MUST WATCH: Matt Gaetz Takes No Prisoners Confronting Alejandro Mayorkas About Migrant App

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chair now recognized the gentleman from Florida for five minutes million encounters and releases under your watch so not including the title 42 expulsions not including violent criminals of those 2 million plus that you've encountered and released how many have you told to go home Congressman individuals who are released or placed in Immigration enforcement proceedings under the law where they can make their claim for Relief if their claim for Relief is not satisfied they are subject to removal from the United States subject to removal sounds very different than actually removed so I'm not interested in the process I'm not interested in what people are subject to 2 million people encountered and released not the expulsions under title floating through two not the criminals how many of those people have you deported so Congressman a few points number one just how many of the people I just want to know how many it's the number Congressman we are dealing with a completely broken immigration system no no Mr secretary I'm not gonna let you burn my five minutes do you know the answer do you know the number of people out of that 2 million that you've removed that aren't criminals I do know that we have removed more aggravated felons right I'm not asking about them you I've caveotted that away because here's what I'm I'm sort of getting and what your non-responsiveness is demonstrating the majorcus doctrine is this if you show up at the border and get released into the country if you don't commit a specific aggravated felony which by the way doesn't include a lot of assault and battery doesn't include a lot of bad domestic violence but if you're not one of the people who commit those crimes you get to stay forever is is that a fair characterization of your Doctrine no that is then tell me how many are sending home no that is false okay well but you don't know the number of how many you've sent home here's another number point I'm sorry 1.2 million people today have been through your entire process right they've been through what you call a removal proceeding is just an amnesty dance because after the 1.2 million people get an order from the judge saying that they don't have a basis to be here you still don't remove them like what's your plan to remove those people Congressman that is false okay what how many of them then just give me the number congressman in this country in this country there are between 11 and 12 million right but I'm asking about a subset that you won't send home and the reason you're smirking about it and the reason you won't answer my question is because everybody gets the joke and the sad thing is it's not just us here it's the cartels who get the joke too and so now what you've done to execute this my orchest Doctrine where so long as you don't commit a crime you get to stay here and burden our hospitals burden our schools burden our social services burden our jails you've sent the message to the cartels and then you've taken this app and you've digitized illegal immigration and you've scaled it to the moon like this app that you've got everybody downloading is like the Disney fast pass into the country never to be subject to actual removal just removal proceedings as you call them that app doesn't do any search of their criminal history in their home country does it Congressman I I disagree with everything I'm sure but just answer the question does the app that you are out there promoting do any search of people's criminal history in their home country congressman Customs and Border Protection screens and vets individuals whom they encounter your app it either has the functionality to just their criminal history in their home country or it doesn't by the way if it did you'd have already told me it doesn't and then the other epic failure of this that's empowered the cartels is that in these processing centers you've set up in other countries to just wave them all in at a rapid Pace you've had to shut them down in Nuevo Laredo because the cartels were standing outside extorting people isn't that right false oh really so why did you shut down that facility and the point of safe orderly and lawful Pathways is to reduce the number of encounters at our Southwest border but but wait a second you've been you you what you've just shifted those encounters because right now for the first time in modern history more people are showing up at the ports of Entry than running through some Bush in Yuma Arizona and the reason they're showing up the ports of Entry is because you've got the Turn Style Open where so long as they've gone and downloaded this app you just let them in I got one final question for you and it's an important one is Mexico an ally in this fight against illegal immigration uh yes it is so I mean it's hilarious and somewhat troubling that you say that because like I'm looking at the El Chapo trial where president Nieto took a hundred million dollar bribe from the Sinaloa cartel do you think that the subsequent presidents following Nieto weren't offered a bribe by the cartel or didn't take the bribe Congressman I I disagree with everything you have said uh right but you can disagree all you want but what you won't provide is any number and when you sit there and just kind of ostensibly disagree without any facts it shows people what the real gig is the Mexican Government is captive to the cartels they are doing the bidding of the cartels and based on your response today so are you
Channel: Forbes Breaking News
Views: 757,373
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Id: FN58k8QvouY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 13sec (313 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2023
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