Torah Tuesdays with Monte Judah

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so [Music] shabbat shalom i'm monty judah with lion of lamb ministries i want to welcome you to our sabbath torah study this is the second portion of the annual cycle so this is called shabbat noah and we are in the book of genesis and we are at essentially chapter six i might touch on a couple of words back in chapter five because they're about noah and again like we did last week we had bear sheet now it's the shabbat noah we're going to read through here first several chapters in genesis hearing about the story of noah and the flood so before i begin reading let's have a word of prayer we'll commit the time to the lord and we'll enjoy our torah portion for this week father thank you for again the torah thank you for the base in spiritual instruction for us in our lives and as we review this portion on this sabbath lord we invite you by your holy spirit to come in and be our teacher to build us up in our most holy faith to edify us strengthen us so that we might walk uprightly before you with the knowledge and understanding of who you are and help us in our relationship with you we ask all of that in the name of yeshua messiah amen so here we are last week we talked about the creation we didn't cover everything that was in there but essentially uh in the first torah portion coming up to this portion here almost 2 000 years have taken place started with adam and then he has children and then there's many many generations and in fact uh in chapter five it goes through the multitude of generations the father who had a son and at this age and they had another son at that age and then sweat on down until we come to this place where the world with the people that are now in it this is not good though as we'll hear the description here about what the world is like at that point god is now regretting that he made the earth he made the creatures and he made mankind because man has just become a mass of evil the devil in deceiving mankind had got to the point where they're killing each other and they're destroying each other and god has to put a halt to that and kind of like restart over and so he's going to choose a man noah and his family he's going to bring a judgment upon the world by flooding the whole earth and all those creatures that need air to breathe he's going to eliminate them going to eliminate the birds going to eliminate all the cattle all the creatures that walk around on the earth including mankind going to leave the fish alone things in the sea will be going to be fine but it's going to take everything that was a quote living creature and he's going to eliminate them and basically start over and his idea of starting over is to take this one family noah and his sons their wives and have noah bring on representatives of all the different species of living creatures that he wants to have in the world after the flood and so you hear the story of how he brings two by two and so forth and we'll we'll talk about that so let me begin reading for you here in chapter five at verse 32. that's where i really like to begin this portion the teaching of it verse 32 it says noah was 500 years old and noah became the father of shem ham and jephthah were they triplicates they could have been could well of it or it could be saying that those sons came rapidly in a sequence but he's essentially 500 years old when it's accomplished we're not really sure but i tend to favor that they uh they were triplicates there were three triplicate sons and that's what he's going to do here and he's now being informed at the age of 500 years this is what god's going to do with him so we read further in chapter six now it came about when men began to multiply on the face of the earth land and daughters were born to them that the sons of god saw that the daughters of men were beautiful and they took wives for themselves and whomever they chose and then god said my spirit will not strive with man forever because he is also flesh nevertheless his days shall be 120 years the nephilim were on the earth in those days and also afterward when the sons of god came into the daughters of men they bore children to them they were the mighty men who were of old men of renown then god then the lord saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually and the lord was sorry that he had made man on the earth and he grieved in his heart and the lord said i will blot out man whom i have created from the face of the land from the man to the animals to the creeping things and to the birds of the sky for i am sorry that i have made them. but noah found favor in the eyes of god and then it begins to tell us about noah so let's go back and let's talk about what was the world like before the flood we have this short cryptic decision and i will tell you right now we're not given a lot of information we're only given enough information so that when god says i'm sorry this happened we have just enough evidence to kind of understand well why was god so sorry we don't have a really full explanation of what was lord the world really like we can deduce certain things we can conclude certain things and so let's talk about some of those things just a little bit because and the reason why you need to understand this is because the messiah and other prophets have said that when we come to the end of the ages that it's going to be like the days of noah so what is it that was in the days of noah that might be possibly in our days when we come to the end of the ages so let's examine that a little bit so it says right off the bat it says now it came about that when men began to multiply on the earth and the land the daughters were born to them so the first thing that we know about that world there was a lot of people by the way in this generation in this world we have a lot of people on the earth and many of you may not be aware of this but in this last generation we have produced more people that are alive today walking around the earth than has ever been in the entire history of the world going all the way back to creation if you total all the people up who've ever been in the world from creation up to this generation that number does not equal the amount of number of people that are live today in this generation this truly is a