Brainstorming ideas for #10kdesigners in Figma | LIVE Design Process

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what's up everybody this is lavender here we're back with another live stream as you can see I've changed up the design off the string it looks a little different we're gonna talk about that in just a second sit back get comfortable we're about to begin this is gonna be your maybe I'll say me one hour one hour livestream where we discuss ideas for the 10k designers website this is a website that doesn't exist yet 10k design is calm and we're gonna discuss what can be done we're gonna come up with new ideas for it we're gonna pull all this all these ideas down the ideas that you guys should have put it down and then we're going to actually design this website so what I'm going to do just right now is I'm gonna go live on Instagram as well so people that don't miss it what's up Instagram live right now on YouTube we're doing a figma tutorial today it's not really a tutorial it's more of a community brainstorming where we figure out together what the 10k designers website is about to have let me just slightest two bright minds that's kind of better what's up everybody now for everybody watching how would you guys to tell me what do you guys think of the stream design but people who are Instagram you actually can't see this we have a stream going on here people on YouTube give me just a second in the meanwhile I'm gonna share the link to figma I want all of you guys to jump in right now and cheer out at the launch what's up everybody give me a second I'm gonna tell you guys how you can access the pigma on Instagram what's up everybody we're lives in two places at once we live on instagram as well as you do so everybody in the stream right now I want you guys to open up this figma file this is where we're going to be designing today I'm just going to drop a message in our group what's up everybody we're about to get started in just a bit for people who are watching on Instagram you do not want to miss what's happening on YouTube you're going to be able to see my laptop screen there so I'm going to monitor that jump in so what about you guys tell me firstly is how the stream looks I want you to comment in the chat right now whether you like it and if you like it I wanted to comment feel or hear and I'll tell you why it's just as I didn't feel Arya is something that non-designers say to designers when they're as feedback when they don't know what to say so it's a joke within designers where when you design something you're like bro is may feel me or you could change karna padega or it's my feel are here so what I want you to guys tell me in the comments this new stream design we have you feel it do you feel the do you feel it that's what it is I'm gonna in the meanwhile set the bike light some candles here alright guys now we're about to get started so how many of you guys were available or were there in the large stream going to just quickly tell me that because we're going to be picking up based on where we left off even if you missed that it's totally okay because what we're going to be doing this stream is going to be pretty different so last Reem this is what we did roughly we talked about the basics of UI UX design which is what are the steps in the design process we talked about what is the difference between UI design UX design the way these two fit together we talked a little bit about just the basics of UI UI is not really what it looks like it's also the architecture how you arrange information on a screen this is what that looks like so we took an example where we talked about whatsapp if it was two different you guys and we did this with very simple wireframes where we talked about how the design on the left is better and it works better if you want to check that out if you want to be a part of those discussions you can check out the previous live streams we play in this live stream however what we're going to do is we're gonna pick up where we left off right here so we started designing the 10k designers website and we were talking about the different things that you need to be aware of when design namely these were text Styles how do you set text Styles for a project how do you pick colors the HSV design scale for picking colors and setting up color palette for your design we talked a little bit about how do you work with images in Sigma we talked a little bit about grids you see this grid here we talked about why you should use a 12 column grid was the 8th column grid what are the advantages of each and we talked a lot about text properties as well you can see this over here if you guys miss that you can check out the preview stream today we're going to be building on top of this so large tree we only talked about this as a little bit of basics but now what we're going to do is we're gonna figure out what this website should actually have because over the next couple of episodes right off this livestream we're going to be brainstorming ideas on what this website has together we're gonna be figuring out what to put we're going to be designing that in figma and we're going to be developing it in a web flow when all of these things are done we're gonna launch it live and this entire process all of you guys watching will be able to see that in doing so are you guys ready for that are you guys ready to get started leave something in the chat so the number one the first thing you need you need to do right now for everybody who is watching I see about 40 people on the stream right now it's changing but it's about 40 right now I want everybody who's on their computer to come and visit this figma file the reason I'm asking this is today we're gonna do things a little