Braided bezel wirework cabochon

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hello everyone i'm christine at CSL designs and today i'm going to show you how to make this braided bezel wire work cabochons and this is what mine looks like so i'll just chosen to use a cheer drop shaped cabochons in this case here but you can really use this technique for many other sizes and shapes as well but this is what it looks like so on the edge of the cabochon we just have this braid going all the way around just a regular three strand braid really but obviously using wire and then on some of the strands we using two lengths of wire as if there were one but then on one of them there we're just using the single length because when we turn it to the back it's captured from the back using these loops that we actually make throughout when we make the braid itself so you can see we kind of just make the loops and then we shape the braid around the Commission which captures it from the front and then on the back though we'll just push the loops around to the back so it captures it nicely in place and it's all just made through the braid itself and then we'll make it a nice bail at the top there who can then attach whatever kind of chain that we want to add so obviously we can wear it as well so if you want to learn how to make this cabochons here then stay tuned so these are the materials that we're going to need first of all you have two different gages of regular round silver-coated copper wire first of all i have a point eight mil so this is going to be used for the braid and really capturing the cabochons and then here i have a point for milk now this i'm just going to be using as a weaving wire and then the cabochons that i'm using is a 3 by 4 centimetre teardrop shaped cabochons so the specific one that i'm using is a purple and green dyed agate gemstone coition but you can choose whatever you want to you can also use different sizes and shapes so for instance if you want to use a smaller and finer cabochons you could also always change your way to a point six noticed to kind of go along with the final look so let's get our materials ready and let's get started and then we'll need some links of a wire so what I have here first of all is a length of about 50 centimetres and this is going to be for the single strand in the braid and then we need for length of about 40 centimetres and these are for the double strands in the braid so then what I've done is I've taken all my wires here and put them into my spring clamp like this just to kind of start with and hold on to them and I made sure that they all lie flat next to each other and then I've also made sure that the one furthest to the side here is the long one your so separated and all the wires are ready to start the braid and then also I put tails thirds of about 10 centimeters length is we're going to need to use them at the end for the bail so then to stop making the braid what we're going to do first of all just separate out the Y's a little bit so first of all just to make sure which one is the long one that's by itself and then we have two pairs otherwise here so the other ones we're just going to separate out so two outer ones is one pair and then the two middle ones here that's also one pair and obviously the pair there's gonna basically be one strand in the braid the whole way through so I'm just going to bring the outer one I'm gonna start for my right side it doesn't really matter whatever comes natural to you I'm going to separate out a bit more because then I'm going to start a regular three strand braid but with the ones with pairs of wires here we just need to make sure constantly that they lie flat next to each other whenever we move them so they stay nice and even in the braid so then I'm going to take the outside one here and then bring into what's the middle now what I like to do is kind of use my fingers as I'm moving as well to make sure to get the right curves and shape into the wires so I've grabbed hold of my pair of wires here so they stay flat next to each other and then bring them over the next pair and into the middle so that's the new middle ones and then you can always bring the other one out a little bit more to kind of open up the middle gap a bit more and again make sure you can see they're both pairs aligned flat next to each other the Y's within the pairs rather and then just bring it over nicely now the beginning can be the most fiddly part because even though we have the clamp on obviously we don't really have a braid formed yet but it does get much easier once we have a couple of stitches in the braid and then we need to take from the left side there's a start on the right one and bring that over and into the middle and this is the single wire so just take that over and into the middle so this one we don't have to worry about two wires in the pair laying flat next to each other it's just the other ones but obviously we want to make sure that the pair that we're crossing over is still lying flat next to each other there's something a bit like that so for now I'm just gonna start a regular braid like this before I start any loops or anything in it then I'm gonna take the right one again then that goes over into the middle and a kind of brace that pear bit from underneath to make sure I'll get a nice curve on the outside here and I'll also put my fingers on them to make sure they stay flat next to each other and then just bring in that over that single wire and into the middle so that's the new middle one and we have that single one now coming out to this side towards the right side and then we're in the opposite side again so just a few stitches so we can always see the braid forming and it does already get much easier cuz they're wires in the pair's here we'll also naturally might wanna lie flat next to each other but obviously keep paying attention to it then we take the left one over and into the middle and again I like to kind of put my finger around where we want the curve to be just to kind of brace it a little bit make sure we get that nice shape into it or something like that and also it's kind of up to you how tight you want your braid as well so you can get it quite tight by kind