Bowling Shoes Get a CRAZY Conversion

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hey ladies and gents and welcome back so today we're resoling a bowling shoe yes a pair of bowling shoes so let me give you a quick rundown because i'm sure you guys are asking why in the world would you even resold pair bowling shoes it's the same thing we thought when the shoes showed up so this pair of shoes showed up to us and the gentleman left a note saying hey this pair of brunswick bowling shoes are about 20 years old in early 2000s i got into bowling and after a few games i was like you know what i'm done i quit so he put his bowling shoes up in the attic right next to the bowling ball and that's where they have sat for the past 20 years so he was upstairs cleaning out the attic came across the bowling shoes and said you know what these shoes are expensive and if i'm not going to bowl in them then i'm going to make them into street shoes so that's what he did he sent them to us and said hey guys can you have some fun with these make them you know make them fun and i want to be able to use them every day so that's what we're going to do so let's go to it [Music] all right so these are obviously bowling shoes and at one point this gentleman must have had a felt put on here because if you pull that off we've got a velcro and then we've got a velcro patch there and then these are just completely different so i don't know quite what was going on he may have had this added at some point but we're taking all of this off again we're gonna make these into everyday wearing shoes if he wants to and uh so let's get at it if my arm gets in the way or whatever just let me know all right that was easy you know when i first saw this shoe i was like the guy had told me he thought they looked good you're welton and in his letter and i was like you must be crazy because a bowling shoe surely is not good you're welted it is in fact good you're welted and has a nice little wooden shank in there i'm quite impressed for a bowling shoe okay uh we've removed the old welts off of these shoes and now we're going to have to put on new ones but before i do that i just want to take a quick second to tell you about today's video sponsor which is skillshare now most of you guys know us as the two shoe cobblers the guys that are repairing shoes and teaching you guys educational things about shoes and leather uh each and every week but what you a lot of you don't realize is that heath and i are also business owners in that we own pattern sons we own southern polish so there is a lot of extra learning that has to go on um a lot of this has been you know on the job training so as we've tried to grow our two businesses we've had to learn uh social media uh marketing um working with outside vendors and a lot of that information that i have found helpful has been through skillshare guys skillshare is an online learning community with thousands of inspiring classes for anyone who loves to learn and who wants to explore their creativity and even learn new skills it's a great place to help you invest in yourself and your personal growth there may be a lot of you out there who are maybe transitioning jobs at the moment or maybe you're just looking to find a new skill and skillshare is a great place to go there's literally thousands of classes to choose from with experts who are teaching these classes they're people who have worked in these fields and know the information well and again that's what has helped us out so much one of the classes that i have been taking recently it's called get it made get it sold the basics of sourcing and sales for entrepreneurs by jeff staple he's the founder of staple design and this class has been great because it talks about the methods of selling uh promotional materials price at first make it later working with vendors all of the things that we really need to know in regards to our business and working with a lot of outside vendors which we do on a daily basis another class that i've been taking is social media for the creative entrepreneur by peggy dean again we do social media a lot between our businesses and you know it's one of those things we didn't know a whole lot about before we started our businesses but as we've gotten going um you know hearing a lot of tips by her has helped us out a lot it's helped us to branch out and try new things and it has been a source of information that has helped us out a lot ladies and gents if you're looking to find a new skill maybe grow in the job that you're currently in or just find a new hobby then definitely check out skillshare today and for the first 1 000 of our subscribers that click on the link in the description box below you will get a one month free trial to skillshare so you can start exploring your creativity today okay guys so i've gotten the welts cut and these are a little these have a paint over it and i'm not a big fan of the color paint that's on here so i'll show you what we're going to do i think it's going to look a little better so as you can see this is the welt that we're going to end up using it's a goodyear well and it has this brownish paint so i looked at it and i'm like i don't know i'm not a big fan of it but this was a well because i originally thought these were going to be blake welted so i was going to use this and i love just the natural color of it so i think we're going to go with this but i'm going to have to sand this off and that'll get it closer to this color i'll say it again i never ever thought i would be uh putting a goodyear welt on a bowling shoe i never thought i'd be doing a bowling shoe so uh you know that's it's pretty cool i guess like i said this thing's about 20 years old or so and shoes were made a little better back then but you know i guess if you're gonna be trying to bowl and get a good score you don't want your soul blowing out on you so uh again pretty impressed okay so here where here's where we're at uh this was a little thin piece of like crate foam that was inside of these and i could probably