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Fast heartbeat, a different kind of happiness, excitement, and time slows down whenever you see him. These are unforgettable feelings of having a crush. You experience this unexpectedly with an unexpected person. Like our fun story tonight. -Mom, I'm going now. -Hmm-mm. -Take care. -[Una] Bye, Mom. -Don't be late. -Okay. -Dear, take a bath now. -Una is using perfume. Maybe she will meet with her crush. -[chuckles] Stop it. -[Dua] Hmm... Hey. I heard that. What crush? It's not that, Dad. She's just teasing me. Right? Hey, Una. Are you being courted? You're still young. I'm not, Dad. I'm leaving now. Bye. -[Dad] Take care. -[Una] Okay. Bye, Mom. [Mom] Bye-bye. -[Dad] Mom. -Dad. You're so dirty. [Dad] I'll just wash. I'll be back. -I'll kiss you then. -Okay. -[Dua] Mom. -Yes? What's the feeling of having a crush? Oh, dear, you know, it's a good and happy feeling. Because when you have a crush and you saw him, or when he smiles at you, oh dear, you'll feel like flying. Wait, why are you asking? Do you have a crush I don't, Mom. You know, dear, there's nothing wrong with having a crush. As long as it doesn't affect your study. What's okay? I'm just telling your daughter about my crush. Who is your crush You know, my crush is so kind. He's so thoughtful. And he's so handsome. -That's why I married him. -[chuckles] -Me? -Hmm. Good thing you married him. -Why? -Because I didn't. [laughs] Is that so? Hmm? -I'm kidding. -You will not eat lunch. I'm kidding, Mom. Don't sulk. Una, who are you texting? No one. I will not tell you anymore. Una, please... I'm sorry. Una... It's Bruce, my best friend. Your best friend is a guy? Is that possible? Of course. You can have a guy or a girl best friend. As long as you get along. Hmm. Maybe he's your crush and you don't want to say it. -Is he your crush? -He's not. He knows all my crushes. We don't like each other. -Stop it. -Mm... [cellphone chimes] Oh my gosh! My crush messaged! He messaged! Let me see! Let me see! -Let me see! -I don't want to! -Let me see! Let me see! -No! Let me see! [chuckles] "Good eve, classmates. See you tomorrow." What is that? You're happy with that? [Dua] My goodness. You know, Una, I will not have a crush. So I won't look like a fool like you. -Dua! -[footsteps approaching] Dua, I need you. We don't have soy sauce. Can you buy some? No... -Please? -I'll do it, Mom. -[Mom] Sure? -[Una] Yes. -[Mom clicking tongue] Dua... -[Dua giggling] -Hi, Dua. -[Dua] Hi, Una. Come, get inside. I'll introduce you to Mom. -Mom, my classmates are here. -[Mom] Huh? [romantic music] [Una] This is Jennifer, Anna, Tom, and Bruce. [Mom] How are you? Dear, I'll prepare snacks for you. -I'm sure you're hungry. -No, we won't stay long. -[Mom] Are you sure? -[Una] Yes, Mom. [Mom] All right, I'll finish this first. Do your thing. [Una] Dua, they're my classmates. This Anna, Jennifer, Tom, and the one I told you before, Bruce. [mouthing] Hi. I'll just get the USB. Take a seat. [sighs] So, you are Dua? Huh? You know, you sister always talks about you. Really? Yes. She said you're smart and top of your class. What school do you go to? Uh... At... Over there. [Una] I found the USB. Mom, we'll just go to the internet café. -[Una] All right. Bye, Dua. -Bye. Bye, Dua. Bye. [Charo]<i> "Dear Charo, that's</i> <i>the first time I felt this way.</i> <i>My heart beat was so fast.</i> <i>I felt like it's going to jump</i> <i>out of my body.</i> <i>It felt like something's</i> <i>tickling me.</i> <i>And the smile</i> <i>won't leave my face.</i> <i>I thought, 'Is this</i> <i>what they call a crush?'"</i> [Dua] <i>Oh, Bruce... Are you kind?</i> <i>What are your likes</i> <i>and dislikes?</i> <i>Are you the silent type?</i> <i>What are your hobbies?</i> <i>And how can I ask</i> <i>all these things to Una?</i> Um... Your classmates are loud, Una. Are you the loudest in your class? A little. They're like that when they enjoy the conversation. I see. Then, who is the most quiet? Hmm, it's Joylyn. She doesn't talk much. I see. Then, among the guys? Is your best friend quiet? -Who was that again? -Oh, Bruce. No, he's so talkative. [Dua] <i>Mm. How annoying.</i> <i>She's giving one answer</i> <i>to every question.