4 Small Fiberglass Camper Trailers with Bathrooms and a Lightweight Fiberglass 5th Wheel RV Too!

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we finally did it we got some video of fiberglass campers so stick around you're going to want to check out all the amazing models that we found hi everybody mike from rv blogger here in front of the camera and susan's behind the camera and we are at hungry mother state park down in virginia here at the fiberglass rv rally we've had a ton of comments over the past year um on our video tours with people asking us to shoot some video of some fiberglass rvs and we discovered that the fiberglass rv manufacturers they don't show up at the rv shows and they don't sell their rvs at dealerships so in order to see them you kind of have to go to their factory or in our case sort of luck out and find a rally that's nearby so that we could come and see all these amazing fiberglass rvs we've been really lucky this week with the weather and also with the number of fiberglass rvs that are here even though it's coved about 20 people showed up to show off their fiberglass rv and all the modifications that they've made to them so we came here to get video but really we're we're coming away with much more than that we met a wonderful group of people who are willing to share let you tour through their rv show you what they've done to their to their little fiberglass rvs and how they've modified them things they've learned along the way just a really really fantastic group of people susan and i have had a great time getting to know everyone hang out with them and they have been gracious enough to let us come into their travel trailers and get some video so we're very very thankful for that by the way if um you've seen us before on youtube welcome back to the channel we're sure glad to have you here if this is your first time seeing us though welcome aboard susan and i make tons of videos all about rving we also have a website called rvblogger.com where we literally have hundreds of articles about rving and we also have a facebook group that we invite you to join called rv camping for newbies and it's not just for newbies it's really just for anybody interested in sharing learning all about rving so we learned a really a couple of really cool things about fiberglass rvs this week that we're taking away with us one of them is we asked everybody here you know why do you like your fiberglass rv so much and there were two answers that were just overwhelmingly more prevalent than any others those two answers are number one they don't leak they're a fiberglass shell and so for the most part they are really really leak free or leak proof i'll say um some of them do get minor leaks here and there but not like on a traditional travel trailer with a flat roof so they're very good in that department and the other overwhelming answer was that they hold their value a lot of folks here actually bought their fiberglass rv six seven eight years ago and they were able to sell and trade up or trade down to another fiberglass rv but when they sold it they got just as much as or almost as much as they bought it for so the resale value on these is very very high as well and then the third thing we learned is that they last a really really long time we've seen some fiberglass rvs here that are as old as 45 years old that have been refinished along the way but they do tend to last a very very long time as well so we learned some really cool facts so i guess now that we know all that let's get started with our tour of some awesome fiberglass rvs and please stick around till the end because we actually got a fifth wheel fiberglass rv and that thing is amazing it's brand new um it's from escape right out of the factory and it is really amazing so stick around for that hey everybody mike from rv blogger here and we are at the fiberglass rv rally in hungary mother state park in virginia and we ran into kathy here who happens to own a casita fiberglass travel trailer so kathy thanks for letting us take a video of your trailer first of all we really appreciate it yeah so uh tell us about your casita what year and and model is this this is a 2014 liberty deluxe okay and how long have you guys ever had it for about the 2014 we got it in 2016 so about four and a half years okay great great and so why did you guys decide to go with a fiberglass travel trailer we looked at a lot of trailers for like three years before we bought one and i kept saying i need space i need cupboard space i need storage space and the casita has a lot of a lot of storage space okay and my husband wanted one because they they're they keep their price yeah they have a great resale value right yeah depreciation is like nothing and um it doesn't we don't worry about too many leaks because it's all connected gotcha well that's another really good point with the fiberglass right they're much more leak free than you know a lot of the other trailers there right yes all right cool so yeah so have you guys made any modifications to your camper um we took the the bed in the back we've changed the matches we got rid of the cushions because they weren't very comfortable okay and we've taken a board and we put it in between them so it's a solid double bed you can't you can't change it unless you pull that board out okay underneath it because it was the other ones they're not really strong after you've been on them they kind of oh they sag a little bit so can we put a big nice board on there all right and then what else did we did we put a quiet kid up on the fan on the air conditioner and air conditioning okay and we got rid of the microwave and just put a shelf in the where the microwave goes and i put carpet on the floor because i didn't like the tile because my toes got cold well you guys have done quite a bit we took the bathroom door off and we just put a shower curtain on there well that was a great tour we appreciate it very much thanks for letting us come in and take some video inside the casita we really appreciate it okay so here i am with charlie we just met today and charlie's a proud owner of a little snoozy fiberglass trailer and charlie thanks for letting us interview you and take a walk through your trailer today so what what year and model are we