put these back in here and he would be fine but the way i look at it is this guy wants to start wearing these around town and i don't know if if this is really good enough so i'm going to put cork in these i think it'll also fill out this better and just you know give better support to the shoe so you know if you're going to do it man do it right so let's get some cork in these and then we'll get souls on so so so [Applause] [Music] [Music] so so [Music] [Music] oh so always forget that we have a lot of new people that watch our channel each week so sometimes i just forget and you know i feel like we do a lot of the same things so i forget and uh you know our team jumps on us to you know make sure we tell you guys what we're doing so so uh you there's different ways to trench the leather and you obviously want to trench the leather before you stitch it because you want the threads to sit down in the trench so you're not walking on them and there's different ways to do it we use the little tool here um you know that trenches that out it's just very old school the way things used to be done you know before a lot of power stuff but there's also a ma on the powers you know trencher that we use as well but um anyways so just throwing that part out there so so [Music] okay the shoe is pretty much done and i was debating on whether or not i should dye this color along the uh the edge of the sole and the heel block what do you guys think should i diet should i leave it natural natural okay guys we're back uh we have wrapped up this pair of brunswick bowling shoes and we have turned them into shoes that he's going to be able to wear whenever but as always before we show you what we did and i tell you what we did do me one quick favor give us a big thumbs up if you enjoyed this video it does help us out it tells the little youtube algorithm that hey i'm enjoying this video and i want to see more of it and uh and then it pushes this video out to lots of people the more little thumbs up we get so also if you have not subscribed to the channel make sure you hit the subscription button down below and make sure you hit the notification bell because if you don't do that then youtube's not going to tell you the next time we put out one of these great videos so anyways let's get to the shoot so again this was a pair of brunswick bowling shoes that was sent to us to turn into everyday wear shoes now i was just as shocked as most of you guys are who knew who knew that bowling shoes had goodyear welts on them not all of them but this pair did and i was shocked and i got to tell you uh i thought i was going to have to put just a cheap blake welted you know or cheap blake welt on there just glue it on and i came prepared i was bringing that blank welt over the table and then when i got the soles taken off and it was a good year welted shoe i was like man wow so it made my job a lot easier uh but i wanted to you know make it a little nicer so i took off the original welt which was just hard rubber and i put on a leather welt now i wanted to make this shoe look good so what i wanted to do is take i took our leather welt i removed the top layer and it gave kind of not only did it take the dark coloring off but it made it a lighter color leather but it also made it a nubuck um a suede nubuck feel to it so all of a sudden now it blended into the rest of that shoe which was pretty much nubuck suede mixture so now it kind of blended in and then on top of that i put white stitches on the top he said to keep this fun uh make the shoe look fun so i figured you know let's do white stitches it kind of blends in with the top and that's what we did also i put on j.r leather soles if this shoe you know if he's going to wear these a lot i want to last a long time so we put jr leather on there uh also did a little dye coloring around the edge again we're trying to keep this fun according to the guy that owns these so a little coloring around the edges i also wet again with white stitches on the bottom now why white stitches because i think if i went with a brown or something that mixed in that's just you know you see that on dress shoes so i think a little white color pop amongst all of that dark leather color it looked fun to me so that's what we did i also decided to keep the overall look of the heel the heel block and the top lift i didn't want to dress you look to this i wanted to keep it the you know the same look from the side as a bowling shoe and remember that original bowling shoe had a slight diagonal hill to it and that's what we did with this one so you know that's pretty much it i went and just kept it neutral i think the shoe came out looking good if you liked it leave a comment down below i'd love to hear if you thought the shoe turned out nice uh if you didn't then uh just don't comment that that too but um anyways you know i enjoyed it really when these shoes came in i i at first heath and i were like i don't know what to do with this it's a bowling shoe it's our first bowling shoe but it wound up being easier than i thought it was fun and hopefully this gentleman likes his shoes okay guys one more quick thing before i let you go if you want to send your shoes to us for repair or if you were looking for any leather products or products for your shoes shoe care whatever check us out at i will also put the direct link to our website down in the drop box below so check us out okay as always i really appreciate you guys joining in and watching today and until next time y'all have a good one [Music] you
Channel: Trenton & Heath
Views: 67,387
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #bowling, #beforeafter, #shoerepair, #asmr, #unintentionalasmr, #shoecobbler, #cobbler, #jrleather, #rubber, #brunswick, #bowlingball, #bowlingshoes, #restoration, #refurbishment, #diy, #entertaining, #informative, #makeover, #leathershoes
Id: zWZ4N64pHeI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 18sec (1158 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 19 2022
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