Boy Remembers His Past Life As a World War II Pilot!!

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hey guys welcome back to my channel and welcome to the start of a new series I'm actually really excited about this one going to be all about reincarnation stories and I know I've made videos before discussing my religion and how I'm agnostic I don't believe in any organized religion or anything but I am a very spiritual person I kind of believe nobody knows so why try to commit to anything that's kind of how I feel about it but reincarnation is always been something I'm super super faffing in I seem to be drawn to more than anything else so I just want to let you guys know that no matter what your religion is I think you can be open-minded to the idea of reincarnation and also be religious if that makes sense if what I'm trying to say this story is insane I've actually known about this a really long time so I've always wanted to do a video on it so before we get started but that today's video was sponsored by audible slow backstory I have wanted to work with audible for a really really long time like ever since I've been on YouTube pretty much because I've always seen other youtubers doing it and audiobooks inaudible is very very important to me I have made videos about this and a lot of you already know this but I have a learning disability I have dyslexia and I also have ADHD I was special-needs like throughout school and reading is not a fun experience for me because I'm struggling constantly I'm slow when I'm reading I have to re-read my sentences over and over again and then I sometimes find myself writing a whole page and then not knowing what I even read reading has been a huge struggle for me and after I realized how much I enjoyed using like audio textbooks in school I found audible and audible puts all kinds of books into audio form and you can listen to it and not only are you just listening to a book you're literally being like put into this story listening to a book on audible is fun it's entertaining you feel everything and you feel the suspense just in the way that the person is talking about it you truly experience the reading material especially if you're someone who struggles with reading it will open up a whole new door for you the people who read the audible books really give an amazing performance they have like the largest library of online audiobooks oftentimes books are read by their author and sometimes like celebrity authors and stuff if you've never experienced the world of audiobooks and you want to try one for yourself check out slash Kendall Rey with that link you will start a free 30-day trial and get one free audio and today's story actually has a book that goes along with it if you find this story interesting you want to know even more because obviously the book is going to go way more in-depth than I'm going to be able to in a YouTube video the book is called Soul Survivor I'll put it right here and also the link below if you want specifically check out that one again you can go to slash Kendall Rea that is a UD IB le comm slash Kendall Rea K and EA ll ra e so today we are talking about a boy and his name is James Leininger he was born on April 10th of 1998 to Bruce and Andrea Leininger and this story is just it's incredible it's really going to give you chills it's so interesting so when James was young this is around the year of 2000 airplanes like really really upset more than just your average kid because there's a lot of little boys who like airplanes you know looking up at the plane go by airplane this isn't to unnormal but he really liked planes a lot six years old and full of spirit James knows a lot about claims especially war planes his parents andia and Bruce lai Nagar say from an early age James would play with nothing else he was obsessed with airplanes if you look around the house that's all you'll see airplanes helicopters aircraft carriers Andrews said that one time they were looking at a picture of a plane and I said oh look there's a bomb on the bottom of it he said that's not a bomb mom and that's a drop tank a drop tank I've never heard of a drop tank I didn't know what a drop tank was what so how does a two-year-old know what a drop tank is and it was like little things like this all the time they were going to be moving from Texas to Louisiana and before they left Texas Bruce wanted to take him to the Kavanagh a flight museum in Addison Texas and he did first said that he could not believe how memorized his son was at Disney exam like most kids will want to go to a museum like that but will you know rush to the exhibit James wanted to spend hours at the World War two exhibit Bruce Lee even tried to take him away and you just wander back to the World War 2 exhibit after being at the exhibit for three hours he tried to take him away from the exhibit and he threw a huge fit like [ __ ] crying and to him to stop crying Bruce actually bought him a videotape it was a navy blue angel flight demonstration tape and they said that when he took it home it was constantly on he wanted to watch it all the time so the kid was really really into airplanes in World War two and many people have asked us do we have an aviation and military background and we don't and that's what made James's recollection so much more uncanny that he had this basic knowledge of military and aviation where there was no way he could be getting this information a little more than two weeks after his second birthday towards the end of April of 2000 James started having these crazy nightmares I know it's very normal for kids to have nightmares I had extreme nightmares as a kid this kid was experiencing nightmares like on a whole nother level these were extremely upsetting nightmares to him you would act like he was traumatized after being in one of the nightmares you'd have full-on nightmares where he wouldn't realize he was dreaming and screaming and kicking and asleep and his parents became really concerned because this was happening four to six times a week and wake him up and he'd be screaming and he always been laying on his back kicking his feet up at the ceiling and I'd say maybe what were you dreaming about he said airplane crash on fire little man can't get out the same nightmare kept happening over and over again finding aren't plane and it crashing and him burning in a plane it was the same nightmare reoccurring all the time for six nights a week they're so alarmed