Brand New Scamp walkthrough

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[Music] hello and welcome to our life and finally finally after eight or nine months I am going to get that video posted of us picking up our scamp we picked it up brand new with the scam factory in Bacchus Minnesota back in October of last year and we have used it a few times since then and we just we love it we enjoy our lives I encourage you to watch some of the other videos that we've posted a couple of them have been with the scamp but anyway this video is gonna be kind of like an informational video I guess um when we got it the guy there walked us through the whole camper showed us all the ins and outs of it showed us how everything works and if you are interested in buying a scamp this is hopefully gonna be a pretty informative video for you some of it's a little hard to understand because it's in the factory obviously and they were working and here here's some power tools and factory noise and whatnot quite a bit in the video but for the most part I think you'll be able to hear it pretty good and it's yeah well it was it was really cool cool cool little trip to the factory and yeah so scamp informational video finally getting posted if you like it please comment um and like and subscribe to our Channel yeah so thank you and enjoy the video to a window judge there's radar just slide the drop behind the street over here we have a little white tape data manufacturing company named acts of capacity and pitbull your step dismiss up here we have porch lights this one is your site for slate this which shines over your battery in propane up here we have your awning the top deck up here behind the is the exhaust vent free refrigerator all the heat will arise of all time this is your fresh air intake this here is your water heater this here the only thing you have to worry about outside is this little white plug here unscrew that drain the water neither off to their bunks or whatever you're not no longer and we don't put we test our water lines in their place here now we're on the 13 inch tire it is a D rated player so the air pressure is 68 pounds on this stick down here there's a little over center cap that pops up every five to six thousand miles they recommend greasy as the pretty certain there's put a grease gun on a two or three sports belly at least once a year you have to do that it's not it all depending on which I'm told and then between 10 and 12,000 are they ever there are two years that recommend pulling the whole hub assembly apart being up your bearings hamp and put them back together here you have cranked up with those on both sides and this is the GFI ground fault ball back here on each minute corner we have cranked down stabilizers see look in the bump up there there's going to be a hand train all you do is put the little hex head here drink up and down just like it says Jack dual taillights fresh water table this is a 12 gallon tank when you're off a good camp and you're gonna pop this cap off your water when it's full to spit back at you you know full slice we are here this bottle slightly to play tricks we do not recommend more to other Colin taking off back to you out generator back here with my to the basket or something like that is keep that might put more weight back here you want a little more 21-day permit to each back home we will collect taxes and everything from you today will take here in license plate you get mail exactly get you license plate but this pump here are detailing this here's your city water we're going to keep in from what the poll is up to here to supply water throughout the trail this will not put any water in the fresh water okay this here's your 25 foot wall when you use your AC you want to make sure you're directly plugged into this because this is the 30 amp service this adapter comes with it so if you go to a friend's house ed camp plug this in you can put this adapter on plug into normal walk away just you want use the AC okay I'm just one more question you people staplers those jacks down first before you unhook actually no you're gonna want to hook it from your vehicle kind of more let's get someone level and they just drop them down take the wallet okay just down here now you have your three water that holds 22 gallons that is your sink and she'll this does not have any indicators in the trailer is full we have a whole the flow hole is on the tape so if this tank gets full you're gonna see water on the trailer that's indicator you got here your furnace exhaust all the pressures of all this is the very soil second event for the gas so does this down here you have another dumbbell this is hook 2 9 gallon tank this is black water everything else goes back there then we come over to here this is the holes and extend up to 20 feet use at the dump recreate your black I always recommend up in the black water first and you can use the grey water at all possible you don't need the two inch ball see the chance to hear jet fix all the oil you've got a PIN number sticker here on the side of the trailer you're bidding on the results will stamp it on top of the fragrance with your don't roll thing right now these are both full the way this works is this little leverage it says supply this point with this tank if you look here there's a little green line when this tape goes empty that green line will turn around it will automatically switch over this tank once you notice that's right you manually flip the switch