24 Hours Eating ONLY 7-Eleven HAWKER FOOD & Spiciest INSTANT NOODLE in Singapore

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[Music] thank you [Music] hey guys Mike Chang here in Singapore everywhere you go in Singapore you're going to be able to find some amazing food so right now we're staying around upper Thompson there's actually so many great food places around here I think the best Parada plays in all of Singapore is here there's an amazing dessert place and then this place Beach Road scissor cut curry rice one of the most famous curry Rises here in Singapore they got a location here as well and this thing oh my goodness they completely build my plate up this is sober and I got some pork belly some eggs cabbage curry chicken if you don't know what scissors cut rice is it's called scissors called rice not because the scissors are cleaning rice but they're using the scissors to cut the ingredients the big bigger pieces of ingredients onto your rice you guys this is one of the most Splendid things you can find in Singapore the curry is absolutely scrumptious so much flavor there's the mushiness from the potatoes the richness from the eggs you could also get some cut lip or some crunch if you want I prefer to go all rich that's why I got the pork belly on top of this and just mix it all together so that the curry just completely engulfs every single green of rice the overall flavor is so deep and so rich from the meat to the curry to the veg to the egg and this is honestly how I love to eat my food I remember back my family started the restaurant for lunch every day pile rice and pile of Saucy food on top with gravy running Every Which Way combine all that and down that hatch and this is one of the best place to get this dish here in Singapore and trust me you'll know why from the first bite foreign second play I forgot how good this stuff is this time um I still got the curry chicken because I think that's just made by the food Gods got some green beans this time some Village this little anchovy fish of course all the rice covered in that amazing amazing Curry got a spoon this time [Music] the additional those little spicy fishies I think it's even better this time around this is one of my favorite things to eat here in Singapore and speaking of hockey stalls I was just in the 7-Eleven getting a drink they had a whole series of food in there ready to eat section sourced from local Hawkers dolls in Singapore a little full now but I'll come back get a bunch of them and we'll go give it a try and before getting to that I just want to give a big thank you and shout out to the sponsor of this video Incognito which is a new tool brought To Us by our friends at Surf shark like I mentioned before every sponsor that makes it on my show I make sure I try it out I'll make sure it's a product that I personally use and I personally love and try it out and cognate it scared me and it's a tool I feel like you definitely should utilize I mean I'm sure we all try our best to be as private as we can whatever we're answering information about ourselves on websites or newsletters promotions anything maybe use a different name different email but still a chunk of your private real information like your name address phone number they do surface on legitimate websites and then what data aggregator cites to is they collect this information assemble them into personal profiles and then basically make money off them for example I was trying to book a flight on a third-party website that promises really low fares as soon as I put my phone number in my address in I start getting emails maybe twice a day from all sorts of other websites trying to sell me cheap airplane tickets stuff like this happens every single day that often happens without you knowing about it but the good news is you have the right to request that these data Brokers you leave whatever information they have about you but that takes a lot of time it takes a lot of effort and if you want to do it one by one it could take a long long time so what Incognito does is that it does all this work for you automatically they will reach out to these data Brokers on your behalf ask for your information to be removed and then deal with any responses or objections that they may have all you have to do is go to my link down below sign up the whole process took me maybe 30 seconds provide the person information you want deleted authorized Incognito reach out to data Brokers on your behalf and that's it like I mentioned the part that scared me was when I signed up with the minutes there were over a hundred data Brokers that potentially had my information and I never really heard of any of them and again this service is provided by our friends at Surf sharks so it is something I trust so if you want to give it a try go to my link down below and the first Rock in card game all right I'm gonna go grab some dessert and I'll see you guys at 7-Eleven got this dessert I'll put a link up the shop I got it from it's right by the curry rice place this might be the best brownie I've ever had in my life this basically give me an auto body experience it's so good it's sea salt gooey brownie oh my goodness oh my goodness [Music] the 7-Eleven is a fairly small one by um the subway station but check this out a lot of ready to eat meals microwave meals um and these are really cool these are called Hawker fiestas it says 12 best local Brands so these are all local Hawker made ready to go Foods there's laksa oh there's also 711 butter chicken biryani all right got a lot of good stuff I'm so excited to see the Hawker food item inside the local 7-Elevens this is from La Chargers beef rice noodles from a local Hawker stall check out how amazing this looks right off the top fright Whole Food bits of chicken I think this might be contact jelly some greens rice noodles in just a lake of Curry mixed decree into the rice noodles oh this is getting all sorts of drenched this Curry smells so good oh it just started to rain this thing is going to taste even more delicious now wow oh this is so amazingly delicious I'll remember this Lao chojo is the name of this Hawker stall wow this thing this is just the epitome of Southeast flavor