ANOTHER ARTIST Bought MY Art Supplies!?!

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Hello there! So I am with my lovely friend Miranda. Hey guys! We just went to, um, get cuts on our wavy hair. So today I thought it would be really really fun because me and Miranda have collabed a couple of times in the past, always at a distance. Our last collab was we sent each other different art supplies. Miranda sent me an Ear-aser! This is the best art supply that anyone has ever bought me. It's an Earaser! Look at it! But I thought because we're actually together now, we would go into Hobby Lobby and pick each other out art supplies. So we've got a budget, what is the budget? $20, $25? -$25? -Yeah. So Miranda is gonna pick $25 worth of supplies for me, and I'm gonna pick $25 worth for her. Are we gonna be nice to each other or are we - ? I'm gonna be slightly nice... We're gonna get the bugs. We're gonna head inside now. I forgot to mention that we're gonna be doing the exact same video over on Miranda's channel, *both laughing* so make sure you go and check her channel out because she's the best! Okay, we're gonna go now so... I went to Ulta just now and got my skin matched to my foundation and I feel like I look very orange right now. I want an adult-sized version of this... and that. I found the art supplies, there's several aisles of it and luckily, no one was in here so I can talk to myself and NOT look like a fool. Good luck! Any last trash talk you want to give before we split up? May the best worst art supply finder win. -Let's go. -Game on. I - ooh, clearance, $4.99? Sorry, I'm looking for myself now. These are hilarious. What if I got her like, a weird shaped canvas? *Evil laugh* These star canvases because, she's a star. So those cancers are $5.99. But we have to remember that they do have a 40% off coupon in Michaels - I put my finger over this. This is great. They have 40% off coupons in Hobby Lobby and I'm going to keep that mind because my budget is $25. So... Hmm. *Clattering* Oops. *Clears throat* I'm thinking I might buy these and then she can like, get some glue. I'm gonna get some glue and then she can stick it on the canvas! *giggles* Ha ha ha! Imagine if she just opened her bag and this was inside! Hey, maybe I should get the creatures. Do you think I should get the little bugs? We're gonna get the bugs. These are $5. $1.49 superglue. She can use that to stick her animals on. Maybe I'll get some of these and then... we'll consider. How much is this? About $19 we're out, and we've got no paint or anything like that yet so... Right, I'm gonna buy you some more spray paint to take home in your case. Is that okay? Semi... semi... semi moist watercolor set, that's disturbing. Generals watercolor pencils. $6.24! $6.24 on clearance. That is a bargain. Imagine if I just bought her a set of pastels, that would not go down well. We have oil pastels! Hmm. I'm not gonna get these because I don't think she's gonna be able to use half the stuff I picked up, so I'm gonna put the star back. So this visual journal, she can put some of her lovely bug... critters onto, so I think that'd be fun. Got this, but it's Strathmore and Strathmore is 40% off. So that means we're gonna get four dollars off of this, so it'll be 6. These are 6, so say 12, um, 13, 14, 15...16, 17, 18...19, 20, 21... 22, 23, 28. So I've got $28. I think I'm gonna put these back. And I think that is everything and I am *through gritted teeth* excited! Good luck, Miranda! I'm gonna go and scare her. Boo! Aw dammit. Okay, we are back in the car and I have all of my goodies, all of my goodies that I have bought for Miranda so, enjoy! Here's yours. Thank you very much. I'm gonna open up. I just spotted something *laughing* and first thing I'm seeing... You know, in the video on your channel I was literally in there, I picked up a plastic unicorn, said "Imagine if I picked up this and put it in her bag!" *laughing uproariously* -Are you serious? -Yeah, I did! Imagine if she just opened her bag and this was inside! Next up I have - ooh, okay, an acrylic paint set. By The Fine Touch, so that's exciting. Neon glitter shakers? We said we were gonna be mean! We're gonna get the bugs. Well, actually no, I can use something cute on the horn of the unicorn. So, unicorn- Un-i-corn. - -y. Uni-corn-y. -Just kidding. That was a bad pun. Unicorn corn. Oh WHAT IS THAT? Miranda! What is that? What am I supposed to do with that? Paint your unicorn. *laughs* What is this? Ooh, I got a canvas! I saw one of these, I was gonna get one of these for you! And then I was like, I'm not gonna get you paint. I hope the TSA doesn't dig near suitcases if you like paint, I didn't think of that. I saw these type of things in Target yesterday, so I'm excited. Thank you Miranda and uh, wish me luck. Okay, so here is our beautiful - thank you Miranda! I managed to not lose any of this stuff, I actually love the idea of this but I'm pretty clueless as to what I'm gonna paint so I guess I'm just gonna look and see what colors that I have. Yeah, I mean, I have all the primary colors basically so I can pretty much make any color I need to so I think I'm gonna take one of my fine touch, roller foam brush set uh, brushes. I think the best way to tell what the quality of these paints are like is to just fully go for