multiplied generation that's one of the symptoms that indicates the last generation daniel said many will go to and fro knowledge will increase that was a description last generation here it's describing right off the bat the first thing about that world was there were many people and they had multiplied greatly now we don't know what the number was but that was one of the characteristics and then it says of that that the sons of god saw that the daughters of men were beautiful and they took wives from themselves whomever they chose now i've heard different people speculate on this and suggest well this is the verse that explains there were aliens from space that came to the earth and they started mating with human women i guess that's where we got brute aftershave from because apparently the women went for it whatever then i've heard the theory no those were the sons of god those were different angels and they came here and angels intermingled with mankind and that that was the problem and so there is no evidence to substantiate any of those theories the term the sons of god is also synonymous with people that have been created by god it's not in in particular in this text of scripture it means the same thing if you you could say the sons of adam or you could say the sons of god because adam was created in the image of god you could have the same expression being done for it here's the one kicker verse though the last phrase whomever they chose one of the most important decisions that a man and a woman will ever make in their life is who do they want to have as their spouse personally i don't believe that you can make an informed correct decision on that without god's help and good counsel from your family you need to you're going to change the world you're going to change your family your parents are going to have to live with the choice that you did your siblings are going to have to live with them you're going to have to join her family whatever and it's going to change things in fact when you make a marriage vow you literally are grabbing the future without conditions pulling it down and creating a reality here i'm going to be your husband whether you're in sickness or in health rich or poor i don't care what the conditions are i'm going to be your husband bang and at that point that you make that vow the rest of your friends and everybody oh that's her husband nobody disputes it you made the vow you just changed the the creation just changed the world and we all accept it now that's a very powerful thing vows are extremely powerful and the lord tells us you be real careful about making an oath and a vow because i'm going to demand it of you you changed my creation you changed my world you're going to do it now well if all of a sudden you have a world where none of that has any value you're not recognizing it's god's world you're not recognizing you're changing the creation you're just willy-nilly going through there kind of stirring everything up that's when it's going to get bad if you decide to go marry somebody that your entire family is uncomfortable with that's not going to be a happy life with your family whatever the case may be you know you can see you know some people get married and there's just massive conflict from it some people get married and it's it's wonderful but it's very that's a very important powerful decision and to me you know you know you need to be if you know the lord you need to be going to the lord and say do you want me marrying that woman should she marry me lord i need to get kind of an okay from you is this the one that is the right one for me because i know you want to bless me you i need your counsel you go to your parents what do you think your friends hey what do you think and because you're going to change the world for them so in that world it said whomever they chose they literally were entering into marriage relationships whenever they wanted to however they wanted to and they were just wrecking relationship after relationship they were just literally might as well have taken your nice little garden and just run a rototiller right through the thing and it just tore everything up that's the world it was by the way in the world that we live today we have many people what do you think the world in this generation thinks about marriage we have a whole lot of people walking around saying we don't have to be married we can do whatever we want or the divorce rate there are some people who in the course of their life will be divorced multiple times and you know each time the decision becomes less and less important and and it's whomever they choose and the value of that relationship diminishes about in the methodology in which they come together that's essentially what this verse is saying they devalued how important marriage was and how it was created by god to begin with verse 3 then the lord said my spirit will not strive with man forever because he is also flesh therefore his days shall be 120 years now the typical mistake and i'm going to use that term that is made by the average christian believer and teachers is that here's 500 years okay that noah's life is and he's been given 120 years before the judgment's going to come and that the flood came 120 years later that is not correct the flood came when noah was 600 years old from the moment that he got told to build the ark until the flood came it was only 100 years so what is this 120 years well some have then said well the lifespan of men shrank as through the flood that is true but then they said you know that's when god made the rule that you live only to 120 years well if you follow the ages of the patriarchs after the flood there's a very definite curve that comes down abraham was 175 years old shem lived another 300 years after the flood uh you come all the way down to the time of king david where he says in his day a man's life is three score and 10 that's 70 years and if he lives a long life he lives to force court if he makes it to 80 he had a long life well in the world that we have today we have a lot of people who can live beyond 80. you can hear about you know centurions you can hear about people in fact i heard that there's some woman here just this week her 105th birthday she went skydiving you know big big deal i mean you know i'm not crazy enough to