Breaking the Spirit of Poverty (Part 1)

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welcome to speak the word with Bible teacher Joanne Ramsey please join pastor Ramsey now as she continues to teach God soldiers how to wield the sword of the Spirit the Word of God you know according to John chapter 3 verse 8 Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil and this spirit of poverty is the work of the devil you agree with that hallelujah I want you to know that I am an anointed vessel of the Word of God and I'm here to help him Jesus to destroy these works that's what we do you can do the same thing as a vessel if you're a born-again Christian you have the same power same authority I do and you and you can work with Jesus to destroy these works 1st Thessalonians chapter 2 verse 13 and a new translation Paul says therefore we never stop thanking God that when you receive this message from us that you didn't think of our words as mere human ideas but you accepted what we said as the very word of God which of course it is the word continues to work in you who believe the Amplified Bible says exercise and it's superhuman power in those who are here - to trust in and rely on I don't want you to focus on the messenger tonight but I want you to focus on God's Word are you hearing me you know Paul said to them because you took the word and you made it God talking to you and you believed it it took it and took it to heart so you got from the word what God said it would do are you hearing me okay now this is not Joel talk and it's not pastor just what the word says this is what Paul was saying and this is to keep principle - receiving from God you have to forget the messenger and you have to focus on the message as if it was God Himself speaking it then the word when you do that then the word is going to take on a different worth it's gonna take on a whole different value for you okay are you hearing me I will be saying some things tonight that has been in well actually all the things I'm saying has been inspired by the Holy Spirit but there's some in particular that's been inspired by the Holy Spirit and it may not necessarily be what you want to hear babies when I was feeding my babies I always had to mix of applesauce in with the spinach they didn't like the spinach they didn't like the green beans but they loved applesauce into puddings well we're gonna have some green beans tonight but I'm gonna throw a little applesauce in okay so gonna mix a little applesauce with the green beans and that's what I'm saying that may not be necessarily what you want to hear however these are some things that has been holding up your breakthrough okay so please hear what he has to say I want this year to be a year that you will never forget I want it to be a prosperous year in every area of your life just like his word promises that it's going to be and I know that the Lord wants that even more than I do because he tells you in third John one that he's desires above all things that you prosper in all things even as your soul prospers you know the Lord has been putting it on my spirit to talk to you about your finances so the title to my message tonight is breaking the spirit of poverty praise God anyway he is as I said he's impressed upon me that a lot of his children are suffering from the spirit of like and spirit of poverty Saints as I was praying and seeking the Lord about this message that he put into my spirit the Lord brought back to my remembrance that at one time I was where some of you are now you know you can't always teach unless you've been there I've said at this table before I've worn that t-shirt and really the Lord keeps giving me messages and the most of them is just things I've lived through myself and experienced and you and this is awesome because you're a witness to what he's saying is the truth you know it's not from hearsay I actually have experienced it and so I know it to be true I know I know how it feels to be in debt I know how it feels to owe tremendous amounts of money and not have any way of paying it off I understand that I know the pain that goes with it I know the humiliation that goes with it I have felt the pain and I have felt the humiliation I've been there I've eaten of it because like some of you I have not always used wisdom in making good decisions concerning my finances and nine times out of ten that's not all that's not always the case but nine times out of ten it's because we're not using wisdom and what God's blessed us with praise God and because I was the one that created the debt I bore a lot of guilt the enemy is so quick to bring guilt and stack guilt on top of you and remind you how stupid you are that you did it you know but what I'm saying like I said as I know firsthand how some of you might feel you know the Lord also wanted me to let you know that he knows how much pain you're in to his in Hebrews 4 verses 15 to 16 in the New Living Translation it says this high priest of ours understands our weaknesses for he faced all of the same testings that we do yet he did not sin verse 16 he said so let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God he says there we will receive His mercy and we will find grace to help us when we need it the most thank you Jesus that's where we have to come we have to come to him and you know he's here waiting for you he's going to rescue you he's gonna rescue you and like I said there is a spirit of poverty on God's children you know and I can certainly bear witness to this by all the emails and the phone coal's that I get every day as a matter of fact I just received this email and it says pastor I need money for my rent phone light bill gas car insurance water bill household toiletries and clothing in other words this person needs it all she says that she had applied for disability benefits a year ago and they up and she says they really need to be approved now she says for I have no income I have no way of paying these debts in other words apparently she not only can't pay the debts but she can't eat since you know I had as a matter of fact just a couple of emails here not long but you know they don't write sometimes they'll write me a real long and sometimes short one and that's okay I like said I understand I've been there and I know I know what they're going through and I know how it feels and I do pray I pray for all of them and I send them back emails and like I said maybe not to get them all on time but I do answer and I usually send them prayers and and if they'll give me their address I'll always send them CDs I'll send them anything I can I'll send them little books on finances whatever I whatever I can I don't charge them just send them you know I want to help God wants you to have he put me here to help there's one email and I don't know where it came from but it says I need very special most time I can tell it's from another country I get a lot of emails from Kenya and a lot of other countries you know and a lot of times I can tell with the language sometimes where they come from this says I need very special prayer for my finances I have no money to pay the bills thank you this and says please pray I receive financial miracle to pay my bills including mortgage Kerr courage something and credit cards you know so you know that's just some one-liners that you know I get and like I said I get them and get the phone calls and my heart goes out to them and I can't teach them everything I'd like to teach them you know in an email or over the phone but I send them as much as I can I send them a survival kit and the rest of the emails that I get are for healing about 25 about about 75% of the emails I get are for finances and the others are for healing Saints I'd like to point out one major flaw here in the particular email the one I just read nowhere in this email that I see where this this person had not mentioned that they had even asked the Lord for help even though he says over and over again call upon me and I will deliver you from your troubles that's what the Lord says call upon me and I will deliver you from your troubles and he tells you that in Psalms 50 verse 15 Psalms 