Brad Makes Olive Oil (In Italy!) | It's Alive | Bon Appétit

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Fantastic as always.

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Vinny learned to fly a drone?

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[Music] then just give me a thumbs up whenever you're done well if anyone made it beautiful Tuscany Italy and today we're gonna be showing you how olive oils made we're here at el Cavallino one of the producers for Lucini olive oil and today we're gonna be showing you what it takes to make extra-virgin olive oil from the harvest to the milling to the bottling you know olive oil is one of my favorite ingredients you know from obviously culinary purposes but also for onion when you get really good high quality we don't need to do this now [Music] [Applause] [Music] joining us here is Mateo from Lucini olive oil and he's gonna be showing us the ropes for how olive oils made what's step one how do we get these things off the tree here we have two way to pick up the olives we can pick up the olives with the rack with the rack we did we did with rack like this okay what kind of what kind of Oliver we deal with here this is a front to your variety frantoio variety green is a good thing green is a good thing the olives born green and turn black after they fall no the they turn black at a certain point of the of the maturation now why do you want to pick a more still green because when the olives are greener are still full polyphenol and vita mean they have a lot of health properties then then black olives so when they turn black is there still are is there still oil in them of course there is probably there is more oil than when they're green on the before oil when it is more or when they're black those are more full of water so they're just [Music] and there's just I mean it seems pretty self-explanatory but just straight just straight regular yes fun yeah beautiful all right going up you flip the ladder for me Matteo all right you're my OSHA representative so Matteo see I'm no professional but you are a little when it comes to olive oil harvest but you know some of the Year guys here remember how long would it take them to do a tree by hand I fool of us usually that are three four person three and they took one hour one hour to an hour to do tree how often does the tree fruit once a year once a year what's here all right man I got one hour to finish this tree you're not helping but Matteo is and I may help you so give us like two hours and come on back then all right Matteo hi I mean old-world way of doing it effective right the rake the ring but there's there's got to be a better way right I mean you guys can't be doing this to ten thousand trees so we'll ditch the rakes they tell me there's another way to do this yes that is an easier way to do it oh it's your Ghostbuster that's ghost master you gotta get him tell you that Matteo who you gonna call hey you gotta hear got a hair trigger on this that way so what are we doing whoa shake it [Music] Ghostbuster Ghostbuster these are called squaty squaty Tori of course they're Scottie sorry this the starter shaker Scott the Toyota Tori school tutorial this is those rakes and get yourself straight away you you you start from the top and then you come down geez oh very Connor yeah much easier Oh big time oh you got me raking over there [Applause] Oh [Applause] Wow all right the eyeball alright great something to you we've got all of our olives on the ground right now we got to collect them how do we do it you have to go from one side of the net to the other side and then we close the net like a book okay oh yeah close the book yeah close the book you seem good at that beautiful and one is done how many people are usually on a net like this two people yeah alright Matias will be loaded up got a bunch of crates here what's the next step in that step put these olives in a bigger bring in a bigger bit small baby the big thing now matera if you had a guess a full basket like this one how much you think that weighs 25 kilos roughly so well that's like 60 pounds yes 60 pounds yeah 60 pounds more or less keep them young of course what's the next move with these where we going next move is to go quick to the mill otherwise we are weak to the mill once they all lives are are harvested they star the fermentation what's the time what's the window how much time you got from from tree to mill the best would be within 12 hours more than 12 hours usually usually we harvest in the morning and we crash in the afternoon all right Benny we're gonna let me put my leg down actually I got Franco here he's the owner and we're gonna be uh we're gonna head over to the mill yeah so we'll see you there baby it's beautiful day Oh Benny thanks for showing up don't worry we got the olives all right gringo hold any beneath you can you can easily see they're organized a wonderful cascade from there [Applause] all right up here I've been so everyone went to grab a little lunch break that's fine we're gonna stay lean and mean and keep on rolling all right show goes on all right 24-hour operation here Vinny there's an auger down there that feeds it into a belt Vinny come up careful babe yeah this is the stuff little auger gravity-fed feeds it up this conveyor belt but pop up all the way up here and it drops it all right videos go down all right watch this that bed oh yeah that conveyor belt drops off into here where it spins and it blows a lot of air and what that does is blows all the Leafs off as you can see how we have the leaves just getting blown out holy olive leaves huh from there they take these and they compost them make fertilizer fertilizer fullcycle Vinny once the leaves are blown off there's another little conveyor belt loads it up sends it into the mill that's a beautiful thing once the leaves are blown off that's that's the first stage in washing I'm a suit laughter that I should I pretend like I don't know what's gonna happen what happens in there I don't know so let's go find now Vinny Oh in the tail all right what's going on in here all these are washer and it's from the border what's happening now this is the the most important part because the aliens had