Breaking the WORLD RECORD for the LONGEST MATCH EVER in Apex Legends

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welcome back to apex legends everyone today we're gonna be doing the longest match ever so today i have brought a huge lobby of people and so everyone get ready to ready up three two one ready up everyone so how we're gonna survive the longest you ask caustic glitch with the heat shield all right everyone make sure you tell your teammates what's happening maybe just say zilbrad or something and we're gonna go around grabbing all the crafting materials because we can craft the heat shield we're gonna go all meet each other at the end of the ring get as many crafting as possible who is this it's a bomb of course it is wait bomb your lifeline i thought you'd be caustic oh that one's like okay cool all right so why did that man kill someone you see we live in a society who knows why they did it we're going to look into that one day the psyche of why people kill each other in apex legends well such a beautiful community we're going to bring up once you've uh gotten enough crafting everyone meet at the salvage and we'll all have a little trip to the market we can buy some stuff before the ring closes and death comes in oh i see some people coming over and flying in two wow more members of the community lifelines and caustics such a beautiful world this is it's the perfect blend of toxicity and lovingness well wow whose shop is this get in the goddamn shop i forgot to get my heirloom again oh i forgot to get my heirloom oh well so what do we got for sale today that's worse than mine i would never buy that trade in heat shields so we'll keep waiting around here look here's some more people coming hey welcome to the half toxic and half loving community we're gonna be here all day i better start lying back or something but you're throwing grenades in the sky it's not gonna come back you know what if this is a society we're gonna make one sacrifice just one all right you grab that lifeline lifeline who is your stick can you can you point to which one's your caustic all right we gotta sacrifice everyone we have a sacrifice come on over bright caustic you're too colorful to be a caustic get over here get over here bright caustic otherwise i'll kill you myself you either die honorably get respawned or just whatever come on the sacrifice must be made don't you dare stand there get in the goddamn green lava good look at him take it this is a community oh keep dying he will die and then he'll get respawned born and you there we go beautiful what a beautiful society everyone kill the dragon jesus christ kill it oh my god beautiful cut it up we're gonna eat tonight we're shooting at the drop no don't shoot at that no stop shooting at that man he's born in you he's fine he's fine it's please don't kill him give him some help jesus christ this will be hard this says a lot about our current society we're in the end stage so we want that crafting because we're going to stay next to the crafting the crafting is water to us and there's actual water right here too that has been poisoned good everyone had to go around this goddamn cancer game mode everyone start crafting uh you know it heat shields why is that two of them in one thing oh no [Laughter] run everyone run to uh the caustic treatment place there's one more crafting there i'm going infinitely doing it right now oh no i screwed it up i screwed it up oh god all right it's time to craft oh my god the sound is going really weird make sure to throw your gas can outside the thing good everyone this is good oh it's glitching out all right so we've got some very experienced society makers here who know how to do this glitch very well oh god the ring's getting cut off oh god it's getting kind of close oh it's about to be the final round everyone we're about to hit the longest uh time in apex look at this guy a diligent worker keeping us alive you're a hero you're a hero there's a gas can right here no no don't put the gas cans here i'm killing this guy i'm killing this guy put down the things put down the things i'm killing the one guy who was a troublemaker you don't deserve to be in our society there we go okay uh oh god oh god okay oh god okay this is a huge problem right now oh no i screwed mine up keep it up keep it i'm gonna craft jesus christ no no so oh no no that was 22 minutes 14. pathetic team we got to keep this up we got to do better than this i want a society it's a society oh nice i got a lifeline teammate bardzill yes hello it is me barzill let's do it all right so we gotta get really efficient at this society gangers we're gonna grab all the crafting and start putting it all in the middle oh my god i've just realized if we find a building we put the core sticks on top so that way the lifelines underneath uh don't get gassed all right this is looking good i see someone practicing over there that's good that man is practicing everyone just him from far away he is the chosen one that man out there oh and he just died no someone died i don't know who we gotta be like that soon we have to be like that oh my dear god oh my dearest of gods oh my dearest of gods what is god happening god is dead only we remain if you don't have a heat shield scavenge scavenge going good guys this is how society works nowadays oh i screwed mine that's not good is it that's not good at all that's not good at all what the heck we still got oh we had someone going god here what was that 23 minutes and 52 seconds okay all right let us try our best