91 verse 15 he says call upon me when you're in trouble and I will rescue you and you will give me glory you know it's apparent that most people are dependent on demands economy it's apparent that most people are not dependent on God's economy if they can't be dependent on God's economy because God's economy is not in trouble only man's economy is in trouble not not God's you know as I was going to say here once you know that God's economy is not in trouble his word says the exact opposite he says he owns the cattle on a Thousand Hills and the hills - hallelujah that's one of my favorite sayings I love it I love it not only does he own the cattle on a Thousand Hills in the hills - but he grows the grass to feed the cows don't you love it he also owns all the silver and the gold Haggai chapter 2 verse 8 said the silver is mine and the gold is mine declares the Lord of Hosts you know what's really awesome he wants to get it to you I know you find that hard to believe but it's really the truth he wants to give it to you there is no like in heaven Saints some of you here tonight are in need maybe not as much as this person in the email or maybe not as much as I was a few years ago but you still could use a breakthrough in your finances and finance as I was saying before is a subject that I have not talked very much on primarily because there so many get-rich schemes out there on TV and radio and a lot of God's ministries ministers are selling God's here or set you know trying to sell his healings trying to sell what sell miracles and and financial miracles and they do this by getting you to send them your money some people a lot of people are getting further in debt because they're being talked into putting their seed their money on their credit card and already got the credit card run up I've been there you know you got four or five credit cards and they're all maxed out you got payments everywhere you got them coming coming you know I just got coming out of the windows you know like I said I know what I'm talking about I fell for it too I fell for that line to hook line sinker when I was in debt when you're in debt you're desperate and you want to believe anything that anybody tells you and especially if it's a man or a woman of God you think you can trust them but I'm here to tell you can't trust them all they're not that some of them are our rules with sheep's clothing not only did I send in a full mortgage payment of $1,250 for myself believing that my mortgage is going to be paid in full like this minister kept telling me but I sent in a mortgage payment for my sister too I thought if I'm gonna be blessed I was gonna have my sister bless too so I sent in a mortgage for him both of us now how dumb can you be and still breathe $1,250 for one and I don't remember how much my sister's was like I said how dumb can you get so I'm not picking on anybody I'm just sharing with you what God has given me I did it because I didn't know what God's Word said about finances but thanks to God thanks be to God you know he rescued me and he's going to rescue you too okay he's going to rescue you too but in order to for this to happen I had to change my attitude and my way of talking or I never would have gotten there I would have never gotten free brothers and sisters as I said before there is an anointing in the house tonight for Prosperity and for freedom from the spirit of lack are you hearing me also want you to know that you can't just wave some magic wand and have this spirit of poverty disappear it doesn't work that way it would be great if it would or you're not going to have it disappear by sending some trickster a check and have it go away and yes we do pay our ties we give offerings but this is not the way we do it we don't give because we're tricked into it or because we're manipulated into giving I would have been much better off by putting that $1,250 toward my mortgage instead of sending it to some trickster and I want you to think about this the next time you think you're being manipulated okay it's it's like you're trying to bribe God you know but of course they don't make it sound that way but you can rest assured that this is not God's way of meeting your needs for one thing God does not charge you for any of his gifts otherwise they wouldn't be considered gifts are you hearing me Isaiah 55 first one a New Living Translation says is anyone thirsty come and drink even if you have no money come take your choice of wine and milk it's all free that's what he says it's all free saying God does not charge you for his gifts they're all free for the taking I understand there's cost in the ministry I'm in the minister I understand that and we have partners and people donate and I am so thankful because we need all the donations we need all the partners we can get to get God's Word out but I also want to be here to help you too I don't want to tell you if you don't have it you take what you want if you don't have any money to pay for what you take it anyway and I'm not going to be I'm never no I never will get that point because if I do I'll stop you know you're not going to trick people you know God will put it on your heart you know the Lord has impressed upon me to teach you what His Word says about your finances and the first and the most important thing will be for you to change your attitude toward what you have already been blessed with okay and acknowledge God's ownership of everything and let me repeat that you need to acknowledge God's ownership of everything everything you have belongs to him and and he has just made you the Stuart over it that's as simple as that according to his word the earth is the Lord's and everything in it even the highest heavens belong to him and before I go any further let me say this I'll not be asking you to sow into this ministry for your blessing sowing into this ministry or any other ministry should only come from the leading of the Holy Spirit and let me say that again sowing in any ministry should only come from the leading of the Holy Spirit you should always pray you should always ask the Lord ask the Lord where you need to sow your seed or give your offerings however I can give you one suggestion according to scripture it should be where you're being fed this is in line with what Paul says in Galatians 6 verse 6 in a New King James translation it says let him who has taught the word sharing all good things with him who teaches in other words when you're instructed in the truths of God's Word the Word of God itself requires that you honor those who instructs you and those who ministers to you in first Timothy 5:18 it says thou shalt not muzzle an ox when it treads out the grain he says the labourer is worthy of his hire so they are worthier they're higher but not where they're being tricked if speak the word Ministry is one of the ministries that you're being fed by them by all means so into it I appreciate all of it I appreciate all of it another thing that you should be aware of since is that when you do sew into an anointed ministry that you personally tap into that same anointing that's on that ministry believe it or not you do if you're you're sowing into an anointed ministry the knowing thing that's on that ministry is going to be on you and that's a good thing but then you also need to know that on the other side of that coin that when you're sowing into ministries that are not anointed that are not teaching God's truths and are doing things that are underhanded you're going to tap into that spirit and that is not a good thing are you hearing me that is not a good thing there are thousands every day that sews a mist and don't understand why they're given is not being blessed God has a law for giving just like he does for everything else you your seed must be in good ground to reap a harvest sense and it must be given with the right spirit otherwise it won't benefit you and I'm gonna put emphasis on that don't ever give anything for ulterior motives always give straight from the heart as impressed by the holy spirit and there you know you'll be sowing into anointed ground and there then you can legally declare a hundredfold