@hutch ​Impresses @GMHikaru With Solid Moves Vs @natehill | Chess.com PogChamps QUARTERFINALS

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the games are about to begin and i think that we know what to expect more or less from hutch very solid player and because nate hill is newer that could potentially be a problem for hutch if he finds an opening he doesn't know like when yasuo played the dutch against them i i also would say even the game against xqc actually it was an opening where xcc was hanging on for the first about 20 moves of the game and hud should not get much of an advantage so i think i think it it is possible that will happen but we're going to see we're going to see right away so i think the game started right it has and i have three knight f6 not something you see uh in these podcasts very often starting with a knight out on the first move right so d4 e6 c4 so i assume nate's gonna play bishop b4 check here or pawn to b6 did you have any oh i just watched him watch them well i showed him how to play in the nimzo but basically the point was the ideas or sort of the combinations go together so he plays b6 very nice i like what need is doing so do you like this yeah he's taking away any sort of possibilities for white to play e4 very easily because knight on f6 and the bishop will team up so hikaru how deep did you go in this opening with him um yeah so so not super deep i mean i just told him the basic setup that he should play for i think already he's probably out of the preparations i don't think i showed the queen's queen's indian defense here but uh as long as he develops a bishop gets the king out of center uh i think i think he'll he'll have a shot okay he goes g6 maybe not the best move but i don't dislike it uh in fact one of our good friends i think has played the system with black a few times uh over the over the board chest too yeah it's it seems like a little bit i was referring to lenderman by the way i think he's done this a few times yes he has and a very strong player of course and let's listen into nate to hear his thoughts and what is probably an unfamiliar position to him if we're doing like a cool developing style right so now i lost that pin right so that's interesting there's castle let's see here's this that's nothing here's this nothing he has this nothing wait this is nothing that's nothing he has this nothing actually is that something that's a that's something it's not it's not a good something but it's something i don't know what he has he probably just moves a pawn somewhere that i don't know about i'll probably d6 though okay he rooks here i do the same he's got this triple stack and i bring the horsey here and then we're pretty much out of the opening which is good so it hasn't been he knows he's out of the opening he understands that much and i sort of like how he's reacted i know white is objectively better but he's put all of his pieces on pretty normal squares he has these pawns on d6 and e6 and a player like hutch is looking for a way to take advantage of the extra space in a concrete way but what do you make of this uh from you know this position when we just left the opening here yeah so i mean this i like the opening so far from nate hill i think this ah no i was hoping you'd play h6 i yeah yeah i was worried about this i was worried that he wouldn't see h6 oh what's interesting though is he actually mentioned h6 before he was like oh the bishop could come to g5 but i can just kick it and then i guess he just sort of forgot about his plan to kick it and now the knight can't move or lose the queen and the pawn is attacking this knight on f6 losing a piece yeah this is yeah kind of rough kind of rough for nate um i mean hutch of course is playing very classically good moves bishop g5 actually probably was not the best move as i think as i think you know as well robert because h6 and then the bishop would have to capture retreat and then black is two bishops but nonetheless very very like sort of classical approach from hudge and unfortunately for nate he didn't uh he didn't see this idea was pawn to e5 which really i think kind of ends the game sort of on the spot unfortunately i think there's one hope for nate and that's if he plays d takes e5 d takes e5 and actually doesn't even work which is a little sad you like play some kind of knight takes e5 oh right and then yeah and you hope for the queen trade but in this particular position it doesn't work because you take on f3 with check hitting the king and then after bishop takes when you retake the queen on d8 you lose this bishop on b7 so sadly tactics here don't even work out right exactly yeah yeah this is very true so how um yeah and i mean i think i i think for nate it's just it's it's a tough spot to be in because again i i don't know if he got any lessons or not but it's very hard to prepare for all these different setups and what what hutch has done playing this uh this queen's indian like this is not something that i think most players would would be able to prepare let alone know it so very very difficult uh very difficult for nate definitely because you know when you see these d4 systems throughout this tournament everyone was playing the london system and then somebody throws this fiance bishop at you're like wait what has changed and he went for still a pretty solid setup with his pawns on d6 and e6 and all that