Banana Split | Maalaala Mo Kaya | Full Episode

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Words are powerful. In a few words, a reputation and character can be tarnished. But on the other hand, a beautiful poem can be crafted. Tonight, let us witness the story of spoken word artist, Trevor Viloria and how he found his voice, not only in spoken words, but also in love. Our school, our beloved alma mater, prides herself to be a center of learning and innovation. As stated in the student manual, its main objective is to mold the country's next generation of leaders, be it in politics, arts, or the sciences. So it is not just the school's responsibility, but it's her moral obligation to provide us, her students, with a reliable and efficient campus transport system. And the answer is... Electric Jeepney. [students murmuring] [teacher clears throat] In the context of global warming, e-Jeepney is our school signal to the whole world that we recognize the science of climate change and we will not bow down to the petroleum corporation. Instead, we will demand policy changes to ensure that the next generation will still have a home called Earth. That's what the affirmative side stands for. E-Jeepney is needed. E-Jeepney is necessary. I don't know about the other side. -[teacher] Well. Very good. -[students applaud] Thank you very much. You may take your seats. Negative whip? To paint us as climate change deniers because we disagree with the E-Jeepney concept is rather disingenuous. I don't know why it is incumbent for the other side to demonize us. Maybe it's a symptom of their rather weak arguments or an affirmative case that is lacking of sound logic. When they use the global warming arguments against us, have they ever thought that trees must be cut to build E-Jeepney's charging stations and parking garage? For a team that professes environmental protection, they just pave paradise and put a parking lot. -Woah. Good job. -[students applaud] Nice one, bro. [teacher] Negative whip? Mr. Viloria? [students laughing] [teacher] Quiet, class. Go on. We can't wait forever, Mr. Viloria. [mellow music playing] [stuttering] To paint us... We... We... We disagree. Maybe... Maybe... [stuttering] It's a symptom. [clears throat] [stuttering] We think E-Jeepney is bad. Thank you. [teacher] Is that all? Um, actually, ma'am, there's more. Um... -I'll just read it. -[teacher] Okay. [classmate] Come over here. [Trevor on V.O.] <i>"Dear Charo, that's me.</i> [stuttering] <i>Stutter, stutter, stutter.</i> <i>In Filipino, ‘bulol’.</i> <i>If others were to ask,</i> <i>they'd say I'm a stuttering pig.</i> <i>My mom believed</i> <i>that my condition</i> <i>would eventually go away.</i> <i>So, that's</i> <i>what I've been waiting for.</i> <i>To wake up one day</i> <i>unafraid of compound words."</i> You know, I don't understand why I do that. When I'm in front of many people or those I don't know, or when I'm angry, emotional, I feel like I shut down. It's like my mouth isn't working. My brain, yes, it works, but my mouth can't. It can't keep up. Come on, bro. Don't feel bad. It's just a debate. Losing a debate doesn't make you less of a man. No one even wants to sleep with debaters, bro. Right? You know, the only thing hard about debaters are their facts. [laughing] Right? But thanks, guys. No problem, bro. You know, you should just focus on more important things. -Like... Girls. -Let's go, play. Right, bro. Lots and lots of girls. -I'll go ahead, bro. -All right, hurry. Focus on that, okay? Yeah, bro. Think about girls, man. That only happens annually. Okay, guys, listen. Go to the girls and get yourselves a dance partner. And I don't have to remind you to ask like gentlemen on your first dance. Am I clear? [male students] Yes, sir. [prom emcee] Go. [teacher] Okay. So how many boys are there? There are 40 of them. [prom emcee] Um, 41. [teacher] Guys, please play the music. Ah, I'm excited about tonight, huh? [prom