Candy Spirals wirework necklace

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hello there are melodia makers and christina CSL designs and in today's tutorial I'm going to show you how to make this kandi spirals wire work necklace now I've already made several other pieces for this set here and this is in the necklace version there's gonna be a link to the playlist for the whole set in description box down below and I'm also gonna have several of these for sale in my Etsy shop and again that link is also gonna be in description box down below if you're interested but if you want to learn how to make it then keep watching so these are the materials that we'll need first of all I have two different gauges of regular round copper wire the first one is a point eight mill here this is gonna make the embellishment and next I have a one millimeter so this is just going to be the base wire and the strength of the piece and then of course we need our beads as well so these ones are some 8 millimeter rounds now the specific ones I'm using are some white jade gemstone rounds of course you can use whatever you want to just make sure the holes are large enough to fit your base wire in this case the 1 millimeter through if you find that to be an issue you can always use a point 8 mil instead of the 1 mil as the base wire but then finally I've also just got my findings here so I've got my chain to obviously make it into a necklace and then I've got my synergy and a lot to call clasp and of course I'm gonna use jump rings to attach it all together now don't forget you can check out the description box below the video father materialist and any links you might need otherwise let's get all the materials ready and let's get started then we need to cut some lakes of our wire and what I have here first of all is a length of my 1 mil or about 25 centimeters so this is gonna be the base wire next I have 6 lengths I'm a point 8 mill here about 30 centimetres each and these are going to be the wires for the embellishment now what I'm then gonna do is separate these six lengths into two groups so I'm going to have 3 in each and I'm just gonna put the 1 group so 3 lengths there to the side for now and just start with these three and the base wire as well because we need to attach the lengths of a point 8 mill here onto the base wire and I'm just gonna do one at a time so stepmother this group here three wives but I'm working with one at a time and then just starting towards the end then I'm grabbing my base wire and also work towards the end but you want to make sure you leave enough lengths here on the base way to be able to make a wrapped loop so I just want to move up a little bit it's something like this and then all we're gonna do to attach this wire is wrap it around the base wire all the way to come and base it back out in the same direction where was coming like that so do a full wrap around like that and then what I like to do is just because it is a thicker gauge we're working with can be a little bit harder to handle so I'd like to just make sure I squeeze this wrap as tight as I can around the base wire so it's not too loose now you'll find that you can still move this up and down your wire so you don't have to worry too much about where it's sitting right now but I do like to kind of start placing them where I want them to sit you can just move them into position if they move around themselves so obviously the harder you kind of squeeze around the base while the harder it will be to move but that's the first one next I'm just going to grab the next wire in that group literally place it above the first one and just about the same tail there just enough so we have a little bit to hold on to and to finish off with wrap this around in the exact same way like that come back out in the same direction and I like to always and smooth out my wire here because it might get a little bit our shape as we're working with it with our hands and fingers but otherwise tighten that can also make sure wrap itself is nice and tight and then they're sitting right above each other and then you just want to add the last one in the exact same way when you then attached all three it's now time to start adding in the beads in so I'm just gonna grab my first bead and I'm going to add it too with ace wire so to the open end that's facing away from us so I have the other end down here this is the part that we've left to make a replica with later on but I then have the beads sitting right above where touched my wires now the wife is sitting next to each other so the lane literally one next to the other and then the last one so I'm going to make sure they continue to sit like this so I'm going to be moving them almost I said there were just one but obviously it's three we have I'm just going to move them all at the same time so making sure the bead is sitting as close to the wire as possible it can't go any further I grab hold with my fingers and then I start to bring these legs are wise to the group of three around the side of the bead making sure they're all staying like that flat next to each other and then I'm gonna bring them over the top of the bead but also the base wire there towards the other side now you can see I'm still making sure they're laying flat next to each other and then going to grab the group the wires and bring them below the base wire back out towards the direction where they were coming from so something like that now because this is quite a thick gauge wire we're using and obviously it's three at the same time it is a fair bit to work with and also you might find that the base wire is going to move a little bit our shape so just push it back into shape if you need to to get that kind of straight line so that's the first bead added now to add the next one it's gonna let you repeat the exact same thing so grab a bead put it onto the base wire let it sit and fall downwards gonna sit right above the Y's that we worked around the previous bead now again I'm holding on to everything making sure it stays down this so it doesn't kind of slip up and we end up with a cap bring the group of y's are on the side of the bead so again they sit like that and then over the top of bead and the top of the wire and then back underneath while sitting nice and flat next to each other bring it all the way out to the side well it was coming from so like that I've now added two beads so you basically just wanna keep adding your beads in like this until you have the amount that you want so I've now reached the point here where I have a one bead left to add and I'm gonna just add that but instead of just bringing these wires around the side kind