</i> -Oh, this is so hard. -Huh? Huh? Um, nothing. It's... I mean... Is high school hard? Hmm, a bit. It's a science high school so you have to study hard because the passing grade is 85. Why? Are you nervous for the entrance exam? You can do you. Just study hard. I'm sure you will pass. So we can be in the same school. It's fun, right? Yeah. That's really fun. -[Una] Mom. -[Mom] Yes, dear? [Una] We'll just practice here, okay? -[Mom] Sure. -[Una] All right. [kisses] -[Mom] Come in, come in. Hello. -[classmates] Hello... [Mom] Come in. Don't be shy. -Dear, prepare their snacks. -[Una] Okay. Wow, my daughter is so pretty. -It suits you. -[Dua] Thank you, Mom. -Are you going somewhere? -Uh, no, just here [Mom] all right. [indistinct chatter] [Una] but how? [classmate 1] Okay, here are your roles. Una, you are Anna. -Is that fine with you? -[Una] Yeah. And, Bruce, you will be Albert. -Albert? -[classmate 1] Yeah. -Let's exchange. -Sure. It's a hard role for me. -[classmate 1] Can you do it? -Yeah. Let's just split it. You do the first part, I'll do the end. [classmate 1] You will be the father. -Where is it? -[chuckles] Look, the lines are long. -Where is it? -It suits you more. You'll be the father. -[water container clatters] -Oh! [stammers] Sorry, sorry. [indistinct chattering] [Una] I'll just get snacks and refreshments. Hey. What are you doing there? Um, have you seen my math book? [Una] Book? -Ah! It's here. -All right. [chuckles] -Dear... -[Una] Mom, let me help you. [Mom] All right. -[Una] Thank you. -[Mom] I need to clean up. Tell me if you need anything else. -I'll be at the kitchen. -Okay, Mom. Una, do you need help? -It's fine, I can handle it. -Okay. [clicks tongue] [Una] Hey, eat some snacks first. [chuckles] [indistinct conversation] -Um, Mom? -Yes? Do you need anything? I'll buy it for you. Wait. I know. We're running out of cooking oil. Go buy some. And... Wait, I'll just list it. Stay there. Just to be sure. [in low voice] Yes. -[Una] No, nothing more. -[Bruce] Yeah, yeah. -Yup, we have. We have. -[Una] We have? [Una] You're so dramatic, Bruce. [Bruce] Albert's lines are long. Do you want to be Albert? [Una] I don't want to. He's a guy. It's so hot here. -It's hot outside. -[chattering] I'm sweating already. It's so hot. Filipino, but when it comes to reading, I can't. -I'll just bring an umbrella. -[Una] But you're good... [Una] No, no. [chuckling] Um, okay, this one. I'm opening my umbrella so I won't be hot. [grunts] -[Bruce] That's long. -[classmate 1] It's not. It's still hot even with umbrella. -[Una] Memorize it. -[Bruce sighs] -[Mom] Dua? -Yes? -[Mom] Dua? -Yes? I forgot something. Add this to the list. One dozen of egg. One dozen of egg? Okay, Mom. -[Mom] Hurry up. -[Dua] Okay. -[Mom] Be careful. -Okay. Dua, where are you going? Uh... Um, Mom needs me to buy something. Nice, you're a hard-worker. [chuckles] No choice because Una is busy... Uncle. Don't call me uncle. Am I that old? [chuckles] Sorry, Uncle. Oh. Sorry. I call older guys uncle. Okay. Next time, just call my big brother. Big brother, not uncle. -All right, Big Brother. -Good. I'm going now, Big Brother. All right. Take care, Dua. All right. [Charo] <i>"I'm always happy</i> <i>when Bruce visits our house.</i> <i>I can't tell Una</i> <i>because he is her best friend.</i> <i>I know she will just tease me.</i> <i>Because of Bruce</i> <i>I became more inspired to study</i> <i>for my entrance exam.</i> <i>I really want to go</i> <i>to the same school as him</i> <i>so I can see him everyday."</i> You have studied well so don't be nervous. You can do it. You can do it. The entrance examination will now begin. All cell phones must now be turned off. Oh. Um... Excuse me. Excuse me. Um, can I ask for a paper? I forgot mine at home. Please? So I can't my exam. Please? [chuckles softly] Here. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Good luck with your exam. Thank you. [lively music] I can do this. So? Mom, Dad, I passed the entrance exam! -Wow! -Wow! -I passed! -You're amazing! -Dad! -Congratulations, dear! -I passed! -[cheering] -Mm! -[chuckling] [all laughing] [Una] Dua, if you need anything, you can find me here. All right. Bye. [Dua] <i>Ah! I know where I can</i> <i>find you now, Big Brother Bruce.