Breaking Free | Joyce Meyer

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this program has been made possible by the friends and partners of joyce meyer ministries because you know what if the little group you hang with now won't accept the real you then god will give you a new group that will [Music] well i i titled this message tonight breaking free and i wanted to just start out by saying whose life are you living and some of these things i'm going to just go a little bit slow on because i don't want to go so fast that it just runs right by you and you don't get a chance to think about it whose life are you living are are you living the life that you really believe god wants you to live see i believe when we're doing got what god wants us to do that we're going to enjoy life i i don't think god calls us to be miserable i mean it's one thing to be a miserable sinner it's another thing to be a miserable saint and there's far too many really really cranky unhappy christians and part of it is a lack of willingness to really follow the leadership of the holy spirit in our lives because we so much want to be accepted by everybody that we tend to get into this thing of doing what's expected of us rather than what we really feel like god wants us to do now i'm going to tell you if you're going to take that step of faith to say this weekend okay lord i want to follow you i commit to follow the leadership of the holy spirit i can tell you that god will take you out of some of the boxes that you've been in for a long time are you with me and not everybody is going to like it when you start making changes not everybody is going to like it so maybe you're living the exact life that you want to live and maybe you've just got a great life and you really wouldn't want anything to change well i hope you'll pray for all the rest of us here who who want to get a little bit better you know and uh like i said your life is not going to change if you're not willing to change life can't change if you're not willing to change you know the pressure's not just out in the world there's pressure in the church to be what people think you're supposed to be you might be pressured to go to a prayer meeting every week that you don't really feel like you're supposed to be at you might be pressured to be on some kind of a committee that you don't feel like you're supposed to be on if you want to follow the holy spirit you've got to get good at saying no that's not what i believe god wants me to do let me say it again if you're going to follow the leadership of the holy spirit which i'm going to say that over and over and over this weekend because you know what jesus died for us so we could have a brand new way of living and that is to no longer be under the law rules and regulations and that means not just the old testament law but even the rules and regulations that everybody sets out for our lives people have a lot of expectations and the problem is is you're only one person and everybody expects something else out of you and somehow in the process you get lost and you can lose sight of what you even want to do what does god really want me to do what do i want to do do i do i even like my life do you know how many people just hate their life they just put up with it and they just endure it i'm just trying to make it through till i get to heaven well heaven is going to be better than any of this is that's for sure but i believe that we're supposed to enjoy the journey how many of you think we should be enjoying the journey and so i just wonder if there's anybody in here that you've just totally lost yourself see a lot of hands going up maybe you haven't maybe you need to first thing you need to do is spend some time by yourself sometime this weekend and just get back in touch with your own heart and what what god what do you want me to do what you know i believe that what god wants you to do he'll give you a desire to do maybe you need to get back in touch with what are your desires what is it that you really desire whose life are you living are you living the life that you were truly meant to live or one that somebody else has designed for you now what if being you requires you to be different from most other people i tried having a garden and canning tomatoes and this big swarm of black bugs came in the night before we were going to harvest and ate big holes in all my tomatoes and i called the girl next door i said our tomatoes are ruined we can't canned tomatoes bugs came in and ate them she went out and said mine are fine i got a little myth to god i'm like now i'm a woman of faith here and i'm praying over those tomatoes and why did you let the bugs eat mine and not hers he said i never called you to grow tomatoes god had no obligation to protect my tomatoes because that's not what he called me to do and so when i stepped out to follow what i believed was the call of god on my life and that's all i know how to say it at this point is i believed that it was but what i believed actually made absolutely no sense see in all probability god will call you to do something that just seems like ridiculous like i can't do that let me tell you something if what god puts in your heart to do is something you can do then it's probably not god because he's going to give you something that you're going to have to lean on him and and have a little bit of a right kind of fear man god if you don't show up i am in big trouble amen god wants us to put our confidence in him not in ourselves let me ask again are you willing to be totally different than your little group because you know what if the little group you hang with now won't accept the real you then god will give you a new group that will amen [Applause] it's time to live your life rather than trying to please people by trying to be what you think they want you to be now i'm not saying that we don't do things for our people that we don't try to make people happy i'm not saying that everything i do should be something that i want to do and i don't care what anybody else thinks i'm talking about the bigger issue of what are you doing with your life how many of you can't stand your job come on all right we got some people actually got out of their seat on that one okay let me ask you a question how silly is it to go to work every day some place where you hate doing a job that you hate you say well i got to make a living well i don't disagree with that but you know what while you're making a living at the job you