differently all of you all of us are gonna be on the same Sigma file at the same time and you can actually see me design right there and once it's done you can actually check everything out I'll have the figma file available for all of you to check out so open that up right now this is the URL and I want you guys to all come on the chill-out lounge right here I want to just make sure everybody is in and then we are going to get started what people in hockey Mark Ruffalo and bottom I saw one [Music] [Music] all right so we're going to start off with the brainstorming part of this roughly if you look at the design process we talked about the first step in any design process is to do a research right and the way research works is very different based on what project it is so for let's say if you were working at a start-up guys give me just two minutes actually something up for hot [Music] actually got a mic for the live streams but I was so busy with setting up the streams that actually forgot to set up the mic I don't think I'm gonna do that right now but next slide stream the audio is gonna be way better this is a really good night okay so we talked about the steps in the design process the first one was research now research for a design project it's very dependent on what kind of project it is so let's say if the design project is you're doing feature for a start-up right a startup that already has an app out there and you want to add a new feature to it the research process would roughly look like figuring out what is the so let's take an example right let's talk about uber as an app let's say you want to add a new feature which lets you do something research would look like figuring out how people use it currently looking at the usage data around it and then based on that making decisions on how you should proceed usually there are product managers were also involved with this at bigger companies you have people who are UX designers who do just us but what we're doing today we're doing a small project which is we're doing something which is not in a big corporation we're not doing something which is in a big enterprise we're doing something which is a community initiative amongst all of us so my research for this project is gonna be actually asking you guys on chat right now what is it what do you want out of 10 K is is right so roughly this should teach you about a little bit about how research is done maybe not in every single setting but how you can do it at a low level right so firstly let me tell you guys about what 10 K design research begins now let me tell you roughly about what 10k designer is if you look at the total number of designers in India it's actually very small compared to the rest of the world one of the reasons for this is that if you look at historically we've only now started making products at a bigger scale right acts like swiggy flipcard Amazon pin really totally a big thing in India maybe 10 years back so now what we're gonna do is so this is initiated 10k designers is an initiative by me I'm somebody who's been a designer for the past seven years I would roughly figured this out myself which is learning online working with teams in Silicon Valley and Europe remotely freelance as well as some top startups in India and what I want to do is I want to create this pathway where new designers have resources Indian specific resources to actually study so not only will this help designers find resources become good designers people are already designers can learn from other designers as a community and once you do this you can get freelance projects you can get internships and you can get you can get opportunity design opportunity so booklets not i/o for example is one of the websites that I'm doing that's full learning 10k design is going to be the hub where all of it comes together and in 10k designers all of us together we're gonna make the design scene much better than India the design things in India to be honest is a little sad right now there's not enough people sharing their knowledge right but that's about to change m'kay designers is one of the things that's gonna make that happen so now you guys understand roughly what the 10 K designers movement goes I'm gonna list out some ideas on the stream right here if you guys have figma open you can just chill out in this lounge right here this pokemon launch where each thing is a big male oh and I want you guys to suggestion the chat in the meantime you can also check out what I am thinking about things about the ideas [Music] so this is actually a document I put together when I had first started the YouTube channel this was a rough document to figure out what is the if this was a course right like a udemy course or a college course what would the syllabus look like so that's what this was I have roughly followed this guideline there are a few things here roughly this should cover what you need to know as a designer but I'm not sure videos are the best way to do all of this so what I'm going to do right now is I'm just going to take a screenshot of this and put it in the figma file so I can reference it faster so typically in a design process you would have a place in your figma file just for research that might be a dedicated research page it might just be something like what I'm doing right now this helps you collect resources collect inspiration and put it all in the same place for your design because there's like a mood board where you're collecting ideas for what the future and folks I'm gonna need a lot more activity in the chat this is something that I'm not going to be able to do it in order if this was something I would do it alone I would not be on stream this stream has a way for us to do this together