Bottle made from Recycled Bottles - Designed and 3D Printed using Fusion 360

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I recently put up a video on 3d printing with this which is refilled 90% recycled P et plastic made from recycled bottle and I put the question out to you guys on what I should design and 3d print with this plastic next and a lot of you responded in the comments all right then well let's get into it so I have fusion 360 fired up here and I've been learning a lot over the last few days on how to use it properly I suppose and there is a lot of different approaches you can do this all those different ways to do things but I'm going to try to do things the right way according to everyone on the internet so let's try that I'll go a new link start here blank project and I'm going to start before I do anything by creating a component because apparently that's the best way to do it if you're going to be working with assemblies later now I'm not going to be doing that with this bottle but anyway let's just start that started so I'm going to go to a new component and I'm going to call it bottle so yeah PT bottle so good okay so I have my new component which is a blank component and I can start modeling now so I'm going to go to sketch and let's select front here and we're going to make it about where yeah hi maybe 120 millimeters or so not massive I may be a bit higher than that sky 100 50 50 50 with microphones in the way of the keyboard and I don't know about it design I mean there's those funky standard bottles that sort of go wavy maybe we'll do something like that so to do that I'm going to use a oh I'm going to first give it a base so I'm going to make that maybe 30 so to be a 60 diameter base 60 millimeters but yeah this goes like a wavy shape so I'm going to use what's called a spline so spline is a really easy way to make an organic looking curve well very organic curve so let's go sketch and spline select the base here and then blah blah blah and double click to end the spline right so that gives us is this really organic curve which is pretty much impossible to properly define but we don't care too much about that we're just making a bottle so I'm going to give it an interesting shape and the cool thing about this is the way I'm designing it is we can go back after we've progressed further and change this and we'll all update but anyway so let's just leave it like that from now and I hit L for lime and I'm going to make the top of my bottle this is just some arbitrary size not too worried about it but that's just hit up Stevie for dimension and let's just see what we've got No why did you select everything thank you very much little loop let's make it 10 so it's going to be a 20 millimeter diameter opening again it's arbitrary it's not exactly the same as a real bottle and I'm going to stop sketch all right so I didn't didn't constrain or anything there but that's not a big deal we're not designing anything precisely right now and that'll be in a more detailed tutorial later but anyway so I've got my sketch and you notice it's closed off and a sort of half like you imagine a cross-section of a bottle one half of it that's it we've drawn and that's because we're going to do what's called a revolve and a revolve takes that cross-section and spins it around an axis so let's go to create and revolve and basically it gives us the option to select a profile which is that and actually so we can select any flat line so we could select like this top one for example but that's not what we want we want to select this middle one and instantly makes our bottle so as I said you know those curves and stuff I'm not sure they're going to look like til we actually create a shape hit okay new body it's fine so it's a bit too rotund I suppose let's go in and change that so right click ask it from the bottom left and edit sketch now we can pretty much rearrange these spline points by just dragging around to try to make it look a little bit interesting but maybe not so big so let's try that okay that's a little bit more realistic for a bottle shape but now it's a bit boring I might make it a little bit more to find in the middle so maybe like that yeah no that's terrible while I'm in this sketch mode though I will add one constraint so you'll notice everything's blue and for this blue demonstrates that it's it's not constrained you can move it in space but I got to contain the the curves because it's just too difficult they will constrain this middle line here and you can see how something constrained by moving and seeing what what ways it can move so moving this you can see it's not constrained vertically so undo I want to constrain it vertically so it doesn't move accidentally so I'm going to right-click it and then go to horizontal vertical and it knows it's meant to be vertical goes black you can no longer move that and so like my bottle top here and the base part here ah the base part is not so not constrained so how could should I constrain this leave you in the comments no I'm just going to constrain it horizontally right I click it and horizontal there we go so tell you how this bottle looks Oh God looks sauce see bottle design is hard these like slight changes make the whole shape look completely different it's really interesting actually that'll do all right I'm going uncaught that alright so got a bottle shape and we could go and put this but it's still a bit boring so I'm going to first add some Phillips to sort of round off the top bit here and the bottom