we just keep crafting here everyone this is our society and we love it we love our society and but only bomb proof right now no one else throw down a thing only bomb proof everyone else craft craft like your god damn mean it it's just terrifying this is goddamn terrifying this is gonna be the hardest thing to do this has to be the hardest thing to do in this game like without a doubt without a doubt this is the hardest thing all right don't go up don't go on that thing you might trigger that guy's gas don't trigger another caustics gas whatever you do oh my god okay okay no mine's out oh god no wait there's this one here is there one here someone here there's a one here's the one here there's one here there's one here is there one here okay okay everyone stay in the thing everyone stay there no one's okay i'm with you other person i'm not gonna hit your gas thing i'm not gonna hit the gas i'm just gonna stay right here don't worry about me everything's going to be fine i want to put it over this side you put it that side no all right you continue it oh you're screwed up no bob's going hard he's doing it for society he's doing it all right just a few more hours bomb you got this you got this man no no they didn't have another person all right we have got the final end game strategy bomb right here is probably the best caustic known to man so i'll be his little baby lifeline but we'll be in houses camped with a car stick above a car stick below and just in case one car stick screws up it saves the other and in case they both screw up we've got the life lens this is it this is all the money baby keep putting it down this is looking good very very good all right i'm gonna start testing to see where the caustics will reside what does it look like um not too spacey not too spacey not too spacey at all no but it works actually wait no you can stand it probably it works right it looks like it cool oh my god that is even better bomb there's a beautiful idea we'll take this all right we'll take the bunker and we'll have our bottom boy caustic be down here people stop bringing it over right and start bringing the heat shields you guys are doing nothing come on i see you all teabagging we live in a society you slackers let's do this boys and no one else except for the two boys that i know stay here no one else just us here bring caustic which one is your lifeline that one i'm sorry you weren't just you weren't supposed to be here this is the society this is a goddamn society and you had a heat shield that whole time okay we didn't get too many heat shields in the end nice so everyone has their own little little houses we've got house boys over there house boys over there house boys over there oh god it's goddamn beautiful it is goddamn beautiful all right since since i i reckon don't you dare this is a society we're supposed to work together what the heck are you how did you get get out get out die get out of here how the heck did you get there how did you get all the way over there oh which team died that team died oh no where where did things go guys where did all the shields go there was three of them here oh my god why is there a coaster coming all the way over what what is this all right you stay there don't get too close actually we can't get too close to you otherwise you're dead you know that's that would be that would be unfortunate wouldn't it yeah it would be those guys are still live over there they had the most everyone put their heat shields over there and they didn't put it here jesus christ you get to that one kiss that one other caustics stay away and you guys don't stay close to each other's gas stay away from yourselves gas no stay away give us your goddamn thing you didn't have it all right both of you start working towards this one oh my god had it all set up and how did it turn into two chances two two extra chances let's open it up together whoa alright start moving the items outside the thing too and start moving these heat shields on top of this and no one take the heat shields from the spot everyone just only move the heat shields there this is the best work i've ever seen lads these zip lines mixed with jump pads enjoy how i hit you everyone out of the goddamn place everyone out okay oh don't go at the top that's it that's it you aren't up the top i give everyone one chance and they don't they've got the top you didn't go up the top if you go up the top you die uh don't you tuck off the top cost if you stay in there it's looking like a lot of how is there still this many people alive we live in a society all right we live in a goddamn society do we still have a horde of things where is it all going how is it all going what what shields all disappeared and and a default pathfinder came in and i assume maybe he picked it all up somehow loot despawns outside of zone look does despawn all the boxes where i killed everyone is gone it's all gone you'll give your heat shield when i need it okay we'll transfer from you to me when i need it don't drop it on the ground otherwise it despawns oh who activated it how'd that even activate stay away from it a bit bit further away from the corner guys the way the further away but for the way do not activate it whatsoever if that happens one more time he's screwed if another gas can gets activated i am killing you all that's just how society is did you screw it up you screwed it up didn't you wait how did that activate no one moved a muscle how'd that activate how did that activate i get don't put on the right then bomb maybe it