by this that they were trying to come up with some answers why the plane specifically and why this specific nightmare the first one to actually like throughout the idea of reincarnation was Andrea's mom so this is James's grandma his grandma said Mamie James is experiencing a past life memory if you know anything about past life so you've looked into reincarnation before you'll know that most people who like are experts in it children oftentimes experience past live dreams and everything when they're young because they're closest to the other side but they you know they were just born they were just created just in life so if they haven't had the cultural conditioning the layering over of experience in this life so that the memories can percolate up more easily these memories tend to fade between the ages of five to seven possible that all of us hi raise of our past lives but no one ever figured it out or we didn't say anything or you know we didn't know that they were path lies memories actually think that what James experienced is not an uncommon phenomenon I think probably a lot of children remember past lives when they're in the two to five year old age bracket they suggested that maybe he was strolling with a past life memory that they needed to help him get past it and she took her mom's advice and decided to start asking him about the dreams that he was having and his father was really really skeptical about this he was Christian religious he's like there's no in hell there's no way that he's reincarnated and my kid is my kid he was never anyone else and that's like you know the first logical explanation of how most parents their families would be his mom was a little more open to it but he was definitely like nope no he said there has to be a logical explanation I don't believe in past lies I don't believe in this stuff I was not just skeptical I was adamant that this was not happening in my house and my my belief system rebelled against the concept and the idea of reincarnation and past lives we are taught from a very early age in this culture in the judeo-christian culture that reincarnation doesn't exist so Andrey decided to start taking him seriously when he had those dreams and almost like he really did just teleport from somewhere and ask him what happened in the dream you know acknowledging them and James told him that in his dream he was in a plane and the plane took off from a boat but then was shot down and crashed they would ask him who shot you down and he would look at them like they were idiots and say the Japanese and keep in mind this kid is - I mean how does he know about world war two his parents were like baffled that he knew dit what happened to your plane he said it crashed on fire and Bruce said why did your airplane crash and he said it got shot and Bruce said will who shot your planes and I'll never forget the look on his face unit the Japanese think it's way crazier than that so they asked him who piloted the plane who was the pilot and he sent James they thought he was just confused and he was just saying his own name I'm the pilot because I was wondering so James do you remember what your name was and he'd always say James his name is Jane it never really occurred to us we thought he just wasn't understanding the question when they asked him what plane he flew he would say a course there and so they looked it up and it was a real point you would talk about how the Corsair had issues with landing but it was some kind of veered to the left and if the tires went flat easily now that's like a very specific thing for a two-year-old to say so then they asked him what was the name of the boat that your plane flew off of before you got shot down do you remember where your plane took off and he said it took off of a boat do you remember the name of your boat Natoma and his parents say that they were just shocked I mean I would be like just coming out of nowhere this is your child you were with them all the time you know what they're watching you know what they're doing and then he randomly says Natoma throws it out there now it's really crazy if he was right there really was a boat called the USS Natoma it was an aircraft carrier so planes were flying off of it and it was in the Pacific Ocean during World War two his dad figured that might just be a coincidence maybe he just got that one but this gets even crazier so James also used to make a lot of drawings like little drawings of planes and whenever he drew anything that was related to piloting planes or World War two worsening he always signed them like signed his work and wrote James 3 now no one knew why he started doing that one day I asked him why he's calling himself James three pluses I'm the third games so what does that mean and his parents clearly had no idea so as time went on Bruce pretty much made it his life's work to prove this wrong to prove that his son wasn't reincarnated and to find a logical explanation for what strange occurrences were happening another super weird thing that happened when James was playing with like GI Joes and stuff or his toys he would sometimes take the propeller off of the front of a plane he also gave his GI Joe characters pretty unusual names he named them Leon Billy and Walter and his parents had no idea where he got these names from first asked him hey why are those dolls named that and he said well those were the guys that met me in heaven when I first got there I just can't imagine what you'd do it as a parent like I would be freaking out so they kept pressing him for information and they asked him you have any other friends so if I do remember any friends or anyone else that you fluid and he said Jack Jack Larsen so specific with a last name and everything Jack Larsen his father of course was still skeptical he happened to be in a book club a history book club and there was one month where he got a book called battle for Iwo Jima by Derek great James popped up on and laughs actually just to watch cartoon he happened to spot when two pages pointed out it and said it was dead it was for my airplane was shot down and I said what that's my airplane got shot down there daddy and I just went I just went blank I did but I couldn't say anything and this is when his dad really started to freak out I mean this is just getting so bizarre he found a website called the Natoma Bay Association and that's where he connected with a man named Leo Pyatt Leah was actually a radio man on an