</i> Dua? -Jayson. -Jayson! Right. You passed as well. Thank you again. I won't be here if you didn't help me. Sure. Did you find your classroom? I haven't found it yet. Then let's look for it together. I haven't found mine as well. -Let's go? -Okay. -This way. -Okay. [lively music] -Dua? -Yes? -Let's go? -Let's go! [Charo] "<i>I'm happy because I go</i> <i>to the same school as Bruce</i> <i>and I also have</i> <i>a new friend, Jayson.</i> <i>Jayson and I are always together</i> <i>during breaks.</i> <i>We study together</i> <i>even on weekends."</i> Hey, this is my favorite. Mm. Your mom is sweet. By the way, where are your siblings? I don't have siblings. I'm an only child. Hmm. That's why it's so quiet here. When you go to our house, it's so chaotic. I have a lot of siblings. So it's hard to concentrate with my studies because it's so loud. Uh, if you want, you can study here every weekend. -Really? -Yeah. Okay. All right. You know, maybe it's fun being an only child. You don't have to share your toys, your food. And you get all the new clothes. -Sometimes, it's hard. -[Dua munching] You may have new toys, but you don't have anyone to pay with. And all your parent's attentions are on you. Sometimes it's annoying. So sometimes I wish I have a sibling. What if... Maybe we can... You can treat me as your sibling, right? -Huh? -[Dua] Yeah. You want to experience having a sibling, I'm here. We're like siblings now. -Um, this... -[exhales] Here. Let's share this, like siblings. Mm. this is my favorite. It's good. -[clicks tongue] Okay. -Let's stay here. It's better here, right, buddy? -Can you stop calling me buddy? -Why? [clicks tongue] It's not good. You're like a man. And we're not really siblings. -Hey, what is this? -Hey... [stammers] -Give it to me. Return it to me. -Hey. -Give it back. -Wait. "From the first time we met, I knew your smile will keep me from feeling blue. My heart skips whenever you say my name. I long for the day that you'll feel the same." Hey. -Give it back. -[Jayson] You wrote this? -Is that for you crush? -[sighs] -Who is your crush? -No one. So grumpy. So is it? We're friends, you can tell me. I don't want to. I'll tell you when I'm annoyed by you. Don't be annoyed. You know, whoever is your crush, I'm sure he will like it. -Really? -Mm. Hey, you really know my favorite. Thank you, best friend. You know, before I was wondering why Una has a guy best friend. But now, I know it's possible. Thank you. [sighs] [Jayson sighs] [stammers] -Let's go upstairs, hurry. -Why? Let's go, Jayson. Hide. -Why? -Just do it. -What's wrong? Hide. Stay there. Stay there. -Hey, don't peak. -All right. -[Dua] Stay there. -Okay. -Stay there. -I said all right. Stay there. Is he your crush? Hmm? Who? Bruce? [scoffs] No. Why would I have a crush on him? You're so obvious, Dua. -Really? -Yes. [chuckles softly] Hey. Let's keep it a secret. No one else know. You're the only one who knows. I didn't even tell Una because he is her best friend. It's embarrassing. -Don't tell anyone. -Okay. -[Dua] Promise? -Promise. But, you know, he's nice. And he's handsome. And he's smart too. [Dua sighs] What about you? Who is your crush? I told you mine, you should tell me yours too. -Uh, me? -Yeah. [Jayson] Uh... That one. Her. She's my crush. You didn't even... She's a passerby. Really, she's my crush. Who is it? Tell me. Tell me, please. -I have one more crush. -Mm. Who? -I really have a crush on her. -Who is it? Um... [clicks tongue] -I'll tell you next time. -Hey! Jayson, you're so unfair! -Unfair? I'm not. -You're unfair! I told you... Dua, favor please. Can I use your phone? I don't have a load. Here are the numbers. Send them, please. -Thank you. I'm in a hurry. -Take care. [gasps] [squealing] I have his number now. Good pm. This is Una. Don't be late. I'm on my way. I asked Dua to message you. [Bruce] <i>So this is your number.</i> <i>Let's text each other sometimes.</i> <i>"Let's text each other</i> <i>sometimes?" Oh my God!</i> [squealing] [Dua] <i>Sure, Big Brother.</i> <i>Let's text each other.</i> No. I seem so excited. What if I don't reply? Then he will say I'm a snob. [Dua] <i>Sure.