Botswana Overland EP5 | The infamous CKGR cutline

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good morning okay so we are all set and ready for another botswana adventure so we're just packing the rest of a couple things here i know it doesn't look like much but we are fully packed so our front runner water tank is nice and full we've got a 150 liters of diesel which should be more than enough to get us to where we're going and most importantly so this is often very overlooked medical kit is very important if you've got kitties so yesterday we just updated with more plosters and uh burn stuff because our two-year-old burned herself last time we were camping so yeah that's a very important part of over landing and definitely would not overlook it but we are pretty much ready to go come on let's go where is it it's clean are you excited where are we going i'm going to see animals the animals in the [Music] coming bush [Music] okay so next up le pepe so we'll be heading up that way and from the pepe there's a vet fence that we will be doing our permit checks with and then we start on the cut line [Music] hello how are you i'm turning in here have a good day sure so that was the le pepe that checkpoint they usually check movement permits and passports and all that stuff but we got lucky this time and now we're literally getting off the tarmac and straight onto the cut line [Music] [Music] so [Music] so that's our stop for the night kalahari vultures we were actually supposed to drive the whole cut line but because of the because of the kitties we're gonna take a break and actually sleep here tonight and do the rest of the cut line tomorrow but it's beautiful it's very deep sand but this is why we love it [Music] i've been looking for someone like you a kind man who's honest and who's true the kind of man who will love me just the way i am who will love me the [Music] [Applause] [Music] we've just arrived at uh kalahari vultures for the night it's a beautiful little spot and a great stop over actually if you're gonna do the cut line and head into the ckgr it's beautiful and clean and you get firewood as well all set up night one at kalahari vultures let's go by the way if you want to know where we're going you're gonna have to stick around and find out on the next couple of episodes but uh for now we'll be on the ckgi cut [Music] you line my heart a little day by day you picked me up when i was down you knew just what to say so we're busy having a little tea party a bush tea party bush tea party it is i think it's time to break out the vodka vodka [Music] do [Music] hmm beautiful this side come on [Music] looking around with the scorpion torch check out this guy how amazing is that huh kalahari baby good morning so it's just about turning seven the girls are just finishing up getting ready i'm making some coffee and we've actually got a very long road ahead of us today we've got about 330 kilometers of sand we're going to pack up and go yeah thank you very much for having us now fine fine fine happy you can be happy no i love it it's lovely so before we hit the road i think we're gonna deflate tyres a little bit uh we're probably running at about 2.2 2.3 now and we'll probably drop to about 1.8 numbers really don't matter too much just about getting a nice shape on the tires because we've got like i said earlier over 300 kilometers [Music] it's freezing during the night but we had lots of blankets so lots of layers and yeah super excited for the next place okay guys that's it for kalahari vultures definitely an awesome stop on the cut line if you're on the way to the ckgr and basically this is what our roads are looking like for the next six hours feel all alone here it's pretty cool [Music] we just come across this abandoned chuck definitely looks like it's seen better days but it just goes to show you that this environment is no joke it'll eat cars and humans [Music] [Music] [Music] looks like we possibly made a wrong turn so we're just backtracking a bit the actual cut line is just here and we took a little bit of a wrong turns bit tight but we're able to turn around and we're gonna get back onto the cut line [Music] [Music] okay it looks like we are back on track so this side ckgr and this side i don't know bush farms whatever it is but it's the sand is deep and it's taxing actually quite tight i mean look at these tracks so this is the bdf trucks and we're obviously on the other side because it's not as deep but the sand is quite deep and we still have a very long way to go [Music] [Music] [Music] so just a little updates we've done 135 kilometers in about three hours so it's slow going some parts are very deep sand some parts are not but the roads obviously not in the best condition because it is a cut line we saw a few casualties on the way here just abandoned cars and graders and stuff like that but we're getting there slowly but surely [Music] come across a bad checkpoint but it's completely abandoned and here is the game boundary or the the game reserve boundary for the ckgr okay another just over 100 kilometers i think [Music] so we just passed another bad checkpoint it's obviously completely abandoned you can see but it looks like we've got another 45 minutes to go until the entrance of matsuera gates at ckgr it's been a long drive if you're traveling the ckgr from south to north be ready because the first 150 kilometers or so if not a little bit more are just sand and tricky sand and thick sand and it's just craziness so i think we are going maybe 50 kilometers in our tops whereas here uh the second half of the ckgr the sand is much more compact and uh you can drive a lot faster which is nice so we're actually making up for a lost time by the way this little guy is out of his car seats because we've been going for about five hours now and he's been in his car seat so we just given him a bit of a break because he was so hot but the little one still strapped in so here we are matsuere gates we have driven 262 kilometers today and it's taking us what about six hours hey ben so it's it was a busy one but nonetheless it's beautiful we finally made it and now we're going to take another dirt road and we're going to head towards rakops for some maybe some fuel if we can find and stock up in some water because we've been drinking water like crazy and then we're gonna keep heading north [Music] [Music] so this is where we came from way down there and this is where we're going way up there [Music] [Music] and here we are rockops finally off the ckgr cut line and all the nonsense slowly getting into rock up so we're gonna see if we can find some fuel and i need to pump up my tires as well because i don't have a compressor on me and we're gonna see if we can find some water as well okay this looks like fuel for the boys ava you did really well today i'm proud of you i love you guys good job so that's it for us we're just filling up some fuel changing diapers changing diapers and we're gonna go find some water to stock up on and we're gonna keep heading north so stay tuned for the next episode thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Adventures Overland 4x4
Views: 37,798
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: btLHJS9Asz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 55sec (955 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 23 2021
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