hate how about looking for one that you might actually really like let me tell you something some of you need some change you just need some change nothing different is going to happen to you if you're not ever willing to do anything different you're never going to find out if you're right if you're not willing to be wrong this whole fear of failure and what people are going to think is just crippling people from reaching their destinies it's terrible what that does and see the thing is if you really know who you are in christ and you really know how much god loves you then it gives you a boldness because you realize that you're more than what you do so if you try to do something because you really believe god's leading you to do it and it doesn't work out why is it so hard for people to just say you know what i thought it was god it wasn't didn't work out but i'm going to try something else again maybe you're still parked at the point of your last failure come on or maybe somebody really hurt you and you're still parked at the point of that pain you're sitting back five ten years ago still hating them for what they did when there's a wonderful life waiting for you i'm going to tell you something if you if you start really following the leadership of the holy spirit or what you think is the leadership of the holy spirit sometimes you'll hit it dead on and you'll be perfectly right and sometimes you're going to be wrong because i'll tell you how you learn how to hear from god by making mistakes making mistakes i tried to go on television a few years before it was time sometimes you'll have something in your heart and it's the right thing in your heart but you've got the right the wrong timing amen would you rather really enjoy your life and be fulfilled and get to the end of your life and really feel like you know what i had a good ride and i believe that i did what god wanted me to do or would you rather have everybody applaud for you because they like what you're doing come on some of you have some decisions to make we have to talk about confidence because there's no life of adventure unless we are confident and we know the one thing that blocks and hinders confidence is fear so i wrote a book a few years ago called living courageously i wanted to call it do it afraid but anyway it opens with a letter to fear and i want to read it to you dear dear fear i only refer to you as dear because of our long-term intimate relationship and certainly not because you are dear to me in any way in fact you've been a tormenting influence from start to finish you have told me lies and prevented me from doing the things i wanted to do and should have done you are indeed a miserable wretched companion and one that i no longer am willing to be involved with i'm writing you this letter to let you know that from this point forward i will not fear although i may feel your presence i will not bow down to your demands i have a friend whose name is jesus and he has promised to never leave me nor forsake me but to be with me always he is indeed a powerful friend and although you do have some power his is by far much greater than yours you can come against me but jesus lives in me and the power of the one who is in me is greater than you are now although i cannot prevent you from coming to visit i do want to give you notice that you will be ignored from now on i'm far too busy now fellowshipping with my new friend jesus and developing an intimate relationship with him to give any of my time to you the more time i spend with jesus the more courageous i become he's teaching me a new way to live one that's exciting and adventurous one that is fearless i also want to inform you that since i have so much experience with you now and know how self-defeating it is to listen to you i intend to tell as many people as i can what a thief and a liar you are years i have wasted with you will be redeemed and i will bear much good fruit thank you dear fear for driving me to jesus you say you made me so miserable that i sought a way to be free from you and jesus met me where i was and set me free now should you decide to waste your time and try to visit me even after my letter i'm letting you know ahead of time that you will be met by faith in god a determination that i will not fear sincerely and determined and there's a place for your name so you should buy this book and start there when you really believe that god wants you to do something you got to be willing to do it even if you do it afraid fear is an evil spirit that causes feelings that make us want to cower and back down i'll never forget the first what i would call a big speaking engagement prior to that you know if i got to teach 200 people that was huge and there was a conference that was going to happen in jacksonville florida and a speaker that was supposed to come cancelled and somebody that knew somebody that knew somebody that knew somebody knew me i'm trying to make it clear i was not anybody's first pick and i wasn't a main speaker i was a workshop speaker and uh on opening night those 900 people looked to me like 9 million people and there was reverend so-and-so on the front row and dr so-and-so and bishop so and so and another reverend so-and-so and a professor so-and-so and joyce i mean i felt soul and you know what the devil wants you to feel little he wants you to feel insignificant and totally useless but he is a liar and he is never going to leave you alone if you don't confront him and say i'm going to do what i believe i'm supposed to do i don't care if i do it shaking i'm doing from now on i'm doing what i believe god wants me to do amen well they wanted the workshop speakers to come up that night and just give like a little two or three minutes on what their workshop was going to be on so people couldn't decide you know where they might want to go well i got up to say what my workshop was going to be about and i remember i was going to teach out of galatians 3 3 about we're changed by grace not by works and i was so scared that when i opened my mouth to try to tell people what i was going to speak about all that came out was a squeak [Laughter] you know when you're scared you feel like you got to go to the bathroom you shake you're nervous you're sweating your mind goes crazy and you know what i could hear the devil screaming in my ear you are out of your league you are in over your head you need to get off this platform get back to fenton missouri where you belong and stay there the rest