but the dynamic has changed a lot and well he unfortunately missed the fact that his knight has been pinned on f6 right right i mean again this is something that's just very classical i i again if i saw this without looking at the player's names i'd be like okay this guy with white is obviously somebody who's played a lot of chess they know to take the center and develop their pieces um and and so it's just it's showing how much hutch has uh hutches has played in the past for sure and oh but he took the queen oh but he took first nate could have tried to take the knight on f3 yeah he seemed like he almost said he did pre-move rook takes the queen so right he took .1 seconds he was not even looking for the knight take but it wouldn't have worked out but he could have tried it you're right yeah almost almost and now it's a clean extra piece for just one pawn and i think hutch in particular is perfectly well versed in converting a position like this i don't think he's in any risk of messing this up yeah i think the best chance for nate here is to trade the bishops and then push the pawn to h6 again to try and break the pin uh it's very important that he does that i think he i think need has seen the bishop on b7 like he's used to this bishop on the diagonal so i think he'll probably see that he has to trade the bishops here um but it's certainly an uphill battle that's for sure and well let's uh listen to nate once more to see if he can figure out how to proceed here because it will be difficult but we should hear his thoughts but there isn't guess that i don't see it guys i'm just gonna do it so i don't run out of time in addition to the classical music kokaru it's cool to see how hard he's working at the board right now yeah he's he's definitely trying to find good moves um i i do i do like what he's doing even though rook d4 is not the best move so he did this like a triple one weird thing i don't think i've seen that i think i have i just didn't defend against it in time but he recognizes his mistakes too he's at the level yeah he's definitely you can tell that he's seeing some of these things um but but unfortunately i mean it's just he's playing at someone who's a little bit too strong um and that's why he's suffering whereas i think if he's playing at some point perhaps a little bit weaker and it was a more balanced matchup you would see him with very good chance however here i am still not sure uh if hutch will find the best moves because it's not actually so simple you can't just move the knight because then you'll lose this pawn um so it's it's still maybe another mover hutch has to find another couple of moves in order to win the game cleanly or else there might be some chances yeah that's a great question he won yeah just he realizes the knight is doing well as you were saying protecting the pawn so let's just trade off the rooks and if he can trade them all off because black would love to take the open file and i guess nate just says you can have it but the rooks olive would have come off had he tried to keep it right yeah it's just tough tough tough position for nate in this first game but it's still only it's still only one night for one pawn so it's not it is losing but it's not something where if hutch makes a mistake nate can't come back from it so one mistake by hutch and and it's again it's game on again and something that's worth pointing out as well and this is maybe a little bit more advanced is that in certain end games let's say you have a rook and a minor piece and the other side has one rook there are many times where the side down that piece and if you're only down at night with you you both have a rook on the board you can make a draw despite the material deficit so that's an outside possibility here definitely yeah yeah so maybe something will happen although hutch takes the bishop takes the knight which i really don't like um right that just gives black the whole diagonal and that's a strong bishop for for nate hill now yeah i mean f4 is if hutch plays out four he's he's probably cleanly winning but again i don't feel like it's the most oh my oh i am also impressed you know i i was not expecting him honestly to play f4 but there he goes yeah this is this is this pretty this is pretty rough actually this is very rough um yeah this i don't i mean i really don't know what to say hutch is just playing playing great moves honestly that's all you can say uh a lot of credit to hutch because clearly he's putting a lot of work and time into the game of chess and it really is showing the moves he's playing in this game taking the center with rookie one e4 uh playing with f4 move just yeah very very very good stuff from hunch and i'm was just thinking why did he play f4 first and i think that he has this concept when his bishop was on g5 still but if he plays f4 his bishop starts running out of squares so he's probably just think about some kind of h6 so i think he had this all planned out and now nate does the right thing trying to draw some kind of counter play on the queen side but right you know hutch probably doesn't want to take twice on b5 as then this rook ends up on a2 so always look at how trades affect you and if the a6 pawn is gone the a2 pawn is under attack right exactly yeah so i mean i like that nate hill found b5 um so we'll see okay hudge takes okay and then what a move so we're actually going to tune