emcee] Yeah. [teacher] First time for the boys. My girls are excited too, huh? -[teacher] Yeah. -[prom emcee Yeah. [teacher] Anyway, excuse me. Oh, Trevor. There are 41 boys. Only 40 girls. Do the math. Next time, be more assertive, okay? Yes, sir. [soft, dance music playing] Trevor. One choco coconut donut, please. Trevor. [clears throat] [stuttering] Choconuttzy, sir? [stuttering] No. [stuttering] -Choco... -Is it Choconuttzy, sir? [somber music playing] Trevor? Trevor. [stuttering] I got a C-minus in English. [stuttering] Because I can't recite in class. But I'm good in English, Mom. I'm good at writing in English. I even write poetry. But because of this... [stutters] Because of this... That doesn't matter. Even dancing with a girl, I can't do, Mom. Mom, you said it would go away. [stutters] I'll be in college next year, Mom, but... but I'm still stuttering. Do you want us to seek treatment? For what, Mom? [stuttering] Do you think there's something wrong with me? Do you think I'm broken? Of course not. You're my child. You will always be perfect for me. But you're right. [Trevor's mom] I thought your condition would go away. I thought you'd grow out of it. Like other kids, they grow out of it. I see that you're really struggling. It's not wrong to seek help, right? I'll find you a speech therapist, okay? Read this. Read it out loud. [stuttering] I can't do it. Trevor, just read it. [clears throat] "The exact..." [clears throat] "cause of..." [clears throat] "stuttering is..." [clears throat] "unknown." "Recent study..." Stop, stop. Trevor, I know what you're doing. But you're hiding it from me. Trevor, just read it. Don't hold yourself back. I'm not here to make fun of you or judge you. I just want to see what the problem really is. Okay? [stuttering] "The exact cause of stuttering is unknown. Recent studies suggest that..." Okay, okay. Now... [exhales] Read it as if you're reading it to yourself. Mumble the words to yourself as if it's only for you, not for everyone. "The exact cause of stuttering is unknown. Recent studies suggest that genetics play a role in the disorder." Speak louder. "The exact cause of stuttering is unknown. Recent studies suggest that genetics play a role in the disorder." See, Trevor, it's not that bad. Now, if we continue this, I have more things I can teach you, not to get rid of your stutter, but for you to control it. Like controlling your rate of speech and monitoring your breathing. [speech therapist] Okay? So, good job. Try apple. -Apple. -Apple. -Apple. -Apple. Pa-pa-pa-poker face. More. Pa-pa-pa-poker face. [speech therapist] Okay, Trevor. Now, for today's exercise... Okay, read this. "His analytic procedures were being codified into evermore incisive instruments for fieldwork." -Yes! I did it! -You did it! -You did it! -I didn't stutter! You did it, Trevor! -I did it! -You did it! [Trevor on V.O.] <i>"My therapy</i> <i>sessions became regular.</i> <i>And in just two months,</i> <i>my stutter decreased.</i> <i>It was like becoming a superhero</i> <i>who learned how to fly.</i> <i>Like Superman finally learning</i> <i>how to defeat Kryptonite."</i> I'm Trevor. Nice to meet you. Hi classmates, I'm Trevor. -Hello. -[female] Hi. Hello. Hi. What's up, man? I'm Trevor. -Hi, classmates. -[Lawrence] Trevor? -Hey, Lawrence! -[Lawrence] Trevor! Are Mike and Thomas here? They're here, but we're in different courses. What's with you? You're different now. Just last year in high school, you weren't like this. You didn't break the ice before, right? You know, college. New school year, new life. [chuckles] -And, dude. -What? Do you know? Our classes this year are full of girls. So, you need to be confident. [Trevor] Have you liked anyone? How about you? I've found some, wait a second. [soft, romantic music playing] [Trevor on V.O.] <i>This is it, Trev.</i> <i>The first test.</i> <i>The one who looks foolish</i> <i>ends up alone.