return I'm a farmer's daughter I was a farmer's daughter and I plowed a mini a field and I tell you this we never went out and planted anything unless it was in good soil and it had been hard you know had been prepared you know the soil had been prepared and then after we put the seed in there then we had to beat it put fertilize on it had to learn everything in order to get a harvest my dad didn't just go throw some seed out in the field and expect it to grow and that's what a lot of people are doing and they think it's God's fault is that you know they're crying to God god I'm giving I'm giving but I'm not receiving he says you're giving a missed we're the wrong motive you know the Bible tells you in Corinthians that anything that's done outside of love is just worthless they won't do you a bit of good and I had to learn that too I mean I've gotten envelopes with seeds in it and oh God I got all kinds of stuff when I was young when I first became a Christian when I was a baby Christian and then like I said I wasn't totally a baby but I was still just a toddler you know when I was given these people all my money instead of getting them to the mortgage company I didn't know what God said but as you as you mature in the word and you begin to eat more green beans instead of applesauce then then you know what God's Word says and you start and you start doing it that way then you'll start reaping the harvest and like I said this this is probably not a message that a lot of people would come out to hear on a cold night like tonight but I do know for a fact if you would listen to this and he got what God is telling you your life will change things are going to turn around those are not promises for me but those are promises from God God says if you'll seek you first my kingdom all these things will be added unto you it says that and when you sow your seeds in stony ground you will not reap a harvest from your seed so when you sow with the wrong motive same thing remember is his money it's not yours you're just a steward over it that's why you always ask the Holy Spirit for his guidance and as we get more into the message you're going to find out that the most critical thing and receiving from God is lining your mouth up with what His Word says your words are important scenes I cannot express that enough and if anybody I'm assuming that all of you in here tonight have heard me at least once on the radio or more and you know that I teach a lot speak the word as a matter of fact that's the name of the ministry speak the word the Lord impressed upon me that many many years ago Joe speak the word say what I say don't say what you want to say you don't say what you're thinking and feeling you just say what I said and that's gonna overtake the rest of it hallelujah Here I am today debt-free it did it works it works hallelu and I'm healthy I can't we won't i won't have time to get into that but i could preach all night on all the things he's delivered from you know healed me from of my body you know it works always he heals you he can get you out of debt and then he can make your body healthy hallelujah your words are so important for instance you can't go around talking failure and you can't go around talking to feed all the time and expect the prosperous think about that for example what's your confessions what what have you been saying up to this point tonight when things are not going right when you when you start having troubles with things the first thing you need to do is to stop and find out what your confessions been stop and think about what you've been saying if you'll just stop and just spend a little time and think about that think about what you've been saying you'll realize that everything that you have is what you've been saying you get what you say that's the Bible says you will the Bible doesn't lie he said whatsoever whosoever shall say that this mountain be thou removed and cast into the sea and does not doubt in his heart but believes be done it will be done so therefore believe when you speak that you're gonna have what you say but you know that's the problem most people don't believe to get what to say but I know you do I have been there on both sides and I've got a lot of things I really didn't want but I realized it was my fault I called for it it's like somebody said you know I'm coming down with a cold or I feel like one's coming on I don't say those anymore you won't hear me say I'm coming down with a cold or I feel like cause I'm sneezing or something like that must be something the air must be some dust someone said you got allergy no no I don't got must be something in the air you're gonna learn real fast that there's some words you just don't want to pass your lips okay I know I used to say I can't afford that before I couldn't but even before I could afford it I didn't say it anymore there was a time I couldn't afford it the Lord taught me to say instead of saying I can't afford it I just say well I could go there if I wanted to I just don't want to right now yeah you passed this story and say well you know I can't afford that no I don't say that I said you know I don't think I'm gonna go in there right now maybe later watch what you say watch what you say that that's that's primarily what with what I'm saying here like I said you know you ask yourself what you've been confessing you know the Bible says and let mark 11:23 that you can have what you say God Word God's Word has a lot to say about your mouth Saints he says in Proverbs 18:21 which that used to be on my license plate a few years ago till I moved to Virginia and somebody already beat me to it so but that's okay Lord had another plan Plan B you know because he gave me speak the word minister and he gave me Matthew 8 8 as the confirmation of that so that's on my tag now Matthew a day speak the word only hallelujah speak the word only so I already had death in life I knew that death and life light him late in my time but it says in Proverbs 18:21 that death and life and the power of the tongue and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof in proverbs 21 23 says whoso keepeth his mouth and his tongue keepeth his soul from troubles praise God in Matthew 12 37 it says for by thy words thou shalt be justified and by thy words thou shalt be condemned hallelujah and this is one of my favorite verses joke 15 6 it says your own mouth condemns you and not I your own lips he says testify against you words words words what it all boils down to is what have you been confessing with your mouth what kind of words Jesus says in mark 11:23 and the god word translation it says have faith thank God I can guarantee this truth this is what will be done for someone who doesn't doubt and believes what he says will happen he can say to this mountain be uprooted and thrown into the sea and he says it will be done for him Jesus says in verse 24 jesus said that's why I tell you to have faith that you have already received whatever you pray for and it will be yours howl it let me repeat that have faith that you have already received it I have a CD back there called you've already got it and that's basically what Jesus was saying believed that when you pray that you've already got it as brother Kenneth Hagin was saying in a book I read recently he said that for years faith has been told in the church and people have been encouraged to believe and that is a good thing it's a good thing to teach faith he says but not but so few have heard many teachings about words or saying what you believe even though Hebrews 4:17 in the King James illustrates the importance of your words it says C and then that we have a great high priest that is passed into the heavens Jesus the Son of God he said let us hold fast our profession now the word profession translated in the King James is the same greek word translated confession the greek text actually says let's hold fast let us hold fast to the saying to the same thing Saints I've said this before and I'm going to say it again when you got born again when you became a Christian you were quick to refrain from speaking certain words that was not appropriate for a believer to speak