Breaking into a HAUNTED Minecraft Prison! *SCARY*

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um Oh what hey bro what was that what was that what was that I'm going crazy [Music] yeah obviously not my man's you just left in the middle of the sky I don't know how I could die what are you doing bad bro how are we gonna get down we're all gonna die if you don't know how to land this helicopter dude the helipad I'm gonna die time actually my my rates bye guys guys how are you gonna get down guys look at me I have no alighting I have no protion whatever you drank to get down I made it by one block no great wait look down look down I got you blocks oh oh there you go thank you guys so much help all right what do you got to help wait how are you guys gonna get up now okay oh thank you could use this to get back up what is this no potion of snow falling oh that's so cool what no we were down yeah I want to get out of here you know okay thank you so much okay okay so you can't throw me on the bus right now after you just plot a scene I could throw you over a plane no off you like action man it's a tough flight all right okay when we get back to the video we just start asking questions yeah yeah three two one are all your bones attack you know you still get a bone no are you really gonna hit me this new really said hey bro it's under in store broke first of all we're under a plane second of all you didn't even have the proper materials to get down third of all and put on his chest plate you did what I'm saying hey hey you guys didn't tell me I barely made that jump by one block anyways so I was reading a book the other day right uh-huh and I saw something very very interesting and I was like hairs start up your chopper we're going to the secret haunted prison that is stuck in the middle of nowhere come back come back please please okay let's go down here let's talk to action here so so you guys want to hear all about it right yeah yeah nice little walk together up these stairs right here towards the prison and I will explain everything to you I need a boat later on because how are we gonna get to the helicopter era's didn't landed a question all right good how much fuel do we have when I think that they're gonna stay in the air forever dude it's gonna crash how are we gonna get home dude we are going to need a boat for sure so so what everyone grab a boy raids makes us take a trip that I didn't say don't blame me don't blame me don't play me I was reading a book the other day right and now we get home I I have no idea but let's just let's just go into the secret haunted prison and see what this is all about right keep talking about that book though yeah all right so I was reading a book the other day and there's really interesting stories hey hey hey hey don't make fun of me I like reading okay I like reading and it was about the prison that holds the most most criminals in the entire world that has like the worst criminals in the entire world as well that's all you had to say Oh Oh what the what almost 50 years ago okay something might have you know now something happened instantly one day everything vanished I see right up there dawg the prison the prisoners the guards everyone that was trying to escape from the prison they are gone this this prison is in the middle of nowhere I'm surprised we even made it here alive because not many people are able to come here but but but listen listen alright there might be ghosts inside of this prison because the worst criminals in the entire world used to be here and they just one day vanished so you're saying because some people disappeared that this place is honey what if they went on a field trip unnoticed you know say if I was the toughest doing the prison security car I probably escaped change my name to Pablo and went on with my day I'm just saying okay alright so I I know what the plan is all right so you two go in there and see what's wrong and I would try to figure out how to fight it for the coffee back home hey you can't do that all right yo raise these drowns just keep giving us heart attacks so action as you can see right here this is it this this right here is the most secure prison in the in the entire world that used to hold the worst criminals yes please speak you think most secure why are there broken bars that was 50 years ago okay what before the ends are they inhabit wait so you just proved my theory that they broke out and left no no no no no something happened no one knows what happened how they vanished nothing at all it they they just said that you know it's a mystery but my man I already gonna see how what the entrance all messed up - what the heck okay let's just say that this is an abandoned prison at this point oh okay now you say Oh since I brought you guys here you know take the lead and I will follow you guys inside wait hold up no no no as a visitor please lead the way hey we all have the map man we all have the map we're not gonna get lost so see check it out guys you yeah you open up the map there's a big map yes a wake at this so no one's gonna get lost man no one's gonna get a lot Oh what about Australia over there to the left can we check that out - I'm just saying I guess if you guys don't want to go in what what Sarah's do it wait wait what are you guys okay let's go all right well I don't know what's over here but for a second I thought I was trapped so this room this seems like the courtyard ooh they had punching bags what they had you guys are all stuck in the boat Oh dodo come in action I shouldn´t don't come in I made a mistake I made a mistake did you just did