activates if you go right just have it on the left don't jump up don't jump up don't jump up stay jumped that's it that's god damn it he needs to work oh here come here we've got the absolute final best strategy to live forever this has taken us the longest time ever but we're going to make it a reality all right so everyone drop now and go left it's the swamps it's the swamps go here we go let us get started caustics with me let's start organizing these course sticks so you'll be doing a shield at the bottom and uh is this luna this is your little area if everything goes to fail you get to you have to crouch kinda so this is your area kinda you like put it here because our bomb and i will be just under you okay so firstly let's get uh gaba okay let's get you to stand right here do not move from that spot okay oh thank you gamma thank you so it is getting closer to the thing uh keep the doors closed and no one go inside gamma you will be the first one to die if i need one here we go let's see how long we can last it is doing it at max max attack right now so we are in overdrive if we even go two minutes from now we've hit the new well record technically but we want to go for 30 minutes at least 30 minutes from this second so make sure you keep teabagging or looking around to make sure you don't get afk disconnected we're doing really really well all right yeah yeah yeah camera gamer gaming do yours give me anything all right gamma you have to die go run out there go run out just right onto the zone good luck hey next one next one line up all right all right oh no oh god um so it seems like in the end of all of this we cannot hit to 24 minutes because of some glitches where the shields just disappear and you can't do the infinite thing anymore so this time we've got another strategy oh boy okay everyone everyone uh towards the cliff uh before you uh go towards the cliff go inside the house and drop a heat shield everyone drop a heat shield inside the house we're having a nice time this is for the glory of the soul this is for the society for the good of society all right everyone ready in three two one jump off the cliff let's go go very nice very nice off the cliff you go you didn't go off the cliff you get off the cliff get off the goddamn cliff get up the goddamn cliff now everyone off the cliff nice good all right we can begin wait we need another team oh oh if there's anyone still alive please come now we chill you don't you don't put like anything down unless he screws up we're basing it on him it's all up to him now i'll see if i can oh yeah cost acostic start start switching them out switch out each every single one like put put them over here at the core stick and go like that okay you drop them over there they pick them up you drop them over there you pick them up if you see them rapidly disappearing keep one on you if you see them rapidly disappear and keep one on you keep traversing them good just in case just in case that actually does the despawn timer all right here it comes the final ring oh my you keep switching them i gotta get i got a heat shield at the ready in case that you keep switching the boy i've never been sorry i'm smiling so much keep switching those around in case you screw us up we've hit the 24 mark just keep this up and i think we've got it i think we have the fail safe we're officially hitting new record highs bomb proof single-handedly carrying it all nowhere is safe on the map except for here outside is just red it's a goddamn death war zone out there we have to live in here forever only three people to maximize this so it doesn't glitch out we had the best strategy before but because there was too many shields it screwed up but this is it it's saying get back in the ring but this is the ring oh man he didn't disconnect did he oh god just imagine if he disconnected caustic why are you not there i'm wait i'm reading the chat guys did something happen to him did something happen to him you could get back our vase get back he is disconnected he crashed he says he can't reconnect are you kidding me ready up no oh 32 minutes because his wi-fi cut out okay we've figured out the thing bomb has a carpal tunnel he's carrying the entire thing and now we just have to have other people not leave the game so we've we've got that and we can stack up heat shields this has to be it i say it every single time but this is the one this is the one oh and i'm the champion oh no that says something if i'm the champion then it's going to work and bomb will carry and no one will disconnect grapple do a grapple a magnificent grapple oh that was kind of pathetic but nice you grapple grow grapple out of there everyone get outside the building once you've done your last delivery everyone outside everyone outside seems like we've got a bit too many people trying to stay in here that would make it glitch there's supposed to be four of you who's the imposter can you guys point to the imposter is it that one oh it i thought it was the default life one not gonna lie all right this is everyone except i know there's some stragglers around here the amount of stragglers uh caustics throw your alt downstairs throw your old downstairs car sticks yep nice nice nice checking them out everyone back up everyone back up don't don't stay down there oh beautiful this is just what i want to see that's a that's a very good spot i like it all right you're gonna you're gonna just stand there for a little bit aren't you all right make sure make sure you guys keep switching oh yeah switch out the heat