moment you got saved you tried to clean up your mouth you tried to clean up your language however you haven't realized that some of the words that you're still speaking concerning your health and concerning your finances are doing far more damage to you than those other words you were speaking I want you to chew on that one a bit some of the words that you've been speaking concerning your health and your finances are doing you a lot more damage than those curse words you used to speak because see these are curse words to God in the end of secular world in the human race you know God don't want you to go around with a dirty mouth no I'm not saying that at all I'm just saying those not gonna hurt you the Bible says it's what you take in it's not you know it's what coming out it's gonna hurt you there it's not good to speak foul words but some of the words like I said that you've been speaking to their foul their foul where God is concerned for it goes against what he says in Malachi 3 chapter 3 verses 13 and 14 in New King James it says your words have been harsh against me says the Lord yet you say what have we spoken against you first 14 says you have said what profit is it that we have kept his ordinances and that we have walked as mourners before the Lord of hosts think about that you want a better job you want a better job that has better paying benefits you want to have enough income so that you can pay your bills and pay them on time and you still want to make enough so you can have some leftover to have a little vacation have a little fun right and you can have all of these things but in order for this to happen first you have to change your way of talking you know I realize that some are looking for a magic formula there are so many people just just looking for a magic formula but there's no magic formula scenes you know when I sent that $1,250 in I was looking for a magic formula but there was no magic formula okay there was not I had my husband at that time had deceased and I bought a smaller place and to downsize but I still had that one on the market and I was trying to sell it so I had still had the mortgage payment still had the light bill had everything and now I went from having a big income to a fixed income do you hear me and it makes a difference so I was kidding I would not only was in mourning but I was getting a little desperate to get out from under this debt so I could live and so when a person is desperate they do stupid things we do stupid things things we all do I'm just as guilty but none of them weren't I'm telling you I'm up here to not tell you they didn't work they were stupid it was it was a magic formula you know you hear these things on TV in the radio you know send them I'm gonna give you ten ways how you can get rich overnight the only person getting rich is the one that you sending the money to the only mortgage getting paid off as the one that you sending the money to and they probably have three or four houses but you ain't got one my mother bless her heart she won't get into that but I can trust her soul but she got tricked into that you know for years you know I won't even named a minister you would knowing but but you know it's it's a shame but you know that's for God to take care of that that's not for me to take care of you I just tell you what he tells me he says warn my people that there are no quick fixes that there is no magic everything takes time and God has his laws his way of doing things and that's the way you have to do it you either if you really want to be successful you're gonna have to do it his way do it his way there are a lot of honest people out there and you're buying their CDs and stuff and there's nothing wrong with that there's a lot of honest people out there but please the Holy Spirit's in here he's your own power and he'll tell you when you got peace about something you know the Holy Spirit saying okay that's a good go ahead if you don't got peace about that you and sometimes you can't hear the Holy Spirit because you're so panicky and you're frantic and so you're hearing all these other voices you can't hear the Holy Spirit but you got to listen to the Holy Spirit because he's gonna guide you and even though you feel like well if I just do this I know it's gonna be all right I know I'm gonna make something off of this you know it's like going out here at the lottery you know people won't put won't give God any money but they'll go and get a lottery ticket you know it amazes me it amazes me I'm sure it mazes God too because he said it all mine he says it's all blah all the silvers mined all the Gold's mine on the cattle on a Thousand Hills and the cattle too and if I have to all sell a cow for you I feel like he sold a few for me thank you Jesus hallelujah it's your words I want you to listen to this it's your words that set your boundaries and not God I'm going to repeat that it's your words that is setting your boundaries as to how far you can go and what you can receive he said in Psalm 78 41 that they limited the Holy One of Israel remember Jesus says that you can have whatsoever you say it's in other words you can have what you speak in other words you have your words you've heard people say well you're gonna eat those words well these are some words you need to eat it's a matter of fact God tells you my eat eat his work eat it for breakfast eat it for dinner eat it for lunch feed on his word you know I'm going to tell you something trouble is in this world I'm making a lot of noise and Kevin's gonna have fun trying to cut it out Ray's God there's trouble in this world there's adverse circumstances or in the world seeming impossibilities or in this world but listen we're not of this world let me say that we're not on this one but you and I are not Jesus said in John 17 verse 16 Jesus says they are not of this world even as not of this world so we not of this world our citizenship is in heaven and while we're down here we have the greater one living on the inside of us hallelujah we have the greater one living on the inside of us according to John 4:4 he is greater then he that's in this world and the greater one we'll put you over he put me over and he's gonna put you over all you really have to do see it's just listen that's really all you have to do is just let the Holy Spirit and guide you he will make you a success let's take a look at the instructions that God gave to Joshua on how how to be a success when he was leading God's people Israel and to their inheritance in the promised land and Joshua chapter 1 verse 8 in the New Living Translation God told Joshua he said study this book of instruction continually and he told him God told he said meditate on it night and day so then be sure to obey everything written in it he said only then and I capitalized that only then he says will you prosper and succeed in all that you do to me Saints that is the most complete promise of prosperity and success that a person could ever wish for hallelujah you know he says in verse 9 that then God told Joshua this is my command he said be strong and be courageous do not be afraid or don't be discouraged he says for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go Saints what was the very first thing that Joshua did at the God told him this after God told him to be not to be discouraged but to be brave it says in verse 10 that Joshua then commanded the officers of Israel he told them he said go through the count and tell the people to get their provisions ready he says in three days he says you will cross he didn't say you were going to he says you will cross the Jordan River and you're going to take possession of the land the Lord your God is giving you from that verse it looks like to me that Josh will bleed what God said and he took immediate action my prayer tonight is that you're going to believe what the Lord is telling you and that you're gonna take immediate action and the Lord and tonight the Lord has given me some instructions for you and like Joshua I pray that you will heed the word tonight the same as Joshua did when God spoke to him for the words I speak are his word Saints I really speak