go skydiving at 71. i mean i don't know what obviously she's crazy at 105 you probably are crazy but no they're celebrating it is she still has vitality and life and and so forth and you for the most part you don't hear of anybody super age that gets past 120. you know in my lifetime i think the guy that they thought had lived it was 117 years he didn't make it to 120. um i don't think that this verse even is referring to that because the truth of the matter is that after king david's life and people used to come you know what the average age used to be for the pioneers and settlers that came to america you know what the average age was 47. this was a rough life you catch pneumonia you're dead you know you get a death a cold you know and it would there was all kinds of things before you had medical things it would take you out and so a person's life is is subject to your environment and in which you're living so this statement that is being made here is very significant but the question is what is it really so let me tell you what i think stands up to this and makes this verse so powerful one of the things that god will give us later on through the torah through the children of israel and moses he will help to give some parameters on a life before god one of the things he'll teach is that we're going to have every seven years we're going to have a shemitah year we're going to have a sabbatical year and he says just like every seven days i want you to rest every seven years i want you to give the land a rest okay we call it the shemitah year of the sabbatical year and then he says i want you to count seven of those and on the 50th year we're going to call yovel we're going to call it the year of jubilee and in every generation every person who has a normal life you're going to have at least one opportunity in your life where all of your debts are forgiven and you're going to be able to go back to the original lands in the land of israel that your ancestors were given when they came into the land so let's say that you were of the tribe of judah and you were going out and doing business and so but you have the ownership on a piece of land you're part of the heirs of the land but in the course of you doing business you sell that land you you need the revenue for something else so you sell it okay and but that land is going to come back to you on the year of uofl so that your offspring will have the benefit of the land too you didn't just sell it out from under your inheritance because the land was given for all of the generations not just one and there's very specific rules in the torah about how this is done it's called the year of jubilee year release in the hebrew we call it a yovel a year of that and we count that's that's 50 years um let me just go ahead and tell you something kind of interesting here the world if we go back to the creation how many yovels have we had since god created the heavens and the earth we have had uh right at i'm trying to remember this it was on the tip of my tongue 120 yovels we're coming to the end of the age the lord's getting ready to finish this thing off and there's only been a hundred and twenty yovels before we come to the bible gear six thousand which is six days remember with the lord one day as a thousand years a thousand years is one day we've had the six days of creation we have the six days of living on the earth seventh day the millennium of the years is the kingdom of god when the messiah comes back and ceases from his labors and we tabernacle with him and so forth we've had 120 yovels now which year was the last ufl well we're not sure about that but we do know this that in this time frame where we are today it happens somewhere in this timeframe it's in this generation now if you go back to the history of israel when israel came to be how many of those hundred and twenty yovels happened to line up with the nation of israel and how long they've been answer 70 of them it turns out that 70 yells are the whole life of israel from its creation to its present day that is the 70 of the 120 of the whole world so when the lord says i am only going to put up with 120 years and he's been telling us i'm not going to put up with this generation in the world he's also told us when is the limit of when he's going to put up with the whole world in all of his ages he said i'm going to put up with this for 120 years a hundred and twenty yavels because the start of the kingdom is a yovel it's a year of release the year free when all of abraham's descendants get to go back to the promised land and get their portion of the kingdom are going to the kingdom you're going to get a portion of the kingdom that had been promised by god to abraham who had been parsed out through moses to the sons of israel we're going to go back to that pardon me for just a moment so i think that 120 years is really a conceptual teaching about how long is god going to put up with the whole world as it presently is and it isn't necessarily directed to him putting up with the first two thousand years of the world before the flood because he adds this to he's already said i'm i'm not going to put up with the world in the present world i'm going to judge the present world i'm going to judge by water but later he tells us i'm going to judge the world in the end by fire well what's your limit on that lord how about a hundred and twenty yell veils that would cover multiple generations cover the ages and i think that's what he's really referring to here when he says i'm not going to put up with it more than 120 years then he goes on to say this again speaking to the world that he was it the nephilim were on the earth in those days and also afterward when the sons of god came into the daughters of men and they bore children to them and those were the mighty men who were of old men of renown and actually he gives you the definition of what nephilim means nephilim is the title to a group of men that existed in the world at that day that were apparently very capable in living their lives and people looked up to him and respected them and today let me give you a modern day example what i'm talking about there's lots of people in the world but let's say that you're talking to some people other people in the world and they say well those people coming over are americans what