boycott us and so what's happened is that corporations are now deciding what's free and fair speech who can make a living what opinions you can make a living saying now and of course now you're seeing the right fight fire with fire and one boycotts of when the left takes it too far in their Trump hatred so it's a very dangerous path we're on and I really do think bill and I appreciate you giving me this opportunity people on the left and the right who are free speech advocates need to come together right now and say the corporations are not going to define the First Amendment and free speech in this country yeah I mean I'm worried about Fritz also under attack with religion I mean I think now there are certain things about terrorism that you and I do agree on yeah I think criticizing a religion whatever religion it is is not bigotry in itself and I have to argue that on the show all the time but come on Alex you don't really think Muslim ban is a helpful thing do you I mean that's a stupid approach to the problem well the stupid approach the strategy part I think is interesting I think a lot of where the ban comes from and again it's not literally a Muslim ban it is only highlighting countries that are not even necessarily the countries that have the most Muslims in their country but I think the design is that people have lost faith particularly the people in the Trump inner circle that the government has the ability to effectively vet people coming in and out of the country and until we do have faith that they can vet people properly there needs to be a Marine measure most of the recent attacks have been from people who have been here American citizens so so yeah they got radicalized somewhere they didn't get radicalized exactly so what but not they weren't coming from another country and there I think a lot of it is that people don't realize that American Muslims are about four or five million people right and and in the world it's a very different situation it's a billion and a half people and I don't think the problem is here in America among American Muslims I think we have to get them on our side there's this ad I remember seeing over Christmas remember the Amazon ad where the Imam and the priest said to each other knee pads yeah you remember that yes yes you know and the idea is that you know they're they're buddies and we send each other knee pads to pray because there are many ways to God and one is not better than the other I think that actually happens in America but I don't think it happens in most of the Muslim world I don't think the idea that oh you know what there are many ways to god they're all valid let's agree to disagree I don't think that the thing you find in Pakistan right but I think it is true of America so what can't we we get the American Muslims on our side instead of alienating them well you know I host a national radio show for Breitbart and Sirius XM every morning and I love highlighting Muslim voices who are progressive and reformist and want to take out some of the misogyny and some of the hatred associated with radical elements of it and I think it's an important place to start but to bring back what Breitbart does different than anyone else is we cover stories the establishment press doesn't want to cover for example many people don't know that as many as half a million people in the United States have undergone female genital mutilation that's a story broken in the USA Today Breitbart highlights those types of stories I don't see those stories on CNN because I'm too busy hearing about the latest non Russia story but okay the non Russia stories are actual stories Alex come on I'm having a little bit all right last question do you think Breitbart with the politicization that it is involved in has any responsibility for the kind of violence that we see in our society including what happened this week absolutely not I mean as you know that the guy was a big Sanders supporter I actually happen not to blame Bernie Sanders for it but when you have a climate were you CNN for example calling Breitbart the number one platform for the Nazi salute over a video we never played in CNN played when you have the New York Times accusing Breitbart of a putting racist dog whistles out when the media lies so much about people calling Trump supporters racist despicable deplorable all of these things over and over and over have been racist despicable and deplorable okay [Applause] I mean the president I think has retweeted what record it's absolutely I encourage everyone to go to Breitbart calm slash people you can meet some of the Breitbart reporters you get the Breitbart editors the most wonderful diverse influential journalists on the planet and no one is interested in their real story because they're so quick to want to call people racist and it's not working that is why so many Democrats are losing across the country they lost thirty safely losing the governor shapes the state houses and so if you want to play that game bill if you want to keep calling us racist I don't think it's going to work for you so please have at it when you do we will Alex thank you very much for having the balls to come there I do appreciate
Channel: Real Time with Bill Maher
Views: 1,682,351
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Alex Marlow, Breitbart News, Eddie Izzard, Comedian, actor, political activist, author, Believe Me, a Memoir of Love Death and Jazz Chickens, Ian Bremmer, the Eurasia Group, Malcolm Nance, US Counterterrorism Intelligence Officer, The Plot to Hack America, How Putin’s Cyberspies and WikiLeaks Tried to Steal the 2016 Election
Id: GKgdzY5_UQ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 29sec (869 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 17 2017
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