will collaborators on this project which is why I've shared the figma link with you guys I want this to be 100% transparent but I want you all to be able to see exactly how something is designed from start to finish Hershel buff sir you're an iOS mobile developer you want to start or to understand UX you're at the right place watch the previous videos in this you're going to get a good understanding of what this is all about and beyond that I'm going to share a beat and wait for one of my website booklets dot IO you're going to find a lot of UX related resources there how much you're coding helps you don't really need to code to be a designer if you do it might help you but all developers all designers are not even close some developers know how to design some designers know how to develop all right guys so I'm just gonna get started with a few ideas that I had in this so this was the home page I'll show you guys what this looks like it mirrors one [Music] [Music] [Music] so this is what the website looks like right now you can check this this was very basic I wasn't actually thinking about what to put this will just do every straight the capabilities of me more this work I want a quick one run a quick poll in the chats how many of you know figma like how many if you know a little bit about the basics of it it's good to see that most of you know something about figma for those who don't I'm gonna give you guys a little bit of homework because this is actually a cross room if you think about it we're all studying this together it's an interactive classroom we'll give you a little bit of homework that I want you guys to do before the next live stream if you see this about studying design you should follow this this is not something that's gonna take up a lot of time but I want the people who don't know figma to watch this video people don't know figma you should watch this video it's a crash course on figma that way you'll will all be at the same level which video talk about bro I just share the link check that out save it to your bookmarks for later you guys should check out the rest of the videos on the channel things that are not going to be covered in the livestream you might in your own time be able to go through all of that in the recorded videos so check that out so right here you can see I have a few ideas that I've put down one is YouTube videos about tools and process this is already started it's going on in the YouTube channel now but do I want to do more individual designers at startups product companies and agencies this is so that there's a lot of designers out there who just don't have the time to actually teach how to talk about how they got where they did so that would be really interesting to actually just have interviews and Q&A with all of these people the Google Docs that you guys want to look at you can technically check it out in Sigma I've pasted as creature but there was the link anyways what are you guys feeling about this list of ideas so far what I would really appreciate if you guys can right now can just post in the comments which of these would be most useful so for example if you think all of them are useful you could just paste one two three four five six seven in the comments if you think some are more useful than others pace that I just want a quick for thing kind of thing to understand what you guys would also be [Music] people on Instagram I'm gonna end this Instagram livestream right now because I'm not really talking it might not be interesting for all of you so if you want to see what's happening on the YouTube livestream this is what that looks like we are actually designing in figma right now I am live right there so check that out and I'll see you on you do bye bye there's no way I can show you what's happening on Instagram Instagram is not made for this analyzed stuff let's see let me see if I can unless she was happening on YouTube you can check that out right here I'll see you guys bye [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what I'm doing now is now that we've listed over all I'm gonna go a little bit in-depth into each of these normally I would actually do all of this on paper which is I would actually be writing this down putting sticky notes on the wall but since I'm on YouTube this would be better so the reason I'm putting each of these is we're gonna go a little bit a little bit more into detail and after that we start designing after that what we do is we'll figure out the ie the information architecture for the side which is what pages are going to have and how do you want people to use the side [Music] four people are watching while you guys just think about this watch me design if you haven't subscribed already I want you guys to hit the subscribe button right at the bottom what we'll do is I it will actually send a notification in the stream so that would be really cool you'll actually be able to your subscription will be saved on the stream forever but screw this point I'm gonna this is too close to Comic Sans [Music] somebody's asking about Flint oh I think principal does have Sigma X import if I'm not wrong Flint oh I don't actually use it I don't think windows great you should ideally be using principal if you have Mac or chrono Pi which I think these are makers as well and I think both of these have too much board okay so let's talk about first one now about YouTube videos roughly this is already going on tutorials for Sigma Rho 2 pi principal know if you guys want me to do tutorials for anything else let me know based on that I can change this plan we're going to go in detail into each one of these right now that's a good point khushboo thanks for pointing it out videos about process we've searched while framing