BOYFRIEND Tried to DO THIS (r/AskReddit)

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our slash is credit by IRA date if you like our thumbnail girls and dannan go to journalist using our affiliate link in the description to buy annum triggers merchants and other fun stuff with it what is a common mistake people make when they get their first girl slash boyfriend changing everything about you to fit the relationship eventually it ruins everything testing their loyalty being too clingy / overbearing although it is great to hang out and all that I personally still enjoy and value some good alone time they lose their independence and make a joint life that's what you want to do years down the road but not at first applying tips tricks and tropes from romantic comedies or annum or porn wasting nine months of your life and forgetting who the [ __ ] you are saying I love you after three dates latching onto them when you start dating someone you still need to have a life of your own and allow them to do the same they can't become your life it burns people out thinking they can change that person into someone else or in some other significant way the ignore red flags and I don't mean the crazy kind of red flags but the kind that may generally just apply to you like say you hating cats and choosing to date someone who loves caps and wants to have three probably won't work unless you're willing to be miserable around animals the rest of your life bigger example dating someone who has a complete opposite view on kids as you figure in there I'll change at some point it could happen but chances are it won't or you'll win the compromising that other person will be miserable differences are good they spark excitement and conversation but you should really be on the same page about a lot of things 1 thinking assuming they can be friends after they break up asterisk edit as some users have pointed out yes it's definitely possible to be friends after a breakup I worded this poorly and have corrected asterisk to assuming the feeling is always mutual without verifying it through proper communication a good counter to this is to ask open-ended questions like what do you want as opposed to you want X right 3 failing to properly define boundaries what they are comfortable with physically emotionally etc 4 not defining the relationship clearly are we dating going out on dates seeing each other official boyfriend / girlfriend etc 5 neglecting to define expectations what does being a boyfriend or girlfriend mean to you what sort of behaviors do you expect out of your romantic partner 6 never emotionally reciprocating treating your so like they are just a played it to go do stuff with rather than spending time discussing issues past experiences what their childhood was like how they are feeling what they want in life what they are struggling with etc that's probably a good enough list for confusing infatuation and almost for love sOooo mate we like the same music no one has ever felt this way before spending every waking second together and when you're not together constantly messaging each other and constantly necking them two will suck the life right out of the relationship before it even takes off saying terrible things about your centre friends and family when you two are in it if also thinking that because you're dating that that person belongs to you jettison that [ __ ] stupid thinking right now he also has total freedom as do you listen to dating advice from randoms on the Internet thinking this is the one it's not the one this is your first ride around the parking lot with training wheels it's our 2.5 week anniversary I got you this gift where is my gift I can't believe you forgot not communicating and not expressing their emotions in a good way yeah people express their positive emotions but fail to express the negative ones as well the negative emotions build up and a stressful environment with disputes will emerge a girl tried to [ __ ] me once little did she know years later it like is proposing after two weeks but we've been happily married for six years and have two kids accidentally making another human being too eager to please agreeing with everything thinking they can rescue them from a bad behavior or a troubled past I did this with my first GF she was depressed and taking antidepressants I thought I would swoop in and rescue her from her problems unfortunately that [ __ ] only works in movies for me it was a miserable relationship planning their lives around the other person ends badly not eating they but thinking he /she is the one my usual mistake believe anything they tell you in the first two weeks all those things about how amazing you are how happy they are to have found you it may sound like emotional attachment but it's not they are just infatuated for now and once that wears off they might very well drop you like a hat be prepared for that they move too fast too soon weeding into things that may not actually be there or developed enough to draw conclusions weed all these comments and I went on a trip down memory lane ignoring red flags they are so happy to have their first so that they don't care texting constantly you all talk about everything too fast and then it leaves you with nothing to say or even worse resorting to saying dumb [ __ ] that just ends up annoying the other person with how mundane / / trivial it is you can't make relationship mistakes if no one will date you I'd say that being way too quickly or smothering would be the biggest issue you've got to let it happen naturally and not be too into it which forgets jealousy etc but you know I obviously never did this in my youth it's just something someone told me one time going huge on gifts and the like the first time a bi R th da y / CHR IST mas / VA le NT i nes / asterisk asterisk CA k da y asterisk asterisk comes around you set the bar with that first move gotta leave some room to go bigger later either breaking up too fast after they hit a small bump or not breaking up fast enough and getting back together and dragging the relationship out putting the other person on a pedestal it's their first significant other and because of that inexperience sometimes they've placed too much importance on them ignoring other friends changing too much of themselves and with that comes the danger of insecurity when they've placed someone in such high regard that they don't hold for themselves my advice for a first-timer