in to hutch right now to hear his thoughts but he's making really clean work of this okay at least hutch doesn't find 97 [Laughter] yep he saw it just after what a natural and good move though 94 that was not the most center but when you have a fourth of course the music makes it particularly epic all right exactly yeah not the move i got it down to the second time that's a good move isn't this kind of a scenario like i was talking about blood if you trade two don't blunder yourself only in one piece there is some danger yeah if you trade down to too many pieces there is some danger of maybe uh maybe some sort of drawing possibility so i don't really like knight takes bishop if hudson played rook d7 i would have been ready to like to uh to inspect his uh his microphone or something because he's been playing like he's been playing an exceptional game so far really exceptional but he traded on e7 so he's so much better um but at least now for nate with only one rook on the board um with only one work on the board it becomes a lot easier to find moves as well i think um like you know you wanted to put a rook on the open file do you think hutch okay plays rook ba do you think he knows this g4 g5 knight to f6 type of mating net um probably he he should have a pretty good idea about it i'm guessing although i think probably here he's going to be focused on trying to win the queenside ponds would be my guess yeah he goes rook b6 which is a good move yeah it's it's pretty annoying for nate hill that his rook cannot get active like if this rook could spring free and rook c7 is a good move protecting the pawn but his rook could somehow like a rook d7 into d2 with a check to win this b2 pawn he'll have an outside shot here but he's very passive and that's not how you want to see your pieces be right exactly so i mean this is just i i think knight c5 and b4 is pro oh my god [Laughter] geez he you know he wants he wants to send a message not just to you know his opponent in this match but i think he he may be a little upset that everyone thinks the boy boy is the favorite yeah this is i mean this is wow this is just class this this is just class i mean i yeah i don't know what to say nate has actually played quite well by the way other than making the one mistake i mean that's literally the only mistake he made was that that pin that's the only mistake he's made but man hutch is just yeah hutch is playing incredible chess i kind of get the feeling hutch is going to bring his king in now like a true like yeah this is like some kind of like it's like just so yeah it's just oh man look at this training well at least he played this order if he could have played the other order made the check and then rook b7 so you could take the pawn but this order is also uh very very clean here yeah i mean just wow yeah yeah hutch is showing i mean i think hodges clearly demonstrating why he's one of the favorites in the tournament um because he's just yeah almost every movie he's played has been been very very good maybe not the absolute perfect move but it's been more than good enough and um and it's just been a very impressive display in this game of hutches hutch's uh chess skills and a great reaction by nate hill not to trade the rooks because in this position the knight would then scoop up the remaining pawns yeah but yeah 97 she's in 95. is he he's going to go 90 wow i mean just props to that's that's all i can say yeah no i mean it's just i i i more than anything i just feel bad for me because he actually has not played a bad game he walks in the checkmate i mean he has not played a bad game he's just playing someone who's just uh i mean just much much stronger than him honestly like he's not really done much wrong he really hasn't i mean he allowed one pin but but unfortunately like hutch is just uh he's one of the favorites and he's he's clearly showing why i mean just i there's like i i can't even really criticize any of hutch's moves in that game the opening playing rookie one and e4 like that's what a grand master would play playing bishop g5 maybe that's the only move that wasn't perfect but that's literally the only move in the game that i could criticize from hutch everything else i mean rookie rookie one is what grand masters play uh this is the best moment black has to go 94 if we discuss opening theory so um this is a well-known variation but black has to play knight e4 so white gets e4 white's better so um just yeah really really impressive impressive game from hutch the most impressive game i think from start to finish that i've seen uh thus far in the event i have to completely agree i mean every single move with the one exception being bishop g5 because h6 would have been a reasonable response but even bishop g5 was by no means a bad move i know neither of us were saying that but it just maybe didn't work out as well shouldn't have worked out the way it did and nate hill sort of he didn't play the move h6 which i we heard him say that if oh bishop g5 not a big deal i'll play h6 and then he didn't play it when he had the chance and well we're already off in the second game now with uh nate hill taking the white pieces and nate is prob wait what oh game got a board okay so they have to just do the rematch okay okay but knight f3 is nate taking lessons from hutch [Laughter] playing the mirror yeah i expect i expect nate to play the london system