of capturing that place like the other ones what we need to do is just leave them there for now and then I'm gonna flip this around and obviously the bead is loose but just kind of keep it in place best you can then what we need to do is on the other end here we need to grab the remaining three wire so the other group that we didn't use yet of the point eight mil and then we need to attach these below the bead so that's why we need to make sure we add the bead first and then same principle put the wire behind the base Oya leave a little tail and then just attach them one at a time by wrapping it around the base wire and then just making sure to squeeze it tight so it's the first one enough coarse move on and do the same with the remaining two so now they're attached here what we need to do is use these wires that were just attached to kind of create the embellishment or the wraps you could say around the beads on the opposite side but before we do do that I'd like to just make sure that first of all push the wires and the beat of to sit right next to everything else and then before I just start bringing these around I like to just kind of stack the wrap on the opposite side the final one there so just make sure the bead is pushed down close and then bring her the group of wires here it can be a little bit fiddly around the side of the bead but don't bring it all the way over the top but just to sit something a bit like that because then they're in position so we can start wrapping with the other group so that is just the same principle really so again make sure everything is sitting tight to go so we don't get any unwanted gaps just gonna make sure that the wire is smoothed out here and then I'm holding it so the rats that I did before are sitting on the opposite side there where I'm gonna wrap now is around the kind of empty side of the beads so again I'm grabbing onto the Y's in the beginning and the bead then we're gonna wrap them around the side of that first bead and then go over the top now what I'm doing obvious I'm not adding the beads now but I'm just gonna place the Y's in between the first and the second bead so in-between the two beads they're still kind of working with them as one making sure they stay flat next to each other within the group then I'm gonna again just bring them underneath and then come back out in the same direction you can see I'm still just the otherwise they're kind of just left open I'm gonna deal with them once we've gone all the way down this side and then just moving on to the next one go around the side of the bead move over the top of the bead and the wires in between this current bead and the next one and come back underneath and straight up to the same side and that is just how you want to now wrap with this group here continue that all the way down to the other end so we end up in the same position as we are on this end here so now reach the other end here we can see I was about to wrap the last bead but before I do that you can see we've ended up in the same position in both ends and we're now gonna start finishing it off and because it's the same in both ends I'm just gonna show you on one so before I bring these wires to the group that I'm wrapping around that final bead what only just do is finish off the other short little ends first cause otherwise that would just be more difficult might as well do it while we have a bit more space so I have the three lengths kind of just sticking out to the side I want to grab the very first one so the one that's closest towards the bead I'm just using my pliers for this is a little bit easy to grab hold of the wires and I basically just want to wrap it continue the rapid in the same direction that it's already going so it's going towards the opposite side there so we're just wrapping it around a little bit more to make it more secure and then I'm gonna grab my flush cutters and go ahead and cut off the excess and I'm gonna cut it off further close so it's not too long of a length left because what I'm not gonna do is take my chain nose again a flat nose and squeeze it down and as I'm pushing it in it's gonna basically get tucked in and hidden underneath these other wires that were wrapped around and then just go through to the next one just bring that over to the opposite side you can see we just continue in the wrap go ahead and cut off the excess and then flatten down the end always make sure to do that so we can't feel the scratching that's from the end of the wire and I have one left I'm just gonna repeat the same thing just bring it around towards the opposite side there make sure the wraps are nice and tight and then just go in and cut off the excess and make sure to then squeeze the very end down like that so that's not gotten rid of the shot little ends there that we had initially so now what I can do because we got rid of them don't need to worry about them anymore I can finish off the wrap here around that last bead so do that first bring it around in the same way now don't bring it all the way up and over the top here I'm bringing it around the side of the bead and then just kind of bring the wires into position as if I was then gonna bring them over the top and then down behind now what I'm gonna do instead is have them laying flat next to each other then I'm gonna grab the very first one and I'm holding it in place here around the bead so it stays in place now what I'm going to do with this is with a single wire wrap it around the base wire here above right literally above the other apps that are already there so make it nice and close to them so a full wrap and a bit to make it secure and just push it down if we need to and then I just want to actually push it a little bit more just to make sure I don't have any unwanted gaps then I'm just gonna kind of bring it around again but not all the way just a safe we're gonna wrap it another time but I didn't want to cut off the excess making sure it's only that and not obviously the other way is there by accident and make sure as always to just squeeze that down now that's the first one then I'm gonna grab the next one which is technically the middle one out of three make sure it stays in that position around the side of the bead and then again I hold my finger on the wise on the bead just so they stay where I want them to and we'll let you wrap this around in the same way just making sure it's all nice and tight and then cut off the excess squeeze down the very end so we're now only left with the last wire same principle hold it down with your fingers bring that around to make the final wrap right above all the others you see make your wrap as tight as possible and