I Bought a $10,000 Mystery Safe at an Auction & You Won’t Believe What I Found…

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what up everybody [ __ ] nothing today I got a 700-pound safe inside my brand-new truck you don't have a Oki right there's a truck but yeah I was it easy Travis okay you get a 700-pound safe into my little car you know what guys this was really hard let me show you so just like my last video I bought a $1,000 abandoned storage unit and inside it I found a safe safe so big that I had to rent this cargo van go and get the safe bring the safe to my house so I can put it in my garage overnight as you guys can see there's kind of a tight fit and I kind of almost broke my entire garage but let's just move past that oh and finally we are back in the gym with a 700-pound say okay with this with a 700-pound safe okay I don't actually know that 700 is about 600 and I can't lift that so it's been quite the journey are we gonna get this out onto here I hope you have a dolly I do not have a dolly would Travis is gonna help me no would but you gotta put the camera down to help okay oh okay something you hear that okay I can't rattle this too this way too heavy but I just heard something to go something these inside this that's what I'm talking about oh my god I can't move that thing thanks Captain Obvious bet you I shouldn't throw you too much is the only one here helping me high-five let's get this done I'm super excited about this video that's what I'm talking about Travis man what do you think's inside it old coins or something all the boots on that we heard was coins be there be enough that I could call myself the coin master which brings me to my next point this videos are super expensive to film okay so go show some love to Game Master for partnering with me on this video you're making this video Hobbit they're making this video happen quick master is a social game where you build your village and attack or raid other villages login to Facebook to play with your friends give them gifts attack their villages or read their coins the game amazing pets boosts your skills Travis IV Jesus Christ humming collect carts get more prizes if there's if a card you want okay just go ask for it in the Facebook trading group come ask me I'm in the group make sure you guys follow them on social media for more events and more prizes download coin master now if you guys want to get hooked up with 300 free coins see you guys can start your first village invite your friends to play and you'll get hooked up with 40 free spins Travis left it open it is freezing but I'm close matter ah ah you good no oops we may not know what's inside here but we know what's inside that link in my description an iPhone access giveaway a Samsung Galaxy S 9 something like that giveaway he is for maybe some iPhone case I got a really big giveaway link in my description down below all you really got to do is click it subscribe you guys know what it is you want to win one of these click the link that's pretty simple right pretty soon thank God I believe and then we got that trust relationship now that you guys have entered the giveaway we're ready to start breaking this safe let's get it let's watch this thing on Discovery Channel vile they built the pyramids this is one way they move rocks three-to-one you put a piece of wood so that it never actually touches the ground we get under it what is it sighs it's your stock okay let's say that oh you guys may not see it but just see you know there's a lot of work that's about to go on off-camera let's cut to when it's done cut to when it's done on one of my last videos I think it was the money hole bulletproof box save $10,000 challenge of you guys haven't seen that video obviously go see it okay I asked you guys how you flowing elastic bands in class of people and I okay Travis you win thank you they shoot them like this no one shoots it like that how did you do it like like this like that yeah kind of wait you can't like that yeah then they go it's so much better thank you but you know what's even better Oh bear elastic shootie elastic shootie gun what is this oh yeah hmm-hmm yeah I just miss the safe from one blankie up take two take two manic hey yeah boom it's obviously not gonna do any damage to it the beer kind of feel bad for the bear show that's the wind of the poo I like you know what maybe the bear shooter got in sort of thing ek what just wasn't the right projectile but I think I got the right projectile this time you guys think it predictable you think I was just gonna put BBS or marbles inside this slingshot and shoot them big again we're shooting a 45-pound plate no I don't think it's been this is strongest place on the world three two one what yeah thank you no target about most powerful slingshots to avoid video okay if you guys want to see me use the world's most powerful slingshot on other things hit that like button cigarettes believable that's not believable all right this lead shot may not have actually been able to shoot the plate out but this slingshot can oh Jesus if this breaks hahaha oh my god are you here are you in to sing this witness this is the thrill of a lifetime right here I don't even bungee jumping mash the like button if you want just testing to go bungee jumping a little further further Wow that's one