He Fakes His Death, So He Can Play Games All Day In Grave

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the movie begins at the funeral of a teenage boy named Darren Shan everyone is devastated at his loss but shockingly it turns out that he is very much alive in fact he is seen inside the coffin playing video games the scene then cuts to the past and Darren explains how good his life was going he was popular in school had cool friends and good grades which made his parents proud of him the only negative part about his life was his childhood best friend Steve one day at school Steve convinces Darren to Bonk their history class the two then head to the rooftop where Steve destroys several light bulbs by throwing stones at them he then challenges his friend to do the same but right then their history teacher overhears the commotion coming from the roof as a result the boys are caught and their respective parents are informed Darren comes off the worst of it as his parents had always believed him to be an ideal student they scold him ruthlessly and also ground him for two whole months furthermore they forbid him from staying friends with Steve citing that he is a bad influence it's true Steve's a douche the next day while walking to school Darren informs Steve that his parents want him to break off their friendship upon hearing this the latter is disheartened and he accuses Darren of never standing up for himself as they quarrel a limousine passes by and a man inside throws out a flyer which lands in front of them it turns out to be an invitation to a circus event called a freak Show the flyer claims that it is held once every 500 years the boys recall their teacher giving them a warning against attending the show because of its illegal nature but they nevertheless decide to go to the circus later that night Darren and Steve sneak out of their homes and head to the circus on their bicycles it's revealed that the boys have peculiar interests Darren is a big fan of spiders while Steve is obsessed with vampires at the venue they buy a ticket from a dwarf human-like creature hiding behind a curtain however when Steve hands it the cash the creature bites his hand and runs away the boys shrug off the strange incident one walk inside the theater it's revealed that the show has attracted people from diverse age groups mostly adults and old people soon the show commences and the host Mr tall gets on stage he thanks the audience for coming before presenting several strange freaks before them at first a wolf man appears and his presence scares everyone Mr tall directs him towards a woman in the audience and to everyone's horror The Wolf Man tears off her hands but before anyone can react the woman's hand regenerates and she walks towards the stage as if nothing has happened Mr tall then introduces her as Coral limbs another member of the freak show next up is Alexander ribs a man with no apparent ribs girtha teeth is the third member and she can surprisingly break anything with her strong teeth rhombus two bellies her partner can eat anything due to his two bellies he even swallows a tricycle hole and spits it out in one piece then a Beautiful Freak named madame truska calls Darren on stage and asks him to be her assistant however when she touches his face she senses something forbidden inside of him and backs away as the performance continues Madame truska Wows The Audience by growing facial hair in an instant but after her act she unexpectedly calls for the show to be packed up despite her request the next ACT larten cresply takes the stage with his spider partner OCTA he impresses the crowd with a dance performance while playing an instrument Steve recognizes larton from a book about vampires and Whispers to Darren that he is actually a vampire named their Hosten just then the show is interrupted by police and townspeople including the boy's history teacher while the adults argue Darren sneaks backstage and steals OCTA fascinated by its colorful appearance but as he attempts to leave he is forced to hide when someone enters the room to his surprise larten appears with an old man discussing the threat posed by a group of hybrid vampires known as the vampanese I hope you're all writing this down because I have no idea what the hell is going on suddenly Steve barges in and begs them to turn him into a vampire he says that he hates his life because he has no one it turns out that Steve's father went missing long ago while his mother is a drunkard after a lot of convincing lartin finally gives in and decides to taste his blood however the moment he puts it into his mouth he realizes that Steve is a bad person so he refuses to turn the boy into a vampire prompting him to storm off in Anger after a while larten finally realizes that his spider has gone missing but before he can check the door Darren freaks out and runs away he then reaches the road where he is picked up by the same car from earlier inside to men Merlot and Mr tiny start interrogating him however it is soon revealed that they picked up the wrong boy they were actually looking for his friend Steve so they dropped Aaron off at his house but not before informing him that they will be in touch the following day Darren takes OCTA to school in his bag hoping to keep her safe however before the class even starts Steve spots them he starts playing with the spider and accidentally drops her on the floor allowing her to escape however instead of trying to catch the spider Steve chases her with an intent to kill causing a lot of commotion in the halls of the school many students run away in fear while some even get injured having had enough octave finally decides to act so she bites Steve on his cheek before escaping through the window as a result the latter falls to the ground and gets knocked unconscious because of the Venom in the next scene Darren rushes back to the circus and pleads with larten to save his friend's life worried about the repercussions of a human finding out about their existence larten initially refuses to help however he eventually agrees to provide the antidote on one condition that Darren becomes his assistant vampire this means that he will have to leave his family friends and his entire social life Darren will also have to give up going to school in short he will have to die despite the dire cushions Darren who is desperate to save his friend agrees to the conditions and receives larten's vampire blood after this they race to the hospital to save Steve's life lartin immediately administers him with the antidote which fortunately