</i> -Shall we introduce ourselves? -What? Hi, my name is Josh. -[Emma] Hi, Josh. -Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, have you been here long? [Josh] Yeah, a bit. -[Iza] Can I sit here? -Sure. -[Emma] I'm Emma. -[Iza] Iza. Hello. [Emma] Nice meeting you. He got to the chick first. -[Emma] Is this your first? -[Iza] Yes. And you? Me too. Yeah, I don’t want to be late. -Hi. -[Emma] Hi. -I’m Lawrence. -Emma. -[Lawrence] Lawrence. -[Iza] Iza. [Trevor on V.O.] <i>Talk to her.</i> And that's my boy, Trevor. -Trevor, come on. -Hi. [Lawrence] Come on. This is Iza and Emma. -Hi. -I was just telling them that from the start, our blood have been blue. So, the school should give us a loyalty award, right? But you know, ladies, you should also be careful with Trevor here. You know before, he couldn't break the ice. But now, he is like a real man. What do you mean? [stutters] [chuckles] I read the seven habits of highly effective people. I read it multiple times, so now I have fourteen habits. Your embarrassment will surely disappear. You know, you're cute. [Trevor on V.O.] <i>"There's something about Emma.</i> <i>When I talk to her,</i> <i>I'm comfortable.</i> <i>I'm not scared</i> <i>to be myself around her."</i> -So cool. -Just sit wherever you want. Uh, these are my video games. Just feel free to use anything. -[Lawrence] It's so cool. -[Iza] How nice. There you go. Sorry, the space is a bit small. -[Trevor] What's that? -It's okay. Hi, guys! Hi! -Hello. -Are you okay here? -Yeah. -[Iza] We're fine. I'm glad my son has more friends now. At least I won't be worried when I go to the US. -For what, auntie? -[Trevor] For work. Uh, Mom, please. We're fine here. Bye. Nice to meet you. [Emma] Nice to meet you, auntie. [Lawrence] It's a pleasure. Mom, please, mom. Thank you, thank you. Okay. Thank you. -Thank you. -[Trevor's mom] Goodbye. -Okay. -Nice to meet you. [Emma] Oh my gosh! Wow, you have these? These are limited editions. Do you know what those are? Kame... Hame... -Wave! -[screams] [Trevor] That kind of strength doesn't work on someone like me, a prince of the Saiyan race! [mimics explosion] Vegeta! It's a huge honor to meet my fellow Saiyan. But we need to join forces to defeat Majin Buu. And there's no other way but to use the technique I learned from the Metamorans. Fusion Dance! Ha! Ha! Fusion! [both laugh] -That's amazing! -You also watch that? -[both laugh] -Jinx! We're great, aren't we? Who picked you up, your date? The one as big as Free Willy? You guys are so mean. Honestly, he can join the team. -What? -What? -Let's make a one-man wall! -[all laugh] Sure, sure. -Isn't that him? -Oh. There you go. Dude. Dude, dude, wait. Tell your friends to update their movie references. <i>"Free Willy"</i> was from the 1990s. Dude, don't mind them. You know they're idiots. No, it's okay. I'll just see you around, man. Trevor! Me? Why? Is there another Trevor here? [chuckles] Come on. Are you going home? Let's go together. My dorm is close to your condo. [stutters] Are you sure? Why? Are you a serial killer? [stutters] No. Oh, okay then. Let's go. Come on. I really like <i>"Spirited Away."</i> For me, in my opinion, it's the best Japanese anime film ever. Like, ever. It's so cute. How about you? What's your favorite? Me? I like <i>"Trainman."</i> It's about this boy who st-st-stutters. Then he meets a beautiful girl. It's Hermes. You know, I always imagine myself as Trainman. Can you be my Hermes? Hey! What really is your favorite? Uh... There are so many. I really don't have a favorite. Oh, come on. You just don't want to tell me. Hey, Do you always wear glasses? You know, sometimes try taking them off. I think it suits you. Let me see. Uh, no, no, no, no! -Why? -No, don't, don't, don't. Uh, promise, next time, I'll try it when we're closer. Oh, come on. [exhales] Oh, it's raining! Wait, I have an umbrella! Do you have one? Here. You use it, we might not both fit. What are you saying? Let's share! Oh, dear. [chuckles] You're so cute. You know, you're like Totoro. [Trevor on V.O.] <i>"After that,</i> <i>Emma became</i> <i>a constant fixture in my life.