of the greatest things I've ever felt you know obviously that didn't unlock it and you know we didn't even do the original purpose where we were supposed to shoot a plate out of it - let's shoot a plate out of it reload oh my god oh my god oh my god Travis so these bands are kind of ripped already oh good I'm really afraid it's not gonna go well for me okay just go further a little bit I'm literally sliding I'm literally sliding it's pulling me it's bullets fully pulling me Oh pretending that safe is the like button and it's also the sub button - PewDiePie always 70 PewDiePie here we go three two one go oh it's not what's supposed to happen you can't tell that it's new now it's it's really really marked up look at that that's what at least ten percent off looks like right right back no back this slingshots so good I want to shoot something else you know what maybe it's not the flinging of stuff that actually does the damage maybe it's like that you know that the whiplash the width the way of it does a lot of damage why we got whips not a skipping rope to jump to it do that you missed most of it no does that just hurt - here are you seriously in a doctor's office yeah oh my god what you're not even hurt I know okay realistically I heard a little bit fine I'm here because I realize I might need a little bit of a psychological exam I don't know why I keep doing this expecting not to get hurt and I always get hurt okay well good luck with that figured it out cuz I love my fan I'm gonna attempt this slingshot thing one more time but this time safety Dustin's back out got a little protection and I'm gonna need this protection because we're shooting a brick yeah that's actually gonna happen let's do it I wrapped the elastics through the holes and wrapped them on the end so this is a hundred percent hitting it this is literally just gonna be like a giant sledgehammer oh my god I'm so scared right now did I even do this huh you think I should do it or think I should go further that's the greatest thing I've ever done Wow that's what I'm talking about let me just say there's brick right here and I was lying right here just saying brick they're the definition of bricks quad right here and I if you thought this wasn't a lot of damage how about this damage you think we're any closer to opening the safe it'd be a little bit but yeah I was gonna say I was gonna say maybe but I'll take a little bit even if they didn't get the same event that was ridiculously fun you know what else is fun silly string that really didn't serve any purpose I just wanted to have fun it's the whole ween come on that's a four thousand dollar camera now in a lot of these destruction videos when I really want to start testing things I bring out the mallet but this time is a little different I'm bringing out two mallets that actually do damage before we go check it out we got the line-x mallet see that oh that right there you know that is damage it's a Scott yeah scuff escapes the type of damage and a gaming controller mmm damage but what have we grow them together ya know [Music] no they broke that's not fair the line-x mallet Pro you know fairness I'm really sad about this but in all fairness it was right along the rim where it's super thin but you know what I think a little bit of good comes from everything a little bit bad now we could throw this even faster I did hit it bounce off the bar hit the back that's hitting it that's hitting it if the ball goes off the backboard and gets into the net took it so good so goes to the net a so point damage so the baseball bat baseball bat oh gee Pat honestly this is just making me deaf all these scratches yeah squeaking sound it says subscribe just please if you're new here subscribe I miss everything always on the first time I think we've got another to bed for it's just even raw just please wiggle it's time to move on to the projectiles guys know what it is here we go three two you see what happened there no you didn't you guys probably didn't see what happened there you probably just saw a boat bounce off it and it well it did do that but it did something a little more oh yeah mm-hmm there's damage that is damaged officially damaged no we never tried just opening it let's try Travis's phone code seven zero no one zero - everyone knows your phone good now here we have just what you think it is vampire hunting weapon aka our crossbow feeling like van Helsing right now oh my god van Helsing who's the lead runner what is van Helsing hunt comment it down below let's see if you guys can figure that out I'll give you a heart the instruction manual says you have to have crossbow bolt I left the crossbow bolts at home I have arrows it says you can't use arrows maybe it's right but we're about to find out oh boy loaded doesn't go too far I mean kind of let's try something else oh this is this is crazy strong kidding me why not use the nail work for woodsman port traps has got a good point nails are meant for nailing let's nail with the nails yeah I don't know why I feel like that didn't make sense but I guess it did that's enough that is also a No I mean you are using a mallet that's a the tax times always a good time here we go man I could get my ear is it just oh I'm so close my bad it's actually doing damage reacts you know something just doesn't feel right feel like