of making sure you push your wires together and also if you push the one you going over down a little bit you can bring the one that you bring it over into the middle a bit closer to it and then bring it back out so they're all level something like that then here we always need to bring this thing go on over and into the middle but now I want to start adding in my little loops as well so to do that all I'm going to do is take that single wire and you can use fires if you want to like round nose pliers or bail making pliers but I'm just gonna use my hands and fingers and then we're gonna kind of smooth it out and start getting a curve into it but kind of opposite to the natural curve of the braid so now as I come around itself like this and then loop around and over the top of itself you can look a bit wonky to start with but just kind of keep bringing it down I kind of grab onto the length with my hand and then I gradually bring the loop closer and closer so becomes smaller and smaller and obviously we want a nice shape in that loop as well now if you feel like you do need the pliers just to help with the shape a little bit that's absolutely fine because it can be a little bit tricky to kind of get the loop nicely shaped while making it gradually smaller and smaller and I'm also kind of smoothing out my wire here as I'm doing it so I want this to still be a little bit smaller it can also be helpful to put your finger on it and then kind of bring it in a bit more it also helps hold the shape nicely you can see it's getting gradually smaller now how small or large you want it is really up to you and also it depends really on the cabochons that you're using so you might need them a bit larger if you're using quite a large or thick cabochons but if it's a fine or thin a small one then you can maybe get away with some smaller loops here on the edge of the braid because regardless obviously there are quite a few loops all the way around so they don't need to cover the back of the cabochons too much so bringing it closer and closer in I think I'm not you're just gonna grab a pair of pliers just to kind of shape it up a bit nicer so I just have a pair of round nose pliers for that because obviously want that rounded shape to help so I'm just gonna kind of go in and we're also wanted in just maybe tighten up a little bit make it a bit smaller but while keeping the shape so it's just to kind of show you how you can do it here so make sure you go in and keep the shape that you want or if you need to always to make it rounder than what you kind of had before while bringing it in closer and smaller and then once you're more or less there what you're gonna find is that the length of the wire now after making that loop is naturally crossing over that next pair and into the middle so that part is really already done the only thing really is if you need to adjust anything how it's sitting but otherwise that's already over and into the middle and then you otherwise just want to continue here so we just go to the other side again and then bring that over and into the middle like that and then otherwise you continue and what I then just want to mention is where you want to make your loops I'm only going to be making them on the same side so that means this one is not going to go over into the middle as well and next time we're going to move the single wire but I'm not going to make a loop on this side I'm only gonna make a loop with the single way every time that we're moving that from the right to the left in this case obviously you might be doing it on the other side it doesn't matter but just make sure you make the loops on the same side every time you have the single wire on that side so I'll think hep braiding here another each mile as the full length of need for the cabochons and I've also taken the clamp off so what else just want to do is you can look a little loops here if they're a little bit too open you can always just go in with some chain nose or flat nose pliers and kind of just push them together just to kind of close them up a bit more make it a bit more flat but otherwise what you also want to do is kind of measure the length here throughout to make sure to make more or less the right length instead of making far too much or far too little and the way that I recommend doing that is for instance by taking a cabbage in here and then I just have a piece of scrap wire you can also use called whatever you have and then what we want to do is measure the circumference of the cabbage in so you start at the top there and then bring it all the way around wise lying flat on the surface and just to get pretty much the circumference now I just like to add this a little bit more you still have a bit of player because obviously the wire the braid that were making is going to take up a bit more space it's a bit chunkier then say this wire is because it's quite a fine one but just to get a pretty good idea because we can always just do one or two extra stitches if we need to or undo one or two but I don't want to do it too much then I remove the cabochons straighten this back out and then here I have the length and I keep referencing this then to the braid so as I'm making this I'm going to keep using this basically make sure that I kind of stop myself so I don't make too much or too little at least not too much of it but now that I then have my braids ready we need to start shaping it around the cabochons so I'm gonna grab that as well and in this case here you can see I have seven loops so I can also use that for reference so I know that this one here is the middle one so I have three on either side of it so I can reference that and make sure that that one ends up I start with that in the middle on the bottom there of the cabochons obviously yours might be different all depends on the materials that you use but then I just lay it there with a braid on the side of the cabochons and then I want the little loops there to be sticking out below so it's the braid that's going to go around the edge of the cabochons so it is kind of hold on to it make sure that that loop in the middle stays in the middle of the bottom side of the cabochons and I just bring the sides around and also making sure the