</i> <i>We became close.</i> <i>I didn't know then</i> <i>if I was blessed or cursed</i> <i>always being</i> <i>with the girl I loved."</i> You know, you eat so cute. That's just a nice way of saying I'm a big eater, right? Oh no, not at all. That's true. You eat so cute because, well, I'm annoying. Even if I've just eaten a little, I get full quickly. That's like a superpower you have. -A superpower? -Yeah. Is being a glutton a superpower? Come on. Hey, bro. -Hey, Mike. -How are you? -Mike, this is Emma. -Oh, hi. Emma, this is Mike. [Mike] Nice to finally meet you. Oh, dude, why don't you come join us? We were just talking about my superpowers. But, Trevor, what would your name be? Food? Food Terminator. Food Terminator? That's probably the most uncool superhero name ever. Come on, you can come up with something better than that. -You're too much. -But you know, it fits. Your power, it's also your curse. You like food so much and you're so big. That's why no girl gets interested in you. [chuckles softly] Right, right. As long as I have my food, I'm okay. Um, excuse me. I need to use the bathroom. Sure. She's cool, right? That's why I wanted you to meet her. She's my crush, man. I just met her, bro, but she's my crush too. Um... Would it be okay if I ask her out on a date? I mean, if we can talk today. Bro, don't tell me you're actually gonna grow a pair and ask her out on a date. I know you. You can't do that. You can't ask a girl out on a date. And, I'm sorry to say this, bro, but she's out of your league. At least I have a chance. [Mike] And it's better if she ends up with me rather than with another guy, right? You're right, you're right. I don't have a chance with her. -Good luck, man. -Thanks, bro. [clears throat] [soft, somber music playing] Trev, eat up. Here. Um... So, Emma, um, do you like Shakespeare? You seem like the type who loves reading. How was your date with Mike? Um, Trev, I know he's your friend, but sorry, I feel weird about your friend. He keeps telling me I smell good and he wants to sniff me. My god! I feel like I'm on a date with a serial killer. [both chuckle] That's intense, but, but Trev, I made it clear to him that I'm not interested. Is that okay? Well, if you really don't like him, I won't push him on you. And despite the bro code and all, it's okay. Okay, good. I thought you'd get mad at me and avoid me. [chuckles] I'm sure if that happened, you'd easily find someone else to hang out with. [sighs] Wait, why do you always accompany me? Well, it's because... [grunts] I'm comfortable with you. I can be myself when I'm with you. I feel safe with you. I feel the same way about you. Wait, Trev, do you not have a romantic side? I mean, don't you have a crush? Or someone you find attractive? You never tell me those things. Of course, I do. What do you think about me? So, you have someone in mind? Someone I know? Well, it's a secret that I'll take to my grave. Always keeping secrets. Who is it? I bet it's a classmate. Oh. Silence means yes. Is it... is it Iza? Not Iza. Um, I know! It's Beth! It's Beth, right? Weren't you friendly with her before? Or maybe Elona? Just drop it, Emma. Why? Is it Carmina? No, not her. You're still not saying it. I won't stop until you tell me who she really is... You! You're the one I like, Emma. [Trevor] I've always liked you. I'm sorry, I know we're friends. I shouldn’t feel this way, but... but I'm just human, Emma. And it's hard not to fall in love with someone like you. You're just... Just... So... so perfect! But don't worry. I won't expect anything from you. And... I know this won't go anywhere. Because look at me, stumbling over words, and overweight too. [Trevor] You know, Mike was right. No girl would be interested in me. So... we're fine, okay? Nothing needs to change between us because of this. [Trevor on V.O.] <i>"I wish I did just stutter,</i> <i>so I wouldn't have said</i> <i>all that.