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hi so today guys I have somebody very very special on my channel who's only been on my channel one other time a big round of applause to my very special very kind sweet boyfriend Zach hi thank you for the applause so I feel like today's video titled pretty pretty descriptive on what we're gonna be doing today basically what we're gonna be doing today is I am giving Zach $60 his monthly dollar 51 that was 16 you give me 15 I thought it was 60 because I thought the idea of Eylau $50 and I'm gonna let him run loose in Hobby Lobby which is a local craft store that we have and with that $50 whatever Zach wants to buy as far as like art supplies go like nothing is off-limits I will make art out of whatever it is and I'm going to use every single thing that it gets me so it could be like a variety of things it could be whatever and we'll have a big reveal where I show him in the end and I'll see yous reaction and recording it's gonna be a lot of fun yes I'm excited to see your result okay well good um throughout the video we had to go to work so it's just gonna be mainly me after we got supplies and yep so um I guess we'll just get started so wait wait wait I thought of something I thought something another thing I've been really into lately is my Instagram account where I post like my artwork and behind the scenes and all kinds of stuff like that so guys and I haven't really promoted it in a while but so if you guys want to see it it'll be around here yeah someone for an interface it's right in front of my face I'll put it directly in front of my face you can put it in front of my face oh I'll put it in front of your face anyway guys so without further ado we shall get started shall we miss Michelle hey guys so let me get my microphone Zach hello you're like hey guys it's right here and we are at Hobby Lobby I told him whatever he wants to do I I'm allowing him $50 I got him $50 and however he wants to spend it it'll probably be like five things because you know Hobby Lobby is so expensive but Zach no do you have any ideas or anything oh yeah I've got several ideas I got some stuff you want to be expecting it all he comes out with like a garden gnome and make art with this okay Zach well I guess we're gonna get down cuz it's so hot in here like this one it is so hot it's not it's not warm is hot yeah okay anyway guys so we'll be back in a second okay Zach so go ahead and go into the wild and um good luck follow me I'm not following you I'm gonna go to the Halloween section I'm so excited for Halloween Halloween over literally everything I see him I see him two hours later pretty much for this everything has to be in view in focus perfect because once I see what's inside this like the whole secret is ruined so it's a lot of pressure from your girl hi so Zach's going he's already at work I've had an outfit change since we've last seen each other and I have not seen what's inside this I still don't know and we're about to find out it feels like there's some kind of cardboard or canvas in here is that cheating maybe so I don't know I don't know why I don't like super nervous for like no apparent reason I'm just gonna grab one thing at a time and pull one out slowly but surely and we can see what we're working with so before we start please note that zach is not an art person he he's a science dude like gosh sire sire that's step step step step step that's not a science guy so I'm kind of nervous also like really really excited to see what he got me so the first thing you got me with some pastel paper this is a really big pastel like look how big this is oh my god so this was the first thing and this cost 1199 but I think it was on sale the second thing okay where you got some pencils we got HB 2b 4v and 6 beads so we're hitting really basic stuff right now which I appreciate Thank You Zach shoutout to Zach Zach for prints the next thing is oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no um we got some pottery tools like for clay [Music] so I'm assuming what's in here is clay I'm not a 3d person I'm not a sculptor by any means in fact like I literally almost failed in college sculpture class twice I really hate sculpture oh no this is gonna be clay isn't it isn't it Oh Oh to my surprise this is not clay this is actually artist soft pastels I don't think I've ever worked with pastels in my life oh yeah okay we got a really good selection of soft pastels okay cool cool cool cool but that still doesn't answer why we have pottery stuff Oh okay next up we got some charcoal sticks specifically vine charcoal now I actually haven't worked with fine charcoal forever maybe I'll draw a naked person for this video I don't know next up uh more charcoal charcoal sticks specifically honestly like my two favorite medium are oil painting which I have truly truly missed oil painting and charcoal and though in the hole we got the charcoal oh it's so hot oh my god where's it just me I don't know oh no oh no oh no we got some play you next step what do we have that it I think that's it Oh nope nope one more thing Oh some more pottery stuff for the clay should have known I should have known he was gonna give me clay but that's okay I'm excited I'm excited to try it it's something new on my channel alright let's get this party started shall we so today I'm going to be doing a reference slash drawing of this really awesome picture of Kurt Cobain which by the way is actual music dad and please note that I am NOT going to try to go for this exact image like I want to add a little bit of extra something to it I want to change up a little bit of the features change up a lot of the colors and just kind of use this photo as like a base okay cool outline is finished and on to the next thing which is the chalk pastels that are a little beat [Music] now I am used to charcoal which goes on really heavy it goes on pure black and it doesn't really smear anywhere so to my surprise unfortunately the chalk pastel was not the same okay listen to this imagine trying to make art with chalk every this is jog but you know it doesn't really stick to the paper it's kind of hard to blend it fogs up on top of each other it creates a really muddy mess you can blow it away with ease and it's just all-around kind of a difficult medium if you're trying to achieve something really tight which what I was trying to do so I'm not gonna lie there was a few points in this drawing where I was getting really frustrated and was like maybe I should have scrapped this and do something easier but but but but I went ahead and just went through and I did some minor adjustments in the end anyway that came out much better and you know it's okay it's okay that this kind of looks like Christopher Walken so since I was struggling with that a little bit I decided to just you know take a step back and work on some other stuff so I decided to go ahead and add in a shirt add in some details add in a background which I don't know why I didn't get that much of it on camera and just work with what act got that's all we can do in life is just work with the cars we've been dealt with after everything was done I cleaned up on the face a little bit changed up some proportions added a little bit of highlights here a little bit of colors there and don't think I forgot about the clay because I didn't so like I said I'm just using that picture not as an exact model but just kind of as a reference and I thought I would keep the cigarette that he's smoking which by the way kids done smoked paint it up a little bit just like a real cigarette ad on our 3d element to the picture and I am so glad to say this but bada-bing bada-boom here is the final drawing of everything that Zack got me Zack are you ready to see the jiying okay yeah come up here okay come on in come look at it and check it out I incorporated the eyes oh is that the clay yeah I think yeah I painted it cigarette huh yeah and you like it yes I do Oh Thank You Zack I'm glad to use the clay plus I still almost didn't use the clay but I did I've never seen you use clear I know I've never used chalk either but it works okay guys well thank you so much for tuning in and Zack what you have to say subscribe yeah I know sorry I just kind of smash the like okay go see that we're not anyway got it anyway guys we'll see you later [Music]
Channel: SuperRaeDizzle
Views: 838,464
Rating: 4.9288096 out of 5
Keywords: draw, drawing, art, sketch, pastel, superraedizzle, boyfriend, artist, painting, kurt cobain, speed drawing, rae dizzle, boyfriend tag, how to draw, sketchbook, hobby lobby, vlog, picks art supplies, i tried drawing, i tested drawing, i tested art, pencil, soft pastel, art channel, drawing channel, chalk pastel, drawing challenge, art challenge
Id: U0fyN5-gYFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 19sec (739 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 21 2018
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