</i> -[<i>"</i>Nasa Iyo Na Ang Lahat" by Daniel Padilla playing] [squealing] -[Jayson] Where are we going? -[Dua panting] [Dua] He's really good with basketball. -Huh. Basketball is easy. -[giggling] [Jayson] I can even play that. [sighs] You know, you're acting like that but he doesn't notice you. What do you mean? Aren't we textmates? Textmates? He's just sending you group messages. But still, he doesn't have to text me, or he can forget my number, but he saved it and he includes me in his group messages. That's not how you say that a person likes you too. You will know if he gives you gifts, he's always there for you, and he will do anything just to be with you. How do you know? Maybe you're like that with your crush? I know now who your crush is. Huh? Who? It's Rosalie! Right, it's Rosalie. One time, you helped her clean the board. Oh, you like Rosalie. Why aren't you telling me? It'll be our secret. Why didn't you tell me it's Rosalie? -Una! -Hey, Bruce. [exhales] Have you done your homework? Yeah. What about you? -I didn't. -[Una] Why didn't you do it? -We played basketball earlier. -[laughs] -You want some? [Una] Sure. [romantic music] [Una] I can help you with our homework. -[Bruce] Okay, please. -[Una chuckles] -[Bruce] Thank you. -[Una] All right. [chuckles] Oh, Bruce, you're so sweet! You're as sweet as this candy you gave me. Oh, dear. Thank you so much for this gift. You just don't know how happy you've made me. [happy music playing] You're probably inspired because of Jayson. -So, Jayson's your inspiration? -[student 2] Come on, admit it. Your minds are full of nonsense. Jayson's my best friend. [student 2] Come on, we're just joking. We'll go ahead. -[student 1] Bye, Dua, Jayson. -[student 2] Bye, Dua, Jayson. Take care. Well, let's go? Let's celebrate. I'll treat you to lunch. I saved up my allowance for this. Can we go some other time? Mom cooked some food at home. -Oh. Well, okay. -[Dua] Okay. -Let's go? -Let's go. -Hey! -Bruce! Dua. Congrats. [joyous music playing] I knew you can do it. See, you're in the honors list now. [Bruce] You're so great. Congrats. You deserve it. Thank you. All right. He could've just texted me, but he really waited for me outside the classroom just to congratulate me. [squeals] -[exhales] -Are you sure about that? What if he was waiting for somebody else, and it's just a coincidence? Oh, come on. You're always acting like that. You're always against me. Don't you like Bruce for me? [soft, happy music] It's Bruce. I thought we're going to the library? Just a second. Hey, Bruce! Dua. It's good to see you. Bruce, you look like... You're going through something. [sighs] My grades were low this quarter. My parents got mad at me. [Bruce] They compared me to my brothers. They said I should be like them. They take their studies seriously. But I do, too. It's just too hard for me. I should just accept that I'm not as good and smart as them. I was thinking of switching schools. No! Uh... What I mean is, if you leave, all your hard work will go to waste. You know, you're smart. Aren't you a representative of the Physics Club? Will they choose you if your teachers and classmates didn't believe in you? Well, I believe that you can do better on the next quarter. You're that good! [Dua] See, you're smiling. You should do that more often, being grumpy doesn't suit you well. -You look like this. -[laughs] Dua, I'm glad you're here. [Bruce] You made me happy. I won't be grumpy anymore, I promise. Thank you. ["Nasa 'Yo Na Ang Lahat" by Daniel Padilla playing] What were we supposed to study? [Jayson] Biology. [cell phone beeps] THIS IS NICE, DUA. THANKS! GOOD MORNING! Dua! [Bruce] You're here all along. -Bruce! -Come over here. Wait a minute. Una! -Hello! -Dua, these are our friends. This is Tom. [Bruce] This is Neil, Jerry, and Daniel. [Dua] Didn't you come over at our house? You practiced there. [giggles] [Una] This is Jennifer and Anna. [Jennifer and Anna] Hi! [Charo] <i>"I was so happy</i> <i>that from text mates,</i> <i>my crush and I became friends.</i> <i>From then on,</i> <i>Bruce always invited me</i> <i>to come with them</i> <i>during lunch breaks.</i> <i>He even tags me along</i> <i>on his and his friends' trips."