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We always say that love is mysterious. But for something so mysterious, we have a lot of criteria when it comes to it. They need to be tall, beautiful, handsome, kind, and responsible. Our checklist is full when it comes to our ideal person to love, and also the ideal path for our relationship. [man] Remember, CPR can save lives if you do it properly. Make sure both hands are on top of the subject's sternum. Thirty compressions per interval, like I said. -[whispers] Hey. -What's wrong? You can't do that. -So stubborn. -It's okay. [chuckles] [man] Gerard. Don't place your hands on the stomach. Right on the sternum, okay? Use your body weight, okay? Administer 30 compressions per interval, right, dear? -That's right. -All right. Good. Don't do that. My parents are strict. [chuckles] When the village you will provide assistance to is hit by a storm, the path that you're gonna cross will look exactly like this. So you guys need to move fast. What's wrong with you? -Gerard is courting Jobelle. -No way. You're in trouble, her parents are strict. -Hey, no. Don't-- -Jobelle... -what's happening? -Nothing, Mom. -Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. -All right. -Come on. -[Gerard grunting] What now? Are you not used to it? Your shoes seem new, rich kid. -[Mom] Let's go, everyone. -Help me. I don't want to. -[Gerard] Jobelle! -There's a snake there. -Help me. -There's a worm there. -[Gerard] Help me! Help me! Hey! -[Jobelle] Deal with it. -Bye-bye. -Jobelle! Hey! -Bye! You can do it! -[Gerard] Hey! [grunting] -Boo. [chuckles] -[sighs] What? Are you teasing me again? Happy anniversary, boo. Happy anniversary, boo. We've been together for a year, but we haven't been caught by your parents yet. Yet? We can never be caught by my parents, okay? I'll be in trouble if they find out I have a boyfriend. That's why you're annoying. It's like you really want us to get caught. [laughs] Why? You left me in the mud. [chuckles] That's just right for you. -What's that? -Nothing. -Hey, why? -It's nothing. -You can't read it. -Let me see! -No, you can't. Don't! -Give it to me. Come on. -Let me see. Let me see. -My goodness. "2009, graduate as valedictorian. Get a scholarship and study nursing. 2013, graduate from college. Review for board exam. 2014, get into med school." Give it to me. Wow. You're really good at planning. Of course! You should always have a plan. You should always be ready. What about you, what's your plan? Are you still taking nursing in college? Maybe. Then what are your other plans? Um... My plan is to... finish the computer game I left at home. Hey, take this seriously. What's your plan? Ah! You want me to get serious? [hisses] [clears throat] "2020, Gerard marries Jobelle Fernandez." Really? -So I can kiss you already. -Mm. [Gerard] "Dear Charo, I met Jobelle through text. We became friends on social media until we developed feelings. We are each other's first love. Even though we look comfortable together, we are really different." [Jobelle] "Who wouldn't fall in love with Gerard? One, he's handsome. Two, charming. Three, sweet. And when I'm with him, I feel carefree." Say hi to them, including your dad and sister. [Gerard over phone] I'm getting bored here because you're not here. Let's meet on Saturday, okay? I need to hang this up. My parents are here. [Dad] Yo. -Hi, Mom. -Hi, dear. Hi, dear. -Did you eat? -Yes. Do you want me to heat your food? You don't have to, dear. You're studying. It's okay. How was your last exam? I got the highest score in our class. -Really? [chuckles] -Yes. Ninety-seven? Impressive. Come on, dear, you would've had a perfect score if only you answer three more questions correctly. Your scholarship might be at risk. You know how hard your dad and I work, right? Next time, do better, okay? -Yes, I will. -Oh, dear. I only made three mistakes, but my mom is still disappointed. It's like I failed the entire exam. I know she doesn't want me to lose my scholarship and she wants me to be the valedictorian, but sometimes, I can't understand their strictness. Sometimes, I also want to hear from them that they're proud of me. -[sniffles] -Me? I am so proud of you, boo. And even though your eyes are closed, I believe you can be the class valedictorian. Thanks, boo. What will I do if you're not here? [chuckles] Come on, boo. It's not like I'm moving to another country. I'm just going to college. We'll still see each other all the time, okay? That's a promise, okay? [girls giggle] I'm sure you'll forget about me. That won't happen, okay? You're the most beautiful