does that mean to the world oh those are the people that have been highly successful the their nation is young as compared to other ancient nations but they've been a very successful people they're a very rich people by the way they're a very capable people they have fought in wars and won many victories and so we are americans we are men of renown well that's what they're saying about the nephilim in the world before the flood there was this group of people that were recognized as kind of head and shoulders above everybody else and so he's describing that the culture and the society was there were many different people but there was this one group of people that was like head and shoulders over everybody else they they were in the world and if you recall when the spies went in to spy out the land of israel and they came back with a bad report and they were afraid one of the complaints i think was a lie was they said we saw the nephilim there that's what the spies said we saw the nephilim there we saw giant men very capable men that you got to understand that the average israeli in those days that we think was probably all of five four to five six five foot four to five foot six inches now look at the world that we have today people are walking around six foot if your world all you've ever lived in is the average man is five foot six and is about as small as our friend carlos that we know why the whole world looks like giants compared to him you know and so it it can be a little intimidating if if you're small and and there's these big guys walking around well i think that's part of what it was saying there had come to a point where there were men who towered over others in in esteem in physical dimension and size and they weren't necessarily giants but but they towered over and from that some have speculated that you remember goliath you know who fought david that they say some have suggested well goliath was a descendant of the nephilim well it's if it's primarily a reputation thing it's not necessarily a physiology thing it's just a reputation goliath probably would definitely be your vision of what a nephilim is i mean when you go in the scripture and you find out what goliath was like and he had they had to make an iron bed for him it was massive and his spear was like a beam you know and his shield the average guy couldn't pick it up you know all that kind of stuff would you know he fits the definition of a nephilim i mean he's you know whatever it is that you think that is so all we have and by the way it's very simple information here is it's just describing there were a group of people in that world that seemed to dominate the rest of the world there was a group that dominated and they were called the nephilim so he goes on to say the following with all of that going on then the lord saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually by the way the word continually as opposed to the word continuously should be taken note here a continuous thing is like like a dripping faucet it's continuously drop dripping but continually means the flow's on and there's no interruption so it's saying that the evil there's no interruption it's not not a little bit at the time and then more you know you said no it's flowing all the time i mean it's to that extent so um in any case it and he says it the intent of every thought nobody's having an intent that isn't uh nobody's having a thought with an intent to do good i mean that's a miserable world and it's a little bit like the world that we're in today you know days of noah in which that we are now seeing more and more publicly people who their only intent is to hate their intent is to think of how can i do evil we we are hearing people now who publicly don't make any comment except to express an evil thought especially when you get into politics and we have a and it's sickening you know we this is terrible this is madness well that was the world now there's a couple other things that we will discover about this world later on as we go through the story of noah but let me just summarize them for you very very quickly men did not eat meat everybody only ate vegetable material plants green that's that's all we ate we didn't have thunderstorms and we didn't have big things the earth was watered by a mist that came up from the ground every day and watered everything so rain was not something that was common um that's how the world we weren't in direct radiation of the sun apparently there was some kind of terrarium effect there was some kind of canopy of clouds or moisture in the atmosphere that kept the atmosphere calm instead of all of the violent thermodynamics that we have and so the sun was shielded so there was no radiation and by the way why do we think that so strongly it's because everybody that was in that world lived long long ages in fact you go back into genesis 5. these guys are knocking out 800 900 years by the way do you know what it is once you get born in the world what triggers the aging process in use whether you age direct radiation from the sun if you could take a baby born and isolate that kid from the direct radiation of the sun that kid's youth will go a long long time and his process of growing and maturing physically will be over a very long extended time in fact i've heard some medical doctors say that if we could get you to where you do not come into contact of radiation of the sun you could live to almost a thousand years that you have the regenerative power in your body to cause you to live for a thousand years well guess what these people who lived in the before the flood they lived hundreds of years old they weren't in the direct radiation of the sun but as soon as the flood occurred the canopy of clouds rained down remember it was rain for the first time that canopy that terrarium effect collapsed now we have direct reaction from the sun and that radiation triggered the aging process and you see this curve come down to the ages of people we have today and you and i and by the way you could never come into contact because the moment you come into contact with radiation son it turns that mechanism in you and you begin to age and you can't turn it off mortals you know that's what that's what makes us mortals that aging thing kicks on and you're you're only going to have a certain