um uh okay so d4 bishop f4 okay plus e3 okay slightly different opening set up by by nate here who's been teaching him let's listen to nate and hear his thoughts about this position because i don't know who his coach has he wants to bring to the middle right so i want to stop that early i think that was too early for that yeah shoot i think i'm supposed to be over here already it's fine we'll figure it out i've never seen the reity open not familiar okay so now my oh i do have this stuff car i feel like i'm watching one of your blisters [Laughter] yeah exactly yeah he was watching video view right before the match so you're his inspiration yeah i i definitely didn't i haven't i haven't other than coaching before his game against eve rob i haven't given any other coaching then i have to push h and then that that's fine you only need one nest right awesome he calls it the nest okay so they're actually playing the same game but with the pieces to say colors reversed yeah and i mean he he clearly gets this position the way he was talking about it he understands it but he didn't know the name of the opening and it's so he's probably pretty new to it but still i i really wonder what got him into this open we'll have to ask him but it's a good one it's a very solid one and as i said yeah i think maybe he's just you know what i'm thinking is maybe he's uh seeing the mirror because he's he plays this with black so maybe he's just seeing the mirror and he tried to play the same opening setup as before because the only other thing that i would say is like if like if i had coached him or something i could see this opening but i didn't coach him so um so i i think the only real explanation is that it's a mirror that's the only thing i can think of that makes sense and you do have plenty of videos out there of you playing this exact opening i'm sure so it's maybe he was watching but they're they're they're playing the same opening basically with colors reversed now that's true he did the same thing right the uh bishop g2 castle the same exact position as the first game with next right and i wonder if hutch has realized that too though now it's a great question it is hard for some people to think about the position from the other side but it is the same exact game with one extra tempo because now nathal's white and he hit the first move right exactly yeah so i mean i i i don't think we're gonna see the same mistake though right but but we'll see we'll see uh someone says of course he realizes yeah i i've seen like hutch because he is such a he's played so much chess he probably does realize that it's the same opening setup um but this is gonna be this is gonna be fun to see what hutch does in terms of the setup and jim super jim hutch who is just played a masterpiece in that first game he is now up by a minute and a half so nate hill despite choosing the opening playing a line that resembles the first game he is now thinking then he does fee encounter the bishop right yeah i like i like what nate has done the opening phase of the game um okay now is he gonna play h3 here it doesn't even matter when he does it but but i do want to see i do want to see uh h3 being played at some point by by nate and that way he can avoid any future e5 e4 we saw him lose to that exact tactic in the first game it doesn't work so well because the bishop's on b2 stopping e5 but h3 is a very important move and one that i think he should play right away so he doesn't have to like bog himself down later worrying about it right i would agree with that yeah and actually this is a great example of did he have a learning moment because they say you either win or you learn and well now that knight c6 is played e5 is incoming and there it is very nice very nice from nate i like this yeah very very nice move and just for everybody watching once you fianchetto your bishop it means your bishop can't really retreat because once the bishop goes to d7 it can't go to h5 because the pawn on g6 actually blocks its progress so you can play this move g4 and the bishop is trapped exactly yeah no this is this is a great opening so far from uh from uh from nate i like what he's doing and here he's probably gonna play d3 i assume uh or d4 my concern with d3 is that maybe hutch will go queen to c8 i hope he doesn't do it that'd be really nasty queen to see it might already be really good for black yep putting that pressure on the pawn on h3 and then the king would have to go out to h2 to defend it but he but then you had knight before oh you're the devil hicarus let's show that and he still has it's a quincy yeah he still has it hopefully he doesn't see it but because these bishops are staring each other down so you should always think of the way to get your piece out of the way and let's listen to hutch to see maybe if he's thinking about this exact plan all right so if you push his pawn i could just push this pawn here and then wait for him to capture and then grab a hold of that file he's got a weak pawn here right so if i for example move my queen there i can put some pressure on that pawn oh no wow i do have a lead in development he still hasn't developed this night if i were him i'd probably think about doing that but it's not like you know he's playing fine so far i think right i'm looking at pushing this pawn also queen here is like an interesting talk maybe with the idea of like yeah yeah