</i> <i>But it's done.</i> <i>And because of that,</i> <i>Emma avoided me."</i> I found this. This is for you. Um, these are your dad's poems. Because, you know, he writes too, like you. [Trevor's mom] I thought you'd be interested. Why would I? He left us. Because he's still a part of you. He writes and composes like you. But it's only on paper. But for now. But you're also getting over your speech difficulties, right? And if you really put your mind into something, I know, I know you can compose in front of many people, at the top of your voice. You can do anything. You can do anything. Okay? Except win the girl. -What's that? -Nothing, Mom. I said poetry in front of many people is not really a thing now. Okay. You take care of yourself, okay? I will check up on you every day. -Yes, Mom. -Okay? And you too, take care in the States. Don't overwork yourself. I'll see you soon, Mom. Yes, I will. Take care, okay? Okay, Mom. [car door closes] [somber music playing] [cell phone chiming] [Emma on V.O.] <i>Can we talk?</i> <i>I know that</i> <i>it's still weird between us.</i> <i>But, it's exams week.</i> <i>It's been hard</i> <i>without my study partner.</i> <i>And hell,</i> <i>because I'm missing my friend.</i> Who said that you cannot cross the same river twice? Uh... it's Heraclitus. There! You're so smart. I tend to forget that, Heraclitus. Oh. Hey, Trev. Didn't you order this? Eat it. Let me feed you. -No, it's okay. -Come on. There you go. Heraclitus. [Trevor on V.O.] <i>"To be close to her</i> <i>is like dying a thousand deaths.</i> <i>Each more bittersweet</i> <i>than the rest."</i> Did you write this? Uh... I bet it's for me. Oh, you. You know, people always complain when their smartphones have no signal. But you know what's worse than no signal? Mixed... Mixed signals, Emma. And that's what you're giving me. You know how I feel about you. So please, don't be caring, sweet, and touchy. Because I'm just human, Emma. I still get my hopes up. You know what? I'll just go home. [Emma] Trev! [Trevor] Okay, fine. [soft, romantic music playing] I love you, Emma. Uh... Let's do this instead. Pretend this is the banana split ice cream. You give me the ice cream, then I'll give it back to you. What I mean is, I love you too, Trevor. [Trevor] I love you. I love you, too. [both chuckle] Uh... Mike, I love Trevor. I also love her, Mike. -I'm sorry, buddy, but... -Wait. You told me you weren't interested in her? I said I do. But you didn't listen. You just assumed right away that I had no chance with Emma. [Trevor] Dude, Mike! Mike! You know, she just chose you because you're always with her. If we were on the same level, she wouldn't have chosen you over me. It shouldn't have ended like this, man. What does she see in you? Look at yourself. Look at yourself, then look at me. And you're even a liar. I said I'm sorry, dude. Just fixed your speech a bit, do you think you're normal now? [Mike] Do you think you'll last? Do you think someone like you will last with Emma? Is that what you think of me, Mike? I thought we were friends, Mike. Not anymore, buddy. [Mike on V.O.] <i>Just fixed your speech a bit,</i> <i>do you think you're normal now?</i> <i>Do you think you'll last?</i> <i>Do you think someone like you</i> <i>will last with Emma?</i> Trev? I called him. He told me everything that happened, dude. [sighs] Just don't mind Mike. He's just not used to losing to a girl. Thanks, bro. That's okay then. [Trevor on V.O.] <i>"I know I hurt Mike.</i> <i>But after hearing</i> <i>what he really thought about me,</i> <i>I know I lost a friend.</i> <i>But things got better</i> <i>between Thomas and me</i> <i>because of Emma.</i> <i>Because of Emma, for six months,</i> <i>I felt like I was on Cloud 9."