in God's Word and when I'm speaking more any Minister of God is speaking God's word it's the same as him speaking it but that's not only true for that pastor that's true for you when you're speaking God's Word is the same as God speaking that's why that you have the power of life and death in your tongue hallelujah that's why you can speak depth of something that's why you can speak life to something Jesus said as I am so are you here on this earth he says I've given you the power to tread upon the Scorpions in the snakes I've given you the power to put the enemy under your feet praise God and he says you don't even have to boast about it he says matter of fact don't boast about that he said most about the fact that your name is listed in the Lamb's Book of Life hallelujah hallelujah we're just just just for if you don't learn anything else tonight learn this when I speak God's Word it's God speaking when you speak God's Word it's God speaking so when you stand up there and you start quoting scriptures you it is God's speaking and it's going to have the same effect on whatever it is you're speaking to is God Himself is speaking because you're his vessel the only way he can talk is through you that's why you lay hands on the sick people can be healed without your laying hands on the sick you can be healed just by hearing the word you can get born again from just hearing the word but you've got to believe it in your heart and speak it with your mouth the Lord that told me a long time ago you know he is it in Romans 10 we're talking about you know where you believe it in your heart and speak it with your mouth he said Joel does to me everything that's the way Milo works he said you believe what I'm telling you and then you stick it with your mouth and he says it's gonna be yours and you know I did that before I believed it I did it because he told me to do it you know I said some mornings on my couch and especially after I became a widow beaten before that and I speak these words I got books of the things that he would give me not write down and it didn't look like there's no snowball's chance if you know what I mean and I'm speaking this way and the devils on both my shoulders telling me today they're just words you really think anything is going to happen they just words but I just kept like that ever and act like that little ever-ready bunny and I wouldn't be here tonight if I wasn't like that little Eveready bunny and you wouldn't be here tonight if you didn't want to be that ever ready bunny you just keep speaking God's Word it will come to pass God's Word will not return to Him void but it will accomplish what he sends it out to do and it'll go where he sends it hallelujah but you easy but you've got to be the one to send it you've got to be the one to send it he's giving it to you now you got to send it hallelujah thank you Jesus hallelujah I better get on or I'm gonna not get as much done on this message not as I wanted to goods are the two part part one tonight part two tomorrow night but that's alright it's gonna be good and those that really want both copies you know if I've got your address you'll get it I believe that Josh will one chapter 1 verse 8 is the key scripture to all financial prosperity actually I think it's the key scripture for every area of your life I think it is God's Word is key is the key that will open your door God's Word is the key like I just said that will open any door the power is in his word I don't have to tell you that most of the Scriptures I'm quoting to you you could quote upside down sideways and backwards but you got to believe them you got to believe them how Lily you got to believe them and how quickly you get free from this spirit of poverty or any spirit for that matter any spirit is dependent on how soon you begin acting on what God's Word says and you begin lining your mouth up with his word not only line your mouth upward with this word but keep lining it up there I ask you since when did God say you were going to have good success and when are you going to make your way prosperous when you observe and do according to all that is written in his book that's when saying speaking God's Word and agreeing with him will make you successful in every area of your life and I know that you probably don't want to hear what I'm saying Saints I know that some probably still looking for quick fix as I've just said before because we're living in a time when we won't everything microwave them we want it now right now right now we want it right now I'm just the same way I I have to work on being impatient you know David has to pull me back a lot hee-ho hee-ho but he holds my reins you know I want to get out there and David's a note no not not yet not quite yet not quite yet but thank God for him God knew what he was doing when he brought us together thank you Jesus you know and for the most part some things can be done quickly but some changes but some changes we're gonna take a little bit more time there are some changes that need to be take place it's going to take a little bit more time and the reason why is because your mind has been programmed for years to think the way you think about your finances as well as everything else in your life you've been programmed to think the way you think and it's gonna take a little time to reprogram your mind you know and a quick fix won't work since it's going to take some reprogramming of your mind Romans 12:2 in a New Living Translation you're all familiar with that says don't copy the behavior and customs of this world but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think hallelujah they says then you will learn to know God's will for you which is good and pleasing he says and perfect some of you have already made up your minds that there is nothing that you can do to change things but Saints I'm here to tell you that there is something that you can do and that's what I've been preaching here all night you might even be thinking how in something as simple as a word change anything in my life especially with my finances you better praise thank God that a word can make a difference because you wouldn't be born again if it couldn't it was believing that word in your heart and speaking it out of your mouth that you became a new creature in Christ Jesus there is nothing this word can't do as a matter of fact this word holds this whole world together that's what the Bible says it holds everything together his word is holding it all together praise God Luke 1:37 says no word no word of God is without power or impossible or fulfillment do you believe that hallelujah Saints hear me you must know that God's word will never return to him for it as I just said earlier he says so shall my word be that goes forth from my mouth it shall not return to me void but it shall accomplish what I please and it shall prosper in the thing for which I said it hallelujah you know this verse is not just a blanket promise but it has an important stipulation and a stipulation that must not that you must not ignore God's Word is guaranteed to accomplish what he pleases and to prosper in the thing for which God sent it praise God are you hearing me it says you need to know that God's DNA is in his word and the seed and when you plant it which it means you speak it then you go and reap a harvest okay I'm rushed right along here remember what I said earlier that God's Word is your key as a matter of fact if you could think of it as a passkey a passkey as you all know is a key that will open any door most hotels are used to before they had the little cards they had a key that would open all the doors I guess maybe they got a little card that does that now but anyway we got a card for everything you know I woke up sometimes and expect the door to open when it does it and I bumped my nose but you're so used to walking up and having everything open for you and just doing that you know did you just go up to the front door and expect somebody to open it for you gone has given you a passkey and it's backed up by the Holy Spirit the key is God's Word and like I said it's going to open any door for you it will open the door for your