would be remember you're both human you both have flaws you both are growing love them but they are not perfect and if you place them on a pedestal you are objectifying them because you begin to fall for the idea of them stay humble love like crazy don't obsess like crazy thinking that they are the person you will end up spending your life with over analyzing it I always followed the old showbiz Maxim always leave them wanting more they might help get you into a relationship but after the fact it will seem like you're ignoring them getting overly possessive just because they are yours that doesn't mean they can no longer talk to some other guy or gal don't be a jealous mass texting them non-stop like the puppy you just never want to let go but then that dog runs away and you get off your ass and find that [ __ ] dog hiding or faking aspects of their personality or preferences so their new partner will like them then eventually things will reach the point where they can't stand faking it anymore and blow up at their partner for expecting them to be the person they've been pretending to be all this time shredding these makes me feel bad about not having a first yet by 30 probably will get buried but thinking they are going to get married probably a big one is just dating someone for the sake of dating someone your first date should be with someone you like not just so you can say you've been on a date dated someone not wearing a condom as someone in their first relationship this thread scares me thinking that's as good as it gets settling for [ __ ] because of it not being sure if the so is a boyfriend or girlfriend source me they treat their partner like a princess only to slowly start treating her less that [ __ ] hurts get jealous kill the boyfriend slash girlfriend and start a lifelong career as a serial killer falling madly into bed together too soon a BF / GF relationship built on sex is not one that will last you can be exclusive with your FWB but that's not the same thing at all and way too many people confuse the two all the time / looking serious red flags with the excuse this is my slashes slash our first relationship so I guess I / they just don't know better No if they are being controlling overly jealous putting their hands on you cheating on you or displaying other serious red flag behaviors they definitely know better and you should too but denial and self-deception can win over common sense more often than they ever sure being manipulated losing a lot of themselves or their money or both not being in love or in a mature relationship but believing you are like it people which should experience is telling everyone that everything is [ __ ] and then there's me a guy with no experience is saying that this thread is filled with people with bla you get the idea you think they are the one first loves are the best thing and the worst thing in your life you would do anything for them to keep them to hold on to that magical spark you alienate others you become a different person unless you get yourself a unicorn it is going to kill you inside when it finally ends and the end is never Swift you will make it long and drawn-out because you want to believe that person is everything that society has shown you about love in reality it is the beginning of you becoming the person you will be in later life no one ever came out of a battle victorious without some scars to show for it first love is no different taking notes for when I get my first girlfriend keep some love and respect for yourself and don't let your emotions get in the way of logic I made the mistake of being too eager and rushing into things I now know in retrospect was not ready for he eventually lost interest in me and it was the first time in my life I cried because of a boy I'd say getting too attached too quickly I've noticed guys tend to do this a little more than females they start putting way too much effort into things when they should be taking things at a slower pace and really learning about their partner instead they learn a few details try to change themselves to be more appealing to their partner going off those few details I've done it before and ruined a relationship that almost seemed like destiny great sex doesn't mean the rest of the relationship is great it only means the sex is great loving to have sex with someone is not being in love with someone love involves more than flirting and intimate below talk anyone can be intimate while in the afterglow satisfying sex assume it will be their last boyfriend / girlfriend teenage relationships are destined to fail but doing something multiple times is how you get good at it you learn from your experiences and grow from them and become better at it in the future being in a relationship and being a partner is a skill that you can improve and grow in just like any other going overboard on the autoerotic asphyxiation and having to call a friend to come help with some dead weight I'm sad because pretty much all of these I I've learned a lot recently but this first breakup is killing me can't help my feeling towards her not using condom I became a father too soon now my daughter is going to be a mother also she didn't learn from my mistake FML and I'm 32 years old too young to be a grandpa taking it all too seriously doing things you are not comfortable with ignoring your friends edit I'm assuming high school for a first relationship age Claver who calls who next game just coulomb if you want to talk it should not be about terms becoming too emotionally dependent guys break up and go into despair there's millions more women out there no need to blubber about losing one I always loved being dumped because I could look for some strange puddy tat the first three top comments forget their friends lose their independence dragged on the relationship longer than it has to I did all these things and it's so crazy to actually realize it such an awful feeling all three of them pay attention to these guys trying to constantly please them no matter what the cost [Music]
Channel: Bobnob Two
Views: 62,896
Rating: 4.9463944 out of 5
Keywords: first, girlfriend, boyfriend, girl, hot, cute, date, dating, flirt, reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, Updoot Reddit, TZ Reddit
Id: 2zk1tV2kxv8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 22sec (862 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 22 2019
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