3 worst Skidloaders I've owned! 4K

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good morning you guys hey my name is Stan genetic they call me the dirt monkey on YouTube and Instagram and I'm a lifelong contractor so if you don't know who I am I've been in the construction trades for 30 some plus years um specializing in excavation and Demolition and hardscaping in both residential and Commercial applications um today I've ran well let's just today we're going to talk about my three worst pieces the three worst pieces of equipment skid loaders that I've ever bought and why that's the most important point but just to get you familiar with the kind of work I do I currently run a construction crew so we build stuff we currently run two hardscaping Crews as far as equipment goes I own about six skid loaders four or five loaders regular loaders I think three excavators and just a ton of other stuff and uh so without wasting more time let's get into the worst skid loader that I've ever bought and why is that can you guess what the worst skid loader I've ever bought is the cat nope the cat oh I don't I know that that uh um but it was comparable it's it's the asb's other version or whatever terrex okay so Zach has already wrecked the video uh the worst skid loader no the worst skid loader the number one worst is the Volvo oh you get that that that one was absolutely we had what was it uh demolition tires on it okay so that's not the problem the problem is is it came off the trailer and it's it it arrived from Pennsylvania and the moment I shut it off it refused to start again and it had this ongoing ground fault short that we could we would find we would fix and it would happen again and then the machine would start to rattle can itself apart yeah it was always something this something that we'd always say it's like it it controls didn't want us to respond correctly and you could set the controls on the machine and you could turn up and down the sensitivity on it and when you turned them all the way up that machine was so spur so erratic that you could have no fine controls and when you adjusted it down it would get sluggish and there was no really good in between with this machine plus we had it broke down times where we were just driving not even working just driving from one job site to the other and we would have it die in the middle of the road for no reason whatsoever and we have to pull out a regular machine that'll operate to get it to pull it out of the road so that we could then have a technician come out and fix it what else do you know about it I mean since you're here oh and I know it crack the windshield on it do you know why we cracked the windshield because because basically you I think it was Sam or whatever bumped the controls and it just went haywire and bumped into a light pole or something no that was so it was so rattly now this was a newer machine this was a light this was just basically a one owner before me machine with I think it had 400 hours on it yeah I did it was it would rattle so hard that it had one of them little hammers to break the glass that the hammer that was mounted on broke the freaking glass just by driving it it was uh and then it would just fall apart on us while we were driving it twice it broke down in the middle of the road in the middle of a road road like stopping traffic so the Volvo is by far the worst machine that for a skid loader that I've ever had and here's the here's the Takeaway on it if you own a Volvo loader or a Volvo Excavator you got good there those are they have those so dialed in and it's not even funny they're loaders they're off-roads they're yup everything they have heavy dialed in perfectly dialed in so I actually toured the Volvo Factory and you could eat off the floors in the Volvo Factory in Pennsylvania I said I'm there so they're loaders and excavators are amazing they're skid loaders they don't actually make them I think JCB makes them Parts availability was horrible stickers right and it doesn't even have the cool teleboom feature that JCB has parts available we lost the lug nuts on it one night Tim had to drive 50 miles just to find lug nuts that would that would fit that machine yeah so many things wrong with it now you mentioned Terex the second worst machine that I've ever bought is the TRX pt-50 and the PT stands for pile of trash so so the Terex pt-50 was not meant to be a real Workhorse machine but it also shouldn't be a piece of junk machine so the problem with the Terex was the bushings like things like this all went bad on it the machine was so underpowered that it could barely crawl its own body weight up and out of a hill in fact there were times when we'd get it down and because it had tracks we thought it could float a light machine we'd bring it down into the bottom of a swimming pool and have no no dirt nothing in it and it couldn't even crawl back up and out so you'd have to push your way out of a swimming pool to get the machine to get out of the bottom it was just the terrible the and Terex are you telling me what you guys think of Terex I've heard both good and bad but I've heard more bad about Terex quality than I've heard good I'm not going to go into rumors about it I will tell you that the Terex pt-50 that I owned was the second worst machine that I ever owned and when I said Zach ruined the video Well he kind of kind of did ruin the video because the third were third worst machine I've ever owned is right there now that's a cat 259. oh and my is this still on yep still on and it's right there now this is a cat 259 and here's the thing it's a love-hate relationship with this machine when this machine operates everybody in the company loves it everybody loves it this thing just goes it's intuitive it's amazing the other thing that I love about cat is their service department it has the best service department hands down there's no service department that even comes close that compares to it the main facility is right down the road from us it's basically the open till midnight so we can get a part any time of the day and you just and their service is a phone call away that's the thing if you if you are handy capable and you know how to run a pair of tools and you got a phone you call up their service department they will walk you through any and every problem right there and those guys the service department is what makes cat great now this machine in particular this model has some inherent flaws and we're going to show you what those inherent flaws are and then we're going to talk about how much this machine has cost me because of those flaws since I bought bought it yeah yeah I think yeah I'll wait until later time on the video for that okay so right here this is the main flaw these hoses go to the undercarriage machine you want to flip that up did you already bolt it down gonna test it to make sure it didn't leak anywhere okay so this machine all of those hoses don't get your fingers pinched in there that hurts right away a little late for that okay so if you're wondering why it's so easy to flip the cab up is because we've had this cab up all night long this is the problem right here all of those hoses that run through this track assembly right here feed the drives they go to this open open hole right here and that's where it goes into here so this fills up this has been cleaned out multiple times and these hoses rub and chafe in all of that dirt and then they spring a leak yeah