we're not not doing what we're supposed to be doing Amy the pickaxe [Music] that live for you a little bit a little bit we try to look it's true yeah that's true that actually we didn't I know there's all the way through this game through oh my god we're doing real damage I don't even know what to say probably because I can't think because I'm tired you know that means you're trying to talk you know what we never tried hitting the back oh what's the back is way weaker [Music] the problem you can't spring hard enough like that it has to be on the ground I know just the way to get it they're not gonna knock something over the best way to do it's probably a wrecking ball it's why we made a wrecking ball here we go three two one Oh Oh fire we can go higher so close I'll make it really good weapons today okay so it looks like strong well I'm really yelling I've been yelling this entire time how many you have yeah I'm sorry what looks like strong ain't strong enough looks like I'm gonna have to get my hands dirty another shot [Music] yeah I'm fine see Travis now we can work on this together Cheers you know I'm not gonna lie I never thought about that big Travis has got a point that flames okay soften the metal up wait wait bit this didn't work last time either didn't know I was gonna say it's not what we did what did we do Oh we pried off the door okay so this door is put together and it has a little bit of a scene here we might be able to break into it cuz the guys you're working a little bit the other problem is what we you know have you know well the pry bars not big enough let's get a bigger private got the big one it's not really working that well I'm gonna work on this for a bit we'll be right back okay we're starting to get somewhere but look the bar itself is bending do this you don't feel you don't feel safe I don't feel safe some of you Travis guys do that didn't see that face I was gonna say you look too unsafe before he's happy Oh Travis look at this now we can see inside oh no way yeah I could see something it's like I don't know what is that wait what is that maybe it's a part of the safe no it's green I don't really know what that is but there's definitely something inside there there's a a plastic thing and then there's like a metal thing I don't really know what that is all I really see is that box and then the plastic bin sort of thing beside it but like the sights are pretty thin we keep going sides maybe we should go up the sides luckily I still got a very important tool that I probably should have used earlier that I have left over from my unbreakable shoe video we'll just wait for that to be quiet we got an angle grinder I don't know if it actually can cut through metal this thick but we're gonna give it a shot we're three seconds into this and I already lost I should not own power tools but I do Babis it's a time I think it's time time to find out what's inside so excited you excited I'm booked let's find out what's inside oh Jesus oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god Mookie what's in here what is this is this is this is this stuff some bags I think that's it check-in type it's pretty much as a big empty bean case of plastic gone whatever was this I think this goes on here and it's like one of those things that you keep like a map in oh I think oh my god no it's not one cartridge mortar one like boom like call of duty mortar for mortars m25 new law I don't understand this but it says mortars rule yeah I see that yeah there's is there anything no one see this is like military stuff but look another bar and no more okay I'm not gonna make you wait until another video we're gonna open it right now cartridges for weapons what does it say thirty to forty millimeter let's open it up all the whole talk comes out oh oh what it's an empty casing but like okay we know this is serious and then there's this nothing else inside got somebody baby we got a total of we got a ten okay a total of thirteen dollars and there's checks inside there's actually a lot of checks a couple of rich I'm not gonna show you that the names are because I don't know who's watching alright I'm super excited about because it's absolutely insane to find I honestly didn't think we were gonna find realistically anything that crazy but we did make sure you guys into the iPhone access giveaway link is in my description if you want one just like this beta tape video for you guys right there and guess what there's another banger for you there too and you guys know whether I'm brick is open thousand dollar event and say or not I always like to leave on a high note Merry Christmas
Channel: JustDustin
Views: 3,934,941
Rating: 4.8525171 out of 5
Keywords: $10000, $1000, $5000, i bought, I bought $1000, auction, bought, spent, found, safe, vault, secret, abandoned, mystery, mystery box, surprise, auctions, ebay, auction hunters, storage wars, storage unit, abandoned storage unit, abandoned safe, found this, you wont believe, storage, box, treasure, hidden safe, secret safe, old, found safe, smashing safe, opening abandoned safe, storage locker, justdustin, buying, buy, wish, wish.com
Id: w2Ie3pWQy4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 10sec (1150 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 15 2018
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