bit there so s for Philip I'm learning all the hotkeys so we can hit these two lines here and we can add a Phillip so you can just drag it to again with very arbitrary you don't care too much ten maybe five millimeters is best for our radius suite and a tip I learnt as well if you've defined a filler and you want to add more things to that Phillip line up you can actually just hold down control and it will let you re select things so so everyone fill a bit we can add it to the list but we don't so that let's get rid of that so that bottle that's mentioning sex that sort of cuts along the side to add some indentations I guess and we're going to do that using a sweep command so a sweep will take a path and a profile and just pull it along that part but like we did with the revolve instead of doing it around a taxi it will follow apart and which actually use the existing curves we've got to create that sweep so I'm going to do that now so I'm going to get a sketch create sketch and front view again front plane and I'm actually going to use the original sketch we did so I'm going to hide our bottle so drop down here on the left and hide our body but then show our original sketch I'm going to use this pretty much to copy the curve so I'm going to get this curve here and then sketch project include project so it's copied that lovely curve and then file update the previous one little update too which is handy but we don't want the sweep to go into the object like this so imagine if it starting here and it's going to follow the path it's going to go into the top so to stop that I'm going to draw a line so l4 line and this drop a line down let's say there right so what I want to do is trim off this line but there seems to be a bit of a glitch in the current build of fusion I looking forward to just getting fixed but if I want to trim this and this is the projected line it doesn't let you see some reason so I go sketch and trim and you can't do anything no chance it will trim so I'm just going to hide the original sketch now we're done with it so I've got this curve that was projected and I want to trim it and the only way I figure that you can do it is by offsetting this line into another line but offsetting it zero millimeters which is just copying it basically so let's go to sketch and offset and select that curve and then just hit zero so it's on top of the other one okay and now if I go to trim it works and it says some constraints a loss that will deal with that that's fine and that's turn the original to construction so that lets us do our sweep without going into the original shape and I'm not sure if there's a better way to do this let me know in the comments if there is I would love to know but when it working with splines things just get really really messy so they're great for organic shape but just forget about constraining them there's just a mess okay so stop sketch let's bring our body back so we've got our path now we need our profile but to create our profile we need to give it a place to start and to give it a place to start we need a plane but we can't just use our standard front top side view planes we need to create a new plane and that's actually pretty simple so get a construct and we want to choose a plane along a path it is so it's like that path and then you can put the plane any way you want to see it's following our path nicely but I'm going to put it right at the top there right new plane let's make a sketch on it so select the plane and select sketch and now we can draw any profile we want that we're going to then pull through our shape and I'm going to be really boring and just do a circle okay see for circle sometimes it's hard to see where the center is but there it is nice and be for dimension and I'm going to make it ten millimeters in diameter stop sketch alright so you see we've got a profile our path and now we can finally fire up create and sweep and it's a single path profile here and path yeah right so we've got our path it's going through nicely it automatically selects cut although we could join as well if you wanted to we don't though so we want to cut there is one issue though so I've noticed here down at bottom it's because that's where the spline ended it's just leaving this little glitchy bit and there's a few ways we could fix that but I think the easiest way I'm going to cancel that is just attack another line on at the bottom of our PAH so we're going to go back to our path here find it in the bottom left because we need to component so it's all nice and easy to feedback in the feature tree edit sketch line and then let's just push a line through there well if we can actually make this I can't make a tangent awesome so I just right-click the two and made it tangent so now it's following the path flowing off that spline stop sketch and let's try to make our sweep again create sweep and then we've got the poet profile and then the path and you can see down the bottom there it's going straight down through and leaving a nice cut like that excellent okay so that was a lot of effort for that amount of work and details but that's what you get when you're working these sort of 3d organic objects right series want to make it a bit prettier and as any industrial designer will tell you adding Phillips will make things prettier it's going to modify and fill it up just press F and we can select our edges so I'm going to select I think it can round this one off a little bit because remember it wasn't a tangential like we couldn't do a tangent to line