Brave mama asks strangers to save her babies | Dog Rescue Shelter
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Views: 20,229,308
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Id: HaxM0iYh4Y8
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Length: 11min 45sec (705 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 03 2020
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Awesome video. The blue-eyed pup went first I am sure. The mom looked like a male dog we had. He would not poop in the grass. As he got older he would poop in people's driveways and on sidewalks. I would get calls or texts if I missed him doing it. Not bad or mean ones I know my neighbors and we look out for each other. It is surprising and scary how many people freak out when I say I know my neighbors and we will cookout or speak to each other. I think if you live next door to someone but only know what annoys you about them you have failed. I could not believe how many people know nothing about their neighbors.