latest the tank I'm using I go ahead take this one off take the towel and fill up exchange it put it back on so just keep bouncing back and forth long for something for go to 27 series batteries located back here to get it down all you gotta do is undo the strap lift a couple off your batteries right there this here is the gravel should protect front windows this witness is not white vinyl backup always make sure you have something attached there's that we've never come on down the windmill catch it Paul hold it here on the side we now have an emergency braking system that just moves up to your vehicle if this trailer ever comes up hooked from your vehicle when that cable gets tight it will pull the plunger out gotta lock up the trailer brakes to reset the trailer brakes just take the plunger stick it back in there and release the brakes that's trailer basically any questions giving you a lot of information quick well I guess do you guys I mean neck furnaces get tears by me how are these good or would you recommend us go on and getting some good trailer tires or good tires the biggest thing that had lately is it had some issues with trailers bouncing all the better I've never balanced trailer tire in my life but I've never pulled something this like as far as as far as lifetime goals I think they're pretty good tire you know most people like my camper they get weather checked and they'll crack before they ever blow all until ground I'll pull my hat omote shuto place earth and the extension cord your church that day 30 and 40 at that step that's at coordinate I'm plugged into out there okay that know that coils off inside the ball back you remember right back at school the only stupid question is the one you didn't answer right okay this here is your outside coke yeah underneath here well the jack handle is not in there I will grab it you know if let's me just talking about that doesn't leave your anyone though because it's wrong and then like I'll do this here's your jack handle the raise and lower your rear stable okay okay when it comes to setting up your bunk beds all you do is pull this cushion up out of the way go ahead and stay on this one reach back here there are two bars this cushion is on a hinge let's grab a hold bring it up each of these bikes has a pop bar on underneath here you'll find the head of a screw put the head of the screw through the hole set the holder in the holder this will go down here that will fill up the gap across the back with both these pipes up we do not recommend traveling with it up and we do not recommend more than 150 on the top bunk just for safety put them down just the opposite and then underneath here you got storage there's three separate compartments cuz we've got a little wall in each one of them so they're all separate yeah overhead storage here and there's another light back here when it comes to your bathroom you would come up in here the first thing you do is turn your light on when you take your shower turn you're hot you're cold on on and off on the shower okay when you shower water's gonna start to fill up in the tub floor this is not a gravity flow system so the water backs up around your feet we got a little pump switch here okay just flip that little pump the shower water back to the green water came with the toilet you lift up water in the bowl flush you've got a shower curtain here to help protect everything up here we have a fan you do is push the handle on hit the little button hit it again and pull it back down and that's your 9 gallon plastic holding tank therefore the sewage okay off your spot for the microwave if you so desire there is a 110 outlet in there already now this here's with your refrigerator when you open this up what you do is come in here and turn it on right now the light of the plug-in is lit that means your refrigerators firing up on electric I hit this one here the flame lights up it's gonna automatically ignite on gas it's kind of self admirer so when you're traveling down the highway you can actually put that on 12 volt the only time you want to run 12 volt is when your refrigerator is cold and your vehicle is hooked to it it's basically a maintainer and it uses a lot of juice so you want to make sure you got constant current coming back to it then this is your temperature the more blue bars you got the colder you're gonna beat this little triangle here will flash at you on four different occasions if you leave your door open too long if you're on a propane if you run out of battery or if you run out you know if the electric rule is out or something to let you know that there's a problem with your finger there is a freezer here as instructions as to how to remove it if you ever wanted to take it out okay all you got to do to shut the refrigerator off hit the main power just shut it off Wow with your stove top with this like I do is go from off to light and manually later do that the silverware drawer here storage underneath here here and here there is a little bit of storage underneath here but not a whole lot now when it comes to the water heater I always recommend make sure you hook up your city water or your turn your palm now this here is your water heater on gas when you flip this switch a little red light will come on when that little red light goes out it'll ignite got a little pre warmer on it they don't let you can the light goes off now you've got the electric combination as well this switch when you flip it down will run the refrigerant