prosperity or for your healing or any of God's places it doesn't really matter what they are however you must put it in your mouth and you must speak it out Romans 10:8 says that the word is near you in your mouth and in your heart hallelujah God said to his Alleluia Leeroy God said he is active and alert to perform his word does that's really my all-time favorites I remind God of that all the time so but you you must give him something to work with things I'm always telling the Lord well Lord I just think you did you said you alert and acted to perform your word I'm fixing to give you something hallelujah you know God is concerned about you every need and he knows that you have needs and yes he's concerned about your bills he's concerned about you mortgages he's concerned about your car payments he's concerned about your kids shoes there's nothing that he don't he's not concerned about you're his child and he loves you and I'm fixing to say something I want you to really hear what I'm going to say because this is really important the fact is things until you know in your heart that God really does love you and that he cares for you it's going to be difficult for you to believe for you to believe any of his promises you're going to have to believe really believe in your heart that he really does love you and that it really does care about you in order for you to receive his promises because if you don't you won't trust him Thank You Leroy absolutely amen you won't you won't trust them and if you don't trust them I mean you know there's the people that you know that you trust them their words though they say something you believe them you never doubt them and then there are some that exact opposite you notice you couldn't trust them any fun you could see you maybe some people my grandmother's say not that far but yeah hallelujah but as I said before I think that many of you have already made up your minds that there's nothing that you can do to change your situation but as I told you earlier there is something you can do and one thing you don't want to do now listen you one you don't ever want to get too familiar with doing without God didn't create you to do without so you don't want to really get too familiar with that God's Word tells us that those who seek Him shall not like friendiy beneficial thing you know and I was praying for this lady I think was either this morning or yesterday and you know that that scripture came to mind you know that Laura said those that love you and not like friend of beneficial thing and so I used that in my prayer and I said Lord your word says that those that love you are not like very beneficial thing you know and having foods a beneficial thing being able to make your rent your your mortgage in the car is a beneficial thing Lord and you said those love you like for no beneficial thing and so then I just continued on with my prayer but you're praying God's Word and putting him and remember says he says in Isaiah 43 26 put me in remembrance of my word that I may plead your case with you he's your attorney he's going to plead with you but you've got to give him something you've got to talk to him Saints you got to talk to him and like I said you've got to get it down in your spirit that God truly loves you and cares about you you know Saints gone thinks about me and you all the time in Psalms 139 says that his his thoughts toward you are not only precious are as numerous as the sands of the sea on the seashore hallelujah in other words that Saints he's thinking about you and me all the time another key to receiving from God is this and you'll need to begin practicing what God says about your finances and I've noticed that most people don't give much thought to the words coming out of their mouths but you know there is a scripture in Psalms 12 verse 4 New King James it says who have said with our tongue we will prevail our lips are our own who is lord over us in other words yes it is your mouth Saints and you are absolutely right you can say anything you please with your own lips and I find that most of the time people do I've actually heard people say I can say what anything I want to say and I'll agree you can say anything you want to say but my point Saints they say it without giving much thought to the consequences of their words my points ain't saying all this about your tongue or your mouth is it says that the tongue is a small part of the body according to James chapter 3 yet proverbs 18:21 says it has the power of life and death it's the smallest member of our body but yet it holds the power of life and death in it in other words it's up to you what you choose to speak and I'm gonna repeat that it's really up to you what you choose to speak I can stand up here and I can preach and teach all night but it's really up to you and if you want to be more prosperous this year you're going to have to line your words up with what God's Word says about your finances and when you're gonna have to stop talking failure until you're going to have to stop talking defeat and three you're gonna have to stop talking what about what the devil is doing and start talking about what God is doing I hear people say you know just devil's been on my back all night no get him off if he's on your back you let him there you allow them to get there for instance you can begin saying I want you listen to this for instance you can begin by saying things like this now this is excuse me some things that you can begin say you can say based on your word Lord I have authority here on this earth and according to mark 11:23 I can speak to the mountain and it will have to obey me you said Lord that if I had faith I would speak okay so therefore devil I speak to you and I command you to take your hands off of my finances right now in the name of Jesus and I command you to loose them in the name of Jesus are you hearing me saying as a matter of fact you may want to write some of this down you can also say I speak to the mountain of light and won't and I command you to be removed and cast into the sea in the name of Jesus now since you're praying God's word over your finances are you hearing me now God can move on your behalf when you start praying God's word then he could start moving on your behalf because he always honors his word he says in psalm 138:2 he said you have magnified your word above all of your name in other words god said he magnifies his word above his own name that's how important it is since it's not God that is withholding your finances from you it's not God that is keeping you from getting a better job it's the devil it's the god of this world the devil is the god of this world according to second for instance 4:4 and he deceives you by tricking you into agreeing with him but according to the Word of God in mark 11:23 like I said before Jesus says if you believe what you're saying you can have what you say in other words you will have the words that you speak Saints this financial adversity that many of God's children are experiencing right now did not come as a surprise to the Lord it did not shock him God wants you to know that no matter how big your mountain of daddy is it's not bigger than he is hallelujah God said I am God who prepares a table for you and the presence of your enemies he said I am God who answers you hallelujah God wants you to know that he truly is your provider and that the Holy Spirit will give you insight the Holy Spirit will give you wisdom and the Holy Spirit will give you favor to help you navigate your way through this adversity he will help you but you're going to have to trust them Saints and you're going to have to do what the word tells you to do you can begin right now Saints by declaring out loud and this is what I want we're getting ready to close I want all of you I want you to stand up put your papers down I want you to grab your hand grab your neighbors hand I want you to declare out loud and repeat after me I hereby declare all curses against me no void and harmless I declare I am redeemed from the curse of poverty I am free from oppression and I now lose the abundance of God and all that rightfully belongs to