Adam Sandler on Taking Daughters to Taylor Swift Premiere & Working with Henry Winkler in Waterboy

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our first guest on tonight's the water boy Reunion Show is an internationally beloved comedian and actor and singer with the voice of a lizard his new animated movie Leo premieres tomorrow on Netflix please welcome Adam [Applause] Sandler it's very good to see you how are you thank you for that I'm very happy to see you Jimmy hey rock and roll all right I love you thank you pretty good Jimmy everybody loves you you know I uh I was watching uh you know I'll tell you a little story a little bit later about watching the movie with my family but your whole family is in your movie you're you're by the way the message that you sent me your your family watching was the greatest we we watched your daughters watch Olivia Rodrigo and we were like man that was genuine happiness it's so crazy I mean cuz I remember seeing you on remote control and thinking this guy's really funny and now my kids who are nine and six years old are fans of yours you've been around a very long time I got old yep Y no no I I can't believe it my life's been all right your life's been all right too we we did good buddy things are going well we are very fortunate for sure you got your whole family in this movie wife your two daughters Sunny sad your wife Jackie everybody's in it they were in the last movie too which I we love that movie too told that was great thank you they're doing great they're nice kids my my they they are in these movies like this is an animated movie so they started doing the voices when they were little like you know four years ago it started oh really wow and so then they had to continue doing it and their voices were changing but we got away with it and uh and they just very uh very funny they they this is what they want to do um they like I I I was telling somebody the bot Mah movie came out and they're both in this movie and uh I I saw him the next morning and I spoke to Netflix I said hey that movie did really good you know people uh you know watching it blah blah blah they were like uh uh where we eating breakfast they literally don't even notice that they just move right on if I was in a movie at that age I'd be like I'd be very happy yeah right so they at the big Premiere yesterday they were unfaced they're pretty unfaced they don't make it a big deal they grew up with daddy doing it and stuff andom do you like that or I I'm happy that it's not everything to them that side of the the stuff they they are kind of passionate about wanting to be good and acting and that's that's all they and yet in a way I sense that that bothers you that they're Cooler Than Me they are much cooler than I am will ever be what were you like at your first movie premiere oh my God my first movie premiere I did a movie called it at the time it was called The Unsinkable she moscowitz and I was 22 I just moved to California so it's really cool I I got I went on at Bud Freeman asked me to move out to LA he said you could do good out here and I went on did The Improv and I think it was like my first or second night I got off stage these three people came up to me and they said hey you were pretty funny I said oh thank you they said you want to star in the movie I said yeah absolutely and that was it and I was like wow this town's incredible man and and I did then any thank you guys and I I swear to God I come home and Jud appow was a young young kid we none of us worked here and I told Jud I said these guys came up to me after the show he said oh my God how's the script I said I I don't know he goes do they have a script I go I have no idea man and uh and I just went there and it was a it was actually just a movie about a comedian on a boat uh it was called The Unsinkable Shey mosu it's they changed the title to babes a Hoy but but they had a big uh that's quite a change to babes aoy it it was the best experience I got to meet a lot of great people I got to know what shooting movies are like and there was a Premiere and my family came out for it and the movie wasn't excellent but uh it wasn't excellent but my father and mother got to see me on screen and they even though it wasn't the greatest they were going like my father's going that a baby this is terrific and my mother's like you are a amazing was it was good it was good that's it very interesting it's actually very similar to well opposite also Henry Winkler's story which we'll get to and I know you guys are are old Pals but he came out and he got Fonzi in like three weeks it was unbelievable I mean come on man I know and that was babes aoy for him too yes yes you guys you took your girls I know to uh the Taylor Swift movie premiere at the Grove that Taylor was there and did I assume they're big fans and all that stff my I have a van I drive around in my van the kids are in the back they they there's a TV in the van they have some I don't know what it is but they they you can