for what I think and if nation architecture is not really a big this thing but I'm gonna say planning research working Photoshop for ui/ux is not relevant I'm not saying because Photoshop was bad for a shop is game that's what I started with but that was seven years ago today you should be using free Mars it's actually easier than for yourself so you guys just tell me if you can think of anything else for this first category here I'm gonna now move to the second category if this is all good collaborate for developers yes I do you the designers once you I do okay I'll fill this up NATO Podcast CR this could be a podcast technically it could be a podcast or video show different companies small startups agencies we design a decrease and then C is big startups and I meant seems for students willing to learn Sigma I hope they probably mean a lot of them I and all the people who are actually following our students but I don't think but know where I where you talking about why thank you that it could be a little bit specific choosing correct typography I will include it though but can we just so you know I have two videos on YouTube about that you can check that out I might do more in detail but that should cover the basics color rendition pressure on you should actually check out what your color profile is there's something called srgb and there are different color profiles what I'll do is I will share on bookless I have this one booklet on color profiles I'll share that in the telegram group later now actually we're about 48 minutes into the stream what I'm gonna do is just take a short break and actually share the telegram drop link with all of you this tarragon group is where I'm going to be sharing the booklet or I obadiah twice for equal who don't know what booklets is booklets is a website that I am working on which helps you find bite-sized design courses tutorials and resources so let's say something like how to become a better designer how to negotiate why should you hear it just from me you should hear it from all other designers who have different experiences booklets is one thing that will help you put all of that together so the telegram group link I'm gonna share it with you right now in the chat and you will already in that telegram group you're gonna start seeing booklets links that should technically give you access to the beta but what I also do is I'll share the actual beta link with all of you want the life once the live stream is over we have these two figured out right now I'm just going to go through the comments to see if there's something I missed out design theory yes Ruby XD I don't want to throw that claim Adobe 8xd sucks but more than that you're free to use it I'm never going to use Adobe XD because I don't like in a week or XD also you wouldn't be able to do this where 30 of us are on the same file collaborating together so that's one of the reasons why I would not going to use XD at all because it's not collaborators it's still very old-school but for your personal work you're free to use it Sigma by the way is free you guys might not know this a lot of people don't Sigma is paid only if you want to work in news once you're at a startup once you have a bigger team but for personal use like this right here I don't pay for free on their website says you can have unlimited number of projects what I found is that actually that's actually not true it's all good like this interview designers I think roughly this is good okay now I'm going to have a very important thing called portfolio reviews I get a lot of feedback from you guys asking me to review portfolios so one interesting way I think that can happen is course 30-day codes on 0-2 portfolio what this course is gonna have guys can somebody share the Sigma link again in the book chat I don't want to be distracted while doing this if you guys are using Sigma you should know how sharing works please try that out [Music] [Music] [Music] what do you think about this portfolio reviews thing I'm doing it's it's gonna be a little harder to do because I've never done something like this before and it's going to be actually a lot more work it's not going to be simple at all I want you guys to give me some feedback on this please what do you think of something like this my knee this will be likely this is only gonna be like but I have to be honest with you guys this is actually a lot of work to do this because it can't just be me doing portfolio reviews for 20 30 40 people I'm gonna need a few more designers to actually help me with this [Music] so there's a chance that this portfolio review thing I might have to make it paid which is I only want the reason I would I might have to make it pain is firstly I only want people who are actually building their portfolio to be in this course I don't want people to just come and watch this needs to be a very hands-on thing where you actually have to do a lot of work it's not just watching and secondly it it might need to be paid because I need to get other designers on and for their valuable time I'm gonna need I'm gonna need probably hire some people as interns to cover that so I'm not sure right now but just an FYI yeah because most of this stuff will be clean or something like this which is personalized feedback I don't want to be bad which is I don't want to be free but then if you guys suck or so this might be something that's paid and one way that I can make it better for you guys is for the people who is for the paid course like this one I can actually possibly 80% guarantee you placement this sounds like a very college thing I'm not 100% sure about this but if you actually do pay for the schools and do all of this actually make the portfolio I help you reach other