rice noodles delicious still chewy decori is blowing my mind spicy Rich creamy taste of coconut milk you taste the chilies all that great old mommy just conjugates on your tongue after your bite is still there like 20 30 seconds later and the curry just covers the rice noodles so well the rice noodles you have no place to go they're just being submerged with all this flavor wow look at the dry tofu too oh that thing just soaked up so much of that great saute little bits of chicken in here as well oh my goodness I mean this thing is just peanutty it's coconutty that's everything I could have craved in a microwavable plate I see a lot of crazy on bottom of my plate that's why I got an egg and cheese sandwich 7-Eleven egg and cheese sandwich here in Singapore probably not going to be as good as the one in Japan it's not but still delicious junk this into that awesome awesome Curry foreign that's going to be a great way to soak up every last drop of this wow I am so so happy with this right now I don't know this might be as good as it gets in a microwave meal right here next one Legend scissors cuts curry rice with chicken cutlet cabbage and egg I think I've been here before and while the next dish is cooking salted egg potato chips from irvins I love salted egg everything this is so good salty egg such an underutilized food ingredient let me just make sure everything better if you've never had a sauteed egg before go to go to your local Asian supermarket take some home cook it all you gotta do is put it over plain rice maybe some of the best rice you ever have oh sprinkle some of that over my rice noodles this is my favorite part of a 7-Eleven video just mix and matching things that's so good almost out of rice noodles start using my sandwich you do this wow on the balcony in the middle of a thunderstorm not as good as it gets and Shay ship with a CNC it's one of my favorite drinks that I found here in Singapore foreign food items might just be the best prepared food items in all of 7-Eleven in the world because these are haco recipes and they taste like that I mean yeah if I was at a hacker store this egg would be runny and the katsu will be crispy but from a microwave meal I get this this Curry is just amazingly spicy and flavorful drizzle that over the rice even though rice alone a short fragram add some of that chicken you definitely taste the secret sauce that's in this it's not just another run-of-the-mill frozen meal the magic that makes these dishes special definitely shines through even though it's from a microwave it's blood it's not fresh and runny that's still a good egg especially that creamy yolk I mean I'm so glad to give you so much of this Curry it's a curry of course is really the essence of this dish that ties everything together Hmm this is one of the most comforting coziest meals I've ever had in my life I'm literally eating Hawker stall food on the Comforts of my balcony during a thunderstorm in Singapore if I didn't love going to Hawker style so much I just do this every single day this next one is not a hawker item it's true chump and so pork steamed rice rolls and also there's sweet and sour sauce and it says some sort of white sesame sauce I would say this is not bad pretty spicy a little sweet rice noodle is pretty good not bad like a seven and a half eight out of ten something like that Rice rolls got a nice shoe oh the Chili's just started cooking in that's really spicy actually some good pork flavor not bad at all I wish it was more of this sauce the actual meat and chili sauce because right now the sweet sauce is kind of taking over because there's so much more of it not a bad dish at all overall this one looks freaking amazing so this is uh from Shuki Singapore's first soy sauce chicken and now you can microwave it inside a pretty big piece of chicken thigh two braised quail eggs and some chilies let's taste of chicken here I had a chicken's dry flavor is really good you can taste a little bit of sweetness the star anise the herbs the chicken has tons of umami flavor because this thing has been marinated for a while so you should probably take the more you chew more of that flavor comes through but it definitely needs something I'm such a there's a hidden compartment in this dish I just saw it look at this tofu on the bottom so I think what you do is dunk the noodles and the chicken into the tofu I knew I was missing something not always the brightest person definitely dump all the chilies in there so a couple pieces of marinade it's Whole Food in here so all in all this is a hefty portion of food huh and tofu I like changer soft really good flavor the chicken still dry yeah this one I think it's just okay I'm so excited for this next one Terry cotton locks us one of the most popular locks up places in Singapore that looks so pretty but it smells so good eggs dry tofu noodles and a delightful looking broth so awesome so good wow I wish where something like this in the US and the frozen food out that really should be a thing Frozen Singapore Hawker food in the US can you imagine if you can buy something just delicious instead of a shop right we're a Kroger I mean it's good for the hawker stalls it's good for Singapore it's definitely good for people in the US I couldn't even do this Justice by telling you how good it is and works I mean the subtly sweet coconut milk the chewy rice noodles and that rich rich I mean apartment overlooking Central Park kind of Rich or I'm sorry I'm in Singapore now apartment on Orchard Road kind of Rich broth just provides an Exquisite experience when it goes inside your mouth it's spicy it's so fragrant I mean even after it's gone down the hatch it still leaves that amazing fragrance behind lockstar is one of my all-time favorite things to get here in Singapore and this dish is so good here in Southeast Asia even this the Frozen it's a food experience on his own almost done with this and already I wish I had another one this is also something I'm really excited about this is a buttered chicken with fragrant rice as soon as I open the plastic wrap you smell that fragrance there's a lot of rice here I mean here is the butter chicken the rice is delicious so fragrant and that wonderful Aroma