</i> -That’s for dinner! -[laughs] [Emma] Oh! -[Trevor] Oh, no. -[Emma] Oh, dear. How unfortunate. These are my favorite sandals. -Hey! -Don't worry, I'll carry you. Stop that, you can't carry me. I'll just walk barefoot. Ouch. It's so hot. Hey, what are you doing? [Trevor] So we're even. No one gets left behind. Sorry, this is all I can do. Maybe Food Terminator needs to go on a diet. -[both chuckle] -Come on! Let's go. -It's hot on the feet, isn't it? -Yeah. You know, I wish Mom was here. So she could meet you. I'm sure she'd like you. [Emma's dad] Emma! I just came from your dorm. Sir, I'm Trevor. They said you're with your boyfriend. Is this him? What did we talk about? You're not allowed to have a boyfriend yet. What's with him that you're ready to disobey us? What do you see in this whale that makes you rebel against us? Huh? And you, listen to me. Stay away from my daughter. Leave her alone, okay? Do you understand? -Come on. -Dad... Emma! Emma? Are you okay? -[door closes] -Yes. I talked to Dad. I told him that you're good for me. That he should give you a second chance. So we're good? Trev, what about those very unhealthy things you eat? Wait, Emma, I haven't finished those yet. Trev, from now on, there should be some changes. I'm just concerned about your health. And if you love me, you wouldn't neglect yourself. I'll enroll you in the gym, okay? Then I'll help you with a diet. What are you eating? And come here. Let me see your appearance. Look at yourself. Look at how you look. What will people say to you? We should improve ourselves, okay? It shouldn't be like that. And you'll eat all of this? Come on. There's so many carbs in this, right? [Trevor on V.O.] <i>"At first,</i> <i>I believed</i> <i>she was just concerned about me.</i> <i>She was changing me for me</i> <i>because she loved me."</i> There are so many people. I told you to go on a diet and exercise so the clothes I bought for you would fit. I said they should be one size bigger. It's okay. Hey, Chris! Come here. -How are you? -How are you? -[Emma] Hello! Oh, hello. -Hi. Oh. Chris, this is Trevor. Trevor, this is Chris. -Hi, buddy. -Hi, bro. So, is he your boyfriend? Trevor? [chuckles] No. I don’t believe you. Really? Really. Come on. Beb, it's a joke, okay. Play along. It's not funny. Okay, so there's been some whispering. You're joking around with me. So, really. Are you two together? Yes. Yes, I was just joking earlier. We're together. I love you, Beb. You're all sweaty again. [exclaims] "I remember how I wanted to turn our last few moments into infinity. But I only have five minutes left. How does one condense years and years of emotion into 300 seconds? 300. I love you." [Trevor] Let's see how it looks on them. Then, gradually down. And then, track left. A bit more, a bit more. Iza, Trev, it's your turn to spiel, okay? -[Isa] Yeah. -[Trev] Okay. Joe, call the guard to open the door to the other area. -Okay, okay. -[Iza] Yeah. That's good enough. So, are you really determined to explore your multi-talents? Instead of just writing, you're now a filmmaker too. Just trying to expand my horizons, buddy. Of course, if you're not good-looking, you need to have a lot of talents. Not just football. -Ah, you're crazy, man. -[both chuckle] Okay, let's go. Are we all ready, right? The cars are already there. [Trevor] What else do we need? Trev, we've been ready for a while now. We've been waiting for Rico and Emma for some time. Yeah. They're taking too long. Oh, dude, I'm sorry. But I've noticed that the other day too. -[Iza] They're around. -There they are. Okay, let's go. Uh... Iza, come here. You're the first one to spiel. Then Lawrence. -Uh... -Bro, I'll be over here. You go over there. To enter. -Okay, sure. -Good. Come here. Is this his spot? [Emma] Is this okay? You're so oily. All right. -Is it okay? -[Lawrence] It's okay. Oh, look at that. [Emma] Fix your hair. -Handsome. -Okay, start, start. Let me see. Rico. Can we talk? Why? Is there a problem? You know that Emma is my girlfriend, right? You? Her boyfriend? Do you want me to punch