braids kinda just comes in over the edge of the front side of the cabochons because obviously that's what's going to capture it and then just the other side as well just so basically the two ends of the braid end up meeting up right there at the top so just get the shape in place so now you can see here shape the braid all the way around the cabochon so it's nice in the edge and the two ends me at the top and then what I have at the top here is the wires coming out to different sides so I have two pairs there and on one side and then the single one is going towards the front and the other side it's the same principle also the single one goes towards the front so then what we need to do is start working on the bail so the first thing I'm just gonna do here is just separate out the wires a little bit more too so I have some space to work with so the front ones I'm just gonna kind of bring them away just so they don't overlap too much because what I'm gonna do is end up focusing on the middle pairs so also the back ones just kind of get them out of the way a little bit so now just gently push it out of the way so I'm gonna fit focus like I said on these two middle pairs one on each side and I'm gonna first of all right out the back one out of the two the other one we also can push it a little bit because I just want to use one wire from each to begin with so I'm gonna use these two here the background out of the middle pair on each side so then when you start shaping it so basically that just means getting the wires into the right position to start making the bail and wrapping with our weaving wire so I'm just gonna get a pair of chain nose pliers here because I want to get a bend into the wire so basically what we want to do is take one side at a time and that single way that we're going to use first of all it's going to bend it a bit out to the side and then also straighten it out we need to make sure it's as straight as possible you can see that's now going to mark towards the side almost over the top of the other pair and this side here as well we also just want to bend it out to the side so it's just out to the same side where it's coming from and then we can just keep it just in them just want to make them a little bit more even and obviously they're not gonna be going out to the sides this much but it's just to get it started then what we do want is for both of them that's we're coming out from the middle just bring these down a little bit away from each other so they're coming from that midpoint in there where they kind of meet almost and then I do want them to move away from each other gradually a bit of an angle but at the same time not too much of an angle so this is still a bit more than I want just gonna gradually just still bring them a little bit closer to each other and then I still want to make sure that the actual lengths are nice and smooth and as straight as possible here I'll just use my fingers to smooth them out because these are going to form the very first part of the bill so basically the size of the bail you see them meet together like that so then what we need to do now is bring in the weaving wire so I then have my point formula wire here if you want to you can for length and work with that but I'm gonna be working with this off the real just because it's hard to know exactly how long lengths we're going to need and then bring in my braid again here and then my length of the point foremost so I'm just gonna be focusing like I said on these two that I've got ready now and they're in the position what I wanted to be so I'm gonna put that tail leaving a short tail on the end there and then behind the wires so we just need to get started it can be a little bit fiddly here in the beginning because obviously this is still loose and coming apart but once we get started it's gonna be much easier and then I just want to wrap this around you can bring this tail around make it a little bit more fastened to hold on to so it's not going to move around too much then I'm gonna just wrap around this one by itself focus you will have these in the way maybe I should just move them out a little bit here maybe see a little bit there I'm focusing on these two and I hope coming behind so I'm just gonna wrap around the first one by itself just to get it attached first of all and push it all the way down I'm just going to wrap around again and make sure to push it down on the beginning here I'm just gonna take some chain nose pliers and push the wraps close together make sure they get nice and tight together it can be a little bit easier cuz so you can get the pliers right in there way so you can't really get your fingers in that so now I have my wire coming out to water back between the two base wires there so like that then I need to cross over to the other side so it's coming out towards the back I'm going to go behind the other wire and bring it over towards the front around towards the front now and then down between the two again and now what I just want to do here before I should tighten this it's just put my cabochons in just to double-check that I'm not making the top here too tight or too loose but actually fits nicely so again put it in and then you don't have to hold it in there the whole time it's just nice right here in the beginning and then you can kind of pull out the Weaver wire here to make it just the right tightness and distance between the two base wires between them for the bail there so decide that I'm gonna go around again make a bit more secure the same one and down between the two again just because it can't really get in there with my fingers I'm just gonna push those nice and close together as well as far down as he'll go basically so now the weave and white is again coming out towards the back between the two and now I'm gonna solve up to the other side so what I'm basically doing is the figure of eight weave hair to kind of fill in the gap of the space between the two base wires to create the veil the basic part of the bail and then wrap around the opposite side here and I'm just swapping from side to side but each time I'm wrapping around twice on each side there before I then swap over to the side like that here again and now that I feel