i know he's definitely played quite a bit yeah it's this is a very tough matchup i think for uh in in in general for um for uh for nate certainly but he plays e4 which i really like this is a good move he's playing in the center of the board um and the good thing here i think is that now hutch won't be able to get this idea of queen c8 because there always be a pawn push to attack the knight on f6 so fortunately hutch is gonna have to probably i actually don't know what hut should do here it's not taking the pawn and playing e5 does not really feel very natural uh it's probably the best way to play as a human but objectively uh neat is doing quite well here after the pawn push yeah it's a very good decision and we heard hutch talking maybe but i could play e6 and then allow nate to capture me on d5 and so he's waiting for the pantry as i want to release the tension but he also mentioned this queen seat idea and as we're saying e6 blocks that entire option so the bishop nd7 looks bad if you play e6 and that's what makes it hard to play yeah so um i mean but i'm very happy with the way nate has played because he's playing something that he doesn't understand he i mean like he's seen some of these setups but he's not super familiar with them so the way that he's playing this opening has been fantastic and um i really want to see how hutch responds this because i think certainly if hutch has a bad reaction to the setup um what would happen is that uh is that basically it's something that i think his opponents might pray for now hudge plays queen c8 which is actually a very bad move here because white can push the pawn to attack tonight come on nate neat just do it oh that was you robert that's me who made e5 that's me i'm just showing you an idea shame on you stop getting my hopes up i'm sorry i blundered queen sometimes i have to make good moves as well so e5 would be a very good move the knight on f6 doesn't have many squares to go to in fact it has one safe square on h5 and you know what they say about knights in the rim knights on the rim are grim yes and you usually they call them dim but i like to think of them as grim and then people get mad at me because they're like oh grim is a good thing sometimes you see the grim reaper like that's doesn't seem good right exactly yeah come on nate just do it come on nate come on e5 would you think that it's an easy move to find no i mean i think the thing that's hard is probably he's probably not used to diagonal so he probably doesn't realize the pawn on each for his hanging wait was that me um no that he did it yes come on nate come on let's let's listen to him i thought that was me accidentally making the move but listen but i just wanted to do something very nice he's extremely quiet there's no way he takes it hold on let's think i'll get my horse out i gotta get my knight at my rook out yeah that's obviously what he's gonna do it's annoying but let's see is he forced is there any way i can force him to do something just develop he doesn't see that pawn each was hanging it's still okay though i think even if he gives up the pawn i think he's still doing okay because what he's got to play is just keep that knight on i see a force in two that i could get him into right then it might not be good yeah but he sees g4 as an option for him right so even though queenie two is a blunder i think even though it's a blunder it's a good move he sees the idea of g4 to trap the knight so um obviously he misses the pond but i like i like the reasoning and what he's trying to come up with so in general i think it's uh it's it's very good i i'm very pleased with what i'm saying out of nate in both of these games honestly like he's he's a big underdog but um but the reason that behind his moves has been very very fundamentally sound for sure and you know he has like all the right ideas down just sometimes he gets a bit of tunnel vision as we all do where we forget that wait not only is this knight potentially trapped but wait that queen and bishop were attacking this pawn so he has a really good grasp he actually understands the position quite well and i'm with you a card this position is far from over it is one pawn and it's important well the funny thing i was going to say is it's it's in a way it's a good thing he blundered the ponks if he had played pawn to g4 allowing knight f4 he wouldn't be down any material but i think he would actually be losing almost for sure so in a way it's a good thing that he that he blundered this pawn because now he'll never have this pawn pushing chief or after which he would be very close to loss it's a great point that in terms of ease of playing he plays king h2 now so if you played that one move earlier that would have been preferred but now if you take on g2 and the king takes i get the open h file for my rook so it's not all bad for white yeah i mean this the game is still very much alive for white with this knight on on the edge of the board i think the main issue for nate here is trying to develop the knight and the rook into the game that's the main problem but again it's still only one pawn and against somebody like hutch who's one of the one of the best players in the field to only be down one pawn to be hanging in there the way that nate has i think this is it's it's great it's great to see agreed completely and one thing i would say in addition all that is that