will run your water heater on electric so that if you want if you're hooked up to electric you want to use electric you have to flip that switch there okay then here you've got the pump switch this is the switch you'll use for off-grid camping when you're trying to get the water out of that tank you'll just flip this switch on and you'll hear the pump kick in this can be left on as long as there's water in the tank and turn itself on and off as needed then here you've got a 12-volt cigarette lighter as well plus a 110 outlet over here you have a 110 outlet this is the thermostat for your furnace all you do is turn it on then you got the two little grey buttons up here to adjust up your temperature to where you want it once the furnace kicks in you'll have about 35 to 45 seconds and you'll hear another click that is your soft igniter for the furnace so we'll make sure you hear that you know tradition before there she just left when you shut it off just go back to off this will continue to run for about a minute and a half to two minutes as a few blocks later now your air conditioners I told you not to run that unless you're directly plugged into 30 m service that's not a hundred percent true right now are plugged in with the adapter I can run the Faneuil the black stripe is family you can run that on the adapter no problem right now here's blowing straight down that closed this off and you can open up to all four corners and pull the airwaves now when it comes to the AC which is the blue stripe when you come over here like this this is your thermostat control see all kind of gifts down on everything if you don't have enough juice to run Allegra suppose so now up here [Music] yeah there's the adapter for your Paul record goes to the 30 to the 15 this is for your awning the only thing you're really going to use out of this bag will be these four spikes these four yellow tabs just take it to the ground when you have one in this folder is everything you need no bunch of trailer tells you about your chance refrigerators all instant now this here remote is for this fan the fan can be run manually by pushing buttons back here or you can just turn it on it will automatically open and start at the same time and if you look at the remote you got a big fan little fan so you can increase fan speed right now the remote says fan is taking air home if I hit this one down in this corner the fan will automatically slow down switch directions and suck here in if you happen to be sleeping in here at night and it gets me too much here you can actually shut the lid the ceiling fan will continue to run it was just you just place a we just you soon open it back up and then on the remote itself it says all with the fan completely turned off if you hit model a little green light will come on up there then it says set temp here in room temp the plus and minus will set your temperature what you can do by setting that is if you leave a path in here if you kick off for the afternoon or something like that you set up for sixty degrees this truly needs to be sixty degrees in science automatically these are going to suck in air in Iran already have a set when it drops below 60 degrees before so now if you want to stand up I will walk it through the the bed back yeah now this here is your stove cover I don't recommend leaving it sit there when you travel of course and then with the bunk bed when you earn the bed back here when you go to turn it into the table all you do is pull these cushions up grab a hold of the table when it's up full floor lying down two tabs move on the leg there's your dining room table never travel with this table up gonna see like this or if he had a big enough fall but pops off drops here catches the edge of that pulls forward rips the table apart put it down like I just grabbed this loop here down goes the leg underneath here now this year's carbon monoxide / propane detector in the fuse box here everything is labeled as to what stuff does both 110 and 12 volts this little red fuse is for your carbon monoxide / propane detector this draws power directly off the battery of the trailer so if you take this home and just Park it you're not planning on using it till spring or whatever you want to make sure you either pull the battery so don't freeze or disconnect that red few pull that red fuse because this will draw a power and drain the battery within three to four weeks okay so you want to left inner pull ball I left in okay yep okay then underneath here now you have your 12 gallon freshwater tank there is a little valve on the end of that tank a little petcock type thing rotate it water will drain through the floor all I'm gonna groan we have a hose that goes through the floor so it drains out on the drum your 12-volt helps us underneath there as well so do we so the since there's no water in the lines or anything do we need to winterize at this winter if we don't put any water or do you think uh if you don't put any water in the trailer don't worry about it but if you got some water in it you're gonna want to winter and the easiest way to do that if you don't do off-grid camping come in here and open up all your water faucets hold the lever open for the toilet out there on the city water you can buy an adapter that screws into it that has an air chuck on it so that you can blow air through the water lines that'll help force the water on in the trailer lines but then again when you do that you're still gonna have to come in here for RV