you trap us in here brah already which I'm sorry you guys have a pickaxe we might be able to break through this all you had to say hey bro good luck I don't know you getting over I'm good well I I guess I'm stuck in here guys but let's see what's over here oh heck is down there thank you hey you guys ready to see why you guys stop doing that to me we go back dude look at this oh I still have the button I thought I lost it right this was the best idea I ever had my laid out it as I oh wait what's all over here though look bro why does this prison right this prison look like they really be out here breaking me back maybe - dude these guys were probably treated like slaves they had to have been bro they're the top criminals bro it was out here mine in this red rock bro it was mine in that red rock I I kind of feel bad for them because you know they were treated very badly in here hi hello I probably committed a very serious crime you know they shouldn't be treated that badly yeah oh man oh man wait behind you someone actually escaped from hey y'all thought I was lying what this is this is a legit escape oh wait no wait over here what the what whoa why action we were too busy laughing to realize that something sinister is going on behind maybe that's why they disappeared because they all escaped somehow oh my god we wish should we follow this path and see what happened crazy theory crazy theory uh what if what if something control him to think that it was a good idea to escape because you said they all disappeared at the same time it's either two things say anything did that or a riot happened oh oh well what does happen you guys see it I saw that was that a pig was that a pig dude I have no clue what that was it was a sheep what I thought hey look up look up look up what the well there's more there's more up there how did they get up is Rach Rach what what what what yeah what is that wait wait there's a bunker over here too we come over here come over here we have to check it out I'm with you I'm with you I'm with you I'm with you I think this was some sort of like headquarters or something I don't know what this is oh there's a stairway that leads us all the way down to the dock down there oh oh it goes so many mobs out here I just have to take that fall damage guys but look at this guy there's an unknown port oh wait I know I know what this is I know what this is what is what is in the book this is how they were transported to the prison they they couldn't trust the pilot of the helicopter to fly them here because you know you know things could go wrong but yeah what Paris so oh so people did escape from here then wait what do you mean guy step on this step on this all right @p is oh my gosh prisoners read eight uh-huh actually how would they bribe them though because they were breaking their backs for Red Rock yeah for the Red Rock okay but think about it's like the most like dangerous prison right that's like literally in the middle of the water cuz these are the most dangerous criminals that is true and and and the security guards probably not treated the best because they're in the middle of nowhere as well and the resources materials it's really hard get the pay was low too they could have blackmailed him like yo you gonna keep yeah but let's head back let's head back actually Aris head back like a normal human being this time don't leave me behind you could at least drop me one come on what he did leave us that's so unfair he couldn't just walk with us Wow I mean you guys will have to lead the way if we're gonna go in the prison though because I've already let me in that's a big furnace thanks what why are there so many cobwebs on the stairs how long has it been oh that is true that that is you that is true that is true a pretty secure prison I'm pretty sure like the front entrance would be pretty what you said nobody broke out of here Oh back in my theory so mice was 50 years ago I you just said man this is a big room big place left right center even after 50 years the lights still work that's actually pretty impressive it must have der cells or something that's crazy to me like usually my lights cut out in like 30 seconds really you have some dollar tree uh lights or something is there a problem with dollar tree lights no no no not at all I'm sorry I use the money oil I think we should go to the core room and see if there is a case that went down and we can find out about there you don't say all right this place is awfully old first of all right right yeah what you're here here we go sit down right here sit down right here you are now guilty wait you mention the Katie stop hey I'm telling you like it this is the end of a case you know what's up you just hit me miss come on now come on you don't want that you don't want that whoa this place is gigantic I see why I had the most the same prisoners but it can fit - no no they they had some pretty crazy security in this from what I read it was pretty insane like people would cry like the the the the the prisoners they would start crying in the middle of the night because of how like how suffocated it was hey bro I thought you said there was the most insane now they crying uh-huh uh-huh what are you doing people were crying prisoners prisoners were crying you should be playing around like okay so so so let me keep explaining like the security guards sometimes aha broke out in tears because of how suffocated what I'm not even joking because of how lonely yeah because they couldn't see their families or anything like that this this secure like like this prison was just way ahead of its time like it