from hutch's point of view he knows he's the favorite but he also knows that his knight h5 isn't comfortable but sometimes you play a move like f6 or trying to desperately free up that knight and those kind of moves can backfire while it does help the knight it exposes your king a bit more so you have to be very careful before ever pushing this f-pawn because then your king on jake at least will feel a little bit of heat right exactly so i i think i mean i i think this nate's done a great job queen five is a fantastic move from from hutch here uh and now really the only one that i think probably keeps nate in the game is probably something like knight to a3 but it's a very hard move to play you put the knight on the edge of the board i think most players have been told not to do that they've been told you want to bring the knights towards the center so i think uh okay queenie two is not a bad move either actually it's not bad at all i kind of like this move um as well this is good yeah he protects this pawn e5 another time so that he can actually develop the knights of c3 now right exactly yeah so i i like i like what nate has done again both games first game one mistake the bishop for the pawn but here like one small mistake and it's only one pawn and probably against hutch it's going to be too much um but it's great to see considering how strong with player hutch is yeah and hutch has to find these good moves which he hasn't finally queen to f5 but it's not such an easy position for him either because there are no more clear targets to exploit so you'll have to actually come up with a plan rather than just like piling up pressure on a single piece right exactly and again this is where it's going to be very hard for nate starting to get a little bit low on time he's got to find a way to bring guess he's got to find a way to bring the knight unfortunately yeah this is the natural looking square but it blunders upon on c2 um although i guess it's he's still in the game because with this knight still stuck on h5 um uh okay now he goes knight h5 okay or queen g4 rather okay okay come on nate queen e4 let's see queen e4 would be an excellent move yeah i mean it's very hard i mean if need sees queen e4 i'll i'll be really really inspired i'll be very inspired and i'm guessing that let's listen into nate because i'm guessing he sees that knight f4 check is a threat but let's make sure that he comes up with a good response i can do this yeah very tough damn what could i've done better there i think the team is queen instead of the horse yeah i mean it's very hard obviously it's pretty new to the game it's not awesome obvious idea but yeah very tough unlucky and he just said it he just said queen on e4 he recognized his mistake and hutch is probably gonna see the checkmate in two as well yeah i expect touch to see the checkmate yeah queen h3 check the king only has one move and then there he finds it see that's the thing as we're talking about playing hutch is so difficult because even when you're playing really well when hutch plays his best he just has that experience and he doesn't blunder very often right and that's very true yeah hutch is just like yeah really i mean what what what can you say what can you say i mean very very well played by hutch and actually i mean honestly in terms of nate i i have to say even though nate nate loses this match this has been very impressive on his end as well i mean really the the difference in in both these games has been one blunder like and in this game it was a small blunder before the before the knight of four pins so um i think need has definitely definitely met my expectations in in this match for sure i think for me he's exceeded them because you know you're right just one little blunder and it just goes to show that nate's progress is very legitimate where and it also goes to show what the next step will look like where these little mistakes against some players that were just starting or newer to the game they may not be devastating but against hutch you just there's no coming back from it and there's a resignation so hutch wins the match right exactly yeah yeah and i mean just also let's go back to this game a little bit because we liked how nate played early on his decision to kick this bishop away from g4 with h3 was smart and i think icarly understood that the bishop couldn't belong here but at the same time he maybe didn't know how to meet this kind of queen c8 and eventual attack on them yeah i mean it's again those is pretty far into the middle game and i think it's just a matter of playing against someone who's i mean just just had a lot of experience in chess but the fact that he found pawn to e5 i was very pleased by i mean one pawn that king h2 move uh really costs in the game although he had that chance later with with uh with queen to e4 as well so i mean i'm i'm very proud of the way nate played today in both these games um i mean this is this is he's playing against someone who is at least 500 points higher rated than him who's probably had several years at least several years more worth of experience and the fact that he was able to hang in there for as long as he did and um and really i mean just it came down to basically two mistakes by nate i mean he should be very very pleased with the way he played because it was it was fantastic to see for sure and and also that he recognized