Celebrating my BIRTHDAY with an ENTIRE SERVER in Apex Legends

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all right lads it's my birthday and we're gonna celebrate it in apex legends I'm here with my whole twitch stream and we're gonna go in okay everyone ready in three two one jus O's ready up we're gonna be going around giving me gifts and stuff gonna explore the map maybe even let Bob have a nice little time I do love a good old-fashioned nice service dream who would go for my teammate hello there real Braceface it's time to celebrate my birthday let's go everyone to the Prowler place let's go let's go let's go so what I want everyone oh yes that is a good amount of people remember to tell your teammate to watch Zilber out on Twitch and not to kill people no one killing it's a nice perfect time shower me with your gifts I want you to punch the first batch come on come on out a little punch me oh wow thank you - proaches saved my life lifeline yes please help me thank you oh look at all these lifelines thank you everyone stay outside we'll bring on the prowlers so everyone stay outside everyone out but get him Bob Bob needs to come to the potty we can do it but we'll have a nice time with us all bow oh no oh oh no you definitely got through he definitely up through did me Nora let me out someone let me out I need to get the prelate I'm good no I mean people give me up come on oh it's out everybody everyone that man moisture just died Bob run maybe we should get a bump every match as well I don't know let's take right co-op up well I thought that was him oh my god that is it this way to the city yep yep that's good Timmy look they involve having such a great party he's very distracting doesn't know what to do look at everyone go around nice little potty tiptoeing through the tulips look how coordinated we are I'm so proud of you all we're gonna have a lot of fun time so today we're gonna we're gonna explore like every type of the map I know there's a little secret over there as well it's a mirage boyars you're gonna have a party oh no gonna have so many things together West Palm I like a Swiper find Oh oh why would you do that caustic caustic bad right now just a little tap I mean if he was gassing us today was probably gonna kill us like eventually thank you for saving me mic heroes just I get shot once they just blow his brains out you're not time so I get trapped because hey John see I got the pizza for you thank you go stick there is bring him over to this house and when I am up here and waiting for Bob please Showell me if you'll ever so cold gifts oh go boy we grab that pail buddy shield I saw a narc no don't you take rap with me oh god damn it like I can't I don't want to I don't want to I don't want to hey let me um Gibraltar Oh God watch out everyone inside everyone inside he caught open doors I swear hello welcome to zoo Brad and the price guy if you would like to go inside the house you must give me your gifts thank you thank you more gifts why havoc thank you who put the gas who put the gas problem inside problem stop punching him though don't lead him outside oh my god you know kind of a campus he's going wild he's having he's having such a great time huh Bob and Bob was so close to Ted but he's a man he's doing everything he can in his power to attack these people to rip these people of this look at the life line just chilling oh my god he just jumped off to them I'll bet the shields let me get that no no I don't equip a race oh why is there an air strike what are you doing Bob ready old guys rather late late Bob we got if we gotta go to the safety he can he's gonna die really quick to design there he is if we get enough people here I can jump on everyone's head and like over here on us stead of front of me everyone I'm gonna jump on I'm gonna cry sir birthday crowd surf crowd surf what's going on - do it again let me crowd sir look at that at your protocol stuffing everyone's dead underneath him this is circuit I'm actually like surfing wait wait guys pick with naive I'm surfing wait we might keep standing hey guys what's up it's we P here this is actually like someone said in chat I have video of Bob's death it's just not right it's Bob cruelty oh we got to do the classic we're gonna do the classic actual apex legend surfing look at that guy go what the heck look at his little legs go guys go you got to get a slide around okay approach up why have you to the top oh thank you uh uh birthday seizure everything's about date something whoa hey how you doing oh don't pull in bumped me wait caustic what wait let's jump over that revving it can you throw your pizza mister Joe Joe pop thought about cbiit sir throw your pizza down there I want to see what it sounds like you know you move out of the way cut demo come on Pizza throw a pizza down yeah go for it get me away from the pizza this is just like a real toilet look at it down there come home for your pizza come on dear all right oh yeah okay only Joe Joe makes the best pizza oh my god revving him that is a crepe uh did I just go in she just forced herself inside me that's that thing you can do I can't even oh my god I can't actually move okay now I can thank you for meeting either wait I need a people to surround me so race this is very important need a cue and land on top of me we need it you need a use of tactical ability and then end up directly on me so I can't so you're inside me so I can go inside all the rapes like that one like that one like huh oh my god do it quickly guys all the rapes inside okay I actually can't move oh my god okay I'm not gonna lie this is kind of terrifying no one kill each other we're gonna last a very long time together okay Oh caustic please judge Oh paparazzi don't do it don't do it Jojo pepper Otzi oh my goodness don't good turn it why what oh oh this is hell this is hell he's alive he's even alive was a paparazzi man in the end who made the most incredible pizza let's do it again come on I get the same guy Wow I mean he's got a cool crypto skin cool green crypto skin so everyone to the Volks do not activate this little fun birthday Easter egg we're gonna get everyone into the room and then we're gonna do it because if we can teleport the entire server to this Easter egg place that'd be cool right everything we get come on now good pop find us I love your style so it's right here everyone stand next to it don't you dare activate it good come on in come on into my top what are all of us this should be enough let's try it guys huh no if what's going I want to kill myself oh my god oh oh hey Waldo whoa chop oh god oh god we got this place oh hey guys welcome back I'm uh I was just having a good time let's get out of here please also I'll tell us all to die next time go jump in that beautiful red pit kill it man you wanna high-five yeah teabag him that's right that's right thank you lads I thank you for protecting me let's you guys are all the best okay why would you take everything I wanted some things oh my god you keep your biggest buddy keeping the buddy let's guy let's bring it down come on get that buddy out of here oh my god they just launched it oh is this how I envisioned everything to go playing around