of your life and just shut up well i had a choice to make and many of you have a choice to make and you have choices to make day in and day out in your lives and you pay a price for doing anything worth doing but there's always reward where there's risk there's always reward did you hear me and so i knew i had two choices run off the platform go home crying or try again so i mustered up everything i could from deep inside me and open my mouth and wow out it came and the next day my workshop was completely full people hanging out of the doors they bought every single back then teaching cassette tapes that i took they would have bought the tablecloth if we would have sold it to [Applause] them the bible says in proverbs in the amplified bible and i love this it says the wise shall inherit glory all honor and good but shame is the highest rank conferred on a self-confident fool and in the amplified bible everywhere where it uses the word fool in brackets it says a self-confident man so anybody that's self-confident is a fool you know why you are going to disappoint yourself amen and other people will disappoint you and hey i love people i love relationships i love having friends but i learned a long time ago i don't care how good of a friend they are someday when you need them they're not going to be there or you're going to want them to understand and they're not not going to understand and it's it's not because they're bad they're just human paul said put no confidence in the flesh faith is taking step one before you know what step two is and boy that takes courage you know why because we want a full blueprint we want to know everything that's going to happen but you know the israelites the waters of the jordan didn't part until they put their foot in it and some of you are just going to have to put your foot in it come on now you're just gonna you're just gonna have to find out if you're right and you may be wrong but it won't be the end of the world oh god what if i miss you what if i miss you what if i miss you god what if i miss you i still remember where i was at i was driving in my car and god was trying to put some we've been wrestling over something i thought he wanted me to do and i was so afraid i was going to miss god he said if you miss me i'll find you see that's the thing you got to understand is making a mistake is not the end of the world why why are we so wrought up about making a mistake if you know who you are in christ then you know who you are and it's about more than what you do [Music] how many of you know who the actress joan crawford was you've at least heard of her i read one time that somebody said to her after she was much older not acting anymore didn't you used to be joan crawford i thought i hope and pray that nobody ever comes up to me and says didn't you used to be joyce meyer because if they do they're going to get a sermon i'm going to say i used to be and i still am because who i am is not tied up in what i do breaking free from whatever is holding you back can be intimidating it can be scary but if you put your confidence in god and not in yourself you will find victory it makes a big difference and know this god loves you enough to offer you a new beginning you can have this today it is clear in god's word that he is a god of new beginnings and he has that for you right now no matter where you are joyce has a book called you can begin again and this little paperback book is a great way to start on that new journey that you may be going on whatever it is because again you don't want to do it in your own power you want to be powered by the word of god so we're going to get this to you today for your gift of any amount just to reach out let us know that you're ready for your new beginning and we will get this book to you coming up something that has been on joyce's heart for some time now so don't go away if you're living with pain or disappointment maybe you feel like you've hit a roadblock in your life i want you to know that it's never too late for your fresh start you can begin again and i want to show you how today we're offering you can begin again for your donation of any amount call us right now toll-free 1-800-727-9673 or visit us at this is the joyce meyer master class just you and joyce exploring life and god's word together one-on-one time you can't get anywhere else in a way like you've never seen exclusive content study tools and special features your own personal experience at your own pace with your own instructor and that would be me grab a pen deepen your faith in god and crow in his word the joyce meyer master class sign up now at for every girl who has been mistreated marginalized or feels hopeless joyce and all of us here believe that far too many girls simply have no idea of their worth and value and it breaks our hearts but through the outreaches of project girl we are determined to guide restore and love them as god will love them by meeting their needs and sharing with them just how truly valued they are in christ we can show precious women the and girls that they are worth fighting for as daughters of god find out how you can get involved at we can fight for girls who have nobody in their corner they don't have to be alone anymore consider giving a special gift right now to project girl as together we reach out and we share the love that will change their life forever the only thing that will completely fill the void in their heart and we help meet those physical needs as well we can make an impact on their lives to become who god has made them to be we thank you so much we're so grateful for what we can all be part of together we hope you have enjoyed today's program please contact us or visit to share your prayer requests or partner with us in sharing christ and loving people all across the globe this program has been made possible by the friends and partners of joyce meyer ministries you
Channel: Joyce Meyer Ministries
Views: 175,460
Rating: 4.9137859 out of 5
Keywords: joyce meyer bible study, joyce meyer, joyce meyer ministries, joyce meyer youtube, joyce meyer sermons, joyce meyer teaching, joyce meyer preaching, joycemeyerministries, joyce meyer 2021, joyce meyer sermons 2021, enjoying everyday life, joyce meyer enjoying everyday life, joyce meyers, joyce meyers 2021
Id: TNLdtez2o_E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 31sec (1711 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 29 2021
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