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what is going on everybody welcome back to the cosmic wonder I'm Moren Thompson and today we have some really big news for the MCU two new projects two really big projects right now are currently in development at Marvel Studios both of which are sequels and the movies that we got last for them were pretty controversial however we do have some plot details for one of the films and we'll talk about what the other one could be about and how they both could be extremely better than their predecessor films one is dror strange 3 now we know about this we've heard about it for a little bit now but we have an update it has now been listed in production weekly meaning it is moving along we'll dive into some details about this but remember this needs to come out presumably before Avengers the King Dynasty at least that's what we've been told by some insiders and the other project is Thor 5 now we pretty much knew that Thor was not done after the events of Thor love and thunder yes the movie did receive a lot of criticism and a lot of people said that they did not like this movie the same kind of goes for Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness there are a lot of people out there who said they didn't like it however as we've learned there are many people out there that said that they have loved the film and actually won awards as well Fan Awards proving that fans actually did love the movie but there of course are groups out there who hated this movie and a lot of people really did not like Thor love and thunder and for those people unfortunately we have some news about the director and you might not like this news but we do also have news about the villain of Thor 5 Tao titiz opened up a little bit about it in a new special book for thor1 Thunder and we'll break down everything you need to know and if you want to stay up to date on the MCU be sure to subscribe and if you subscribe and leave a comment you're automatically entered in our giveaway for a chance to win an Xbox series X A PS5 some Marvel Legends items and some DC items as well we pick one winner at the end of each month and the winner gets to pick one item so we do have a lot of information about Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness including what the plot is going to be about but let's first talk about Thor 5 because according to a reason recent report Tao atiti is going to be returning to direct the next Thor film now this may upset some people because I've heard a lot of people say the next Thor film needs to be directed by somebody other than taoa Titi but before you get super nervous let's talk about what Chris Hemsworth has talked about when he was discussing the next Thor film after Thor love and thunder Chris himsworth after Thor love and thunder did say that he would return for a Thor five however he did say that the script would have to be different that the tone would have to be different and Thor himself would have to be a completely different Thor than what we saw in Thor love and thunder so right away the fans who are worried that this is just going to be maybe an even more elevated Thor love and thunder you don't really have to worry about that in fact it sounds like we're going to go in a completely different direction and that could possibly be a more serious Thor Thor Ragnarok was an incredible movie and that movie was a great blend of comedy and seriousness then Thor love and thunder came and basically doubled down on the comedy and most of the complaints were that it was just too comedic and not serious enough so if Chris Hemsworth is talking about taking Thor the character in a different direction than what we've seen then that is going in a different direction than a comedic and silly Thor and there are many super serious versions of Thor in the comics and in fact there are some really dark Thor stories in the comics for example Rune King Thor is one of the strongest Thor that we've ever seen and he's a very serious character and he's also extremely powerful he has the power of the Odin force and he can use Rune magic so if we were taking Thor into a different direction this is a direction I would love to see them push towards I don't think he could probably become Rune King Thor in the very next film just because the character progression hasn't been there yet to build up to that however if Chris himsworth isn't done with Thor and wants to stick around for a couple of more films this is definitely something that they could build up to which I think a lot of fans would really enjoy seeing now in the Thor 11 Thunder the official movie special book Tao wititi has already talked about the villain of Thor 5 and he's revealed that the villain is going to be more powerful than Hela now we are assuming that Thor 5 is going to come out before the events of Avengers Secret Wars so one thing that we're obviously thinking about is the possibility that the villain could actually be a variant of Kang the Conqueror Kang and Thor have definitely gone head-to-head in Marvel Comics and right now Thor hasn't really been involved with any of the events that are kind of taking place in the MCU right now yes Thor L and thunder is seemingly going to have some pretty big effects for the MCU considering how it introduced a cosmic entity eternity but there is going to need to be something that gets him into the fight something that pulls him into the specific battle against King the Conqueror a reason for him to actually return to Earth so what would make the most sense continuity wise is for him to be fighting Kang maybe not the main Prime King but a variant of King and this will put King on his radar and this will make him have to go back to Earth to consult the new Avengers team there is also another way that still could connect to King and this would follow up the events of the Marvels we know that in the Marvels in some way shape or form they are going to connect everything to King the Conqueror specifically because his technology the Bengal that Kamala Khan is wearing and the other one being worn by darbin is his technology is King Technology and the