his mistakes in this game he played h3 in the first game he didn't find that move to kick the bishop right and then after he played 94 he lost queens oh maybe i showed my queen there but we are going to take a quick break and when we return we will have hutch and nate hill and talk to them about their match and hear their thoughts so stay tuned everybody we'll be right back with the chess.com pop jams well we welcome both hutch and nate hill here guys hey cara and i were super impressed with how you two played so well done thank you appreciate it appreciate it and nate let's start with you because you were playing some newer openings were you working hard on them were you getting some coaching like how did you come up with these ideas so the one that i was playing was actually hikaru's from uh the game against erob which was a wee week or so ago unfortunately i haven't had much time to practice for hutch because there's been a lot of fortnite stuff going on recently so i was told to kind of just try to fall back on that because i think what did you start with what's what was your opening on i played knight f3 just to throw you off because i figured he cairo prepared you for d4 yeah i was thinking it was gonna be d4 so i just kind of just went with what i knew was going to be put me in an okay spot i ended up kind of transposing into the same kind of structure anyways but yeah yeah we're good i have the game uh if you can see in the in the chat here um so one this opening was all very good akara and i were enjoying this and at this point rookie won great move playing e4 d6 was a good response but you nade and after bishop g5 we heard you talking about how you should play h6 before you know once the bishop got here and then in the game you brought your knight down so was that just like a snap reaction and then you like you know palm like oh gosh i knew i should have played h6 first yeah i think so i think i did it the next game faster too so yeah i think i just missed that again and i mean hutch you played a really clean game hikaru can speak this but we were super impressed by your conversion yeah i was i was really trying to be careful because i blunder a lot um so i i tried to just like sit on my hands and just like make myself look at the board for like 10 seconds before i made any kind of move um yeah i thought as soon as i got this pawn push i felt pretty comfortable yeah i felt pretty uncomfortable as soon as you put the pawn there yeah i don't think i've seen it like three in the same line like that much oh man i like to push all five pawns c d f and g i like to go nuts with it but i was hoping you'd let me do it but you played you fee and cut out the bishop and couldn't do that all right yeah so i i was kind of curious um so so this first game obviously for you nate it was really one mistake cost you the game and i think uh in most other situations or against most other players in this event if you probably would have gotten away with it but because hutch was so strong i mean this one mistake was too much but you really made very few blunders throughout both games um and i was wondering like is it you what was your thought process throughout just try to avoid like you know making a bad move to your night or was just just general general thoughts it was basic it was just the basic openings that we talked about and honestly like just taking my time and making sure calculating all the pieces right and that's that was pretty much what i focused on just trying to get my calculations right and every time i had a lead in the in a calculation hutch did something that i just didn't see coming or it just like i'd offer a trade-up he just would never take it i think he did that three times so it was just well played by him and if we go to the second game because this game was decided with this one move e5 and once hutch went up the knight it was his game to win but the second game i mean this was also really well done by both of you first of all the question that carl and i were wondering was did you guys realize it was the same exact opening but with reverse colors yeah oh yeah yeah for sure okay because sometimes people just don't recognize that like what they just did and because you're playing with different colors you just forget that last game but it's good that you had that and first you nate you saw that this bishop should be kicked out and you learned your lesson and played h3 exactly i was hoping you'd let me get away with it again but i figured [Laughter] on white pieces it was it was a little easier to see i guess yeah but i also kind of wanted you to push that pawn because i knew that it would make that h3 pawn a target at some point and i ended up moving my queen to c8 and doubling up on that so actually i was going to add one thing robert if you if you stop after bishop d7 so i was wondering if you realize hutch that after pawn to d3 here you could have gone queen to c8 right away yeah i i was thinking about it i can't remember what move i played before i did that um well basically what you did is you allowed nate to get his pawn rolling so pawn was on e4 when you played queen c8 because if you go queen c8 right here white is already i think close to losing so if i go king it should unite you for okay which i think you got to that point later wait why explain why that's good because you when i take the knight you take the