</i> [Una] ...where there's a lot of people. Bruce, thank you for inviting me here. It's nothing. I should be the one thanking you. For what? For everything you told me before. Because of you, I focused on my studies. So thank you. All right. [Bruce] Hey, man. How are you? [exhales] [mellow music playing] WHERE ARE YOU? [Bruce] Two, please. Thank you. Una! Dua! Here you go. It's my treat. -All right. -Thank you. -Here you go. -Bruce is so kind. Let's go. Let's go. -Una! -Why? Um... I'll stay here. I'm kind of scared. Okay, just wait for us here. -Are you sure? -Yeah, I'll watch you instead. [Una] All right. ["Nasa 'Yo Na Ang Lahat" by Daniel Padilla playing] [Una] Is it our turn? This is the last one. [soft, happy music playing] -[classmates] Bye, Dua. -Bye. -Bruce! -Thank goodness I found you. I have a favor to ask you. All right. I'd like you to help me rewrite my notes. I might not finish it until the exams. Sure, I can do that. -Are you sure it's okay? -Of course. Thank you. Thank you for being there for me. [Bruce] Thank you. Jayson! Jayson, you know what? I've got so much to tell you! Is it about Bruce? Just look for someone else to talk with. Jayson! Wait a minute. Why are you acting like that? You've been against Bruce from the beginning. He didn't do anything wrong. I thought you're my best friend. Aren't friends supposed to support each other? Why aren't you supportive of me? Does a good best friend do that? [somber music playing] So I'm the bad friend? [Jayson] Am I the one ditching plans? Hmm? We don't eat lunch together anymore. And every time we're together, all you talk about is Bruce, Bruce, Bruce. [Jayson] It's always about Bruce. Now, tell me, Dua. Does a good best friend do that? I'm sorry, Jayson. All right. If you want, this Saturday, I'll come over at your house. I can rewrite Bruce's notes while we study. Forget it. I'll study on my own. Jayson! Jayson! [laughing, talking indistinctly] [Una laughing] What? [Bruce] Let's go on Saturday. [Una laughs] What? -Yeah, I understand. -[Bruce] Remind me, bro. [Una] He's kinder to me now. Dua. Will you watch our game on Saturday? Oh. Sure! -All right. Promise me. -Sure. [Bruce] All right. [talking indistinctly] [somber music playing] [Dua] <i>"Hi, Jayson.</i> <i>Can I come over tomorrow?"</i> [cell phone beeps] [Bruce] <i>"I found her.</i> <i>She's always been there for me."</i> [upbeat, happy music playing] [squeals] [gasps, exhales] [muffled squealing] Una! Una! [Dua] Una. Ma'am's stuff. Dua! [classmates teasing] Not in public! ["Nasa 'Yo Na Ang Lahat" by Daniel Padilla playing] [classmates exclaiming] [Charo] <i>"I felt like I was going crazy</i> <i>because of pure happiness.</i> <i>I was just 80 percent sure</i> <i>that he likes me back.</i> <i>But when he hugged me,</i> <i>I was 101 percent sure</i> <i>that I was the one</i> <i>he's talking about in his text.</i> <i>I thought,</i> <i>is this what they call 'love'?"</i> [squealing] [exhales] How amazing. It turns out we like each other. [restricted squealing] [Dua] <i>"Hi, Bruce, um...</i> <i>I just wanted</i> <i>to tell you that...</i> <i>I like you."</i> [exhales] [Dua] <i>"Hi, Bruce. I have a secret.</i> <i>I have a crush on you."</i> [exhales] [Dua] <i>"Bruce,</i> <i>I have something to tell you."</i> [cell phone beeps] [Bruce] <i>"I also have</i> <i>something to tell you."</i> [Dua] <i>Oh, my gosh!</i> <i>This is it! This is really it!</i> <i>"All right. You go first."</i> [squealing silently] It really is me! [cell phone beeps] [Bruce] <i>"You know what?</i> <i>I'm so happy today.</i> <i>I found a girlfriend."</i> [somber music playing] [cell phone beeps] [Bruce] <i>"What were you going to say?"</i> [Dua] <i>"Oh, well. That's a bummer."</i> [crying] [cell phone beeps] [Bruce]<i> "What is?"</i> "Because, Bruce..." [crying] "I love you." Thank you. Here. Dear? [Mom] Why aren't you touching your food? Aren't you feeling well? Dua, are you okay? Are you sick? [chuckles softly] No, I'm not. Uh... I'll go ahead. I've got something to do. [Dua sighs] [crying] Stop crying. Are you still mad at me? -[somber music playing] -[crying] [Dua crying] Dua? Dua... Dua, it's okay. There are many other people you can meet. Bruce isn't the only guy in the world. You know about it? Of course. Did he tell you? He doesn't need to tell me for me to know. I just didn't tell you that I knew because there's nothing wrong with having crushes. I have one myself. [Una] I've talked to Bruce. I told him to not text you for the meantime. I also told him not to talk to you for now. Please don't get mad at him because of me. It's all my fault, anyway. I kept