it's like a thing I [Music] I'd get all brand new hoses and then I'd spray foam the crap out of that I was just thinking spray foam the hell out of that just blowing another hose agreed so now let's talk about how much this machine cost me now in the one-off repairs not these not worrying about this hose or what's happening with this with the way it is right here in the one-off repair I think we've replaced the head gaskets what else have we done on this do you know head gasket both front front lights so it's just that this winter um we've replaced uh every single hose that's right there and I think now actually every single hose was um so we need to replace the boom holes what is that so we've spent just in one I call let's just go off one-off repairs so those head gaskets those things the lights things like that we spend anywhere from I know the minimum was eight I think we spent well more than eight I think almost close to twelve thousand dollars in one off repairs just things that we probably will never repair again 300 and something just for all the stuff that we just put into this one last night yeah okay and then and then no it's 400 and something because I just bought another mentioned that it you have to put their special fluid in here which is 20 bucks a gallon agreed okay now what Zach we're talking about these hoses we have completely blown those hoses this was tight last night was the fourth time I believe or the third fourth fourth time Alex replaced blue at once on one of these sides Alex took it down to the yard replaced it yep it took it back out to the site blew the other side right away yeah and then and then it blew again and it blew again with me and Tim on a boulder wall and then it blew again last night yeah same spot close it drains the entire Reservoir everything out so the machine gets just basically stuck wherever you happen to blow your hose in this case it was on the edge of uh aggregate pal and to do the repair you've got to pull it off now can't we were talking about how awesome cat services they will come out they'll repair it they'll keep you going but they're also spending cap parts are spending everything about cat is expensive you pay for that excellent amazing service so if you're handy capable and you decide to do the repair you yourself you certainly can it's not outside of your skill set it was cheaper for the boom arm one than it was for the actual hose for the track but the problem is is it takes time away from your job and those those four repairs that we did just just in this alone I did a quick calculation if we were getting anywhere from eighteen hundred to two thousand dollars a day to run this piece of equipment and then we charge the time it takes to have my guy sitting around so the time I lost between and plus what I'm paying my own guys to fix this thing this machine cost me almost another eleven to twelve thousand dollars just in lost time and repairing those hoses and not not including the expense of the hose and the expense to do well because we just spent 500 just in oil to refill the reservoir just this last time not including including the expense of the hoses itself my reap my receipt for uh I just picked it up just bought it I got that you got the receipts so in total this machine after buying this machine it's cost me almost twenty four thousand dollars in repairs making this the third worst machine if it wasn't for cat service department and the way that when it it's operating it's amazing I would say that this would put it right up there in the top two yeah it's you got good service but it's like spending spendy service so there you go that's my three worst pieces of equipment now um let's talk about Bobcat briefly because some of you guys said well you didn't mention Bobcat I love Bobcat they are the McDonald's of skid loaders they're not amazing they're not the you want to know the best skid loader I personally think the ASV RT 75 is the best skid loader that I've ever owned and I've had two or three of them now um I think yeah two or three of them yeah but that don't mention all the other stuff that goes along with them yeah so they're not perfect they're not a perfect machine now Bobcat is a great machine the McDonald's the skid loaders they're not perfect either I currently have three Bobcats and um I have no problem buying Bobcats I think I've owned a total of 17 Bobcats over the course of my company I don't know how many exactly but that number Rings about and I think they're just they're they always have Parts um they always just seem to go they're not a perfect Machine by any means but they've just been a tried and true machine the ASV for performance to me has been the best machine for performance for Hill stability for over the overarching package uh ride control what's that when you clean out the cattle pastures floated into a swamp ran the edge of it floating in with an ASB never have never had a problem getting into or out of anywhere with the ASV side Hill stability is phenomenal I mean they do have some quirks here and there but just like anything else it's just something that you get over but that's my two cents the Kubota uh we just bought a Kubota and actually I have another Kubota svl 97-2 on order from Corey Rothman from McFarland's um the Kubota the guys are like this about the Kubota they love the cab but the machine is loud it's noisy it rattles just like that Volvo literally it right it'll rattle your brains out if you're working all night without any headphones you will go nuts trust me you've been there all right we're gonna put this one back together and see if she operates but I want to hear your three favorite pieces of equipment and your three worst pieces of equipment and your stories what are your stories that's it for this one I got a lot of work to do and thankfully we finally got our fourth hose fix repair done on this actually technically it's the fifth four with the undercarriage one in the boom arm but anyway God bless I could talk all day long and you got better things to do go get em except for hit that subscribe button there's nothing better than hitting that subscribe button we'll go look at our old videos oh there you go keep this guy right you guys want to see what Frankie's up to chicken coop can't afford eggs anymore not in this economy so we're building a chicken coop it's gonna go from there all the way up they can Roost up in the top um definitely gonna be able to keep enough egg laying hens in this chicken coop for a long long time and then Frankie you want to tell them about our summer we got a busy dang summer ahead don't we we're going up north we're going to rebuild the pole barn but we're going to also build uh Shangri-La douche we're moving a home in so we're going to be I gotta build a new road to get uh a house moved in because we're legitimately moving one in we got to then get all of the infrastructure set up up there we got a lot more to do too that's just yeah and stairs to build going down to the lake yeah and we got to build the rebuild the well house never ends uh what are your projects that's it for this one God bless go get them you guys
Channel: Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek
Views: 92,820
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0Mcg5aUZRTY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 55sec (1015 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 26 2023
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