bishop on b2 yeah i was looking at that move i think i got two into my head sometimes i play a little overly cautious wouldn't i take the bishop there hicario what's that you have to take your kings attack your king and then i take the bishop and then your rook next oh yeah that's that's huge yeah it's a really good i'm sorry guys go ahead robert it's a really good lesson that when pieces are on the same diagonal these bishops or if your rooks are on the same line that if you can get the piece out of the way and with a check that way it has to be dealt with then the other bishop that you're attacking now becomes yours yeah that's huge so like if you go forward in the game like hutch did this a few moves later but you actually responded very very well to this you played e4 and like here when he played queen state it's the same thing if you move the king up to protect the pawn there's the same knight check right uh and so you played e5 which was a fantastic move and then hutch played night knights at h5 and here actually if you'd gone king to h2 protecting this pawn now you would have been probably quite a bit better because this knight is very uncomfortable on on the edge of the board yeah i was worried about getting trapped that's i was trying to work on it i just i guess i didn't see that king move yeah yeah it's a hard one to say did you see that your pawn h3 was under attack nate uh yeah i did um i just started i started thinking about something else i forget what i tried to get your night trap basically that's what i was going for but i just i was gonna do it in two moves but you did the bishop and then kind of screwed me right right because like if you go queen d2 and then you robber you just make a random move like a6 or something then pawn to g4 does trap the knight because your queen covers the one exactly that's what i was going for but i think yeah yeah i was worried about him moving to queen to d2 because because i would i would have had to move my bishop and then move my knight to like a really unnatural spot on g7 and that would have just you would have started cramping my position i started to get like a little nervous here but as soon as you let me take the pawn on h3 i figured i was pretty good mm-hmm yeah and nate that's why i was wondering if you saw the pawn hd was hanging because you had the right idea like the 100 correct idea but unfortunately the one reason doesn't work is really good for hutch and he saw it and snagged your pawn so i just want to get a little bit of tunnel vision so focused on this knight on h5 and trapping it that perhaps you overlook the fact that this pawn h3 was happening that happens to all of us yeah i think that's i think that's about what happened yeah yeah and i mean honestly and after that you came back pretty well because it was not a clear you lost a pawn but the game was not over by anybody it was only down one point but then i made a huge stupid mistake with my i saw my horse over here doing nothing the whole game sorry night and i just like i just want to get him out and do something and just made a huge mistake on the next move and as soon as you made him sick we actually tuned into uh your stream and you're like oh i should have put my queen on e4 and actually if you played queen e4 hecarim i mean we thought that white's position is not bad at all yeah because even though you're still behind by one pawn the knight is stuck on the stuck on the square on the edge of the board h5 square and the knight can't really get back into the game easily and so it still would have been quite quite an interesting interesting game if you had found this move but but even though you didn't find the move i thought most most ideas you came up with in in both games other than the the very slight blenders you made were uh it was very impressive and it was it was great to see because you followed the basics and and you really did get your pieces developed and you were just playing in the middle game and i mean if you had been playing at someone perhaps not quite as strong as your opponent uh maybe the result would have been different um so i thought it was you played very very well i appreciate it yeah learned a lot from you guys and hutch on your end your conversion in that first game you know you're up a night for a pawn you didn't give him any chances like we thought that maybe there would be some outside shot for nate to come back you played pretty much perfectly and the car and i were really praising your play it was very impressive so thank you such it's such an honor there's not too many grandmasters in the world so to have a couple of you guys say that means a lot appreciate it for sure well enjoy your stream thank you so much for taking part in hutch we'll see you next round nate i hope you keep playing chess because you really have improved so much since you started for sure man i hope we can do uh more of these this has been really fun really appreciate it yeah good games guys thank you
Channel: Chess.com
Views: 49,520
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess, nate hill, hutch, gmhikaru, hikaru nakamura, pogchamps, chess.com, chess.com pogchamps, twitch streamers, gamers, gaming, esports, twitch
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 14sec (2654 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 19 2020
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