makes it a seamless as possible between the different wires and the kind of graduate being the ends are kind of being hidden underneath otherwise as we're doing this so there we go that's now this end finished off with the Y's that we used to make the embellishment so obviously go to the other end and repeat the exact same thing so now we've got rid of all the excess wires from the embellishment wires then what I'm gonna do is just finish off the ends of the base wire as well just so we can kind of get all that in place so I'm gonna do in both ends is make a wrapped loop and again I'm just going to show you in the one so I take my chain nose pliers here and then I place them I like to then put it sideways a few millimeters above the final wrap and then you want to put in a bend of about 90 degrees or so around there and then I personally like to use my 6 step bail making pliers and then I use in my case here the smallest step you can also just use round nose pliers I just like these because you know exactly what step you're gonna get and you can make sure you make the loops on the end of the exact same size then I place that on the band and then bring the wire back around all the way so it creates a full circle like that and then grab onto that circle with my flat nose pliers so stays in place while then wrap this tail around just below the circle basically filling in that space that we left until making sure the wraps are nice and tight I don't have any more space so this wrap that I'm doing now basically meets up with the existing wrap you can see you have got any more space now so all I want to do then is go in and cut off the excess and then again always making sure that I squeeze that very end down because if you run your fingers over it right when you cut it off you can feel it and it's going to catch on your clothes or your skin and we don't want that so you squeeze that down until you can't feel it anymore and there we go that's now a rack loop on this end and like I said just repeat the exact same on the other end as well so of course if you like the way that this looks as it is now with the embellishment you can leave it like this but what I'm gonna do is show you how I'm just gonna kind of create the embellishment more over the beads so doesn't matter waste after I'm just gonna start from this end here now what you do is simply just move the wires that around the sides of the beads so I'm not bothered about putting them around the back because also first we're not going to see that ball so it's nicer to have it smooth against if you went against your skin so I'm just gonna bring one wire at a time so the furthest inner ones then either side I'm gonna bring closer to each other I'm just using my nails here and then that one as well push them in towards each other so they get closer and just keep adjusting them and then you can do the next one you can also push them a little bit further out the sides you just basically want to keep pushing the wires into place until you're happy with how they look sitting around the bead just push it down a little bit more it's just something a little bit like that you can see we kind of get that spiral effect and coming around the bead but we can also still see the bead through and then you just move on to the next one push one wire at a time now you then might find as you then go into the next one and moving those wires it might move the previous ones a little bit or the ones you just did but all you do is just go back and adjust that if some of them do move a little bit you can just kind of put your fingers on anything and then just readjust them slightly but you let you just push the wires closer to each other in over the bead you can see we get that kind of spiral effect but only on the front here so that's the effect you can get as well now I'm just gonna do this all the way along with all the beads but you could also alternate so if you likely look at this as well have one way you move the wires have one where you leave it like the originals will kind of have it open and then alternating all the way along so it really is up to you how you prefer yours to look there's plenty of options there so just keep doing this and then all that's left to do is shape and attach our chain and findings so to then shape it here you're gonna find that you kind of have one side that appears to be more the bottom and one's more the top now for me it's kind of where the wire appears to be kind of coming or hanging further down so it's this where here which means this is going to be my bottom and all I'm gonna do is start putting a curve into it so we just want a curve so it hangs nicely on the neckline to put a gentle curve in until you're happy with it and so the loops here on the ends kind of pointing a bit more upwards and angle because then we're going to attach the chain to those loops and this is kind of gonna hang almost a bit like a pendant from the chain so however much of a curve you want in it is really up to you depending how you want it to look but then when you're happy with it you can then just take but jump ring and of course just open that up and then place that through one of the loops and then you just add your chain into it as well you can get the jump ring through like that close it back up and then this is how you would add your chain of course you would also add it to the other side as well and you can attach your clasp at the end of the chain if you want to and then you have your finished necklace so that's how you make this kandi spirals wire work necklace and as you can see it's a pretty simple technique to make it and it's also fairly quick now don't forget all the other tutorials that I've already made in this set here that matches nicely I'm gonna have a playlist with it it's going to be in description down below you can find a link straight to it otherwise thank you so much for watching this one and I'll see you in the next one [Music] [Music]
Channel: CSLdesigns
Views: 9,850
Rating: 4.9932547 out of 5
Keywords: CSLdesigns, jewelry, jewellery, diy, how to, handmade, diy jewelry, diy jewellery, how to jewelry, how to jewellery, handmade jewelry, handmade jewellery, wirework, wirework tutorial, wirework necklace, necklace tutorial, jewelry tutorial, jewellery tutorial, candy spirals, candy spirals wirework necklace, candy spirals wirework jewelry, jewelry making, jewellery making, beaded jewelry, gemstones, beaded necklace, pendant, wirework pendant, csldesigns, csldesigns wire work
Id: OwZW77J3Pa8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 19sec (1579 seconds)
Published: Mon May 11 2020
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