works and Steve starts to recover the movie then cuts to a few days later where Darren begins to feel his body reacting to larten's vampire blood he starts craving raw meat one day he also gets a very tempting urge to kill and suck his sister's blood however he ultimately refrains himself from his bloodlust and runs back to his room there he finds a lardon sitting in the corner reading his books lurt and warns Darren that he needs to leave his home as he is a threat to himself and his family Darren doesn't want to do so but after coming really close to harming his own sister he decides to leave however he also doesn't want his parents to keep worrying about him forever so he decides to fake his death later that night on the rooftop of the house lartin assists Darren in the act by breaking his neck this will make everyone believed that he accidentally fell to his demise the movie then cuts to the present at Darren's funeral all his friends teachers and family pay their respects while Darren is Alive and Well inside the coffin playing games on his phone the same night larten digs up the grave and gets Darren out of the coffin but before they can leave Merlot arrives out of nowhere and ambushes them fortunately larten fights him off and manages to subdue him temporarily following the close call he takes Darren to the freak Show campgrounds where they meet a girl named Rebecca meanwhile Steve is grief stricken by his friend's death as a result he distances himself from society and becomes a maniac when the pain becomes unbearable one day he contemplates ending at all but just as he is about to commit the unthinkable Mr tiny arrives there and stops him he mentions that he's aware of Steve's unfortunate life and his obsession with all things vampire he then offers him a chance to become a vampanese it turns out tiny and Merlot are vampanese and they are A different race vampires who unlike larten and the others murder humans to feed on their blood it's also revealed that vampanese and the normal vampires are Arch enemies and they don't see eye to eye as Steve hears everything in disbelief Mr tiny discloses something even more shocking he says that Darren is alive and happy in the other world something which Steve had always dreamed of and aspired to the Revelation makes the latter angry so without a second thought he accepts the offer meanwhile Darren slowly gets comfortable in the freak Campground with the other freaks he starts to train himself and helps others in their duties one day Darren goes through the pictures of his old life and decides to give Steve a call but before he can do so larten arrives there snatches the phone from Darren and breaks it that night Mr tiny visits the freak Camp to talk with lartin and Mr tall about Darren it turns out the boy has special innate Powers so Mr tiny asks him to hand them over despite being enemies a diplomatic Mr tall politely tells him that he will think of about it afterwards larten instructs Darren not to leave the camp as it is not safe for him anymore he then begins to train Darren so that he can handle himself if he is ever in trouble at first the boy fails to lay a single hand on larten but as his training progresses his skills and strength develop on the other hand Merlot turns Steve into a vampanese which gives him unreal Powers the boy also becomes more evil and his first victim turns out to be none other than his history teacher you gave me an F F is for fangs meanwhile as Darren begins to feel hungry he starts craving for fresh blood to remedy this larten takes him to a nearby farm and sedates a man he says that vampires never kill people they just borrow their blood however despite his hunger Darren cannot bring himself to do it so they return back to the camp shortly after the freak's peaceful Campground is suddenly invaded by a group of Ruthless vampanese chaos ensues as the two sides engage in a brutal fight light resulting in a lot of Bloodshed it becomes clear that the vampanese are searching for Darren and soon enough they find him hiding inside a costume room with Rebecca the vampanese attacked Darren and a fierce brawl breaks out but fortunately thanks to the timely arrival of larton Mr tall and the other freaks the fight is eventually broken off and Darren is saved from certain Doom however when the dust settles it is revealed that Merlot has kidnapped Rebecca the following morning Darren sets off to find her as he blames himself for the entire incident in the meantime Mr tiny kidnaps his family hoping to lure him into a trap after a while Darren arrives at his home and finds it empty he then notices a flyer on the table inviting him to the circus meanwhile larten also decides to join in on the fight and so he gathers his weapons in the next scene Darren makes his way to the circus where he finds Rebecca and his family tied and hung up on the wall he is also perplexed to see Steve with the vampanese nevertheless he attacks former best friend without any hesitation while larten also arrives and starts tussling with Merlot as Darren has not consumed any blood he becomes a very weak and easily gets bruised as compared to Steve but right then Rebecca frees herself and orders Darren to drink her blood so that he can get his energy back initially he refuses to comply but when Rebecca assures him that she will be fine he sucks her blood elsewhere Larkin ends up being wounded very badly but despite this he uses the last of his strength and stabs Merlot right in his heart killing him immediately afterwards Darren starts to fight with Steve again while Mr tiny watches from a distance having had enough he decides to intervene and stop them Mr tiny resuscitates Merlot using his special powers by turning him into a dwarf creature he then asks the two boys to come with him Amazed by his power Steve immediately obliges but Darren does not in the aftermath of The Showdown lartin hypnotizes Darren's family so that their recent memory is wiped this way they won't remember this Supernatural events that took place right in front of their eyes the movie ends as Darren returns back to the camp where all of the freaks welcome him warmly and make him feel home subscribe for more videos like this turn on notifications and leave a like to help the channel out thank you for watching
Channel: Mystery Recapped
Views: 4,827,040
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: RvmLvk7qzY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 18sec (738 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 28 2023
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