for me. Just promise me that we'll graduate from college together. Then we'll go to med school. -Med school? -Yes. So we can both be doctors. You know, when I join mom and dad in medical missions, I feel a different kind of joy when I help others. I'm sure you'll feel that when you become a doctor. You're always sure about what you want to do, huh? I wish I was like that too. -Wait, let's write it down. -[bag zips] 2012, Gerard will go... to med school. Listen, you can't back out once it's written, okay? You're lucky I love you. Fine. Even if my head hurts from studying, I'll become a doctor for you. I love you, boo. Hmp! You're all just talk. Why don't you prove it? Why did you do that? Well, you told me to prove it. That's not what I meant. What's wrong with you? [Jobelle] "Little by little, all our plans are coming true. When I graduated as valedictorian, I introduced Gerard to my parents. And we're happy because they accepted our relationship. We had so many plans, but we didn't anticipate the changes that came with college life." Sorry, boo. I really can't. I have an exam tomorrow with Terror Prof. Don't you have an exam too? Have you studied already? Come on, boo. Even just one or two hours. Until now, you still haven't met my friends. But, boo, I really can't be complacent. I really need to study. You should too. Fine. I'm going back. Okay then, call me when you get home, okay? There you go. Let's drink, guys. -So, what did she say, bro? -[sighs] Is she coming? Come on, bro, your girlfriend is so boring. -[man] ...his girlfriend. -[laughter] -Hi, guys! This is Jess. -[men] Hey. -These are Kelvin's friends. -Hi! -[Kelvin] Hello. -[Jess] Hi! Come here. Let's just enjoy today. Jess, here's your welcome shot. -Oh, sure. -That's your welcome shot. -Just drink. -Excuse me. [man] Hey. It's all right. -[woman] Buy some drinks. -[Kelvin] Okay. Aah! Of course, you'll drink too, right? Go. Why? We are all just drinking and having fun, right? Okay. Cheers. Go. Weaklings aren't allowed here. See? That was easy, right? [Gerard] You're busy again? What a surprise. You always say you're busy. Boo, one or two hours is important to me. I really can't neglect this subject. Are you saying that one or two hours with me is just a waste of time? That's not what I meant. Of course I want to be with you. What I meant was drinking is a waste of time for me. Maybe you don't realize that because you were having too much fun. But we need to prepare for our future. The future is still so far away. We have plenty of time to make up for it. This is getting boring, Jobelle. -[dial tone] -Hello? He... Hello, Boo? Hello? [Jessica] If your girlfriend doesn't want to come, then let her be. I'm here anyway. So, let's have fun. Okay? Okay. See? That's how it is. Just have fun. -Hey, G! -It's your turn. Our table's over there. Go. [Jobelle] "Back then, I feel like Gerard couldn't understand me. " Is Gerard still not answering until now? He's so full of himself. He's so confident that you'll chase after him. There are so many guys out there. You're so harsh. Maybe Gerard is just busy with his studies. You're in denial just like Jobelle. Someone saw Gerard with another girl. He's cheating on you. Break up with him. Don't be a martyr. I should have just agreed to his request. He just wanted to spend time with me and chill. But I became too serious. You know, guys our age are still in a YOLO mood. So, just understand, Jobelle. Girl, there's no YOLO in a decent guy. As I said, there are many other guys out there. I can't find someone like Gerard anymore. Oh, Jobelle. You saw us together, right? What is a handsome guy like him doing with a nerd like me? That's what I always felt whenever people saw us together. Jobelle... [Gerard] "Back then, I felt like Jobelle valued many things more than me. I know there was no excuse, but because of that, my attention shifted to another girl. I allowed me and Jessica to have an unlabeled relationship." Oh, you're leaving again. Did you say goodbye to your mom? Yes, Dad. Mom, I'm just going to the movies with Kelvin and the others, okay? [mobile phone ringing] It's my birthday today, but you'd rather be with your friends than with me. You're always busy with your friends. Jobelle came here earlier. Even though she's busy with her studies, she still bought me a cake. Do you know why I like Jobelle? Because she knows who she is. She knows what's important to her. And she seems sure about you. I knew that with her, you will always be loved. You should keep someone like her. Because if not, one day, you might wake up and find that she's gone. Hey, eat