listen to music and see the words my kids know every Taylor Swift song they love it I've heard it since they're little literally grew up with every song of hers and but I I was telling Kenny that it says Taylor in songs it says the words and then it will say in parenthesis Taylor giggles and you hear my kids in the back go and I like wow they know every every Taylor think so anyways Taylor's been cool to them we went to the movie premiere and my my kids we sat in a row behind Taylor Taylor after the movie three and a half hour movie or so it was amazing she comes back goes straight to my kids gave him a hug and talked about the bot Mitzvah movie and my kids were so happy oh they must have been it was amazing that is pretty crazy I mean wow that's very special yeah Y and you have a van that's kind of awesome the van is good man the that's where it all happen everybody get a van you'll love you got who was your uh who was like your Taylor Swift when you were a kid when you were there age who who did I wor I worshiped a lot of I mean when I was a I liked Barry Manalo for a long time yeah when I was a little kid I loved every I used to sing can't smile without you a lot yeah uh but then I uh when I got into the deep darkness of rock and roll uh my I think the first I mean I love the beetles but then uh my brother one morning I was sleeping on a water bed with like six of my friends and uh we woke up on a Saturday morning my brother had a Pioneer system and we just heard this thumping and thumping dof and then I am Iron Man and literally we were just like what is this Black Sabbath kind of took over right there yeah it's always the brother that gets you into that kind of stuff my brother Scott got me into the Sabbath and then I was also o saying Van Halen my God arrol Smith Van Halen but I do remember the first time do you remember the first time here in Van Halen um not really I remember the first time I heard Prince I don't remember the first time I heard I was working at Miller's Outpost clothing store and I was like what the hell is this really yeah yeah when does cry or um yeah when does cry yeah cuz that's one of those songs you go what in the world that was pretty incredible yeah my Van Halen stuff was I was I was going to my first party in seventh grade got out of the car somebody dropped us off a mother dropped me and my three friends off we were walking I didn't know this kid's house it was like high at middle school and all a sudden you were around strangers and I remember walking up the street and hearing Atomic Punk kind of going and I was going holy cow what is this and me and my friends were looking at each other like what is this and that was the first Van Halen moment man when I found out David ler Roth was a Jew boy that made me happy oh yeah and now you got I think we have some photographs here you have you been on your own uh tour I know you've been you've been playing huge does this make you feel like David ler Roth yeah yeah yeah is there anything better than that no this is crazy I don't even know I I started doing standup again maybe five six years ago and now we're doing all these fun places and running it is great I saw a video of you and your daughter I think Sunny sing she was singing a song about um your mood swings yes is very funny that is funny yes that daddy goes up and down pretty quick all right well Daddy is with us his name is Adam Sandler and his movie is called Leo we'll be right back with Adam Sandler right look at this bunch of moto Mouse yep J mod J mod saw Cara in a sweater from Jim there's the snotty click the tween Queens the facad squad peeking at 11 of course the always sick and should have stayed home kid always one bro no way are you taller than me now the inevitable cheese doodle kid now those those look like Dorito fingers we just moved here from the Bronx you're new wow that must have been hard I mean I've never had to leave friends except last year when we went to Myrtle Beach and on the flight home the old lady next to me had arthritis and so I had to help her open her mustard packet first child no filter never heard the word enough that is Leo and Bill Burr a couple of reptiles yeah Bill Burr is that bill bur plays the turtle he's Squirtle the turtle and I am uh Leo but uh Bill bur is excellent funnier than Bill bur I can't believe that guy I did scenes with him he just uh we had the script that he improvised and I was we were two mics next to each other I just stopped and I was like oh my God I love it he's so funny he is super funny you guys are very funny in the movie and I just have to tell you a weird story because we this movie and I don't know if the people understand it but I didn't know this is about a couple of classroom pets that get taken home for the weekend by the kids right well my kid my daughter is nine she has a classroom hamsters named Boba and mochi and I volunteered for us to take them home for the Thanksgiving break wow so we didn't know what the movies about but the kids were