Marvels is going to be a film where Carol Danvers is going to different parts of the Galaxy so probably not in the actual movie but after the movie the Marvels we could find out that Carol Danver goes and pays Thor a visit and says hey there's something going on here and we're going to need your help that's another way to directly get Thor involved in the events of Kang the Conqueror if Kang is not going to be the villain of Thor 5 Thor has a lot of different villains he could go up against and keep in mind we haven't seen Beta Ray Bill so hopefully he will show up at some point in time since we have already visited his home world in Avengers endgame and we did see a statue of him in Thor Ragnarok and of course we have to consider Hercules in the Thor 11 Thunder post credit scene Hercules was set up to be the next villain of the next Thor film however in the comics Hercules and Thor are friends so I'm expecting something pretty similar to happen here I don't think he's going to go on to become a main villain of the next Thor film or a main villain of the MCU I think eventually him and Thor are going to be buddies perhaps he could even recruit Hercules into the fight against King I'm assuming that Thor is going to basically explain everything that happened in Thor love and thunder stating he had no choice he had to kill Gore before he killed all of the Gods he was simply trying to save all of the Gods lives including Hercules and his father Zeus so I'm assuming once Thor explains everything and they stop fighting he's going to eventually come around and see okay Thor wasn't really trying to do anything bad he was just trying to save everybody so I would like to think that a king variant is going to be the villain of Thor five and we're going to have a much more serious Vibe since Kang is threatening not only Thor's universe but the entire Multiverse itself and that is where Doctor Strange comes in according to production weekly Doctor Strange is a Marvel Studios project that is in production right now now obviously the strikes are going on so some things are on hold but it is in production meaning this is a project that they are trying to get out pretty quickly and like I mentioned they most likely want this out before the King Dynasty that's what we've heard from insiders now what we know about this film is of course it's going to deal with incursions but it's also going to deal with sort of a multiversal group who is going to be responsible for kind of stopping these incursions and correcting them and according to Insider Alex P from the cosmic circus this group is going to be the black priests a multiversal organization that Clea is a part of and they have found that two people are at the center of all of these incursions and essentially the Multiverse going into chaos and these two people are the reasons that it could ultimately be destroyed one of those persons is K of course and the other one is Doctor Strange himself now John kosinski's Mr Fantastic of the 838 Universe kind of talked about this but he didn't go into a lot of detail he did say though they have found that the biggest threat to their universe and the Multiverse is Doctor Strange now what's interesting is that at one point in time in Marvel Comics Doctor Strange is actually the leader of the black priests so they could be setting that up for the future of the MCU as well but right now we are finding out that these more recent projects that are going to be coming to the MCU are really starting to set up and connect to Avengers the King Dynasty and Avengers Secret Wars now Doctor Strange 3 is supposedly going to adapt a Time Runs Out storyline time Runs Out was a Marvel comic story that led directly up to Avengers Secret Wars and what's really interesting is that the story did not end well they did not keep the Multiverse from being destroyed a lot of incursions happened and essentially what ended up happening is that many Heroes ended up leaving Earth before it collided with another Earth that's where the story ended and they went directly into Secret Wars from there so it it might be safe to say Doctor Strange 3 is not going to end well he is not going to be able to undo some incursions that he caused and might even cause some more incursions but of course keep in mind that it's not just him Kang is causing incursions as well which is another reason why we believe that Kang or a variant of Kang could be the main villain of Thor 5 this honestly just makes a lot of sense and would really start to tie everything together through all parts of our universe so Thor 5 is officially in development it looks like they kind of started it not too long after Thor love and thunder Tao atii seems to be the director again and of course Chris himsworth is going to be returning as Thor in which he has said they will have a very different tone for Thor so hopefully Thor 5 is going to be a banger of a movie and connect deeply into Avengers King Dynasty and Avengers Secret Wars but go ahead and let us know your thoughts about this in the comments down below what would you like to see from Thor 5 and who would you like the villain to be leave all your thoughts in the comments down below don't forget to like the video and of course subscribe so you don't miss out on any of the latest MCU news you can also follow us on Instagram and Twitter as well and as always thank you all so much for watching woof woof
Channel: The Cosmic Wonder
Views: 165,353
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cosmic wonder, marvel, mcu, marvel phase 4, marvel phase 5, marvel leaks, thor 5, thor 5 villain, thor 5 announcement, thor 5 news, thor 5 official announcement, thor 5 director, thor 5 trailer, thor 5 leaks, doctor strange 3, dr strange 3, doctor strange 3 announcement, doctor strange 3 official announcement, doctor strange 3 plot, doctor strange 3 trailer, doctor strange 3 leaks, avengers secret wars, avengers kang dynasty, avengers, secret wars, kang dynasty, thor
Id: AiMs51t-1uY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 17sec (617 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 19 2023
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