Avenger fighter plane with the vc8 one squadron and he didn't tell Leo why he was doing this while he was asking him questions or wanted to get in contact with him he didn't tell him about his son and the whole thing he asked him if there was any course fares on the Natoma and he said no actually he said that there was only one cats and Avengers on the boat those are the only types that they had on the Natoma he then wanted to find out about the location see his son had any accuracy with that and he asked him do you guys have any missions near Ujima Leo said that he had been part of 36 missions there and then he decided to ask him if he knew someone named Jack Larson anyone named Jack Larson with the board the Natoma and he said yes oh yeah I remember those people yes there was a Jim Houston or other larger shell you hit him in the engine and it pushed into place and went down it was all real James Houston born and raised in the Midwest was shot down over chichi Jima Japan learned that there was just one policy squadron killed at Iwo Jima that pilot James M Houston jr. now that is really mind-blowing I'm sure his dad was just blown away at this point for sure Leo didn't know what happened to Jack Larson he said the last time that he saw him he had just flown off the Natoma and he didn't see him ever again now the search was on for Jack Larson first couldn't find anything on Jack Larson anywhere he searched the US National Archives and tried to find lists of anyone who had died while being stationed at the Natoma and Jack Larson was never on any of the list he couldn't even find record of it there are several Larson's and Larson's like spell different ways but nothing that was solid in September of 2002 Bruce decided to go to Anna Tomah Bay Association reunion actually and while he was there he actually did figure out that Jack Larsen was a real person and not only that but he's still alive Jack Larson was currently living in Springfield Arkansas and Jack Larson the Navy buddy little James recalled well it turns out there was a pilot named Jack Larson who served aboard the Natoma Bay in fact he's alive and well and living in Arkansas and it was like holy mackerel I mean really you could have poured my brains out of my ears and after they got a hold of him he explained that they were friends and he'd actually been his wingman that day he said that he was struck by an enemy fire and when he didn't return he was declared missing in action when little James Wood described being shot down he told them how his plane had sustained a direct hit I mean without an airplane and I said well can you show me where it was and he pointed right up to the front of the engine that's what makes this man's story so intriguing his name is Ralph barber barber was a rear gunner on a TVM Avenger that flew up the Natoma Bay March 3rd 1945 he took part in a raid near Eagle Jima if it happens Barbara's plane was right next to the one flown by James and Houston jr. we experienced pretty heavy in here for a fire but this was the most intense that I experienced at any time suddenly a flash with the nose of Houston's plane I saw the hit I would say he was hit head-on yeah right on the middle of the engine just as little James had described it James Houston jr. he was a fighter pilot in the Pacific during World War two he was stationed on the USS Natoma Bay and he flew for five months before he was shot down who's from the bcat one fighter squadron he was shot down at the age of 21 on a special strike mission against the Futami ko harbor at chichi Jima exactly where he pointed it out on a map that means he was signing James the third because he really was the third gene now his dad is trying to be really confused because there's only so much denying you can do right this has to be who were talking about you know my meter of skepticism was starting to go over toward belief how would my kid have known all of it about some guy that it took me so long to find anything about him but the one thing I didn't add up with the coast there that's what James still insisted he used to fly a coast there and after Bruce did some digging he found out that the plane that James was in when he died was actually a sm2 wildcat fighter plane and it was not a Coast there while he was at the Reunion he said no one even mentioned Coast there no one talked about it no one could recall there being a Coast Air airplane so that was the only part that just wasn't making sense but he wanted to take his investigation even further so they actually tracked down James's real family and in 2003 they actually made contact with his sister her name was Anne Houston Barron she was living in California and when they contacted her and told her what was going on she's pretty surprised and she wanted to talk to James herself so they had several phone conversations and here are a couple things that James knew and there's no way he could have known these things because it's not an Annie James told Ann that they had a sister named Ruth that was correct he even knew that Ruth was four years older than N and that Ann was four years older than James making him the youngest he said that he used to call her Annie and she confirmed that he actually the only one who called her Annie I had older sister than that and I said you did who was that and he goes roof I mean groove Eddie is what they called me when I was little knowing my name and my sister's name things that my brother did when he was a kid it's too amazing to describe James recalled his favorite childhood possessions he told her that as children they had matching portraits done by an artist they shared one specific story involving James Houston's mother Annie had sent James the picture that her mother had painted of James Houston and when James got it he called Annie to thank her and he said where's the LaMontagne interview and so she went and found it and sent a copy and later on she told us that no one in the world except her brother and sister knew that there was an identical picture of Annie when she was the same age he remembered that the artist was named Darrell and he remembered that they gave him to his mom as gift it was the same artist people other such specific things from someone he's never met never talked to you that how on earth would he had know nothing dear Bruce Andrea oh this is still overwhelming I can only imagine how it has affected you but I believe with my love to you and the child was so convincing