me now comes to me under grace in a perfect way I thank you Lord that you have a plan for me to overcome this financial adversity this was no surprise to you I cast all the problems of this situation over on you Lord I will not worry or fret for you lord have supplied all of my needs according to your riches in glory by Christ Jesus I decree Lord that you are the source of my supply and I have more than enough to pay my bills on time and more than enough left over to be a blessing to others in the name of Jesus hallelujah hallelujah you and I was how you hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah you can have a seat we'll be finished here just a minute hallelujah thank you Jesus I want you to know that I took the time to take experts out and I typed this up I what you just confessed and I wrote down there because I really believe and that if you'll take this and confess it every day I believe you will see some change because the longer the more you speak it the more you go to believe it okay and you have to start somewhere and I sure that something has already begun but this is one of the places like I said I typed that up for you and let me say this though unless you're willing to make some changes you're never going to move beyond your words you're never going to move beyond your words your situation is going to remain the same maybe even get worse even though God does not desire for you to do without Saints I saw this movie once called Groundhog Day I think it started Bill Murray did any of you see it ever seen that movie Groundhog Day I don't know if any of you do but if you did see the movie then you're gonna remember that the movie was about if you watched it it was about this man who kept going to bed that every night and every morning he wake up it was the same day nothing changed here at the watch is sometimes called Groundhog Day and he'd go to bed he'd wake up mean look at the clock it was the same he'd wake up at the same time everything that everybody said the same thing did the same thing all day long nothing ever changed he'd go to bed to Nick that night go to wake same old thing that's the never changed it was always the same every time you woke up and you know that's the way a lot of people live their lives every day waking up the same old way same old routine doing the same thing doing everything the same old way and wondering why you can't get a breakthrough you got to make some changes you've got to you have to make some changes you know some are wondering why god don't care that they're having a hard time even though you work hard every day you still can't seem to get ahead you know there's always seems to be more bills than there's money to pay and like I said I understand that I've been there and I didn't have a whole lot I was late like I said I was living on a fixed income but that's nothing I never said I never said I mean if I said I was living on fixed incomes because I had to for whatever legal purposes I mean I knew I was but I didn't live like I was living on a fixed income I didn't let that limit me I don't my god is not fixed my god has it all and he's not fixed and so you know legally I was but spiritually I'm not do you hear me right now maybe you have just assert you have a certain amount but it doesn't matter God can change that overnight every bit of it can be changed overnight I'm telling you I'm standing here telling you it can he also says that let me go past this God's economy as I said before it's not in trouble his word says the exact opposite and if you want to wake up in the morning and begin experiencing some difference in your life you're going to have to do like David you're going to have to put a garden on your mouth and a bridle on your tongue that's what he says in Psalms 141 Saints you can pray that prayer to Lord you can pray what David prayed you know pray pray turn God's what turn God's Word into prayer that's what I do I take his scriptures and I pray them you know I said Lord I pray today that you were brought on my tongue and let my and let my words be pleasing unto you and that's what the Bible says Lord I pray that the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart will be pleasing unto you O Lord my rock and my Redeemer another speck you know what David was saying God let me know years ago that if I didn't change my way of talking and I didn't change my way of thinking in other words changed my whole attitude that I was never going to have the things that I was asking him for he's a joke you got it straighten up you know I was in my prayer time this morning and this was a second prayer time this is I forgot my studios in my prayer time and I was having communion and I was praying and I said Lord you know it says I always put him in remembrance when you you know every time you commune with God put him in remembrance and I said Lord Jesus I just put you in remembrance and I hadn't started praying and I said Lord I just can't believe it I said you know you said you take the foolish to confound the wise and I said look what a foolish girl I am I said you took an old pig's ear made a silk purse out of it just to adjust the country girl and I won't get into all my history but you know you think of some of these people in the Bible did so bad and I think it was Lord I was a lot worse than they were but you cleanse to me with your blood your blood made me white as snow your blood cleansed all of that away I said Jesus you made me a new creature all together I said Lord all that stuff passed away and that girl doesn't live anymore she's dead I'm a new creature in Christ I have a whole new DNA and I don't and when I go get my physical which is not very often they have to keep begging me it's been about three years now and I know what I'm going to be calling me but I won't let them do certain tests but I don't tell you not you just do what you let to do certain things I don't do certain words I don't put in my mouth certain things I don't do and finally the doctor said well will you do that I said well we all will do that but no I'm not gonna do that no I'm not gonna do that no I'm do that there's no reason for me to do that and they said well you know and I don't like right now know what my parents say you know all that stuff that doctor hey you know filled out 15 pages I thought you know I have a new DNA I have a new DNA you have a new DNA your father in heaven don't have any of that stuff your father in heaven is not broke your father in heaven is not sick you're his daughter and you've got his DNA and the Bible strictly says that you're a new creature all stuffs passed away I have a new daddy and there's no sickness in his family and I cleaned that I'm not saying that things don't happen to me and I'm not saying that the devil don't try I'm just saying that's my thought that's my confession you know what I say what's your confession you know and I know people look at me strange you know just not recently because I don't I'm a senior I'm Way past senior but but I don't my senior coffee I don't buy seen your meals and people say well maybe you got the money I I said even when I didn't have any money I didn't buy it I can forward another 10 cents for that coffee if it really people they keep missing it they keep missing it it's not about the money it has nothing to do with the money it has to do with the mindset it has to do with a mindset and that's what we're talking about the night we're talking about attitude we're talking about mindset attitude mindset I can I couldn't afford anymore then and they could but by but what they don't understand is the devil is sly it not what the Bible tells you in Genesis he's the sneakiest and sliced of all cunning the most cunning if he can get me to buy into that light he can get me to buy into another life and see that's the point that that is an attitude you know it's not about money it's not it's not about what you're gonna foreign to can't afford but you know get a child's plate if you have to or go someplace else don't let him trick you with these little things there's a little thing so he's tricksters with all day long you can't afford this you can't afford