lifespan for a certain time your heart's only going to beat so many times your body's only going to sustain for so many times for it so that world that was there it was a completely different climate completely different atmosphere oh by the way because of the terrarium effect and there hadn't been any rain the air pressure of the earth would have been significantly stronger than it is right now right now down at sea level 15 pounds per square inch they think that it could have been as much as 30 pounds per square inch before the flood well let me tell you what that does for you if you could live in an atmosphere like that you could literally run and not get tired because you would be processing the oxygen that's in the air it'll almost be pushing the oxygen into you you know for you to have what you need and so you would not fatigue as quickly you would be strong you wouldn't weaken you know and from that and it says you you remember the prophecy of the kingdom they shall run and not be weary they shall whatever and not faint well i can tell you what the result of that is all you got to do is have a new body and put you in a different atmosphere where you have a lot more oxygen that's how you do that that's simple simple science that's not a giant miracle that's that's possible for it so that was the world who we're in so with that as a setting for the world now noah's instructed and i want you to build this ark so we're going to talk about this the structure that he builds mind you it's him and his three sons and their families and it doesn't appear it doesn't really talk about other people assisting them or helping them but there's very good possible that they did use other people to assist them because if you stop and think about all the tasks of building the ark let me tell you all the different supporting tests you have to do somebody's got to go out and harvest wood somebody's got to lumber this wood into shapes that can be used to build the art somebody has to go find that bituminous material that waterproofing material so you can coat all the planks and all the boards inside and out with that stuff somebody's got to put these things together and assemble this entire structure with all of its different compartments and different decks and the ramps and and the window in it and so you got to build a lot of stuff oh by the way then you've got to grow a whole bunch of food and be able to store it on the ark you got to gather it and store it on the yard then you have to go get all those animals wherever they're at you got to go get them and and get them to come and you may have to build temporary stock yards where all these animals are living until you load them on the ark all at one moment so you're getting ready to leave since i was a logistics engineer let me just tell you this was a logistics nightmare in fact i always tell people noah was not a ship builder noah was a logistics engineer because the only way he could pull this off is all kinds of logistics took place here it's not just build an ark it was all of these other supporting things had to be done at the same time the ark was being built to where there came a moment when everything came together and i think that while he was building it i think he probably paid for and asked for people to support him along with his sons i think his sons probably supervised the project i'm sure the people coming over and being paid they probably ask the question well what is this thing for what are you doing here it looks like a animal hotel you're building here and it was setting on the ground and they said well you know there's going to be a flood coming and we're going to float in this thing and and we're going to be saved from the flood i'm sure the people that heard that went this thing is going to float this thing won't float you know what what in the world are you talking about and all these animals all you're going to do is stink the place up but you know why would they have done that job well i can give you an answer on that too see i used to be a government contractor government would pay us to go do a lot of work for them believe me there was a lot of jobs i was working on i was saying i don't know what the government's doing this is dumb as all get out that we're doing this but they're paying me so i'll do it and i think there was a lot of normal human dynamic that got involved what would have been the wood and i'm sure you probably heard this joke what would have been the wood that had been used for the ark it would have been gopher wood just like the scripture says it would have been gopher wood what what is gopher wood what kind of wood is that that's the wood which you say to shem and you say go for wood that's a joke you know gophers amongst us are people who run errands and uh i actually believe it was probably white oak white oak in the area of mount air rad is a very dominant wood it is a very very dense very very strong wood and it would have been more than adequate for creating a structure of the size of the ark if he would have used a white oak and given the compartmentalization that was done in it would have been like a honeycombed box which by the way would have lent itself to the most stable and capable created thing given the hydrology and the flooding in the ocean that they would have had to endure there's a couple of other little details that i can give to you one of them is the door we know for a fact was not built down at the ground level we know for a fact the door was built up at the upper level why why do we know that one god closed that door and two when they landed they did not exit the ark through the door noah chopped his way out of the ark the door wasn't at the ground level to let them leave the door was at the elevated level why would that be so well i think he would have while he was building the ark to have the necessary scaffolding to to build up as the art was built 45 feet in the air i think he would have built a building mount he would have brought dirt up beside and there would have been dirt beside it and he would have built little ramps you know to get across and i think the door was a full down door like a drawbridge and at the highest level and so you would have loaded on the top or the third deck and then you would load through gravity down to the other places