off that so maybe three all right so I looking and get away with so we knew worth five there that's good and then we can round off the actual edges of our cut sweep so let's select those edges there and how big can we go no it's not that five five looks pretty good 93 let's go three right so we've got a sweep we've got our evolve and we've got our Phillips to make it pretty now we take the pattern and patterning we can just go to create and pattern circular pattern and we want to pattern in the drop down features so we're just going to select down the bottom in our feature tree what we want a pattern which is the sweep and the two two Phillips we just did so that they will select it nicely and then I actually use want to select a sort of a circle for it to reference off so that one there's good and you can see it's giving us a ghosted view of what's going to do that's three equally spaced but let's ramp it up to five five always a good number always looks interesting and there we go so we have this weird sort of sports like it mean it wouldn't be out of place in the susan market with some sort of sports drink in it and that looks good so publisher saves that started this but i was going to save it now that's good sports drink bottle right and to export as an STL I mean there's loads of ways to do it if you haven't seen my video about it definitely check it out but probably easiest is to just go on the left hand side and hover over the whole things there's only one object in in this and export save as STL am I going to call it what a bottle that works cool right well that's our bottle so let's fire up a slicer in this case I'm going with simplify 3d and see how it would look in bars mode and here's our bottle so I intentionally designed this to print properly in bars Vaes mode so it doesn't have any sort of steep angles where the filament might leave gaps going to be pretty shallow and easy to print so let's go to our process layer and I've already done this in bars mode so let's make sure you've got top slow layers on ticks to the top is open bottom solid layers I've got for probably a bit thick let's go three and outside its vast it has to be one an extruder I've got a point five millimeter nozzle on the Flexi on and it's going to auto at point six millimeter extrusion width it's gonna be a little bit a little bit stronger than a point four millimeter nozzle here to print yes override so this is our water bottle and you guys did it as a joke I think your t-shirts three four in a bottle from this recycle filament well there you go I made you learn something so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to send this print to the one how I three version to with the recycled PT plastic and let's see what the result is alright guys it's the next day and what I have here is this so oh there you go you said it was a joke but I actually did it this is a 3d printed bottle pretty printed from recycled bottles and it actually turned out really nice the finish is nice and smooth printed on the one how I three version 2.1 the cocoon creates and basically the there's no issues I can see with it for the next question I guess would be can it hold liquid is this actually watertight so just a disclaimer I will never recommend 3d printing things for food-contact just because the layers can trap debris and it's hard to clean but for this we're really just interested to see it all actually be watertight at all so let's take outside and see it's watertight alright so I have the bottle in a container I've taken it outside and I have some water here and I also have some blue food dye in a tiny need bottle like I see should help us see if it's leaking a little bit easier so let's start with the water here we go filling up my 3d printed water bottle oh well I dripped a little bit but already as you can see it is not watertight so I was suspecting that's where it would leak there's obviously this areas at the bottom there where it's made the first infill layers that don't hold water let's add some blue dye anyway just to sort the helmet we go so it's a 3d print water bottle guys yeah not watertight sadly so not as practical as it's long gone recycled brethren but still a pretty cool project anyway so there you have it a 3d printed bottle made from recycled bottles so unfortunately it doesn't hold water but I hope you guys learned something in modelling with fusion 360 in this video I know it's just a joke but there you go you can learn things from silly ideas so thanks for watching guys hope you enjoy this video here on makers music once your features really bring tips tricks reviews projects things like this hit that subscribe button helps us out a huge amount I want to also stop and say a big thank you to all my patrons over on patreon for supporting the channel it helps me keep doing what I love doing in the wonderful world of 3d printing but for defeating guys very shortly here on Naked News happy printing guys bye to the beach place via satellite
Channel: Maker's Muse
Views: 245,922
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3D printed bottle, recycled 3D print, design, bottle, fusion360, fusion 360, how to, tutorial, guide, 3D printing, revolve, sweep, sketch, plane, feature, spline, refil, PET, filament, 3D printer, wanhao i3, flexion, makersmuse, maker's muse, angus deveson, australia
Id: 0Z9BiarlKkM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 22sec (1102 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 14 2017
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