companies once you get that job I will actually help you get the job and and technically will make back your money from your first month's salary technically right so I can make it paid and I can give you a little bit of a guarantee that you will get a job not a hundred percent but maybe eighty percent I can guarantee you that cuz you will you put in all the work if you put in all the work then hundred percent I can get you you will find out you so when that's portfolio reviews what I want to do right now is I want you to use the comment feature on pigma which is you know what to do right now you can probably do this later as well but for you personally to leave feedback on this how would you use the comment feature so if you could just do this we're on figma press the C key hit this you just leave a comment so the model let's say when I'm reviewing this file I'll have a bunch of feedback from all of you when you are working with developers when you are working with product managers when you're working on freelance projects this is how you should be collecting feedback you should not be collecting feedback on the call or you know just in a meeting room you should actually ask your clients to actually leave you feedback like this but this is more structured this way you can actually form a to-do list right within figma of things that you need to do so just like this and all the comments will be available here so I hope you guys understand this which is me doing this right now I'm almost working with you guys in the way that I would work with the client so you're actually learning a lot about the process of how to design outside of just moving pixels around what else is involved we'll move on to the next thing here which is weekly strike life-changer design together so I think livestreams will roughly have two categories one would be processed which is this slide sheet and one would be tutorial which was the last live stream tutorials would be more hands-on which is I'm gonna be explaining every single thing process will be outside of just how to move pixels which is how do you actually do projects I think that's about it for this anything else you guys think we can do together on live stream give me ideas please or include that right here we do break downward process and tutorial review process will be research where an app designed live freelance project what do you guys think about this technically I don't do freelance projects anymore but as you make I did what if I did the whole freelance project in a live scene not freelance let me call this live freelance slash side project it's technically what we're doing right now design Sprint's that's a good idea after interviews also video tutorial will be used for design this is something that we can do together so daily UI for example is a week daily you just make some random stuff I don't think that's really good but it is a challenge ultimate swamp returner disconnected ready to go puppy whines laughs Krypto hope we're all good internet wise there's any ideas for challenges things we can do together I agree Delhi was trash we need to do something way better something that you know I think would be really cool for example like 10k designers as a hashtag hashtag 10k designers if on Instagram you could just search for this and you could see what everybody is working on or what all of us are working on so we share some challenge ideas we can do together I just listed two for now mock up suburb that's good I added two challenges app design challenge and landing page design challenge it's a good idea idea I want to keep just one hash tag maybe 10 K designers is good for that but let's see right now I don't think there's much content content anyone else I mean like the hash tag on Twitter or Instagram I don't think it will go down much that's a good idea do I have to get the J exam no you don't do it if you want to get it to IIT that's a totally different thing people who get into IIT in don't become designers but there are some designers who are from IIT I hope you understand what that means when's the creating part copying you is redesigning apps 2d creating websites firstly I wouldn't put that as a challenge was the reason for that is the creating website is something you should do in your s practice but it's not really the best for sharing is he creating what sighs not the best for sharing because if you really really well and you share it on Instagram people are gonna be like what did you actually designs once you don't need to learn it really well you do it very normally and it's not as good people are gonna say it's bad so the redesigning stuff I would say you should probably keep this private oh you should use it to practice but it's not something you can I don't think it's something you can put in your portfolio so you can under some circumstances but yes that's what I think about that so let's just this live shape is gonna be I think maybe for 15-20 moments so I'm just going to cover a little bit of each of these now what do you guys should give me more suggestions as comments so please don't forget this once this light rain is over use this comment feature to leave ideas you really need to do this the reason is you need to get comfortable with Sigma and this is technically a real-life project so this is a really good way to get comfortable which is giving me feedback and answering comments on other people's feedback and just discussing it together mani that's a good idea problem I'm gonna call that giving a problem statement is a good idea what do you guys think about if we need a challenge what if you need a challenge where I got in touch with let's say the product team at a good startup like let's say on the can't be for example and I