just releases more and more as you chew and then cover that with the curry the rice becomes even more flavorful obviously hmm and clear yourself not very spicy very mild but oh so rich and thick and perfectly binds all the grains of rice together so about 250 US dollars because I'm amazing butter chicken I think it's such a good deal I mean this is a 7-Eleven brand food item here in Singapore and this is something that if you pop this into the microwave and then put it onto a regular place served it to me in a restaurant I wouldn't question it the chicken is too tender it shouldn't be this tender but it is just tender hmm such an inexpensive amazing meal I'm waiting for the next thing to come out of the microwave check this out Mala Hot Pot flavored chips this tastes exactly like a Mala hop hop those are delicious this is so good I should have sprinkle some of this on my butter chicken curry it's about to finish that give it more of a crunch some added spice and numbness immersion oh One Last Ship that I bought this is from laced Highland and these are ghost pepper chips lays ghost lays ghost pepper chips wow just dropping them all over the place this is actually my third bag already I love this so so much so much when I first started eating this I'll take a couple bites if you don't think it's spicy you're like ah ghost pepper really this ain't nothing but then like shoot three chips in them your tongue starts feeling like it's just been stabbed this is one of the perfect examples I give you guys where I say it's a punishing heat or something hurts but it's so good that you keep wanting it to her so every time I open a bag of this I gotta finish up it's so freaking painfully addictive probably the best church I found here in Singapore so far no show that would take like 20 bags of this home oh anyway I finished all my ready to eat meals the Hawker meals absolutely mind-blowing I wish we could get those in the U.S I think so many people would love trying them out I also got a bunch of instant noodles but I started a day around early afternoon and now it's super cloudy and kind of getting darker and I'm full so I'm gonna hit the gym and then we'll have the rest of that either later tonight or for breakfast tomorrow see you in a bit foreign [Music] just getting to the instant noodles I didn't get to try yesterday also I left this out this this is a cheeseburger I got I figured let's go pretty well with the noodles very Sesame very cheesy this thing tastes like exactly what it's supposed to like a two dollar microwavable cheeseburger big patty pickles ketchup cheese in here on a sesame bun ah good it's not bad I'm really excited about this Maggie instant noodle Tom Yum flavor look at this thing it's a try noodle which is my favorite oh my God I feel my soul leaving my body with that bite that's how spicy it is I mean I'm a big fan of spice I can handle I've handled the spiciest stuff in the world this just knocked the air out of my lungs wow I wasn't expecting it to be this spicy usually Tom Yum it's spicy is not this spicy these noodles are intense these are probably the spiciest instant noodles I've had that's not a challenge type spicy instant noodle with that shot what I'm prepared for is really good it's very limey besides the spices got a lot of flavor I'm gonna put this egg into it this is an instant egg this might not look like the most appetizing of eggs well that great Herbie soy sauce flavor you can see that it penetrated the outer egg whites into the yolk as well a little sweet very Herby oh this goes perfect with this oh where's my two dollar burger oh this burger the burger is a live server with munchie on noodles they're spicy it's really good though I don't know if you can buy those in the U.S if these are available I get some as much as I'm hurting right now this is delicious it has a spice meter on the side extra let me find out what that means yeah just like I thought extra spicy and this is definitely extra spicy I don't know if I'll even be able to taste this this is the hot and spicy 7-Eleven brand instant noodles yeah this tastes this tastes like very mild to me I'm sure it's pretty spicy in its own right but it just tastes very mild but the flavor is good I think there's some mushroom inside tofu the broth is very very good I should have had this first before I burned a layer of my tongue off last instant noodle I don't know if I even dare to try this now spicy Gordon Hot Heads This is also from Maggie up for the challenge stimulate your senses with our mouth watering recipe of hot chilies fragrant spices guaranteed to leave you sizzling let's try it all right this one looks way less intimidating other one like I said I think is the spiciest instant noodle I've ever had in my life I mean those spicy fire noodles from Korea has got nothing on that this one it's like Child's Play compared to the other one you can taste the chicken flavor you can taste the basil I like it and I really like the dry version of these Maggie noodles as well I think that's it I think that's everything I got from 7-Eleven I don't think last time I tried as many of the Hawker items as I did this time or maybe last time there wasn't as many I'm so happy to see all those items included in the 7-Eleven vast majority of them taste amazing so if you're ever in Singapore you don't want to go out and face the heat you don't want to go to a hawker Center yourself I mean I recommend that you do but some days if you don't feel like you want to go to your local 7-Eleven and get a microwavable Hawker meal and as always thank you all so much for watching until we eat again see you later
Channel: Strictly Dumpling
Views: 1,364,387
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 7 eleven, seven eleven, 7 eleven food, 7 eleven singapore, singapore 7 eleven, singapore convenience store, singapore food, hawker food, instant noodle, spicy instant noodle, instant noodles, spicy noodle, spicy noodles, noodles, maggi instant noodles, eating, travel, traveling, restaurant
Id: 9lLoDyG4chI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 29sec (1229 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 22 2022
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