was yeah who secured for like humans goods brother was gone are you talking about you secured what I'm talking about like you know during his it's prime time you know it was really really creepy so no cap no cap bro like raids is this what you do all the time bro you take one history class you read a book and now he's talking about most secure prisons and everybody's breaking out like no I don't know what you're talking about I get it it's kind of old me if I'm serious about this this is the is legitimate like you guys believe me right I'm sure you guys believe me right the story and everything believe I believe prisoners escaped and I believe in the Red Rock that's all I believe in so long I hey bro what was that I'm going crazy Oh - I just heard something loud and clear loud and clear yes I heard that yes sir oh yeah I think I'm going crazy right now wait we might be in Deer the new Stefan the bringers that way what we were all right here together no but no I should've been like other rooms right lately check check do we thought staircase earlier when we were messing - I swear there's something man I can't get down guys I'm just gonna fine fine I'll jump down with you guys we gotta find the source of that sound do you think somebody's here you know there has to be there has to be someone here I don't know if you guys heard it but it was like a loud like thought okay let's go up let's go up here we go look around look around be careful like conscious conscious wait what the heck is this maybe maybe maybe it was a bad idea to take you guys here I am in I think maybe I should just leave but we should just wait what you mean you hole up now I don't know I mean you guys were so eager after you know we we started discovering stuff and I I kind of want to leave now you know yo what find us our showers hold on hey maybe the sound came another shower Oh a squeaky shower from fifty years old I thought I saw I'm not kiddin what well I did see a scar Lapeer where Oh whew headless what the heck wait wait this is not real this is this is not real they're a cabbie it can't be it can't be real this is all just a dream someone pinch me right now so look someone hit me someone hit me man this is not real no yeah we got hit each other we got to hit each other to the death all right maybe it's just you know this prison making us go crazy you know what I'm saying like sometimes you know me maybe this is what they were talking about security the security guards were going crazy because they were here nothing all right um well there's a book you can read another book you yo what yo yo yo secret room oh my gosh this is not real heck Rache um we have heard of raw food and everything what look where I'm looking oh look look oh is his head still intact how does this again you're right guys guys guys what no wait see what you see what oh okay so you whoa Oh get up wait let's get home you get my box let me get my box let me get my box let's get up here all right we got this has to be one of the secret passageways house Oh yep this is how they escape for sure wait does this lead us anywhere this leads us right out of the prison guys what oh I tried I tried okay I tried what's out here what would be out here brah three they didn't make it out far enough dang it was but they failed they probably came out and they were like oh gosh we messed up we we thought this was the cage you know that took us outside but it didn't take them directly outside and they were like so scared they were like probably so so like sad that you know after 20 years of digging wait uh heck why are there so many animals on top of the fence we saw a plane we saw we saw sheep at the escape route yeah exactly yeah what a wait hold up it looks like a cross though no no you're overthinking it it's not a cross it's not a cross action that's know we're thinking why overthink it two three four no no no there's four right years there's there's you know two - what's this wait how much that's not a bit uh-huh uh-huh yeah that's not a cross that's not a cross huh then what is that that's not a I know no let's pour your theory bro let's bring your mm-hmm that's a long cross if you ask I thought I thought you were going crazy but yeah I think we should leave guys like no no like legit wait we're in the back oh no should we just take the boat let's just take the boat let's just escape the same way the prisoners did honestly at this point let me just kind of let's go you know what I'm not even gonna go down the dock I'm just gonna run down this pathway right here and try to show I do that I'm gonna go right past you like these yeah hey catch you at the boat though I have like two hours left no this sucks I'm coming guys I've gotta we gotta get out of here as soon as possible then oh okay okay Aires where are you he's on this boat Oh what does who just punched me off dude I have two hearts what I'm gonna drive [Music]
Channel: RageElixir
Views: 727,646
Rating: 4.8912959 out of 5
Keywords: RageElixir, rageelixer, minecraft, minecraft pe, mcpe, family friendly, child friendly, kid friendly, pg, seed, update, secret, tutorial, how to minecraft, trolling, command, funny, addon, scary, Haunted Prison in Minecraft, Scary Prison in Minecraft, Scary Minecraft Video, RageElixir Minecraft, RageElixir Scary Minecraft, Haunted Minecraft, Prison in Minecraft, Minecraft Prison, Haunted Minecraft Prison, Minecraft Jail, RageElixir Minecraft Jail
Id: Jdqo1v_xbKE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 41sec (1421 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2019
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