up. I said we'd eat together. Ah! Ah! Mm. [laughs] Gerard! Hey, Jay. It's been a long time since we last saw each other. I saw you the last time. I called you, but you didn't hear me. Um, I didn't know that you and Jobelle have broken up. Oh, no. Um, we're still together. Jessica is just a friend of mine. -All right, bro. I'll go ahead. -Okay, okay. I'll just go to the powder room. [Kelvin] Go ahead. Me too. I'll go with you. He might tell Jobelle. Well, that's good, bro. What you're doing isn't right. If Jobelle finds out and breaks up with you, at least you're not two-timing them. You wouldn't mind if Jobelle leaves you, right? You wouldn't cheat if she's important to you. You look different now. I decided that I needed a change. Why did you suddenly invite me? I wanted to talk to you. About what? Since I started college, we didn't have that much time to spend together. Now, I realize that we're so different. I don't want to keep hurting you, boo. What are you saying, boo? Happy Valentine's Day, boo. That one first. [pops] [Gerard, voice over] I have a lot of shortcomings. That's next. [pops] I did a lot of mistakes. I forgot about us, I got lost... [pops] ...but I promise to change and be a better version of myself, boo. I love you. [crying] I thought you were going to break up with me. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything. Let me make it up to you. I'll spend more time with you. I'll always answer your calls. And I'll be serious now. What about... I'll accept your apology, boo. But please, don't hurt me again. Never again. [Jobelle] "What about the other girl? Is she really gone? Who is she? Why did you risk us for her? Those were the questions I wanted to ask Gerard back then, but I was scared." [Gerard] "I should have told her about Jessica. I should have come clean, but I chickened out. And I thought making it up to Jobelle was enough to cover up that mistake." What's this for? I said I'd make it up to you, right? Didn't I say that being together all the time is already a gift? Not just on weekends. Why did you do that? To prove to you that I love you. Oh, you... -Why? You liked it, right? -Hey, not really. -You're embarrassing. -You liked it. -You did it here again. -How about the other side? No. [Jobelle] "As all our plans continued to unfold, our relationship seemed to be given new life. When we graduated from nursing, Gerard got into med school. Meanwhile, I became busy preparing for the nursing board exam." 150 over 100. That's quite high. It's a bit risky for a stroke. This is your medicine. Losartan, to lower your blood pressure. Thank you so much for checking up on my brother. Without your help, his condition might have worsened. -You're welcome. -Thank you, Doc. Don't stress yourself too much. [both] Thank you so much. [Gerard] Yesterday, we didn't have much time to eat because we went to so many houses to check on the residents' blood pressures. I understand you now, boo. It really feels nice when you help so many people. I'm happy to hear that from you, boo. Just don't starve yourself, okay? Always carry the biscuits I packed for you in your pocket. Yes, boo. -Good morning, class. -Our class is about to start. -Our professor is so handsome. -My name... is Christian Ramos. And I will be your lecturer for this nursing psychology class. [indistinct whispering] [Christian] I'll give you a situation. Mr. Dela Isla, a client with early dementia, exhibits thought process disturbances. Now the nurse will assess a loss of ability in which of the following areas? A, judgment. B, balance. C, speech or D, endurance. -Sir. -Yes? Letter C, speech. Wrong. Anyone else? -Sir. -Yes? A, judgment. What's your name? Uh, Jobelle Fernandez, sir. Jobelle Fernandez. Very good. [Christian] Thank you. All right. So there's been an assessment in the loss of ability in judgment. -What do we do next? -[indistinct whispering] [Christian] What will be our next step? Anyone? [Mom over phone] Dear, you can still perfect your exam if you focus. You can still top the board exam if you really want to. -Study well, okay? -Yes, Mom. All right. [sniffles] Hey, Jobelle. Are you going home? Yes, sir. I'm going home. Is there a problem? Sorry, sir. I'm about to cry. You can talk to me. It's my mom. I always feel like I'm not enough for her. No matter how high my grades are, no matter how good I am, I feel like it's still not enough. You know the feeling as if you're not the child they dreamed of? My parents are like that to me, Jobelle. They're very strict. But looking back, if not for them, I wouldn't be where I am today. I can see that