Brainwashing the Brainwashed (More on Scientology Recruitment)
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Channel: Chris Shelton
Views: 17,236
Rating: 4.8211765 out of 5
Keywords: Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard, FBI, Brainwashing Manual, psychopolitics
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 36sec (2316 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2018
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
From the 1965 Anderson Report chapter 28 comes this interesting quote:
If anyone has a copy of Appendix 16 with the substitutions that'd be worth looking at.
I'd also like to see a copy of Appendix 16 with word substitutions. It's not only interesting, it's stunningly revelatory, even prescient.
At the time of its writing, Hubbard was still in the process of implementing what the Anderson Report called the blueprint for Scientology. The Sea Org did not even exist at the time!
Two other examinations exist, with word substitutions.
One is from the 1987 book Messiah or Madman?
The other is from the 2001 e-book Brainwashing Manual Parallels:
If you read the Brainwashing/Psychopolitics material objectively, you can see it being applied in broad swaths across the spectrum of political and social discourse, independently of Scientology, today.
I challenge anyone interested in this subject to do this: read the material, then go look at non-Scientology society. You will find these techniques being used, suppressively, everywhere.