shield switch out the head seals no no no no no no switch keep switching keep switching juggling juggling juggling juggling i forgot about that oh my god i forgot about that juggle like a goddamn life depends on it and remember stay towards the corner of the thing wherever the new corner is bring bring the heat shields more to the corner otherwise you'll activate his gas do not activate his gas at any point god i wanna i don't know like if too many squads live in the end this won't work just grab just just grapple away be free be free go be free be free you may be free in this world it's okay grapple away come on i want to see you grapple i want to see you grapple god damn it now you're going to go in the water goodbye oh god i feel bad he better not have a heat shield on him and does he he did he had a heat shield the whole time interesting here's another heat shield guys another reef hiding in the corner go be free be free it's just obvious guys what are you go go away go away pathfinder oh luna it was luna one of the good caustics that time so uh when the final ring comes guys i'll get ready to throw and uh one other lifeline the other devil lifeline get ready to throw one okay let's see if bomb can beat his other record and the ring is about to close and everything will glitch out and especially the map the map will have the weirdest glitch of all and it just zooms all the way in as whoa whoa it's like i'm going so fast hell yeah oh my lifeline get ready you didn't see that lifeline but basically he screwed up he screwed up once he screwed up again that was a close one that was a very close one nice it's healing him slightly he's going back up this is why we have lifelines you keep it up oh my god oh my god you actually threw a gas can down actually threw a gas can down cute dumb boy necessarily this is a carpal tunnel speeder on any percentage right now we're hoping he gets carpal tunnel at 50 minutes or something i don't actually have the proper time limit since i'm basing it off me being recording but i've been recording for 29 minutes so i think it's now we're over 28 minutes so all you got to do is just keep it up this is it this is the absolute last chance we're not doing it ever again i believe we have beaten the previous record let's make it to an hour let's see how far we can go as our final test what does it look like so it's you have one guest can but if the two come out still able to and then you have two fail safes over there and then ask fail safing and then a health drone pretty damn impressive this is just what caustic does caustic is mad and wants to kill everyone because of all the stress he's been put through and where's watson watson is nowhere to be found it's caustic doing everything surviving in the ring [Laughter] each shield lasts about four to five seconds we'll say five three if bomb says you type during this don't type it's tight okay the last three seconds then three seconds keep it up keep it up everyone in the chat is just saying his hands are slowly dying i can't believe you typed don't you dare type again don't you dare type again oh you're thinking about it you were thinking about it just just keep going just keep going i feel like i'm dying just watching this like i'm feeling the pain despite not doing anything you activated caustic gas at the bottom you look at these pools i think we're about to hit 50. see when i pause my recording i forgot what number was that i know it was 30 but it might have been 30 something we should we should just not tell the number that way bomb just keeps going for hours oh you threw the gas at me are you gonna grab it are you good are you good are you good you're trying to pull a sneaky one people saying a bomb hollow spray pecor stick that is memorialized in this house in this house in king's canyon i mean it could be every type of this house because there's this house duplicated all over the map another suggestion maybe a new legend that can go 10 meters outside the zone ow oh oh oh are you good are you good he's just he's just flexing at this point he's actually he keeps teabagging i want to do crazy stuff like this all the time but i could get like a permanent custom server oh my lord but this has been the hardest video to record and not even for me just for him we have spent so many hours trying to figure out the glitch some and he spent so many hours perfecting this where he's only had two screw-ups i'm pretty sure we've had an hour that is some hour hype a little bit of a woo if you have anyone living in your uh house bomb you might need to tell them to to bring a bucket to bring a bucket bomb he just looks at me lifeline lifeline that needs to throw the thing you go to the toilet right now okay you prepare you go to the toilet right now okay you got a knot you're gonna know to go to the toilet you go take the toilet break i'll take after did you have a great little tinker it was it was nice very nice good good good you go tinker all right you go tinker light you gotta have a nice tinker all right we gotta we gotta keep uh okay we're gonna keep tinkering i know it's really disturbing saying tinkle but what am i supposed to say to make it disturbing as possible i say tinkle nowadays because of meat canyon that that youtuber that had the mcdonald's one it's like take a little tinkle oh it's like we have the most premium baths why don't you take a tinkle make bombs stop he will never it's only just begun it's war this is my last war we would have reached this conclusion that this is the most efficient way to do