looking at here it's a 2014 uh and they only make the one model or made it and the company has since uh went out of business but there's another company that's bought the operation out and they're making them again and those are the little the snoozy twos they call snoozy too and they're a silver color is really the only difference gotcha gotcha so this is a 2014 have you did you buy it new i bought it new cool and so what do you like so much about fiberglass travel trailers well this particular one uh we really like that there's no openings in the roof yeah that's a nice even though we've had a couple of weeks in other places but it's really light it weighs about three thousand pounds with all of our uh stuff that we need okay and it's easily pulled and we we travel some quite a bit of distance sometimes so it's uh it's really light it's easy to maneuver you can get it in and out of places we can actually go through a nine-foot drive-through without any problem that sounds nice so dairy queen is not off limits not you guys mcdonald's we did yesterday actually so uh and it's easy to easy to maintain we uh i pretty much know everything about it now you know i've had six years yep well you've done quite a few modifications inside done some modifications yeah i had to take it apart yeah let why don't we head on inside and take a look in there and check it out sure so we have a wet bath uh with a cassette toilet system if you're familiar with that uh it has a little five gallon tank that slides out you can take and dump it we've uh changed originally the little snoozy came with a jackknife sofa that slept with third person but we wanted the dinette so i actually did this myself i've went to a smaller water tank and then added these chairs and a permanent table uh we have a queen bed and this is factory although we've changed the mattress but we've also got a bed lift we get to the storage underneath and you also have outside storage compartment doors too right yes we have one outside compartment storage and i have a drawer here and i've done lights in all my cabinets and you you do all these little mods and you kind of forget about what they were so you know we have a truck fridge uh like i said before it uh it's electric it's a down frost compressor so it's really efficient and it'll run four days on the batteries well we love your camper it looks really nice and homey in there and the modifications really make a difference so thank you thanks for letting us walk through sure so here we are in front of a 2007 scamp this is a 13 foot model and it has been modified and you won't you won't believe how cool this particular fiberglass travel trailer is on the outside of the travel trailer you'll notice that it's got this really cool beachy theme all around the outside of it it's been named hidalga when we first walked up i thought that was the brand of it but it's the name of the of this particular trailer it really fooled me but you'll notice that a lot of the outside lights have been changed they've added all the led lighting out here and then inside is also unbelievable some of the really big things that have been modified inside here are there's a front executive desk which is a perfect workplace there's also wood interlocking flooring the curtains are all black out curtains it's got custom bed cushions there are tambour cabinet doors you'll notice over top and then of course there's a custom kitchen base cabinet as well and then they went and added you know extra electrical fixtures and hdmis and all that good stuff inside as well but really really cool fiberglass trailer and you'll want to check it out at nighttime as well because everything is reflective it lights up looks really really cool so here i am with andy today and he has a bigfoot fiberglass trailer this is the first time we've ever we've even ever seen one so we're happy to found you and your bigfoot so uh what year and like make and model is yeah this is a 2019 uh that we've had a little over a year now and it's um the model number is a 25 rear queen so it's 25 foot with a rear queen walk around bed gotcha gotcha and this the first fiberglass that you've owned it's not it's actually our second oh okay we had a little snoozy for five years and we outgrew it wanted to stay with fiberglass so this is about the biggest fiberglass that's currently made bigfoot actually put a 28 foot out years ago wow but right now they're they've they've limited to a 25 so all right and so what do you like about fiberglass rv so much well there on this one the great thing about it is the insulation this is actually a four season camper so if you want to go up to canada in the winter you can do it because everything all the tanks are enclosed and they're heated so anything that you want you can do of course you got water line issues you got to keep keep an eye on but but the camper itself is fully enclosed the heater is a 60 000 btu so it keeps it very warm in the wintertime no matter how cold that'll keep you toasty it will yeah it really will now you have you made any big modifications to your camera just a little stuff we've done some painting we've replaced some fixtures wallpapering things like that so we can show you when we go inside all right cool but we're going to see mostly a big footage and some minor mods mostly stock yeah right yes we get the modifications we'll i'll point those out all right we'll go that route great let's head on in and take a look okay okay so here we are inside uh the 25 uh the the thing that we really liked about the 25 is the extra sofa space that you get we've had as many as six people in uh having dinner sometimes large storage right here as you walk in all storage here up here it's it really the great thing about r25 is uh that you you don't have any problems for two people moving around you actually can even order these with an extended two foot tongue box uh but we've got so much space on here we felt that we really didn't need that so uh it's got a very large refrigerator freezer we can keep at least a week's worth of food in there with no problems you have the stove you have the three burner cooktop that goes with it with plenty of room one of our greatest mods is the espresso maker that we can't can't do without we actually painted this area if