him? No, don't, it's not worth it. And yes, I'm Emma's boyfriend. I hope you respect that. Hi, Trev. I bought you food from that vegetarian place we saw. [Emma] Go ahead and eat these. There. -You should just serve. -What is this? Emma, I won't eat that. Yuck. No way. Trev, what's wrong? Help yourself. What's so wrong with me, Emma? [Trevor] I haven't changed, right? I didn't lose weight, but I didn't gain any either. And that wasn't a problem for you before, was it? You didn’t mind that I eat a lot. Didn’t you say that you envy how much I can eat? Why does it seem like you're disgusted by me now? Is this because of Rico? I know what you did, Trev. Rico told me. [Emma] He said you cornered him. What the hell, Trev? Why did you do that? He's the one who doesn't respect our relationship, and you're defending him? What's happening to you, Emma? Are you embarrassed of me? Would you prefer someone like him? -Is that it? -Yes, Trev. I prefer a guy who I don't have to tell to watch what he eats too much. I want a guy who doesn't wear holey clothes. I want a guy who looks presentable. Who combs his hair and looks in the mirror. You love me. I know you love me. I felt that you truly loved me, Emma. But why did you change? Just because your father belittled me? Just because others couldn't understand why you chose me? When you say you love someone, you accept them, Em, and you don't feel ashamed of them in front of anyone. Trev, you know, I thought I could handle it. You were sweet to me. I know you loved me so much. And I'll admit, it felt good to be loved like that. But, Trev, I thought the things I could accept from you, I couldn't stand in the long run. [Emma] Trev, you know, I'm tired. I'm not happy anymore. I don't want this. [stutters] You’re breaking up... [Emma] Yes. I am breaking up with you. [stuttering] I did everything for you, Emma. I starved myself for you. I did everything for you. I did everything you wanted. Em! Emma! [crying] Emma! I'm sorry, Trev. Hello. Hello. Oh! Don't you know? -We were surprised. -Come on, you guys. [Emma] Okay then. Hey, Emma. -[Emma] Hey! -[boyfriend] Hi. Are you guys dating? -Uh, yes. -Yeah. [girl] What happened to Trevor? [Emma] Oh, that’s nothing. Okay, we're running late for our class. -We'll go ahead. -[girl] Okay. -Bye. -Let's go. [Trevor on V.O.] <i>"Loving her was like dying</i> <i>a thousand little deaths.</i> <i>It hurt so much.</i> <i>But she's still not easy</i> <i>to forget."</i> [cell phone trilling] [Emma through phone] <i>Do you know</i> <i>what day it is today?</i> Our anniversary. [Emma through phone] <i>I couldn't find</i> <i>the comfort I used</i> <i>to get from you.</i> What do you want me to do? [Emma through phone] <i>Can't we</i> <i>just be friends, Trevor?</i> <i>That's how we were before,</i> <i>right?</i> Friends? Why are you doing this to me, Emma? You hurt me. Why would you suddenly call after so many months? Do you want to make it difficult for me? [Emma through phone] <i>I need you, Trevor.</i> You don't need this, dude. [Thomas] You're just hurting yourself even more. "Like you didn't dump me on Valentine's Day morning. I love you like you didn't replace me on Valentine's Day evening. I love you like he isn't better than me. I love you like you didn't choose him over me." Trevor. -Hey, John! -How are you? Thomas is my friend. -Thomas, meet John. -Thomas. I met him at a poetry writing workshop. Uh... What are you doing here, bro? It's our spoken performance night. Uh... Open to everyone. Remember, you write poetry, right? Yeah. If you want, I'll line you up. I'll line you up here with these. No, no, don't. [stutters] I can't. -Isn't he good? -Well, I have... I'm not good at public speaking. Okay, buddy. Just in case you change your mind, just give me a wave. Okay? All right, bro. I'm going back to my date. But they're enviable, right? Hey, then do that too. That's your thing. "It was supposed to be forever. But unfortunately, you and I have been reading two completely different dictionaries." [Trevor on V.O.] <i>"So many words came out of me.