this if we had a custom server oh no all right all right we can calm down we can come down but i looked away i literally checked discord because someone messaged me the first time i do that we had a bit of a panic oh he throws down he's out i threw one down nice two just in case that's good so we only need one he he literally if he screws it up he he just gets it easy all right so what are we what are we at how many have got left uh lifeline if we get down to five left only i'll do it or only you will do it type of deal but we'll keep this up just because we're you know we want to see for extra extra fail safe in case one of them screws up about to be done what do you mean oh he's saying that he's dying are you dying bomb he is dying now oh no oh no uh keep keep doing it i'll start asking any cause sticks know how to do it really well you do are you the most confident in it oh my god i'm throwing one down alright still good we're still good perfect get ready to switch in three two one switch go go bomb switch switch switch i'll throw it down what no how much i want donut okay go take that break go take that break i should probably take a break soon but like right now it's just too much i've lost count of how long i've been here now i've actually lost count i know for a fact we're getting close to two hours got some he's got pizza he's got pizza at 2 40 in the morning if compute this screws up once and he might go on forever oh my god we're good are we good jesus christ we are running out we are down to like seven of these left i'm gonna go craft some more guys we're back devil lifeline you're the backup for now i'm going to toilet did i take damage one tick one tick twice oh no okay well you keep relaxing bomb oh my god we're almost out it's not it's not a double stack okay and it's gone i should have just taken the one tick damage we have no spare bomb would you uh like to get ready to do it basically ready okay so if you're going down the stairs uh compute this make sure you're going down the right side of the stairs and bomb make sure you're going up your right of the stairs so that way you don't hit each other keep going compute this this is your last one oh go go go everyone take the damage oh okay that is one charge though that is one charge you still have another one right yeah yeah all right bomb you've essentially got one more so if you screw this you got one extra i'm still holding one so i can give you that one too this is for all the money can we hit 3am we're getting close to 3am 12 more minutes to 3 a.m are the two people outside are you on the same team huh anyone want any any of you two want to sleep anyone want to get finished by me any of you two willingly want to get finished yeah just to all right actually let's play a game while this is happening all right walk walk walk shoot [Laughter] no you're finishing i'm not done come with me caustic now isn't this beautiful it's a little bit uh romantic you could say yeah don't you reckon yeah drop your guns you know take off your clothes drop it all drop it all drop it all drop it all yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah this is looking good this is looking looking real damn good oh it's okay it's okay shh we're having some fun down here together i'm getting you you're so wet it's time to put you to sleep it's okay it's okay it's okay hey other lifelines how's it going well we're having a great time aren't we it's just us lifelines left uh wasn't that just a great time wasn't it what's that you say where did your where did your husband go i slept with him and then killed him okay here's the new juggling one by the way all right he's got one more fail safe if only there was a duplication glitch we could go for like over 48 hours because then we have like an american team and an australian team this says a lot about our society in the end it's one man and three women in the end that's just society everyone this is the male's fantasy that a smiley face you're making let's go for a zone walk that's conf that's being confident though oh my god but then they could trigger your gas that's why we can't go for a zone walk that's the whole gist of it i go in front oh my god okay okay are you back yet other one avatar can't rejoin it's just us left i'm gonna i'm gonna kill her oh where did her body go where did her body go whatever i think we put two hours you could go for his own walk i've got a spare thing all right it was south this one good laughing go oh yeah nice little zone lock nice little there's a little zomlock what did we get at the end was that actually two hours oh if that's not two hours i'll be so upset one hour i mean i read that wrong two hours and four minutes and 29 seconds you should have died nine seconds early oh my god oh my god and we only died that early cause lifeline tripped over in the other lifeline dc and if only i didn't shoot those other caustics if only very unfortunate very unfortunate but i carried bomb i got 14 kills wow guys that was an impressive beat by bomb if you want to see more remember to hit that notification bell and i'm so proud to see you guys
Channel: Zylbrad
Views: 2,361,370
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: apex legends, zylbrad, funny, caustic, glitch, best, world record, new, gameplay, satire, parody, season 8, highlights, meme, longest, match
Id: 78KVkf_st3o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 7sec (1747 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 17 2021
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