you'll see the the dining room it was the the brown that just comes with the wall board so we redid that uh changed the light fixture out above the table just a few things to make it kind of our own as we as we started traveling found the things that we want uh as you walk down the hall uh we've got uh the bathroom here i'll let you see the bathroom a great feature to this is it's a it's a dry bath so you've got enough room to dress in there and uh take your shower dry baths are awesome that makes such a huge difference that's that's one of the reasons we went to the 25 foot is to get is to get the dry bath yeah you've got a nice hanging uh closet here so we've got a little food that we store on one side in a hanging bag and then we've got all of our jackets and hanging clothes there which is plenty of room and then you have the the another great feature you don't have to crawl over each other you've got the walk around queen bed which makes it nice it's not huge in here but we didn't really want huge got the tv that we can watch debbie can watch something in the front i can watch back here something different yeah plenty of windows all the way around max fan in here for to keep it cool so it's it just worked really well for us and this is the this is the original wall board that you see where we painted ours blue in the in the in the uh the dining area so we we really like it it's a it's the perfect size it's easy to get in out of national parks and um again if i if i knew a year and a half ago when i bought it what i know now i'd do it again so it's uh it's the it's just what we really wanted so hope hopefully that answers anybody's questions hey everybody mike with rv blogger here in front of the camera and of course susan's behind the camera and today we are with jim and we're at the fiberglass rv rally here at hungry mother state park in virginia and we were lucky enough to see jim and his lovely wife barbara roll in with this amazing escape fifth wheel so we had to run over here and get some video of it and meet jim and find out all about his fifth wheel so jim how do you like your escape we love it yeah yeah we we've had it in our possession since june uh and since then we've gone about five fifty five hundred miles in it and uh we love it it's perfect for us that's awesome so why did you guys decide to go with a fiberglass rv rather than any of the other travel trailers that are out there or fifth wheels that are out there well actually we started with the casita like many of the other campers that are here right now and we went about 28 000 miles in it we went across country twice um and then it got flooded oh no during hurricane florence we lived on the coast of carolina oh okay um and it got flooded and they totaled it and so here you are here we are now yeah so this is a brand new fifth wheel right it's a brand new one yeah we ordered it from the factory last december okay and uh it was finished about the first of march i think of this year and uh we were reluctant to drive to british columbia to pick it up with a cobot and all that going on so we didn't we had it delivered to richmond and then we've gone five or six thousand miles in it since then so that's pretty awesome so you got you guys full time or no we're not we live over in wake forest north carolina not far from raleigh okay so i know a lot of people are going to want to know what model of escape is this car well this is called the 50ta tandem axle okay they've made these for i don't know 10 or 12 years probably okay escape also makes 21 which there's a couple of them here they make a 19 and they make a 17. okay and they're kind of similarly configured inside but uh of course there's this the obvious difference here is uh that it toes behind um and we like the idea of the toe behind because it tows so easily i mean yeah i put it behind my tundra cruise control is 70 miles an hour and away you go and it never swerves yeah never does anything it's just perfect yeah that's great we really love that what do you think you like most about your escape fifth wheel you don't have to crawl over your spouse to get out of bed oh really all right all right we had an escape 19 before this the bed was in the back it's sideways doesn't matter if somebody has to get up and go during the night yep somebody's getting woken up here obviously you don't you shimmy your way out and down and we find it very easy to get in out of that bed even though there's three steps oh we're leading up to it so it is autumn in case you can't tell and if you heard a leaf blower in the background at any point during this video leave a comment down below and let us know because we've never seen more leaf blowers at one campground in our lives but it's a great idea because you can blow all the leaves right off your campsite anyway we hope you enjoyed the video and if you have any comments about fiberglass rvs leave them down below if you own one and you've made some mods or you have any comments at all about them we would love to read those and so would the other viewers of the of the video so we would love to check out those comments and speaking of check it out if you'd like to check out some of our other videos just click one of these videos down below and that'll take you to another one and please remember to subscribe to the rv blogger youtube channel when you do and hit the notification bell so that you'll be notified every single week when we come out with a new video so for mike and susan thanks for watching and we'll see you next time
Channel: RVBlogger
Views: 591,967
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: travel trailer, travel trailer tips and tricks, travel trailer upgrades, travel trailer tour, travel trailer renovation, travel trailers under 3500 lbs, 5th wheel rv, rv renovation before and after, fiberglass travel trailer, fiberglass 5th wheel camper, fiberglass 5th wheel travel trailers, casita travel trailer, scamp trailer, escape travel trailer, bigfoot trailer, lil snoozy trailer, escape 5th wheel travel trailer, escape 5th wheel camper, rvblogger, rvblogger youtube
Id: R5ofLqoRVZ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 46sec (1126 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 15 2020
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