into the arc bringing all the equipment supplies and that's the one that makes sense to me so that when the lord closed that the door is now above the water line by the way that's kind of important on a ship a boat that's going to be the water don't have any opening or possible opening below the water line make sure it's water tight integrity so build the door above where the water will be in case there's any leakage you know that's associated with it and they could easily have built a door above the water line that would have maintained what they needed to maintain uh there's a couple other things we know that the ark was buoyant in the in the water and that the water line came up halfway on the work half of the ark was sitting in the water half the ark was out of the water the most stable floating platform you can have in that amount of water how do we know that well one of the things that we're told here in the story is that the flood lasted it rained and so forth for 40 days 40 nights they started floating and the rains remain for a hundred and fifty days they were floating around for 150 days and one of the things they say was that the water went above the highest mountains and that the water was up to 15 cubits now noah's inside the ark with the animals he doesn't go outside he never goes out on the upper roof takes a sounding line you know tosses in there to see how deep the water is i think there was something that happened while they were floating around i think the ark went scraping over the top of a mountain and they kind of jostled them a little bit and they realized that the highest point of the earth they were floating over the top of was the same depth of the water line and it was exactly 15 cubits and how high was the ark 30 cubits so 15 is half of it so it was 50 percent buoyant and that's the reason why we reported the water reached to that level over the top of the mountains and that's the reason why he told us that the water came up 15 cubits it's it's really deductive reasoning you know to work out the details the window for example now you realize if it's raining a whole bunch window could potentially leak rain so this window had to be a very unique window it's not like your window you see in the side of a wall i believe that what he did was he took in the upper roof of the upper deck and he built a structure up and by the way he said the window was one cubit so he built a structure up one cubit and there was an opening but it had a little covering over it and i think it was levered and it would watershed off but he could open the window slightly to have access to the light and to see what was going on because he's going to use a dove to release and so with and oh by the way birds which i believe would have been on the upper deck they must have light the cycle of light to live if you put a bird in a dark area and he doesn't you don't give them the cycle of light they'll die they will never make it they have to have the cycle of light whereas other animals don't have to have the cycle of light to be able to continue men sometimes have gone into solitary confinement in a dark room but may hurt their eyes when they come out but they can still live but birds can't do that so i think the birds would have been on the upper deck and that light that window was instrumental in keeping them alive the things that i'm talking about is there's a tremendous amount of logistics that go into this let me just summarize the following things with you one of the very first torah teachings that i ever did in my lifetime was born out of my engineering background i used to be a member of the society of logistics engineers in fact my boss was the international president of that professional society and by guarantee that when you worked for him you joined that club to be a part of it well one of the things in our professional society is we had these chapter dinners and we'd have presenters come in and make presentations of interest to us a society of logistics engineer types and somehow have to pass it off where our wives will enjoy some of this stuff and of course you can imagine as a bunch of engineers we are as boring as all get out and it was always a struggle to get speakers in and have interest in it the wives didn't want to come and all that well i had signed up as kind of a backup presenter for the chapter dinner and i got this call hey monty uh you're signed up as a backup speaker by the way the speaker we had scheduled this month is some colonel he can't make it so i'm calling on you you got two weeks i need you to come up with a topic and i need you to be prepared to be our speaker at the chapter dinner i said okay and he said so what's your topic going to be so i'm like what he said yeah i need a i need a name of your topic because i'm getting ready to send out the advertising what are you going to come and tell us literally in desperation i'm just going through my mind what what could i possibly do and it blurted out and i blurted out how about a logistics engineering analysis of noah's ark and he immediately went oh that's interesting i bet the wives would come to that one you know to hear that you know christians would probably be interested in hearing an engineering analysis on a story out of the bible and in that two weeks i then proceeded to go do a logistics engineering analysis i did a hydrology study i did a thermodynamic study did a structural design study you know put all these studies together and came in with these results so i'm going to present you know an engineering review of the design of noah's ark well i did about a 45 minute little presentation had my slides lined up i actually did kind of a fun job it was kind of fun i got into it and it was a perfect example that showed people what does a logistics engineer do when he goes to work and all the things that he does you know that logistics is like what in the world is that and it was a perfect example that showed what what i would do and what we used to do well i made the presentation and amazingly everybody that saw it loved it they said wow this was a really fascinating thing here and the next thing i know i'm being asked would i give that same presentation again to another audience of engineers this time it's not logistics engineers it's all kinds of engineers because it's helping