BREAKING* Eiichiro Oda Reveals The REAL REASON For The Hiatus (The One Piece)

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okay guys we are back some more one piece news essentially we've gotten a reason for why Oda is taking that extended break for 3 weeks well it's a month it's a 3 week break with no chapters but it's going to be a month wait overall shout to Sandman AP for the transation where Oda reveals reveals why he's taking a break so here we are Oda says indeed I'm indulging in a break for the next three jump issues recently after the passing of Toriyama Sensei I feel people people may be worrying about my health more but to reassure you I am not sick right now or anything it's just that I still wanted to give myself some time to rest think of it as trying to focus on self-maintenance and I want to give proper thought about what one piece will be all about like the busy man I am and it indicates a dramatic punctuation so Oda is being a bit cheeky I guess or maybe trying to be light-hearted with the dramatic punctuation let's park here for a quick second um after this came out my assumption was Toriyama od's love for Toriyama is something that's documented so him saying that this is because of Toriyama Sensei I'm I'm a bit surprised he's being as transparent about it but I guess it's obvious right taking that O's Health struggles have been well documented OD has been hospitalized uh I believe it was um uh some stomach issues he was having so od's health issues is something that as a one piece fan you've talked about or you worried about because he works so much and you know something that I found out that the more I mean obviously I think it's it should be a common common knowledge now right this the less you sleep the more susceptible you are to diseases illnesses and just overall blow Health right that makes it sound like you're in a video game but either way sleeping less contributes to bad health or just poor health and or we know for a fact well for the most part I don't know for fact it was reported that Odo was sleeping maybe 2 hours to 3 hours a day and so I love this I love the fact that Oda is taking the time to do some self-maintenance as he's saying and to think about what is the one piece hold on let's not skate up over that saying to think about what is the one piece okay I'm not going to read too much into it because I'm just thinking Oda could be trolling od's just playing with us throwing that in there at the end of the day od's story tells us about who he is he enjoys creativity he's a creative he's a creative person he enjoys a lot of various stories he enjoys making people laugh but also he enjoys people being somewhat in the unknown he doesn't want you to know certain things unless it's coming from him so him saying to think about what is what is one piece or what is the one piece is very interesting I looked at a bunch of different translations to see if I could if there's any Nuance there for Sandman he says I also have to think about what the heck the one piece as a treasure is laughing emoji laughing emoji I'm busy so huh here's the thing OD has come out and said that the one piece is not going to be something that is the journey or the friends we made along the way he's came out and said that so for a lot of us we're expecting we expect expecting treasure something impactful now over the years something has changed is exactly when the one piece is going to be found and when we're going to fight the world government a lot of people go back to whitebeard's conversation whitebeard's declaration about hey when the one piece treasure is found the world will be turned upside down now talking to different people AR from library Hara even Sandman AP he has specified it those two statements that Whitebeard Whitebeard made are not necessarily of one Accord they could be separate meaning okay the one piece world could be turned upside down and then and finding the one piece so I mean just how do you see the story going do you think we go and find the one piece then go after the world government a lot of people feeling like okay we go after the world government then finding one piece is the final thing and for Oda is Oda stumped at this point saying okay the treasure has to be something impactful because there's nothing after finding the one piece maybe an epilog but the story is effectively done once you find the one piece so for a long time I was looking at the story saying the one piece is going to be the Catalyst I've been hearing more and more that the one piece is actually the end like after you find a one piece that's it some people feel like the story doesn't need to go on after you find the one piece because we've been CH chasing after the one piece for so long I don't think that's the case I think the one piece could should in my opinion be the Catalyst because of just how much has been built up but over here I don't know what to make of it thinking about what the heck the one piece treasure is I'm busy I don't know guys I don't know guys I'm not going to read too much into it now there's more to the message here this is from arter from the library of aara where Oda says over this break in the Egghead Arc I thought for those who are like I don't remember exactly what the relations between these characters are and Oda shows the illustration of these characters we decided to make their flashback stories available to read for free in Japanese on the official shonenjump site from April 1st to April 21st furthermore on Netflix aside from the one piece live