like it's nice and secure and I have this size set just do that one as well so it's ready to go to the side I'm just gonna take out a cabochons again because there's no need to kind of keep holding on to that so we couldn't just continue wrapping like this working away upwards towards my what's going to be the middle of the bail so right now we're working away with the wires they're going away from each other so it kind of becomes a wider and wider area so now I've got to that point there where I know this is gonna be about the middle of my bail so the widest point as well then we need to adjust the base wise because I want to start weaving for where the base wires are going back in towards each other again so we kind of get this little diamond shape so I'm just gonna take my chain nose pliers and then just grab onto the base wire right above where my last wraps are and then just bend them slightly in toward each other again it doesn't have to be too much just basically equivalent as they come in a pack just below so we also end up then having to weave about the same length again something like that you can always just adjust it if you need to you can see there we now have that little diamond shape and then we need to keep weaving I'm just gonna bring these tails a bit away from each other just so it makes it easier to weave so it's kind of open instead of being crossed over and then it's the same principle when we weave same technique the only difference is because now we'll move for a wider place to a narrow a place of weaving it's gonna be a little bit different on how to do it because we still want the weed as tight as possible just need to adjust them here make sure that they are actually still straight as well but the way that we then do that because if you just weave like normal and you're moving from a wider point to a narrow point the wrapping wire here the ween wire is going to naturally want to slip towards that narrower point so obviously we need to make sure we counteract that so right now I'll just weaved on this one as a final one so I'm coming through the two legs you could say the base wise and then going over to the opposite side and then I'm gonna wrap again now the way that we counteract it is when I'm wrapping on this side now I'm going to make sure on the opposite side to hold the last wraps and push down on them while are then tighten the wrap that I'm currently doing and then once more for that double so there you go still nice and tight then as I move to the opposite side I'm gonna then move to the side the work just did the wraps push that down hold on till then just push it down so they stay nice and close together while I then wrap on the opposite side because you can just see here if I just show you if I just started like this the wire national wants to slip towards the narrow point so I like I said we need to make sure that that doesn't happen to get a nice and even wrap and weave so this is basically how you do it make sure you push down on the wrap that you just did so so in principle again push it all the way down and make sure to keep pushing it down while you then wrap on the opposite side and you just keep going like that until you have the full length of your weave and your wrap there so this is going to be the midpoint so now that we the rest of that length for the veil and then we have this radio what I'm also just going to do is just cut off the excess of the weaving wire because obviously still touch to the reel so just gonna cut off and leave a short tail just a decent tail if you need to use that to finish off with so we have that so I have this base of the bail ready now so what we need to do is solve is to deal with the rest of the wires as well and I'm going to do it before we shape anything at all to make the bail complete obviously so what we have left is we have those two wires that we used for this weed part of the bail then I have the two pairs going towards the back on either side there one pair another side then I have the rest of these wires so these two are the ones that came originally from the same pairs that we separate out from the middle there if I have them left and then I have the two single ones at the front and they're just kind of coming out they're out of the way so what I'm gonna do is actually twist some of these pairs and like I said I'm gonna do it before I shape anything because I'm gonna shape them along with this main part of the bail so I'm gonna twist this pair here these two wires twist them together so this this length from the point obviously where they come out of the braid I'm gonna twist this pair here as well so these two back ones and then I'm gonna twist these two wires coming from the original middle pairs one on each side that was separated out so just bring them together in the middle there and then twist them from that midpoint and twist the rest of the lengths so these three pairs basically of wires is what I'm gonna twist now it's up to you how you do that you can use different methods I prefer using some kind of tool because it tends to give a more even twist you can do it by hand but I do find that becomes a little bit more uneven so there's tools like white choices you can get all what I'm just going to be using is a drill so all I'm going to do is because this is already attached these wires obviously to this end on the other end I'm just going to put these into a drill and then use that to twist this length and it becomes nice and even so just twist them however you want to so now then twist my links of wire so as you can see here I have the two come straight out to the back those pairs are wires and then I have the two wires that are used from the front just in front of the bail with the twist going straight up in front of it the going to add a nice and bedroom to the Bell as well then what I just want to do is actually that front twisted one I want to push that forward a little bit just for now and then also the Bell itself I want to put forward as well just to kind of give a bit more space for the other twisted lengths but also just to get the Bell to sit right once we've shaped it so obviously becomes more sitting over the middle of the piece instead of kind of pointing towards