if a corpse what fun we're all having together what joy Oh coffin boys music someone says oh that's copyright Oh if someone can edit that over I'm sure oh come on get it out of the corner get it out of the corner hey what do you guys think about acting you guys good at acting for birthday parties you know a little birthday surprise guys haven't watched Star Wars before we're uh and it can burns to death yeah how about it he's like I hate you who's the next Anakin let me let me um if I push you in here the next set of can you know little lights they both call these are jumped in okay you'll be the next senator you were the chosen one I loved you Anakin I loved you and it can get a little bit thick guys all right but everything's fine I have the high ground I have the high ground Anakin Gibraltar Anakin oltre I've got there's a lot of Anakin's I'll make a bridge yeah you're like a little bridge come on this way a bit look at this finder having a nice hop scotch time oh my god I keep I keep on mistake but it's throwing those grenades I want to get a nice little birthday clap get in there get in the frame a little birthday snapshot I know it can only hurt three people come on come on right okay say cheese oh my god the the caustic can Kendall lost on the lava how you know what let's have a great time guys kill all caustics munich but around here guys we gonna can we get a quick touch I love a good pitch hello where are they yeah yeah but come on come on kill him come on slam him yeah this is a bad situation to be are you kidding me get out get out of here tiny everyone ready in three two one go race car let's go all right that should be enough stream delay this guy's in the front followed by the Pathfinder oh my god I missed that thank God then I can go on the right trajectory I might know I got a little advantage but it keeps things interesting I'm just gonna cheat a little bit Oh where's this guy the front male oh my god I screwed up oh no aw no here's the winner this leg up and this guy I can't I can't what is this well it's just an illegal everyone to Leviathan you must give yourselves to the cause I've removed my gloves just for this what's a good frame oh look at that frame I can already guess that this is not gonna work yep Oh oh my god oh my god good no I got burnt come on let's let it up beautiful all those people it's up right you're amazing you died for a righteous cause the rest of you a cowards I don't have to do that another time oh yes Mirage looking good I see got any stuff Wow look at this high quality triple tank Wow you'd have the best deals althought there's too many deals oh god you're sending out too many stuff yeah no it's not punching it there's the brawl happening the fighting of a toilet paper again what since I need your graces dollars we always do a little art contest the winner gets to live guys Watson's is it cuz I said they'll die if they lose what's in are you oh wait I think during this on this flat surface oh you all I see a little bit of interesting display what is this little zigzag wait wait wait wait that's the still that says Zil oh my god this is beautiful on does he just win by default I think he does oh my god a beautiful frame of it oh that's so cool Watson wait can't wake me Mirage you're amazing thank you hmm oh gee willikers guys I've got a cool surprise for you uh I will thank you if you are down this particular caustic you see this course together up this green one he seems to be a little bit of a troublemaker whoever down 'some gets a good little thing from me come on chase him down punch him down come on fight for your life tiny run for your life there's nothing you can do PK you win you're amazing great job finish him someone finish him oh it's all of you cut him down don't finish up yeah put him on the ground Oh beautiful my hero wait don't do it again yeah Jesus Christ oh my god it's lagging I want 50 frames a totem legs if everyone touches it I want to see some chaos in this mountain startup punching each other except for me oh oh why are you snapping okay you guys are just gonna start killing each other then punchy I'm just gonna scalp you if you pop under God Oh God in the numbers I like this I like this okay now we can calm down we can all be friends you guys are the chosen ones except for that guy who just died we're all friendly now and now I think it's time for some Simon Says okay who's still shooting Simon Says it just always ends up like this chaos in the end two splits left who's gonna win he's gonna on the swap what a Len oh no here he goes it's a 1v1 oh he's got too many grenades who's gonna win this is intense of course it's pop I know mrs. puff my doctor oh one more shot gunshot who will win come on Oh just stand here come on guys stand here you can get crushed by him Oh No yes because a guy oh you got crushed then come on stop dead singer I'll gun you down this is what I want in life the people that stop dancing this guys are dancing bet it's not dancing this is beautiful this is beautiful I just want to see that pic Mirage Oz - show it to me Mirage it's what the people want to see let me mount [ __ ] who doesn't want a mount Mirage no let's be honest wait for it wait for it and and and melton yes this would never get old this is beautiful look at all thank you for the golden prowler oh yeah basically little trick ready yeah you can jump really high I'm learning all these different tricks I want to see a wall jumps everyone on this wall come on I need to see how good you are have you been learning from the zilbert video who learned it from other players who's gonna do it here's gonna be the first one to do it oh that guy did I think the the lifeline this is insane this is how you train an eSports stop crap like me let me have a my supplies free space oh that guy did it do it again Bangalore yeah Bangalore show us your potential okay just do it again no way these people on your way for sure come come you do it no Allah both funny miniature Oh cup guys just hold hold here no don't you dare put a paw down start goddamn it everything's fine see you're gonna stare me little creepy no nard please get me out of this corner please just get me out oh can we get out of this room this is yep this is bad this is bad someone someone someone stop please save me please god damn it I dare you do this in the end guys perfect we are directly over it when we get close to it guys jump off this is it this is the outro thank you guys for coming I'm watching my birthday it is time to what you all die to the beautiful beautiful beautiful it's laser goodbye everyone look at them all oh my god it's a mess massacre I can land here yep go in there get in there okay oh my god they bounced off well this is goodbye no I don't goodbye no I'm going all the way just Oh No
Channel: Zylbrad
Views: 1,999,344
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: apex legends, zylbrad, funny, birthday, entire server, custom, new, gameplay, satire, parody, meme, highlights, pathfinder, legendary, skin, prowler, glitch, items
Id: cZy7Bv2MBLY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 51sec (1071 seconds)
Published: Sun May 03 2020
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