said what is something that you guys are designing right now right let's say you're working on a new life class feature you're working on something or let's say something like I get in touch with the swiggy team and I'm like can you guys give me a problem statement something that we can all work on together and so like their problem statement might be you know we have our supply-side app drivers are not able to figure out something something something so based on that I can actually put it as a challenge for everybody I can actually put that company's challenge for that startup challenge you all can individually work on it and the good part about that is if you do it well you can actually get an internship or a job at that company so I think that's something we should do please give me a feedback on this [Music] as a beginner I don't think it should be possible but hey this is a live classroom you need to do your homework so right after this is done I would say go watch all the videos on YouTube that is take you from a beginner to not a beginner anymore right if you're a beginner you should be working on yourself I don't know if I should call the problem statement or I can say the internship challenge which was a big you know you might not be able to solve these three or maybe personal brand is little hard as well so I think the challenges would have certain difficulty levels I'll talk about that I guess once we get into individual challenges once we actually do this but I would say like good wash I think you should also could ruin oh there you guys should think about it this way also which is the next challenge for example will probably be like realistically we'll probably do this only favor bonds right because we're still building a website so by fiber March you should practice a lot you should watch all the courses on YouTube you should browse and learn from booklets or i/o and this way you will be able to move up from a beginner so moving from a beginner to slightly above beginner only takes about one week or two weeks right so please keep practicing along with it this life lean think of it as a classroom but once this live stream is over you still need to sell study so that's a good way to think about that [Music] [Music] crisis management I don't know what crisis management is crazy television I told you bro you don't need again do i DJ you don't need to get no ID to become a designer people who go to IIT don't become designers but there are some designers who are from I write what that should tell you is that you should do it if you want to but if you go to the common designer technically you don't mean it I didn't go to variety right like my team at an academy it's total of eight people and I think maybe only one one or two of them went why okay guys the last one here chalkboard this is gonna be very interesting what I'm thinking when it comes to this is and crazy television or you talk about you see this you see this if you wanna get enough NID right again I'll tell you people go to an ID not necessarily they become the best designers in the world I didn't go to NID I didn't go to any design school I just did engineering if you want to is good because you get to meet people there you better have a fun time and college and it's a more structured thing like people will teach you all you have to do is show up in a classroom created specially what do you guys think about this the job board should it should be open to all or should it be only potentate a line of members firstly I think if it was open to all it would just become lightly explain where you already have the job force and you know hundreds of people are applying something like this would be better because this way like I'll be able to personally connect you guys to these companies and I will know how good you are so I can suggest what you should know practice or improve upon what do you guys think about this next time we did the job board thing do you think we could connect this idea in this idea the challenge courses challenge courses on the job board which is people have done this challenge they can actually use that to actually apply do you think about that I don't know how exactly we will do it but I think it's possible it can be done oh you guys so that took a really long time we're about one 1/2 hours into the stream that would just brainstorming we totally deal with you guys this is actually how long it takes to do things or sometimes longer when you have to discuss it with other people we get approvals get feedback and get more research this is actually how long it takes but what I'll just do quickly is I'm using increase the size of this and I won't you were quickly to go over this because this if we are all fine with it this is going to be what we are going to be designing in the next next few episodes of 10k designers so she is receiving yeah it sort of becomes that good as you may or I would say even if not a resume it becomes a resume project where let's say this let's say this internship a problem statement challenge let's say you did it for a company like like let's say hola when you're applying for an hola internships you can actually use that to apply but more than that I think you should be able to apply all of this stuff so we're gonna end the stream in about 10 minutes this is the end of the stream I know I couldn't do too much design work in this this was more mostly or this was a process video right and you know this is as important as designed this is as important as the actual pixel stuff because think about this wait hold on there's a comment which is placed to add feedback that's a good idea it's a really good idea or let me add it here they school us you guys okay what I was saying was you guys