the back so just push them forward a little bit like that and then I want to shape the bail so father I'm just gonna get our crochet hook here you can use any formal manuals that you have but I like using these because I have a whole set work and then just choose what size I want so I'm gonna bring that in and then put that behind the bail just about in the middle because then I'm going to push the bail I'm just holding on in front of the twist of wire then I'm just gonna do one at a time because they don't want to push the bail itself around that crochet hook and then down towards the back you can always just bring it around you can see the two tails otherwise they're from the bail actually comes down between the two twisted lengths on the back then just keep bringing it down until the end of the weave pot meets up with the base of the beginning but on the back and then whatever just makes you need to make make sure the weave is pushed nice and tight and you can also just have a look at it from the front just to make sure everything looks nice and sits correctly so obviously we have a lot of wise here kind of in the way but we're just dealing with them a bit at a time so I'll just shape the bail now there so you can also just push a little bit closer together to make sure the gap between the end of the weave and the beginning isn't too big I do this cause as you can get them so like that then you can either leave this in there or take it out and then I want to start pushing this twisted wire the twisted lengths they're just literally over the tops will fall in the shape of the bail and just line right there in the middle it's just gonna add a nice embellishment and again just towards the back just flip it around in I can get in between my wires here and that then comes all the way down so the litter just follows the shape of the bill itself like I said and now these wires are just going straight down towards the back of the piece for now so there we have more or less the shape or the bail in place and then any final adjustments that you just want to make around this area I recommend doing that now so then what I want to do now is use the short lengths that I have left at my weaving by here just to attach the end of the veil to the front side just to make it nice and secure so it's basically the same on both sides on one side we have the length left that we used to weave with the other side is the original tail we left so all I'm going to do is on this side here I have the length they used to weave with so what I'm going to do that's coming from the you could say the back part of the Bale the end of it so I need to connect that to the front side so all I'm gonna do is just bring this from the back there towards the front and then I'm going to make sure to kind of wrap it around one of these wires or the way that's feathers to the back just a single one so that basically means I'm going down between those two there and then I'm just gonna pull it all the way through and that's also then gonna sit these wraps are going to be doing right next to the very beginning of the bail so make it blend in as nicely as possible and then come around so basically now wrapping around that single wire by itself I'm just going to do that again so I always like to wrap at least twice around the same wire that's most secure I think rather than just the once and bring that down again make sure you don't get any kinks or if anything forms like that undo it before you keep pulling and like that bring it back up again so it's wrapping around that single wire there then I'm going to go back to the other part of the bails or the end and basically we're kind of wrapping in a figure of eight motion around these two so pretending is almost like a wire we were doing it's just obviously to connect these two paths securely together so wrap around that single leg just on this side of the bail and you can always use chain nose pliers to help push everything close together because obviously that can sometimes get in further where your fingers can't really get in so there we go and then I'm probably just gonna do the last wrap towards the inside so more towards the front of the bail there and then also gonna just finish it off just need to come on the other side of the twisted wire you can always push anything out of the way gently that is kind of in your way and then I just need to grab the end there with my pliers and pull it all the way down come back around to get those wraps in place and then just do one more so keep going down between those ways in the same place and then just pulling the whole length through because the aim here really is to get it secured and once you've then done that I just want to make sure everything is pushed nice and tight together using my chain nose that is then you can just do the same on the other side but using this other tail so that's now technically coming from the front packers that was the original tail that we left but it isn't that it's the same principle now I just bring it towards the front first of all on the other leg otherwise said that we have coming up from the end of the bail so you just do the same thing now you just come up between the wires from the back instead so same principle wrap this side as well cuz then we secured both base wires that coming through the bail and then I'm gonna just grab a pair of my wire cutters here because what we need to do is get rid of the excess of these weaving wires using them now so I'm gonna make sure to do is that wrap a couple times around the last few wraps that I've done they're just going to cut off the excess and then I take my chain nose pliers and make sure to push this down and if I can kind of nestle it into something so in between some wires however you can kind of get it rid of it just to make sure you can't feel the end sticking out that's going to catch on anything so like that and obviously finish the other one off in the same way and then I want to actually start finishing off so the base wires as well so I'm going to finish off all the ones here they're used for the bail so both the legs that are coming out from the weave Pat but also this twisted way so I'm just going to start with these bare lengths