it. I'm just gonna use it like a - it's not spinning. Spin. You know, strangely enough, this is actually a really efficient way to do this! Paint's quite... The paint does smell quite strong actually. Just getting all the crevices of the unicorn, that's a phrase I never thought that I would say. I mean, I feel like his tail's bigger than his face almost. *pause* It's like a second face. I'm currently using a spongy roller to paint a unicorn's backside. So I think we're definitely gonna paint some sort of galaxy. I'm literally running out - oh! Great. Okay. That's gonna be fun to get off my table. Okay, so he's all dry now as you can see, and this fine touch acrylic paint does dry pretty glossy as you can see, so you can definitely see your reflection in it. So Miranda gave me these textured canvas boards, which I've never actually used before but I feel like these are - these are neat, actually! This is a really cool idea. What I'm gonna do is I'm gonna use this as a palette and then when it's done, whatever weird colors are on it, I'm just gonna have the have the effect of the, the unicorn on top. Okay, so what I think I'm gonna start off by doing is... starting with a really dark base. I've done galaxies a few times before with watercolors, but never actually with acrylics before. What I'm currently trying to achieve is just that nice blended effect where it goes from really really dark depths of space into a nice cluster galaxy. And not sponsored, but I actually do have a class on Skillshare about how you make galaxies with watercolors so if anyone's interested in that, I'll leave a link to it in the description. *Background music* And she is not like that. She is the kindest, sweetest person you will ever find on YouTube. Genuinely there are a lot of good and baguette - bad eggs out there and she is genuinely one of the best so, please, please check her out, check out her video. She's so, just - she's lovely, just take it from me. She's hilarious. She's fun and she deserves a lot more recognition too. So definitely check her out. I think I'm gonna try actually sponging some of this on because I think it's actually easier with a sponge from what I've heard in the past. Yeah, that's not - that's not gonna work is it? I'm gonna get rid of this thing, I think, this like, cluster of stars. I feel like that looks better already honestly. I think I was getting too adventurous with the big cluster of stars there. *Music continues* So I'm gonna use the fan brush now because that's gonna kind of help, hopefully, push out the little galaxy area a bit better than it already is. *Continues* Okay, so galaxy wise I think he's pretty much done, I don't want to really overdo it and ruin it. So that's how it's gonna look so far. I kind of want to do some funny eyes on him though. So I totally forgot that I actually still have some glitter to add so what I'm gonna do is I am gonna take some Mod Podge. It's matte, but it doesn't really matter cause I'm just gonna use it as a type of glue. *Gasps* Oh my gosh, I'm excited! This looks really cool. This is really COOL! He is gonna be the coolest unicorn in the universe. Because he has a universe painted on his belly. *Chloe laughing* I love it! He's so confused why there's this giant thing sticking out of his face. If you look to this side, you can see a nice universe and also a very shocked expression. He's like, *dumb voice* huh? What's that sticking out of my head? Okay. So this is what he looks like! He's got the lovely, the galaxy, nice sort of... majestic side and then he has the confused expression straight on because of the ginormous purple glittery horn. So yeah, I'm really excited to see what Miranda does, definitely go and subscribe to her and watch her if you haven't yet because she is honestly a wonderful artist and an incredible friend to me, um, her work is insanely beautiful and it's very stylized so you always know it's her work. She is such a wonderful sweet human, she's so kind and she has the biggest heart and she's a really wonderful friend. So I'm very grateful that I know her. So I definitely - just subscribe to her if you haven't already; she just hit 100,000 subscribers. I'm so so proud of her and she really really deserves it. So, yes, thank you so much for watching this video, I really hope that you enjoyed it. if you would like to see something like this again in the future, do let me know, we can do it with, more people next time maybe. But yeah, thanks so much for watching this video, I really hope that you enjoyed it, take care of yourselves and I will see you in the next video. *End music*
Channel: Chloe Rose Art
Views: 317,042
Rating: 4.9405141 out of 5
Keywords: another artist buys my art supplies, another artist, art supplies, the person in front of me, decides my art supplies, another youtuber, another youtuber chose my art supplies, hobby lobby haul, the weirdest art supplies, mira byler, artist tests, art swap, art box swap, art box, another artist bought my supplies, art challenge, art, artist, cheap art supplies, art supply haul, drawing supplies, chloe rose, chloe rose art, art mystery box
Id: 2MUNoo7ZN8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 7sec (727 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 09 2019
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