you are smart, Jobelle. You're a young, beautiful woman, inside and out. And you wouldn't be where you are today if it weren't for your mother's efforts. [Christian] It's okay. Sometimes, our parents are just strict with us, but they mean well. They are the ones who know us better. They know what's best for us. Boo? Oh, boo. Uh, Sir Christian, this is Gerard, my boyfriend. Christian. -Nice to meet you. -Nice to meet you. -Okay, I'll go ahead. -All right, sir. Jobelle, don't forget our one-on-one session on Saturday, okay? -Okay, sir. -All right then. -Thank you, sir. -Take care. One-on-one session? Uh, I need it. Because I need to know where I need to focus more. Come on, let's eat. I'm hungry. Jobelle, your parents work at Life Saver, right? How did you find out? Uh, one of your classmates mentioned it. -Ah. -I'll go ahead. -Okay. -I'll see you tomorrow. -Okay. -Bye, guys. [women] Bye, sir. -Thank you. -[Christian] Take care. Girl, what's up? Did he confess to you? No. But he knows that my parents work at Life Saver. Come on, tell her what you saw the other day. Listen. I saw him in the faculty room scrolling through your online profile. -Really? -We have a new love team. [Jobelle] "I admit, my heart raced then. And because of that, I started thinking about Christian in a different way" B, open your mouth wide while talking to the client. C, use a medium-pitched voice. D... Why? Is there something on my face? No, sir. C, use a medium-pitched voice. C... Correct. That's right. [mobile phone beeps] -Sorry, sir. -It's okay. [Gerard] Boo, there's a new gaming console out. Have you seen it? It's so cool. [sighs] -Sir? -Yes? Why did you choose to teach instead of practicing nursing? Hm. Both teachers and nurses serve people, but I don't know, this is where I'm happy. I feel fulfilled here. With the thought that I'm doing my part in molding excellent, good nurses like you who will help and heal thousands of people. I can make a difference in lives this way. I'm content with that. [mobile phone beeps] [Gerard] Did you check it out? It's nice, isn't it? Let's buy it, Boo. -Is everything okay? -Yes, sir, I'm okay. -Are you sure? -Mm-hm. [Jobelle] "I compared Gerard to Christian at that moment. Christian, one, knows what he wants in life. Two, responsible. Three, mature. I realized he checks all the boxes for my ideal man." [indistinct chatter] How does it feel, bro? Did you ever think Jobelle felt like this when you had a one-on-one with Jessica? [Christian] Just don't forget... Boo, don't be nervous, okay? You prepared so much for this. You got this! You can do it! -Oh, Jobelle! -Hi, sir. Good luck. You can do it. Make our review center proud, okay? I will. Bye, Boo. Bye, sir. Bye. Good luck, Jobelle! [Gerard] "Jobelle passed the board exam and got into med school. I should be happy because all our plans are coming true. But every day, I feel her changing." I always try to put God in the center of everything that I do. You're really good, brother. Sir Christian is amazing, right? An ideal man. Mature, responsible, kind, and godly. The woman he'll choose is so lucky. [Gerard] Boo, are you done with your bible study? I'll pick you up. Let's eat. [Christian] I'm hungry. Where do you want to eat? [man] It's up to you. I think there's a new food hub... All right. Oh, Jobelle, Ana. We're going to eat at the new food hub. -Come and join us. -Where is it, sir? -Where is it, sir? -Just nearby. Across the street. -Sir, wait. -It's just nearby. Are you treating us? [mobile phone beeps] [Jobelle] I'm gonna eat with my friends. We'll do it next time, okay, Boo? [Gerard] "I tried to understand that she's just busy with her studies and her new world. But the truth is, I feel her slowly slipping away from me." Did you still buy the gaming console? Yes. You're still a child. What's wrong with that? Nothing. There's nothing wrong with it. But we're already in med school, and yet you're still into gaming and drinking. You're still not taking things seriously. Just because I play games and drink, I'm not serious? I think you're the narrow-minded one. Why don't you become responsible? Why don't you think about the deeper purpose of your profession? Why aren't you like-- Like who? Like Christian? Are you comparing me to him? What's going on between the two of you? Nothing. [mobile phone beeps] Who's that? Let me see. What is this? The first time I saw that guy, I already knew. But I kept quiet because I thought it was you. -You will never do this to me. -[phone thumps] Why? Because you're sure of me? Well, I get you. When you cheated on me, you didn't hear anything from