and coming up with all these things that there's no way in the world he could know unless there is a spiritual freak she obviously was really overwhelmed and she offered to send a package to Jeanne's with some things in it in photo so when they got the package they opened it up in the first picture they saw was James Houston jr. standing in front of a Corsair airplane that was his favorite plane that's what he learned to fly wait it's what he flew in most so no wonder James remembered was so stubborn about the Corsair even though they were not even part of the Natoma bruce decided to do a little bit more digging on this and he found out that before James Houston joined the Natoma Bay and the VC 81 he was actually part of an elite special squadron and it was called the vs 301 this was 1944 so the year before James Houston died the elite squadron test fluke affairs for carrier youth and only 20 pilots were selected for this however the vs 301 was actually disbanded after eight months and James was transferred to the BC 81 and after that Bruce was sold he said that was the one missing piece he needed it made complete sense the whole thing made sense now what do you believe now about your son James I believe that he had a past life I believe that is in his past life he was James M Euston jr. and he came back because he wasn't finished with something then that's essentially what I believe after doing some more digging and talking to other veterans from the Natoma you know those three GI Joe dolls that he had named like strange names those were real people and their full names were Billy peeler Leon Conner and Walter Devlin so they were completely real people that served with him bruised after being so involved in this doing all this heavy research for so long actually decided to contribute to the memorial for the Natoma Bay he actually created the memorial and it was inaugurated at the MIT Museum in Fredericksburg Texas and many Mottola Bay veterans actually came to this memorial event so James was a little bit older at this point he actually got to go to the memorial and see all these veterans and one guy named Rob Greenwald was there he was actually someone that served with Jayne to Stan jr. know it's so weird is that James guessed that this guy was Bob before even knowing it with him the lining girls were speechless again when James met Natoma Bay veteran and recognized them by name you're Bob Greenwald I'm Sara he never met walkers no they've never met him before he said that he recognized his voice chills sorry chills I mean it's just so crazy it's so weird after the ceremony his parents understudy kind of seemed like bummed out or like not a good moon he said that was because they were all old in his head he was sort of expecting to see all his young veteran friends from during World War two and now they'd all grown into older men as time went on his parents decided to do a kind of memorial service for James and look how emotional James got been traveling to chichi Jima for a memorial service at the site of James Houston's plane crash and James just got so emotional and just lost but when it was over it was cathartic you know were able to close the loop especially for games now that is just like how can you fake that and there's a lot of people out there to think this whole thing was a lie that James was in on it but he's two years old do you have a rack your brain and say gee I hope I hope I didn't say anything or do anything that put this in James have you ever questioned yourselves no no no because we're talking to the two-year-old you know I mean what am I going to do sediment of course and listen now we're going to concoct this elaborate scheme and you're going to imagine that you went through those things I knew what he watched on television I knew what stories I read to him I'm a protective first-time southern mother there was no other place he could have been getting this information assuming a line of acting in good faith what we have here is a classic conflict of faith versus science now James is older he still thinks that he is a reincarnated version of James Houston jr. we were too he was too when he started having these dreams right well I don't have the nightmares anymore they passed after the we went to chichi Jima and we had that I got to say goodbye and I guess I kind of just made that just spiritual just relief you feel that you can live your own life or do you feel like you cannot separate the two oh I can live my own life every day I say I uh I think about James Houston sometimes high school I don't know it just leaves me thinking about the afterlife and what comes next and I've said this before but I love the analogy of like consciousness being like a radio signal it's always on your soul is always on like a signal but it needs a device to pick it up if that makes sense so the body is like a device I love to hear stories like this I love reincarnation stories especially with facts like this where it's just like how could you just prove it the dad tried to debunk it for years and wasn't able to so it's just really really fascinating I'm dying to know what you guys think about it let me know in the comments about good for me today guys be sure to thumbs up this video if you are excited for this reincarnation series be sure to subscribe if you're not already and turn on notifications because that is very important but that is it for me hey guys I hope you're having a great day and I'm you next time I hope that it helps people understand the meaning of how precious life is how fast it can just blow away and I also hope that it opens people's lives up to reincarnation you do yeah I hope it opens people's eyes up to the fact that reincarnation can happen it is a possibility not a lie that is everything around you that you call life was made up by people that were no smarter [Music]
Channel: Kendall Rae
Views: 740,517
Rating: 4.9689946 out of 5
Keywords: reincarnation, past lives, past life, documentary, life, spiritual, mystery, story, children, time, past, lives, stories, strange, death, mysterious, real, kids, reincarnatino, weird, kid, kids talk, child, scare, kids say, creepy things, storytime, intersting, educational, James L, James lineger, james houston Jr, soul, survivor, book, wwII
Id: DjbRUDPyhW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 15sec (1455 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 17 2017
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