</i> <i>To the extent that I didn't</i> <i>write just one poem.</i> <i>Two. Even more."</i> [Trevor on V.O.]<i> "I have an</i> <i>unnatural hate for many things.</i> <i>Since they're quite okay,</i> <i>they don't make me quite</i> <i>as pissed as say,</i> <i>that game we used to play.</i> <i>Bridge, it was called.</i> <i>Yes, it was.</i> <i>I knew not the rules</i> <i>because you never taught me.</i> <i>You simply</i> <i>just strung me along."</i> [audience applauds] All right. Thank you. Up next. Is he ready? I think you're ready. All right. Please welcome up on stage, Trevor Viloria. [audience applauds, cheers] -Let's make a one-man wall. -[men laugh] [mellow music playing] I like a guy who looks presentable. Who combs his hair and looks in the mirror. [stutters] "I have an unnatural hate for many things." "I have an unnatural hate for many things. Since they're quite okay, they don't make me quite as pissed as, say, that game we used to play." [Trevor on V.O.] <i>"For the</i> <i>first time, I kept speaking.</i> <i>No one stopped me.</i> <i>They listened to me.</i> <i>And finally,</i> <i>I felt like I mattered.</i> <i>That my words,</i> <i>my feelings matter.</i> <i>I matter.</i> "Like a pair of old roller skates. Or an old smartphone so easily replaced. By a newer, thinner, more handsome, more masculine. With a much larger... heart. And much longer patience. But most of all, newer and better." [audience applaud] [joyous music playing] -Thank you. -You're the best. Thank you. Thank you. Hi, Trevor. You were amazing. Thank you. Thank you. Trevor! -Hi. -Hi. Congratulations. I watched you earlier. Everyone was so delighted with you. I'm so proud of you. What do you really want to say, Emma? Uh... Do you still hate me so much that you write those kinds of poems? I know they're all about me. And it hurts me because... Because that's a reminder of how I treated you and how I broke up with you. Trevor... Can you forgive me? It's been years. Can't we let go of our anger towards each other? What I did, it helped me recover, Emma. Don't you understand? You didn't just break my heart. You made me feel small again. [crying] Like I'm going to break again. But poetry helped me heal. So you can't ask me to stop that, to stop speaking, just because you're uncomfortable hearing what I have to say about you. It's my right to help myself become whole again. In any way possible. So I'm sorry. You need to accept... that this is the result of what you did. Just like how I need to accept that you couldn't love me anymore back then. I wish you well, Emma. I still want you to be happy. [Trevor on V.O.] <i>"For now,</i> <i>I'm juggling being</i> <i>a spoken word artist</i> <i>and medical school.</i> <i>I've performed</i> <i>in various places,</i> <i>even in New York.</i> <i>Until then. Trevor."</i> Like Trevor, we all have insecurities about ourselves. They take away our voices and make us blind to our worth. But with one brave word, with one admission of our strength, despite our weaknesses, our lives can change. This is Charo Santos. <i>Kapamilya,</i> thank you.
Channel: ABS-CBN Entertainment
Views: 1,542,803
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ABS-CBN, ABS-CBN Online, ABS-CBN Philippines, Philippines, Entertainment, Showbiz, February 18 2022, 20220218online, YT0psArdee, Drama Series, Full Episode, MMK, MMK Full Episode, Maalala Mo Kaya Full Episode, True to life Story, Charo Santos-Concio, MMK Marathon, mmk full episodes, drama family, family drama, true story drama, Maalaala Mo Kaya Full Episodes, maalaala mo kaya box full episode, MMK Full episodes, miles ocampo, inigo pascual, abdrea del rosario
Id: XxF0kiFXzuI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 58sec (3358 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 18 2022
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