of wire that are coming up from the weave Pat and again I'm gonna just get some wire cutters in and then we just want to check basically we want to cut it off not right below with the weave ends because obviously that will kind of make it slip off and not secure but I want to leave a few millimeters below where the weave ends something a bit like that you just do one at a time and cut the other one to the same length so that you just kind of want to have two things we're going to cut off and end up with the same length I just use the first one as a guide so push one side against there because that makes sure that the other one becomes more or less the same length like that so I've now cut them off and then I want to take my chain nose pliers again because we then need to kind of bend these in and make them secure now they can be a little bit fiddly to get in there but just do the best you can I'm gonna grab again one at a time grab on the end of it and then start to curl or bend inwards basically kind of inwards and upwards to hide it within the bail more or less you can kind of see it there you can also come in if you need to just kind of move this around from the front and help push it in the exact position that you want it to make sure it gets tucked away and hidden away in there and then the same on the other side make sure you grab the very end of it and then you bring it inwards and upwards and if you need to check from the front and maneuver anything you can just get your plies in there as well so that's finishing off the two bare wire legs from the actual Bale itself and then we're guarding the twisted length on the back that I'm literally just going to do the exact same thing so just get my wire cutters and then cut off the excess making sure I'd leave a short length so something a bit like that I'd rather cut off too little than too much so the lengths I end up with is longer than I need to because we can always cut off a bit more for Neetu rather than always if we cut off too much obviously the damage is kind of done and we can't really do anything about that so just want to get the right length here just basically enough that we can grab onto it with the chain nose again and then start to bend and curl that inwards and that's going to latest underneath the end of the bail there and because this is twisted why what you'll find is and as I'm grabbing on to the end here with my pliers it opens up a little bit but don't worry about that too much because again you're gonna end up inside really there the bail just get them in the best you can really took them up underneath twist them in so the ends get out of the way that's the main thing because obviously we won't don't want them to stick out anywhere to catch our scratch in any clothes or skin and then push them all the way in there as far as you can get and again you can always check it from the front just also to make sure no why's it sticking out at the front because obviously we want it to be nice and neat as well so something like that and then I just want to double check here with my cabbage and again to see if everything still fits and how it looks because now is the time to make any adjustments around here if you need to so obviously if you need to tuck any of these wires and move anything around because also to make sure the nut the back looks nice and neat as well so now I want to get rid of those two bare wires there as well and secure them in place so basically it's the same as each other what I want to do is kind of get them to wrap around where they end up so this one here is wrapping over the top in the braid structure so what I'm gonna do is bring it around towards the back and just kind of put it through the piece so something like that and the other one here is coming from behind and wanting to wrap around towards the front so I'm just going to kind of continue that and again wrap it around the wires that it's naturally wanted to go over then we need to cut off the excess so on here I'm just going to cut off the excess making sure I leave just a little length again that I can then manage with my chain nose pliers something like that so grab on to that end and then just make sure to completely tuck that in and squeeze it tight and close as well so again the end doesn't stick out and catch on anything same with the other one you can either do it from the front or you can flip it towards the back then we're going to flip it towards the back here and then cut off the excess just see where I want it to finish and then cut off that excess bit of wire that I don't want to use and then again grab my chain nose pliers and then just bring that in tighter as well and just kind of wrapping them around like that and then making sure to squeeze them and push them tight with your chain nose pliers like that fastens them in place so see also we have a lot of other wires going on so what we have left now are these two twisted lengths our wire as well so what I just want to make sure to do with those two lengths there is get them as close to that bail as possible so I'm just going to take my chain nose pliers and kind of help bend them in towards as close next to it as possible and either side of course and these are kind of coming towards the back first of all and then also I'm going to bring them up so this is more going to sit next to it but follow the shape of the bail just bring it up however much you need to I want to make sure how it looks from the back just need to bring that in a little bit more something a bit like that and then what we're going to do is actually follow the shape of the bail on the sides with either of these but I'm going to be using that same crochet hook the DS we thought just to help with the shape because obviously we're just doing it freehand you can do that it's gonna be a little bit trickier to get the same shape as the bail so just put whatever mandrel you're using back in through the bail and then start just doing one of these at a time around it towards the front and you can see it might want to just separate out a little bit like that so just once you've got a shape just keep pushing it in maneuvering it around a little bit and using your pliers here can really help because