clashed and traditionally it would be done with what initially was done with the stones so with the stone there was a thousand thermal accidents an election is an important part because this is the part where there needs to be a tit the more you relax the more all you get but the lower quality you get now you were saying can you hear can we talk all right Vince it turns out it's pretty loud in that mill just want to give you guys a little recap walk you through what's going on in there after it goes America its piped into the first set of the centrifuge separates the oil in the water goes one way and then the pumice which is the skins seeds neck gets piped out into another trail or outdoors the mixture of oil and water gets piped over to a second and in final centrifuge and that is where we saw that separation of the polyphenol water and then the straight that beautiful vibrant fresh olive oil or oil nor novello nuevo nuovo nuovo no mobo oil no ovo Vinnie don't go over there but there's a lot of angry Italians because I am butchering it well oil novo Louisville right on your waffle whoa how do you want to you don't want to just drink it you want on coke no just put in your mouth and swallow let me swallow or your palate Wow you know it's oil it's a fad but after I taste it my mouth is clean absolutely is that normal yeah these these they're I may be a lot oh that's good yeah that's well I like it you can smell the grass notes you can smell the artichokes and then a little tickle in the minimun of Victor yeah it's a well-balanced oil well though what is that burn depart yeah are the Polyphemus the politburo so that's the that's the a Tyrael antioxidant so when when annoy Allah is meat that in the pungent that means that the night with the physical hear me cover that gorgeous mopping oh it is bringing this home alright great so we're inside first thing I noticed something then a lot of machinery is the color of the bottle calling the bottle is really really important to protect there the oil from the light oil finalized in life is it is one of the main enemy of the oil so light will start to what degrade the oil lighter have the oxidation of the oiler the more do I stay under the light the more they always get the defective okay come to Sun alright guys well you know I'm holding this bottle of olive oil we saw the whole process and you know it's easy to take something like this for granted but when you're out there you know raking halls harvesting by hand filling up crates and bins it's the people it's the culture and you know it's not just an ingredient I gotta say thank you to reaching the Italia for bringing us out here showing us their world Franco Salvador II for showing us his world you know Matteo for showing us around being our point guy there's just everyone you know it I feel like it's an ingredient that people can just take kind of take for granted and it's easy to walk into the supermarket pick it up use it all time but it's more than that it's the culture it's the people generations and this story being able to share this with you guys I hope you can take something away from it I certainly have an open chen's oh did and there's one thing I can say is when you buy olive oil don't use it please it's not going to get better it's not why and doesn't age well don't sit on it use it use it use it and trust me they'll keep making more so that guy was telling Franco I mean obviously I use it for culinary purposes all the time I mean I go through a stupid amount of oil at home oh it's great that's a finishing it's a drizzle over anything but I use it even if just gonna saute onions and you can cook everything in it this actually has a very high smoke point I think there's a big misconception people think oh you can't heat olive oil you can't cook with it and that's just not the case you know if we can get like a helicopter one drones or something use that I mean I just take little spoonfuls of it like I said before it's as much medicine as it is food so please treat it that way so much goes into you know just a simple thing like a bottle of olive oil turns out to be not so simple and you know it's just so much more than you know the things that go into it from the climate the people the hard work I mean generations of folks go I have been doing I've been creating olive oil like this and I gotta say thank you to meteo and Leukemia italia for showing us their world and the ropes that go you know what it takes to make something that we kind of take for granted I learned so much from the harvest the trees the people that are growing them I mean we were hand picking them the amount of work and passion it's as easy as going through the supermarket it seems like such a simple product that is so much complexity to it it's so much more than just olive oil you know and I love being able to tell the stories that can connect the world to something that we use in our daily lives and you know when you go out there and there's one thing I could be one takeaway I could say to you guys when it comes to olive oil it's not one don't you know you spend 25 30 bucks on an awesome bottle a lot of olive oil don't age it don't sit on it it's not gonna get better with time use it use it use it and these fine folks over here in Italy will keep making more I guarantee of that so respect your ingredients respect your body inspector olive oil buon appetito that's Italian you can go down to pick that up picking it up got me something usable there oh hey [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Bon Appétit
Views: 3,342,716
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brad, brad makes, brad makes olive oil, it's alive, it's alive with brad, olive oil, how to make olive oil, olive oil recipe, what is, brad leone, alive, fermented, live food, test kitchen, how to make, fermentation, probiotics, make, bon appetit brad, brad bon appetit, brad it's alive, how olive oil is made, making olive oil, make olive oil, brad in italy, brad olive oil, brad italy, food, bon appetit
Id: r1t_ITj1qoA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 18sec (978 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 13 2018
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