them to understand what logisticians do so i made that presentation and by the way this presentation i made is in front of a bunch of phds and zoologists and other science scientific people at which point they came up to me that said most fascinating presentation i've ever seen you know uh wow you know you pulled that out of the bible and that you know that i think you're right well one of my conclusions was that i said the story of noah's ark as given to us in the bible is not only feasible it is highly probable and i even calculated an algorithm of the probability number and so that it could be examined by all the engineers so the probability number that i put was one one is considered perfect we men we build things we only call it 0.99 something because we know we can't build something that's perfect for its task it's going to break something's going to go wrong it probably won't work blah blah blah you know time and heat and cold and everything is going to interfere with it men are going to mess it up but i gave an argument why this was the first one in a design i said first of all it wasn't done by a god by a man it was done by god by the way we know it worked i was able to calculate the mean time between failures of 8756 hours what is the time when which the possible failure could take place how did i know that because that's number of hours in a single year and the story says that they stood in that ark for a year so i had all the evidence and everybody just was fascinating with how it was well my boss hears about this you know the international president of society of logistics years he calls me and he says hey i understand you got this presentation i heard some good things about it how about you fly out here and i'd i'd like to see your presentation okay so come out i'm happy to show the boss i get up and i made the presentation got a whole bunch of people in the room the other engineers the rest of my company gave the presentation and my boss who cut right to the chase when as soon as i got done he said okay i want you to march down to the studio here at the company and i want you to record that so i did i walked down and gave the same presentation again and recorded it he then took that video and he shipped it all over the world to other logistics engineers this is an excellent example what a logistics engineer does this is how he goes through a task he measures a design he does this kind of analysis work and let me just tell you my career exploded now god had told me earlier in my life that he was going to give me the power to gain wealth in my hands but i had no idea that it was going to be through a noah taurus study but that's what happened to me because you know what i would conclude with i would conclude with the following statement i think we better start believing in the bible because this story is provable and i said there's only one other story that precedes it and that's god created in the heavens and the earth i don't think it's a big stretch of faith to believe god has created the heavens and the earth because here's a very specific thing out of the ancients that we can measure that was true i think that's part of the reason why god and the prophets used this expression like in the days of noah and the messiah specifically said in the world that would be at the end it would be like the days of noah because they did not understand and by doing this study it helps people to understand how that would have worked and how that it probably did work well one of my best arguments is we're still here we're still on the earth and oh by the way there's plenty of archaeological evidence that there was a great flood on the earth and that we've occupied the earth since that time well let's talk just in the last few minutes here let's talk about what was the world like afterwards so the flood comes noah's heart comes to rest on mount ararat he chops his way out of it you know he's now going to reoccupy the earth and one of the things that we hear about the earth is that vegetation starts to spring up again that dove went out and found the leaf of an olive tree there had been seed that had been you know there and life began to spring up again but noah had been told to take a certain number of animals and a lot of people don't know us they think well he took two of every kind no he didn't it said the clean animals he was to bring by sevens i believe that to be three pairs and an extra male why in the world would he do that because at the end of the flood he built an altar to god gave thanks to god by taking one male clean animal and making it a burnt offering to the lord and at that point god then said to him eat meat you could eat the meat from the altar so man began to eat meat that's when he announced that amongst the animal kind they would begin to fear man and they began to prey on one another we have the animals of prey now they didn't have that before the flood and assortment of other things one of things is we now have four seasons we have summer winter spring fall we have rainy season not rainy season we have all these different things that didn't exist before the flood and the world that we live in today is the product of the flood and what transpired and the scripture is explaining it you know how we got where we got and how it is the world that is with us today now it's going to talk about his descendants and how they'll begin to repopulate the world and it's going to take us in the next portion down to abraham who will be a number of generations after noah but i can tell you this noah was still alive when abraham was 50 years old so they were cohabitated at the same time on the earth as a part of the repopulation of the world that began to take place uh in the world thereafter more obviously to this study but our time has run out so may the lord bless you and have a wonderful sabbath as we think on what the torah is and we'll see you next week for the next portion of the tour shabbat shalom [Music]
Channel: Lion and Lamb Ministries
Views: 3,173
Rating: 4.9281435 out of 5
Keywords: Monte Judah, Bnai shalom, Lion lamb, Yeshua, Torah, messiah, messianic
Id: nyjpadTyJJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 46sec (3346 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 05 2021
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