gonna force it into place more so just as close as you can get there like I said following that shape of the bail as well cost you the other side as well make sure it's pushed all the way up and then bring that around to the front along with the other one so you can see we have that kind of continue continue ality of the twisted wire on top of the bail there in the middle but then also on the sides and then we just need to kind of finish him off right here on the front and then it's a matter just looking on yours to see which one you think will suit best to cross over the other one so in this case here I've got my left one looking from the front it's gonna be the bottom one cuz it just all depends on how it fits in there so what I'm gonna actually then do is get the end of this and put it through my piece in the middle try not get too much of bends in there I'm still keeping my mandrel in the bail just to help keep the shape especially of the twisted wires there but then I've got that through and then make sure that that mandrel sits right towards the top so I don't pull these down or anything and then I'm gonna bring it all the way in right there in the middle underneath the bail basically something like that and we can always tuck it in more with our pliers when we get to that point then I'm going to take the other one that's technic resting over MA and also bring that through and then you can see we're going to get this little almost V shape of these twisted wires just kind of hugging the bail nicely so make any adjustments that you need to if any parts of the twisted wire go in our shape along the bail then at just that I feel like that just needs to get straightened out a little bit just so it runs all the way down so like that's what bring it up underneath it as far as it'll go and the same with the other one bring that all the way up underneath and then here on the back where the wires will be coming out now what I want to do is basically just finishing off so again I keep holding that mandrel and pushing against the top just to make sure they stay in the shape that I want them to have next to that weave bail that we made and then what we want to do is cut off the excess so I'm gonna get my wire cutters here and then just cut off leaving a short length again we can grab onto like that same with the other side and again rather cut off too little than too much because we can always call for a bit more need to and then juice with one side at a time you want to do the same on both grab onto the end and then just start getting that end out of the way but I'm just blending it basically around the side of the back and then in towards inside the bail or the book towards us far and the bottom as I can however you need to hold it as well it can be a little bit fiddly so just grab onto it and make sure that those ends go nice nicely inside of the Bale just so you can't feel them on anything so put your finger over it's not going to catch on anything especially close obviously do the same with the one on the other side as well and then just once you took them both away then all this really left obviously is actually capturing the cabochons using these loops so to do that with enough cause me to bring in our cabochons here and place that inside of our piece so I'm putting it in from the back because that's the part is still open but we now need to capture as well and then always do that braid just runs along the edge of it and then we need to bend these loops in over the back of the cabochons to capture in place completely so I'm just going to hold it all in place in my hand or then put my finger in the back here make sure it stays exactly where I want it to then I take my chain nose pliers and then I just I like to start with the kind of bottom middle one and then I literally just grab onto it and start bending in over the end of the caption you can always use your fingers to help bend it down because obviously you can only get so far with the pliers close to the caption so that's one you can see the principle of how it's going to capture and then you just want to continue with the other ones just do one at a time here gently bend it over and then you can finish it off and pushing it down with your fingers and just move all the way around until you've done all of them and you can tell that your cabochons is in then nice and securely so now completely capture the cowfish in here and it's securely in place you can see on the back those little loops just hold it all the way around while still also adding a decorative touch and not covering up the back too much as well but obviously they were made at just part of the braid there so it's all incorporated in tomorrow that's one piece and then we just made the bail there to finish it off with so that's how it looks and I just put my chain through the bail and then obviously I put my clasp on the chain as well so it's ready to wear so that's how you make this necklace so just a simple braid really three strand braid there but then just adding those loops to capture the cabochons I'll be able to use as a bit of a bezel so I really hope you enjoyed this tutorial I have lots of the tutorials about how to capture collisions on my youtube channel and also if you make anything for my tutorials I would love to see any of it so if you check me on Instagram and you can always tag me on there if you want me to see what you make so otherwise thank you so much for watching this one and I'll see you in the next one you
Channel: CSLdesigns
Views: 20,005
Rating: 4.951807 out of 5
Keywords: wirework, wirework jewelry tutorials, necklace, cabochon, wirework cabochon, braid, wirework braid, CSLdesigns, wire wrapping, wire wrapping stones, wire wrapping techniques, wire wrapped cabochon, tutorial, cabochon tutorial, diy, how to, handmade, diy jewelry, diy jewellery, how to jewelry, how to jewellery, handmade jewelry, handmade jewellery, diy wirework, how to wirework, handmade wirework, diy cabochon, how to cabochon, handmade cabochon, gemstone, wire wrapped pendant
Id: L1zoIZrRg5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 8sec (2708 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 09 2018
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