antifreeze in your sink okay yet your shower floor pour some down there and make sure you turn that pump on so that you get RV anti-freeze into that pump and if you use any time you use this here freshwater tank you wanna do the same thing here okay the easiest way to pump the winterize em is to put a couple gallons of RV antifreeze in here and just flip the palm switch on and pump it through so you got it coming out all the faucets it's probably the easiest way to winterize the feet if you're off of your camp and then back underneath this side you've got basically your twenty five foot power cord is in there and then there's a little silver box in this corner that little silver box is your power converter slash battery charger it's bringing 110 power in converting it over to 12 volt and charging your battery when you're plugged in it's smart enough there's no switches to flip the minute you unplug this in automatic as which is over to the battery up here you have a reading light they swivel the left and right up and down you got overhead storage here another reading light there or a light there and then they're up in this cupboard here you have your remote control and instructions for your TV your TV with that all you do is grab ahold the 12-volt plug in plug it in now your TV's powering up now when you're hooked up the cable just use it it's gonna work when you want to use the antenna there's a little black button back here you turn that on a little green light comes on now you got power on top of your TV antenna to rotate that you just got to grab a hold here and squeeze and roll tape this here's a fine tuner the more blue lights you have the better signal strength you have as far as your TV goes now shut the TV off all you do then is just hit this button back there again and pull this and you're good to go when it comes to putting your cushions back down the easiest way to do that is just to make yourself a little teepee [Music] push this window is a slider all you do is flip the lever unlock it and then a little spinal screen will slide with it as well flip your back all the other windows are just like this one they just crank open and basically that's your trailer I am gonna take this thank you sitting here for now so don't bounce off going home because it will not it will not stay there any questions inside no oh all right [Music] the volume is really simple addition [Music] [Music] just walk them off [Music] anyway the whole wheel the tarpor relax this roll back up so it's play these arms will not lock they will always be flexible the spikes I show it you just go down through there hold it your all this here is what they call will sit around and if those things that you just want six here and there just the water on them loosen the both legs for sunset that everyone again basically that's your trigger now of course when you want to put this away what are you gonna do is [Music] [Music] away [Music] bring it up a little just pop underneath here snapping I mean right now you see too little attention when the audience to live properly it'll push them up flush if you ever put this way that one sees down what happens is the window opening down basically [Music] [Music] [Music] No we know I have a deadbolt on the goal all you got to do is lock her up when you travel both of these keys are the same it does not matter which one you use this one here box the top latch this will lock together lock the deadbolt you go to nine o'clock and get the key back out you got to go back to 12 unlock gotta go to three all right here are your keys all we have to do now is have to go grab your vehicle back up here we'll hook you up make sure all the tail lights and turn signals of stop work and I'll swing the bat over see wait locks down and you'll both lock down or not the producer or okay look these up will make sure your criss-crossing someone from this side of the trailer goes to that side of your car so you always have a backpack then this take this here to like that bring it back and put the to itself now what that one looks a block of integration because ever does come unhooked from your cut and then this here bulge in my hip turn the propane off whatever a little bit because I've seen some people say that smart things news turn it off that basically got to turn something off the plat like hold up and still about pumping propane so go ahead and drinking I'm lights off [Music] okay c'mon give me your right a lot of ways [Applause] anyway but yeah thank you you guys have a safe trip back Rochester where we're going to boot from EG state parks right now [Applause] thank you [Applause] [Music] and there you have it that is our scamp we've done a few things inside since then we better to shelf in the big storage compartment Amy's done a lot of a lot of work inside of it and one of these days she's gonna give you a little tour of the inside our camper and I hope I hope you found the video informative and if you have any questions on scamp campers hopefully that answered some of them so yeah we hope to see you come along with us on our travels and again like and subscribe to our channel we will open comments and we will see you we will see you next time bye
Channel: Dennis & Amy - Our Life
Views: 42,355
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Scamp
Id: -9XISY28rRQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 58sec (1798 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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