thinking of crazy stuff. I shouldn't have done that. [Una] Dua... Who would even like someone like me? Dua, even if you didn't share the same feelings, you shouldn't think that you don't deserve to be loved. [Una] You're pretty, smart, and kind. You know, the time will come that you'll find someone who loves you just as much as you love them. So don't cry now, okay? [Una] Settle down. Why aren't you asleep yet? Well, um... I'm not sleepy yet. [crying] Mom... [sobbing] Dear, come on, calm down. [Mom] Stop crying. Come on, dear, settle down. You know, dear, loving really hurts sometimes. But as time goes by, the hurt will fade away. [Mom] You know what you should do? Just do the things that you always do. Things that you enjoy. [Mom] And when you least expect it, that hurt you're feeling will go away, it'll pass. So this is how... How loving feels like. In the beginning, everything's so happy, but then... In the end, it just hurts a lot. It's like my heart is being stabbed. Mom, I don't want this anymore. Dear, listen to me. You know, love isn't always just hurting. It's more often than not, just happiness. Especially if you find someone who really loves you. Just like how much you love them. Because you know, love will come at the right time. When you're older, you're more prepared for it. You're too young to be falling in love. At your age, you should always be happy. You should enjoy being a kid. Focus on your studies first, and enjoy spending time with your friends. Dua. Don't forget that your family is here for you. That guy may not love you back, but we... We always love you. Yes, Dad. I love you. Jayson, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything. I'm sorry for not being a good friend to you. Let's forget about that. Does that mean we're still best friends? Dua. The reason why I was so mad, wasn't because you're my best friend. It's because I like you. I lied. I don't like anybody else but you. Starting from the entrance exam. Dua... I love you. I love you, too, Jayson. [Dua] But... Only as a best friend. Can't you really give me a chance? You're not difficult to love. But think about it. If I let you court me, then we fall in love, then we break up, it might affect our friendship as a whole. But that's not going to happen. I promise. You know, Jayson, Mom was right. We shouldn't be thinking about love because we're too young for that. We should enjoy being kids, being students. We should enjoy being best friends. And, who knows? In the future, we might end up with each other anyway. But Jayson, for now, I hope we can just be friends. Best friends? [chuckles] Best friends. Just friends, okay? [giggles] -Let's go eat. -Let's go. [Charo] <i>"Slowly, I realized</i> <i>that Mom was right.</i> <i>If I give it time,</i> <i>I'll forget that hurt</i> <i>that I'm feeling.</i> <i>The time came that it faded away</i> <i>completely."</i> -Dua. -Yeah? [Charo] <i>"I'm on my third year now.</i> <i>And I'm still best friends</i> <i>with Jayson.</i> <i>I'm focusing on my studies now,</i> <i>because I know that love</i> <i>will come at the right time.</i> <i>Hopefully, the next person</i> <i>I'll get to love</i> <i>will fall in love with me, too.</i> <i>My story ends here.</i> <i>Respectfully yours, Dua."</i> Just like other things in life, love shouldn't be rushed. Because often, it succeeds when shared by two people whose hearts, minds, and identities are ready for all the joy and hurt that love may bring. This is Charo Santos. Good evening to all of you.
Channel: ABS-CBN Entertainment
Views: 2,795,157
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ABS-CBN, ABS-CBN Online, ABS-CBN Philippines, Philippines, Entertainment, Showbiz, February 18 2022, 20220218online, YT0psCarlo, Drama Series, Full Episode, MMK, MMK Full Episode, Maalala Mo Kaya Full Episode, True to life Story, Charo Santos-Concio, MMK Marathon, mmk full episodes, drama family, family drama, true story drama, Maalaala Mo Kaya Full Episodes, maalaala mo kaya box full episode, MMK Full episodes, Ella Cruz, Yayo Aguila, Khalil Ramos, Liza Soberano, Diego Loyzaga
Id: wfEHTxzLbJQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 45sec (3285 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 18 2022
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