might think now right that we did all of this stuff and we didn't actually do any design in this slide shrinks but to be very honest with you guys this part of the design process which is research and planning is way more important than the actual designing which is the pixels and stuff because if you didn't spend time on doing this and if you were just like aha Muslim person game you didn't actually properly spend time what would happen is what would happen is that you would start designing the wrong things which is you would design things which are either not important or you would design something that people actually don't care about people don't want and if you start designing the wrong features and then you develop them also you spend all that time only to realize two months later bro this is something people don't even want it nobody actually cares about this that's actually really bad so one of the purposes of research is to do validation just to the idea that you have in your head make sure other people think they have good ideas as well just by getting feedback sometimes people will still tell you bro that's not a good idea it's okay you don't need to listen to others but don't take their feedback just listen to them at least cuz you never know the next time you're brainstorming we want to remember something somebody told you we dine in white beta in white will be shared in the paragraph group please go join it it's T dot me slash a B and UX this beta right now of boggling star diode is the version 1.1 this is a January beta there are a few versions this is the one that everybody has right now this is the one I'm sharing with everybody so people who signed up on let me to show you guys a little bit people who signed up for this I will be sending you invites but I'll be sending in NATO which is you probably won't get the 1.1 invite to be sign up for this email list you might get 1.5 or 2.1 so you can sign you should definitely leave your email here but other than that if you want the invite which is there right now January's beta you should join the telegram group you will be able to find it there so folks five minutes left for this livestream I want you all to share some feedback this is an important part forming if you guys think about it this is just my second stream second live stream and I feel like we've come so far like I'm already recognizing familiar names in the chat in the figma file I'm getting to know you guys much better right and hopefully the next few episodes we do sorry I want to actually understand you guys and be able to know how good you are at design what level you're at right so that is definitely going to happen think of this as a classroom people are coming in and out right now but if you guys take on I'm definitely gonna know you guys I'm going to remember what you asked last time and this is how that's my words so is there a set schedule that's a good idea that's a good question this life these actions are going to happen every two days at the best-case-scenario so if you did one today the next would be day after tomorrow but that's not the Andy's because I still have like a lot of other obligations that's my job to do as well as my side projects so these livestream there's going to be in a week there's gonna be a few there would be about maybe two or three livestream every single week I also want you guys to think a little bit about this which is we're doing this live project together we're learning so much about each other we're also you should also think about like this is a community we are I trading on the live streams just the second live stream I think we're so much better than the first one I personally for me doing this live stream is a design project because I get to not only work with real people which is you guys but I also get to do something that is actually impactful so that's really great for me I want you guys to keep sharing your feedback in the telegram group as well as here and folks I can tell you this this is as real as it gets right this is as real as it gets the only other place you're gonna have this kind of experience is going to be design school right just think about think about think about online courses right udemy and like you don't want to sit and watch a video you want to actually be able to talk to the person who's teaching you think about courses like I'm sure there's a lot of great courses in you know in Bangalore like this design both this design shift a bunch of these they are I'm sure they do teach you a lot but this you're not going to find anywhere else nobody else in according to my knowledge is doing something like this so please keep giving me feedback that's the only way I can improve these streams by feedback even if you just tell me everything is going fine that is valuable feedback to me somebody mentioned Mike I actually did buy a mic I'll set this up for the next live stream I was so involved with the design of the stream this layout meant that I totally forgot to set this up so next tree we'll have that thank you all for watching this will be really fun for me I will see you in the next live stream and I will see you in the telegram group right and hopefully next few classes I want to get familiar with all of you so please come back if this is something you're into if you're serious about becoming a designer let's study together and let's figure this out see you guys on telegram the link is d dot me slash ABN us bye bye and good night
Channel: ABNUX
Views: 2,416
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 41UuY9Fimc4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 7sec (5347 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 18 2020
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