action there's also the monsters anime adaptation from one of my early one shots so please give that a watch if you haven't already and on YouTube the anime is live streaming non-stop for like 8 days straight on the anytime one piece stream also coming to Tik Tok on March 23rd with that said see you after three issues on Shonen Jump signed Cho Oda so OD is basically saying hey I'm not going to be here for a while what I suggest you do is go watch and read my other right not just a live action I got monsters popping off right the anime is basically free on YouTube I'm going to be on Tik Tok soon go support my because I'm doing this thing for y'all um overall uh how I feel about this message I'm happy I'm I'm actually happy that OD is taking this break more self-awareness I think a lot of people a lot of us as we get older you start to realize more and more how important your health is and just resting and taking breaks and not killing yourself because there's more to life than just work and making money right A lot of it comes with you know the people around you and you want to be able to enjoy your what you've worked hard for after you've done working right if you have done working all of a sudden your your body's messed up your health is jacked up you got to be on all these pills what was the point of sacrificing for so long you you essentially just wasted your life and so our mortality like for Oda in this instance there's no way he wouldn't question that after the passing of Toriyama and so you know Toriyama passed away at a fairly young age for a Japanese man right I think was 60 63 right something like that but he passed away fairly young for a Japanese man and so you know you want to be a lot more healthy somebody referenced that hey Goku's voice actor Japanese voice actor older Luffy's voice actor is pretty much the same age it was 68 I think pretty much the same age so I like it I've said this before if OT decides to go monthly I'm okay with it because it leads to him being healthier and we can get the end of the story it's not just about my okay I'm selfish right I want to see the end of one piece so I have vested interest there but also I care about AA like I've grown over time where like the manga kind somebody just created The Works that that's changed my life and made I've made so many friends along the way that it's just I do care about somebody that's brought that type of joy into my life and created my favorite one of my favorite series of all time it's great um I'll link the the the article below where Oda talks about this I didn't expect for him to be as forthcoming about it not going to lie I thought he'd be cheeky and say something extra or like hey no I just want to go walk on my treadmill a bit more now he's being straight up right I'm worried about my health and I'm a Hunter Hunter stand that's all I have to say you guys understand what that means when I say I'm a H Hunter stand because you know what comes with that if you're H Hunter or H Hunter Fan as well you understand the pain right shout out to Togashi I hope everything works out he gets it together but man it's it's been tough trying to figure out everything with with Hunter Hunter because you never never know you don't know and I never want one piece or order to get to that point Togashi essentially worked himself to the Bone where now he has chronic back issues he's talked about how difficult it is to just crawl out of bed because of how terrible his back feels and his overall pain his overall health and so man one piece dog I just want OD to be healthy I want to see the end of the story I want to be able to enjoy one piece with my friends and and uh Associates alike I love this community for the most part we're going to see bad apples of people that saying OD I saw somebody say OD is unprofessional what he needs to do and you see somebody like to report their comment because they're being insensitive than not understanding what it takes to write a manga for over two decades at a consistently high level of course there' have been dips right but for most part one piece has been towards the top of the anime or Manga um Spectrum so shut up either way again I'll link it below I feel good I feel good we're going to have fun in these three weeks I'll make sure to to stay consistent not going to go away not going to go away like OD I'm going to drop content for sure in the meantime if you're interested in other content that I'm making I'm reacting to Dragon Ball and another Channel even jjk and right now X-Men 97 amongst other things I'll link that below if you're interested but I'll be making one piece content as well the podcast is still going to be there collaborations will be happening so look out for that but yeah chapter should be out Tom Sunday tomorrow and so I'll catch you guys in the next one peace
Channel: B.D.A. Law
Views: 111,080
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Keywords: Bda law, one piece, bda law one piece, one piece chapter 1110, bda law 1110, tekking101 1110, grandlinereview 1110, gorosei vs Luffy, nusjuro vs zoro, zoro vs lucci, one piece chapter 1110 reaction, one piece 1110 review, one piece 1110 discussion, one piece 1111 break, one piece hiatus, one piece break, oda akira, eiichiro oda akira toriyama, oda akira toriyama, oda on akira toriyama death, oda tribute akira toriyama, bda law news
Id: 9SL2eRJBPdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 48sec (528 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2024
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