me. Are you going to deny it? I questioned my value back then. Every time you don't reply to my text messages, every time you turn off your phone, and every time I hear someone say that you're with another girl, I would say, "It's okay, he'll come back to me anyway." But I always ask myself. Does he only love me because no matter what he does I will accept him? No, Jobelle. I love you because I love you. Haven't I shown you that? Haven't I fixed myself to fit your checklist? Can't I redeem myself from my mistakes? Is that why you're punishing me now? Yes, I'm sure about you. I'm sure you're the one I want for the rest of my life. How about you? Are you still sure about me? [Gerard] I'm sure you're the one I want for the rest of my life. How about you? Are you still sure about me? [mobile phone rings] [Gerard] Let's talk. I also texted Christian. He agreed to meet us. I'm not here to cause trouble. I'm here to make an appeal. I did my best to change for Jobelle. I am trying my best. I love her. It hurts because just when I became sure, just when I straightened up, that's when I found myself at a disadvantage. I know I lack many things that you have. But I'll do everything to fight for our relationship. [Christian] Whatever it takes to win her back. What are you doing? You don't need to say that. You don't need to beg. I love you. Gerard, it's always been you. I had no intention of ruining what you have. I wish you both well. I love you. And because I love you, I should've told you the truth from the start. Her name is Jessica. She was fun... at the time when I thought I wasn't your priority. -[crying] -But I have no excuses. I made a mistake. I was so confused. But when I knew that I could lose you, I realized that I couldn't... I couldn't live without you. Jobelle, I love you. I regret every single day that I hurt you. Stop saying that. I shouldn't have been a coward. I should've asked you right away. I should've confronted you. I should've talked to you about it when I had unresolved issues inside me. Maybe that's the reason why when I met Christian, who gave me attention and who is so different from you, I forgot who I really love. I know I'm not your ideal man. I know I'm not worthy of being chosen. But I choose you. I won't let you go. I won't let you go either. [Gerard] We've been together for 13 years. We shared many firsts. And throughout the years, I've seen you become a more beautiful and kind-hearted person. [Jobelle crying] [Gerard] Let's grow old together. Let's learn from our mistakes together. You're my inspiration to become a better person every day. You're my first love. And you're also my last. Jobelle Fernandez, will you marry me? Mm. Yes. [Jobelle] Why do we love someone? At first, yes, because they fit our checklist. But for a love to last, it goes beyond that checklist. You love them because you learn, make mistakes, and mature together. You love him because you would rather live your imperfect life with him rather than the most perfect man. [Gerard] Jobelle and I are both doctors now. And for now, we're busy preparing for our wedding. Our road to forever isn't perfect, but we're committed to work hard on our relationship and ourselves. I'm happy to be spending the rest of my life with my first love... and my last love. With utmost respect... -Gerard... -And Jobelle. We can't confine our love to a checklist. As we mature, we realize that a relationship is beautiful because it is composed of two different and imperfect people. Two people with their own capabilities and weaknesses. Two people who are growing because of their understanding of each other and learning from their mistakes. Our loved one may be far from perfect, like us. We may not fit each other's checklist, but we fit perfectly into each other's hearts. This is Charo Santos reminding us that in any time, we will still be there for each other in every story of life. Good evening, Kapamilya. [theme song playing]
Channel: ABS-CBN Entertainment
Views: 4,146,483
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ABS-CBN, ABS-CBN Online, ABS-CBN Philippines, Philippines, Entertainment, Showbiz, October 13 2021, 20211013online, YTOpsARdee, Drama Series, Full Episode, MMK, MMK Full Episode, Maalala Mo Kaya Full Episode, True to life Story, Charo Santos-Concio, MMK Marathon, jameson blake, charlie dizon, jason dy, ana abad, arthur acuna, mmk love story, mmk planner, anna feo
Id: PXO4tQrV550
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 54sec (2334 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 23 2021
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