like oh we got to get boba and mochi and put them on the table so they can watch the movie with us so they set him up and then wouldn't you know it the movie's about taking the classroom pets home and let me tell you Boba and mochi loved it they did right they loved it yeah there was they didn't say much about it but I could tell that they really saw in a twinkle eyes that's sweet and my kids love and we we all really enjoyed it so happy you guys it's very funny I love that this is a family movie it's cool when it doesn't happen in my life very often I made a few but this one we were thinking about young kids having fun and and and it's coming out on Thanksgiving so we were thinking about Grandparents having a good time parents it's it's for everybody hopefully but yeah yeah it's it means a lot did you when you were a kid have a classroom pet I had a a snake when I was a kid I had a king snake I don't like anything anymore I couldn't touch him if he was here right now I'd be like oh get that snake away from me but when I was a little kid I had a king snake in New York uh and we I I fed him a mouse every I think once every two weeks or something or a week I would give him a mouse and he was my best friend his name was Ralph Ralph the king snake and then apparently my parents talk about this he got loose in the apartment we lived in an apartment building and he got Loos in the apartment build and we had to tell the the whole complex like by the way uh this kid snake got loose and everyone's like what happened and and everyone was nervous to go to the bathroom they thought he was going to come out the toilet but we found Ralph by the way you find Ralph uh I can I say one thing everybody and I hate to interrupt it I just want to say my sister Valerie I love you my sister was uh sick she had to deal with some stuff she went to a hospital in Tucson Arizona and their staff took amazing care of her and particular the nurses and the doctors particularly two doctors took care of her the whole time just want to tell them thank you very much for looking out for my sister you're doing great all right love sorry about that yeah you're very grateful when you get some good doctors like that right abely yes who who care and and your sister lives in Tucson huh yes yes yes I moved here from Tucson yeah yeah that's right you had Vegas Tucson you had a lot Liv everywhere I've been fired from a lot of jobs yeah um well best to your sister and uh that's very sweet of you to uh say hello to her even though she's probably not watching oh she does all right loves you Jimmy abely in that case hey now um you met Henry Winkler when oh boy okay so Henry Winkler you the world loves Henry winklers but I met him the water boy he was nice enough to say yes he' do our movie me and my friends were young dumb fools MH we were instructed by somebody not by Henry but somebody mentioned from his side maybe don't bring up the fs yeah because you're you and I are of the age that we had him like on our lunch boxes like he was really all powerful absolutely I mean there was nobody in our life at our age better than Fonzi loved everything he did he was b b he was Taylor Swift right yeah that he was Taylor like really like foni barbarino and evil canal and that was that was like the Holy Trinity that's pretty huge yes yes yes that's pretty great man that's pretty cool man and so anyways Henry we didn't it was me and my friends we went out to dinner from the first night and I told my friends don't bring up the fonds man we let's just be cool here so we did a whole dinner with Henry we were eating steaks everybody started getting loose everybody was drinking one of my friends we was under the table and he was he fell asleep under the table okay so he's sleeping we're all talking then somebody goes hey let's make a toast and then I hear from under the table do the fs and then I I swear to God we were all like oh man you ruined it we did so good and then Henry goes hey like that oh that was cool you want to hang out cuz I definitely bring out another chair we'll do it like the old days in the talk shows all right hang out Adam Sandler's movie is called Leo Premier on Netflix tomorrow and you can see him on tour the imit tour starts December 2nd in Las Vegas we'll be right back with Henry Way [Applause] play
Channel: Jimmy Kimmel Live
Views: 1,100,895
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jimmy, jimmy kimmel, jimmy kimmel live, late night, talk show, funny, comedic, comedy, clip, comedian, mean tweets, Interview, Hollywood, Los Angeles, West Coast, Celebrity, Actress, Actor, Adam Sandler, The Waterboy, Comedian, Animated Movie, Leo, Sand Man, Sandler Family, Movie Premiere, Taylor Swift, Van Halen, David Lee Roth, I Missed You Tour, Leo the Lizard, Classroom Pet, Judd Apatow, Stand-up, Bill Burr
Id: zhabVqnBFpo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 36sec (876 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 21 2023
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