that you don't you got to shut up you've got to quit repeating what he keeps telling you he tells you you can't afford it he tells you you'll never get out of debt he says you'll never be able to do this you'll never go there you'll never do this well I will by the grace of God I will because I'm not going to buy into his lies and you don't have to buy into his lies either and this is what I'm telling you you can be free tonight you don't you know it took me a long time to get out of that don't you don't have to wait as long as I did I didn't have the teachings that you have I wasn't brought up that way I was brought up under different teachings so you get rid of a lot of Giants but you know you just you just don't don't don't let the W have a new DNA and like I said if he can trick me into saying I know I'm a senior I'm not stupid I know what year I was born in but I don't have to do what he tells me I got to do and let people do what they want to do you know you didn't tell them it and like I said I've tried them in and I just scratched my head you know because I've told moreover you know and then they say and they don't give me something and I think they don't get it look just they don't get it you know it's it's kind of like you look at this picture under what you call a master act or whatever and you look at you can't see anything it you know it doesn't make any sense and all of a sudden you're looking it just makes perfect sense now no matter how you look at it you can see a picture you know well that's kind of like when the Lord says the blinders come off the Bible says that when I became a Christian he took the blinders off that Satan had put those blinders on me according to first Corinthians 4:4 the devil is the one to put the blinders on a non-believer so they couldn't see the truth well we not non-believers anymore we're believers and so we've got to get the blinders off well they've been taking off we got to keep them off hallelujah thank you Jesus you know I don't you know and you know before I became a minister you know the Lord wanted me to just go into full-time ministry and that's when I owed all that debt that was before that before you know my husband passed away and all that it was even before that and I said I you know I can't do that Lord I got to work and the Lord told me he paid my dad he said you want you to be in full-time minutes I said Lord you know I tell you what I'll work part-time and minister part-time because see I couldn't see in my mind's eye at that time how God was going to take care of that cuz old about $40,000 35 $40,000 and so I kept trying to go back to work but nothing ever worked out I ended up I finally I said okay Lord I'm gonna go back go back full-time and that's what I was talking about he gave me three things to do but I only trusted him with two the other was too big I thought for him to handle but you know he took care of that debt took two years but he would have taken care of it then if I had have been obedient you know all the way o beat it not how well be in it all the way obedient and I've said this in some of my CDs you so some of you might have heard it but you know I couldn't see how me working because doing the work that he was calling me to do was volunteer you don't get paid when you're going here so how can you pay a bill when you're not getting paid you know my husband Tom was getting paid but I mean you know we got I got a help I mean I had done this you know most of it I got get do something about this but you know he did get paid off it took two years but I ministered I went ahead and minister I didn't go back where I ministered but you know the reason why I didn't it wasn't because I didn't go to work and that minister because I didn't do what he told me to do I did not do when I did what he told me to do then it was taken care of and then I was witnessing the deal one day did that because I was a chaplain accident and I was witness to the inmates in there one day you know one Sunday morning about how the Lord had taken care of this big debt for him and this net now and the Lord spoke to me just as clearly while I was talking to them he said it wasn't taken you two years you wouldn't you didn't have to suffer two years that was your doing you don't have to suffer one minute as far as God is concerned all you have to do is just do what tells you to do and trust it he's going to take care of you I'm here to tell you that he will he will I knew in my heart that he would and as I said in the beginning of this message there is anointed in the house tonight and you can be free of that spirit of poverty there is a there is also anoint in here for debt consolation and all you have to do is to believe it to receive it and like I just said don't be like me and wait two years you don't have to wait two years whatever you ask you to do do it he may not ask you to do anything like I just said he asked me to do three things I only did two however I left because I let fear keep me from doing the other thing the other thing was too personal i I had to go tell somebody something you know that they already knew you know but he had me so full of fear and so fearful that you know when you're when you're fearful and he double has that spirit of fear and you do stupid stuff I mean you don't think straight you do stupid stuff because if I and I'm consider myself a smart girl you know David tells me I'm smart so I think you know maybe not the smartest went on them you know - sharpest knife in the drawer but you know I'm not dull if if I hadn't thought about it I would have realized that what the Lord does want me to do this person already knew hey just wanted me to go tell him you know and I don't know Lord I can't do that you know it's funny how we are sometimes that just the little things we're trusted with some things but we won't trust him with everything tonight Saints I really want you to trust them Oh just and I want you to trust him whatever thing everything whatever he tells you to do as Jesus's mother said do it whatever Jesus tells you to do do it even though if it doesn't make any sense and a lot of times the things he'll tell you to do like Jesus's mother telling them to go fill up those pots with water when they're out of wine didn't make a whole lot of sense the things that God told me to do all through my ministry and still does sometimes don't make any sense to me but I'm gonna do them as long as I got a breath in me I'm gonna do my best I'm not saying I catch it all the time sometimes I miss it but I'm doing my best to do what he tells me to do and and one of my prayers is the Lord you know almost daily I pray Lord just please magnify your voice just magnify your voice that I can hear it more clearly so that I won't miss it I don't want to miss anything you tell me so just please up the volume on it you know hit me on the head do what you know need what you need to do father I just thank you so much tonight I welcome your presence continue to welcome your presence in this building Lord I thank you God for everybody that came out here tonight to hear this word I thank you Lord that you led me to teach on these finances I thank you Lord that you said that there is an anointing here to break that spirit of poverty you told me Lord that there's going to be a spirit there's going to be an anointing here to break that spirit of like Lord and so Lord I really feel like that one of the main things that need to be done tonight is just taking the blinders all of our eyes so that we can see the truth Lord that we can get a renewed mind Lord that we can get a renewed attitude father so lord I just pray for each and every person in this room tonight father I pray that that whatever door has been shut for them Lord shall be shut no more I thank you God that you said that you will open the door that you will make a way that no man can close
Channel: Speak The Word Ministry
Views: 56,707
Rating: 4.7817459 out of 5
Id: qUyDHR9uV0k
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Length: 75min 24sec (4524 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 04 2015
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